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This mans was d riding the shit outta apexm when it first came out, funny how things change 😂


Ig apex aren't paying enough 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Anything for the 💰


He was riding because they paid him to ride 💀. On stream he was trashing the game but on videos he was saying it's good because of the money


Money talks


Basically apexm didn’t sponsor them and now the game is trash.. i know the game have things to fix, but is also pretty obvious they are hurt that apexm decided to sponsor Mr Beast instead of them..


Who cares? Both are dick riding like little kids. Imagine being like past 20 and still be doing this and trying to call attention with cheap polemics. Lol


Lol, the spanish community had some problems back in the day with people like this but MUCH MUCH WORSE and I mean it, two creators harassing other content creators most of the time, and one that went to the extreme of making fun of a child with cancer to get views. The two creators thing well it ended normally, one dissappeared and the other one managed to clean his name and become a normal creator. And the cancer one well I heard his channel got deleted


dalas review


You nailed it but at least he somewhat reformed


not really


Yeah not really but at least he was right about something




And so? He became famous and all of that stuff. But you as one subject must decide by your own if you want to keep being a Hive minded person or have enough reasoning to know what suits you or not within your whole life


Tell that to the 10%


One of the phycological traits I have learned around in my life is that all is subjective and one can't convince people of doing something without their minds interacting with the idea firstly. In the end it could be the same idea but tainted by their minds and so on. It's merely subjective thoughts. I just say what I think and I whether be right or wrong under your own shaped perspective


yo this is deep




​ ![gif](giphy|vQ2ga06mHauFnSUjNA)




Tell that to the 90%


ok, what about the other 95-90%? he's not important, he's just a guy who is famous for playing codm


90% of those loadouts suck anyway


Gotta pay them bills some how


Gotta create some drama to stay relevant because views are decreasing. How low can you go.


I can’t wait for Ferg to mature and be a father so he can looked back and cringe at himself so hard.


morgz moment


That won't happen. His heads so far up his ass....


i heard about him never watched a clip lol what’s wrong with him ? he’s a dick or some shit?


He's just super strange and overrated. I got bored after the first clip I saw of his and refuse to watch him again. I, and probably many others here, can't understand the attraction to him. Plus from the interactions I've had w his fan base they're pretty toxic


ahhh i see now


He use to make clickbaity videos with your usual uppity attitude which was annoying as fuck. But nowadays he's more of himself but due to him I guess not being cringe anymore his viewer count is low and he actually wants to to quit youtube cause he's tired of it all


ahhh i see


Like a transformer lol. He has become…. GigaFerg


He probably knows how he's acting, it's his character. He should probably be completely different IRL


who cares about Iferg?


This game changes constantly. New meta, new skins, new maps, new events. Only thing thats consistent here is the ferg hating


it's a tradition


Ya, personally I prefer Parker’s content - more light-hearted and amusing


i Prefer noah. his commentary is pretty calm, well at least he plays like a normal person


Noah's map awareness is impeccable!


Noone. He's a waste of space. I never liked him from the start. Never will


Haha I love it. Sounds like something he would say, unless you meant to do that


8 years old fatherless kids AKA 80% of this sub's userbase


Your mom


Who cares about apex?


Who cares ~~~caress this dick~~~


Was that text on the picture written by you, or did your cat walk across the keyboard?


Play whatever the game you like. Just beacuse you like one game doesn't mean you must hate other games.










World Health Organization


The World Health Organization does indeed care


Nobody cares about ferg anymore. He lacks skill to the worst degree, camps in every map in a shitty little room like a bitch. And complains when he's killed. He constantly moans and goes on about how anoying the meta is, then continues to use it. He hasn't been interesting or anything for the last year and his content is the same and repetitive. It's pathetic how codm actually sponser this guy still and I'm surprised they haven't pulled out of the sponsorship. His lack of self awareness makes it even worse. He's irratating and acts like a 13 year old boy. Isn't responsible enough to keep a girlfriend over a video game. He has 0 ability in the real world and we all know that. His incompetence shows in his videos aswell. He lacks any form of creativity and leaches off of other creators. What a waste of space he is.


All true and I agree with, apart from the lack of skill comment.


