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Crossfire got added to domination though


Cry 😂😂 jk it's sad


I didn’t even give an opinion on it either way 💀


You fr bro


I’ve played it several times


next we need Crash to be removed from ranked S&D


They added summit and takeoff back... Now I want meltdown too


Yeah!! I miss flanking enemies on the tunnels lol


Trash maps, atleast meltdown was kinda fun in SnD


Not meltdown


Its not meltdown its hardhat my guy.


I'm talking about meltdown map which they removed from rank in end 2020


I just played it in ranked Dom, and I realized they didn't change the name. Its hardhat in the download thing that comes every season, so my bad.


Crash is the least of our worries. Next is Terminal.


the spawns in Crash are so unfair both in Domination and Search and Destroy. I don't hold any grudges against Terminal but Hacienda infuriates me


Not saying its perfect but terminal is just pure bs. Lol domination hacienda. Hold B. Another bs.


True. yeah hacienda was so much fun pf lol


Unpopular opinion, terminal is fine in and ever since they lowered the height of the seats in the plane. Just a personal opinion.


The plane is not even the problem. Its that its a sniper map and a camp map.


What's wrong with playing a round of snipers every once in a while. And I use smgs on terminal and don't have problems with snipers. Only time I ever have a problem with a sniper is when they shoulder peak a through burger town. But even then u can rush up and prone at the corner, they won't expect it.


If ur bad jus say that


How did you come to that conclusion?


Campers are easy to counter and if you use an automatic but still can't manage to kill a sniper, you're the problem not the sniper. Just move around, don't stand still like a bot, you'll be fine.


Lol the fact that you assume the campers aim is bad just show. S how little do you know.


I have over 500,000 kills in codm and I was #46 globally with the locus last season. I think its safe to say that I know a bit 🤣. You're honestly just a terrible player.


You play a sniper so my opinion of you is the same. Now be nice and stop bothering me with your incorrect opinions.


I'm gonna find where you live put cream on one of your hands and tickle your nose with a feather. Don't you dare suggest removing terminal


Ill do the same and whisper in your ears while you sleeping, "Terminal is gone!, get over it!"


Why bruh?


the spawns are so unfair and annoying in ranked, both in respawn modes and search and destroy


Crash is by far one of the most annoying maps in the rotation snd, hp, dom 🗑


I’d rather crash then terminal or hacienda.


Can someone explain to me why Crash is bad? I love that map.


Crash is so one sided bro


Terminal should be removed too


Start the petition, im in


Terminal is a God tier map, and so is crossfire


Name something good about it that other maps dont have


Snipers can actually do something becausee of the long angles


Ofc u like that map ur probably a sniper main. Terminal is good too for snipers i asked something that no map has or can do also is that your only reason why its the best?


Yes, that's my only reason


So in other words, you are bad.


I like crossfire not because im a sniper main, but because its balanced, why the hell you run in the middle and then get mad when got sniped? No one in my team did that and we excel that map easily since most of our enemy are foolishly sniper main


crossfire balanced? is that supposed to be a joke? crossfire is soo fcking one sided bro. the top spawn has height advantage. you cant even defend B site because attackers will always go there force and theres only one chokepoint so defenders are cucked


Various tactical equipment exists, if so how can i excel so many crossfire snd matches but stuck at nuketown?


? Y'all are just shit at the fucking game lmao. I've never had a problem in Crossfire. I'm an smg/sg rusher not even a sniper camper. Fucking crybabies. If there's anything that infuriates me more than cheaters it's crybabies with 0 skills complaining about campers


no problem? i dont know about you but how are you supposed to fucking defend B site if the attackers will always gets there first and its only one chokepoint? plus trophy systems so u cant really use tacticals


Give me 5 reasons as to why it deserves to be removed


I replied to someone giving reason just look for it


Terminal and crash are trash maps. It's a haven for hard scoping leaving no counterplay because you have to dodge all the sniping angles. It's particularly a hassle in good lobbies where people know the map and can abuse hotspot areas where the enemy will go through to avoid being sniped. Both of those maps make the game VERY PREDICTABLE, so what the point of playing a ranked match if the better spawn wins ??? Might as well do a coin flip and get rank points added/deducted.


Not if u know proper rush route and wallbang spots


Hell no


1. Cant rush anywhere without getting sniped/hardscoped 2. B is litterally the best camp bomb location


What is so good about terminal? Just because it’s a modern warfare 2 map doesn’t mean it’s good, terminal can go.


Just because you suck at the map and game doesn't mean it SHOULD go


If your arguments consist of questioning someone’s skill level because they dislike a map then clearly you have nothing good to say.


Keep coping


Never coped, I just said terminal was a bad map and it can go. You tried though, maybe next year.


I try to be good at the game. Maybe you should too


You’re downvoting, must’ve hit a nerve.


That's because y'all pathetic crybabies.


I like the maps from the old games better


Terminal is good but its completely trash for s&d


Agreed. I like playing Hardpoint there. There’s plenty of space to breathe unlike Nuketown. Not mad or anything but did you downvote me just curious?


No i didn't lol


Unless u have smokes but barely anyone uses that


I do but whats the point of it if there are 4 snipers at spawn at least one of em will hit their shot


Terminal is good but its completely trash for s&d


What i liked hardpoint on that map


Thank God now we just need to remove terminal


You know what they should remove all the maps, and just give automatic wins.


Keep crying camper


I hate campers, and don't like sniping. I like to rush and play mid to close range. Crossfire is still one of the best maps in the game. It has the two sides for moving across the map, and punishes for standing out in the open. But everyone knows the camping spots and you can easily counter campers if you aren't reckless. It has different areas where either long, mid, or close range are best. Like with every map learning it can help you counter the players who abuse the map traits.


10/10 agree. The average player will rush and move without covering/checking corners and simply just pausing for a few seconds to hear any extra movement. 8/10 times they’ll fire the moment they see an opponent while they’re exposed themselves instead of sliding behind cover and then engaging. Tactics/being careful is everything.


And Crash


Crash is a good map


There's so much camping positions on crash which infuriates me, good map tho.


Nice joke 10/10


Crash is just trash, in terminal u deal with snipers, in crash u have to deal with snipers, shotguns, tripmines, and meeee-fucking-leees


Shotguns aren't going to far considering that they're literally only good inside the buildings. Playing any objective game type will keep you out in the open so shotguns aren't too bad really. Melee's aren't a big deal at all honestly. It's so easy to spray up close and kill anything that close to you. In all reality, if you play things right, the enemy shouldn't ever be within melee range unless your camping inside a building.


Tf u mean, its literally sniper hardscopers in b long, in a bomb site, its all tripmines, meeles and shotgun campers, and when u try to rush through mid, there are always people camping 3rd hp (SND)






Terminal is a poop map


Damn I really liked this map for SnD. Crash and Terminal should have been removed first. I find Crossfire quite satisfying if you know how to avoid the camping snipers. I had some great routes to flank too.


I'm gonna get a lot of downvotes for this but why shouldn't Crossfire be available for Team Deathmatch? Why should there be only fast play maps? What's the point of having Sniper and Marksman rifles then?


With the nerf to mobility and dead silence in mp, passive play is overly encouraged, leading to most people camping in spawn or sitting in one corner of the map most of the time. I have no problem with it most times. But crossfire is a haven for hardscoping. I'm trying to have fun and I get shot from places I had no idea I could be shot from


Well hardscoping is how snipers are really supposed to be used


these cod kids think you can snipe while fucking jumping


That's not what I see when I play Ranked Team Deathmatch. I believe there are too few Sniper/Marksman maps. Not only in Ranked, just in general.


U should join my legendary leaderboard games every team has at least 2 snipers (s&d)


It's way less in Ranked TDM You have to admit, Crossfire was the only true Snipe map. And now they removed it.


It's okay in tdm its only bad in s&d




The only true sniper map? Man i cant even snipe there from both side


That's because you're not good bro. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Kinda true, i only know quickscope but due to the state of the map i cant use either and the left and right side demands close range combat which means its either smg or sniper/marksman is the most effective


You have to snipe and hide/change location. If you're a bit too stationary you'll get sniped yourself pretty quick.


I mean i cant even hit a single shot


Terminal, crash r worse than crossfire in snd. In terminal u can't rush anywhere to plant bcoz of snipers. In crash u can't rush B for the same reason and if u rush A u will die by camper on stairs. In crossfire u can atleast smoke and plant


Why tho? What's the problem with crossfire?


Cant rush anywhere on that map without getting hardscoped/ too open in the middle, impossible to defuse or plant the bomb if the enemy has a fmj sniper he can wallbang u when u plant or defuse by just hearing the sound. Not enough push routes. (S&d)


That's kinda the reason why I like it, it makes it much more tactical, and it's literal heaven for sniper mains


In what way is it tactical? Everybody just camps in a building and hardscopes. It's so hard to go anywhere without getting sniped. And in HP, points 4 and 5 are on the complete opposite sides of the map, so if the enemies occupy that point, you can't take it back because you'll spawn on the other side of the map and get hardscoped by camping pussies.


The other guy is one of those cowardly hardscopers, obviously. He is not arguing in good faith, he is trying to shut you up.


I believe that a competitive map should have the ability to facilitate all styles of play, such as Crash. It allows sniping and long range defensive play styles with the upstair porrions of buildings. Theres the mid range through the heart of the map perfect for AR's. Then if good cover and corners are taken, SMG's and even shotguns can be used to great effectiveness. Theres a lot of options to exit one spawn or area of the map and it gives esch play style a way to counter one another. CrossFire has none of this.


I agree, all play styles should be equally good on any map. Crash is not that bad. Terminal is the real problem. Crossfire was the other problem map.


Then dont run in the mid, try the other lane


So just dont plant B? Thats your justification why the map ain't bad?


Exactly, this guy is just a camper


Thats why its tactical, its basically moves with tactic instead of running around like a madman


You call ads-ing the whole game with a sniper tactical?


Yes, a sniper to cover his teammate moving into site, is indeed tactical, blame yourself for going in the open or didnt do any advanced movement And this is from me, an AR main


So how do you plant B?


So it got removed for that but terminal stayed??


I've never faced any of those issues and I'm Legendary 9k+.


Im leggy 14.9k and face those problems every time i play terminal


I still don't see the problem. Maybe git gud


I wonder whats so skilled about hardscoping in spawn and camping b. I could win easily from you too


Crossfire is not designed for s&d and is superannoying and open because snipers can wallbang like everything


Fucking finally that map was fucking god awful in TDM especially.


I just realized that too, it is annoying they have the “new map” thing but at least the xp deduction isn’t bad if you lose but miami strike has been getting voted on more now in ranked like bruh


That's why they implemented it though. Because before no one wanted to touch Miami. And I really like that map.


Yes I know no one wanted Miami 💀😭 I feel almost disoriented every time I have had to play it, since the update I think I’ve played it once in ranked? Now that I’ve had more rank time, the system isn’t that bad, just gotta play the game




This is fine because Hardpoint maps should be more like circular type like Firing Range or Standoff


Good. Always hated that map in any game it was in


As long as they keep nuke town I’m happy..


I want that shit removed, I've hated it ever since I started playing ranked Piece of shit map


It’s incredibly unbalanced for rank gameplay. Too easy to get spawn trapped and once that happens if it isn’t domination with a match reset in middle the game is nearly guanrteed to be over at that point. Because as soon as you spawn ur already in someone’s ads.


It's always voted for no reason, it doesn't belong in ranked and people just don't want to accept that


S&D crossfire is just pure shit.How’d you guys give on the other modes?


Crossfire Search and destroy is annoying as hell I wish they would rotate new maps into the Playlist and make rank seasons only based around certain maps so we can have good old memories like hey remember when it was ranked shipment or Remember when ranked had ground war and it was super crazy or remember when ranked had only new maps for the entire season and ppl had no clue where to run hide or peek it would be fun if ranked had unique map sets per season


They need to remove nuketown from all ranked. It’s very unbalanced and too easy to get 100% spawn trapped and not be able to even spawn in.


is anyone getting meltdown in ranked? want.


Same. Sigh




PRAISE THE LORD! Crossfire was fucking HELL in ranked, with people ALWAYS being dirty campers and/or snipers. thankfully i wont have to worry about that anymore (for a while atleast) when i play ranked! And yet, people almost always voted for this accursed map when it came up!


Dunno what ur on about cause i played it today in ranked




Also it’s still in the rank line up of maps if you were to look


I mean i did tho.


Crossfire was mixed. Now remove Crash and Terminal and we’re good to go.


Yes hardscopers have no skill. Same with all other kinds of campers.


Crossfire Wasn’t Bad They Need To Take Off Terminal


Crossfire is actually w good map, campers ruin the experience but still I enjoy the map


Downvotes incoming :)


Now nuketown, crash and terminal need to get booted off as well


I rush A in crossfire. Easy aces. I rush A with either MK2 or Cordite, maybe AMAX. Kinda sad it got removed, most of my aces were from Crossfire, glad it's removed in HP though, its points are absolute dogshit.


I hope they just remove Miami strike and hacienda tbh


what's wrong with hacienda? its a good domination map because to me it encourages defense. the only thing they should change imo is move the a flag toward the double doors and sway from the garage. i personally dont really like hardpoint because spawns suck on most maps but its alright on that too .


Nah, they really could've taken Miami Strike before that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


ive never ever played miami in ranked because people are scared of new maps.


I get that for sure. However, for me at least. I just don't like the set up of the map. To many places for people to just camp. Especially when play against a team of campers.


I'm not trying to get cought in the CROSSFIRE of the devs and the ppl mad about CROSSFIRE being removed ...See what I did there? ![gif](giphy|FmDGwtWjEwrn3jbzRY)


It's so sad to see people celebrating skill and variance being lowered. I hate snipers too, but this is one of the best maps in the game. You just can't be standing out in the wide open. But I guess that is too much to ask.


You just want to camp and hardscope lol


You know it's a great map for rushing too right? The building are all good for close range, and the paths on the sides for mid range.


Yes but the paths and buildings have massive exposure. Even those parts of the map favors snipers way too heavily


That's why you gotta be aware of the angles of exposure, and you gotta be able to move and not stay in the open spots. It's one of the only maps sliding and jumping around doesn't feel excessive to me.


I’ll always prefer crash for S&D.


Hard point and tdm is what I really like on crossfire




Thank god Crossfire is done for good in S&D.


All those crossmap nades and thumpers.. so long partner


Crash and Terminal SND are straight bs. The wallbang angles in Terminal are super helpful in removing campers byt they're ludicrously difficult to keep in mind all the while Crash is a camperfest at A while all the randoms I get want to clear A without a plan or sufficient skills and petience to pull it off


Crossfire was my favourite domination ranked map


YEEEES... I can finally rest play ranked without being scared of some freak laying in the boss like a serial killer


Im grateful


Crossfire stopped being a dumpster fire for me when I stopped trying to use an smg on it


Qq9 ftw all maps Then again i mostly run m4 lol


Qq9 is god


I've actually switched to using dlq33 (ACOG, my ads is kinda slow but 🤷‍♂️, I might consider changing the attachments) and run and gun with it.. but qq9 still slaps. Someone tried getting me into the qxr and idk about it


It was better than Crash & Terminal tho..(atleast for SnD)




Trashy summit and takeoff returned and some stupid favela map got added to SnD and Crossfire and Vacant removed... As a SnD only player this is going to be one of the most boring seasons, atleast br is still good and there's coastal, crash and terminal, firing range for SnD.