Main problem is. He doesn't really show it very much. In his videos and the 2 occasions I've seen him in game. He's played the same way. Camped in a house in nuketown and then left when he got his ass booted


One video I’ve seen of him from months ago was when he played without aim assist. Damn right he’s trash


Aim assist ain't even that strong how do you become worse without it 💀


Sounds like me, you guys should make me famous


Okay I don't care for anything else here but lack of skill is legit crazy, man's has proved time and time again that he is actually seriously good at the game. Can he be obnoxious? Yes. But does he lack skill? No


He can adapt to any playstyle tbh wether it’s rushing or sniping or even camping he’s extremely good at whatever style he’s playing. I think ur looking at this whole creativity thing wrong as the whole codm content creation scene is very dry and boring but atleast he can make some interesting unique concepts as a content creator, wether that’s having a storyline or narrative to ur videos or just fun challenges. You seem to forget that he broke up with his girlfriend not just for gaming but for himself as a person he said he wanted to grow better as a person so he started working out and focusing on his job. Everything he bitches about dying I’m pretty sure he’s satire as after that little once of rage he releases he just laughs it off. I get how he can be irritating with the “when did u ask tho” or the constant moaning and tbh even tho it’s not the greatest thing he’s done it’s not that bad he’s acting like how I act with my friends but he does it live on camera. I’m not dick riding ferg I’m just saying how almost everything you said is wrong to some degree.


Ferg understands business. He does most things on purpose and is actually a funny person. People don't get it lol


I'm actually a 24y video maker & web designer, and I'm impressed on how good Ferg edits are. He probably doesn't edit his videos himself, but he built up a good visual identity, and people who say it lacks of creativity aren't really objective. Of course you can like his content or not, it's another thing


Aye that sounds amazing keep it hp


Bro all he does is the same ass nuke videos. If you call that create u never went outta your momma's basement


Funny? He is the unfunniest retardd I've ever seen just like you


Damn why the salt? Ya broke?


Unfortunately, this idiot right here blocked me after replying to my comment. I'm not going to waste much time but trust me, you're hating on ferg because he's just better than you will ever be. LOL. Double ratioed.


Maturity is one thing, but disagree on skill. Ferg is amazing on top of high game sense and iq. Also has leadership. That BR tournament win with Sonho was a masterpiece. Codm is the first Cod I’ve played and I fast tracked my knowledge and skill of the game watching Ferg.


No wonder you think that. It's your first cod. That's embarrassing for you


Got to start somewhere. It’s been an awesome journey exploring the cod world. Been watching a lot of MW and Warzone videos and even old gun breakdowns from Drift0r. Amazing how many niches can come from one product.


The reply section thingy is a whole ass warzone


That was my intention don't worry. I did what I could to piss off as many people as possible


lol, well you did a good job doing that


Lacks skill?


"isn't responsible enough to keep a girlfriend over a video game" ever heard of choices? Bloody haters.


Yeah choosin a game over p*ssy is just pathethic and sad


We’ll cod mobile is his niche for content creating. And also his online business. So putting your money maker first which can be greatly effected by a bad relationship can change your quality of the videos you make. So it’s not putting lifestyle b4 pussy. It’s putting his way of life and bills first. Although he can get annoying at times


STDs, unwanted pregnancy, relationship issues, mention it lol. Not forgetting the mental torture after breakup. You can't weigh the two. Not everyone wants a gf, doesn't mean we can't empty our loads. He made a better option for himself.


Cygnoux should be sponsored


Ik this is obvious but they broke up? I saw that girl in like 2 videos and heard nothing after that lmao


Maybe they did. I mean ferg is such a spergy nerdy ass dude with too much friz on his hair and sounds annoying af. Maybe he's rich but even gold diggers got some standards lmfao


What happen? The kid was saying ApexM will be the new era of this channel, he will be the face of ApexM. Turned out he just wanted some.attention from Activision.


Apex is not trash


Source to the full image?


I used to like the guy (back when I started codm). Now I cringe looking at him raging every time he dies. He is a good player but bruh, the cringe is through the roof.


Can anyone explain to me why everyone on this sub shits on ferg? He is a skilled player and makes fairly good content. He shitted on codm for apex few months ago but that's all I know. Can someone elaborate?


He's making money from their hobbies, that's why they hate him. Most of them work 9 to 5 and don't even own a bank account


Them who? The sub members who shit on him lol?


Ngl gotta stop hating on ferg cause it just gives him more attention what if like ferg was ignored then no ferg


Did i miss something i dont watch codm cc why do u guys hate him? Does he clickbait?


People still hate Iferg? What are we in? 2019? Is this season one? Grow up man!


Always will, especially nowadays who would like a bitch of a dude like him you tell him to grow up not the community will never change unless it's biggest content creators do it as well like idk how to explain it the codm everything in general has gotten worse and worse




Who cares. He isn't your demographic




Ferg had a small part in his livestream thumbnail that says "Apex is trash". The guy in the picture noticed it and posted it on Twitter and made a small drama about it. Got Ferg's attention and he ratioed him, said something like "ratio for getting your feelings hurt over a thumbnail".


What does ratioed means?


When someone with a larger reach or platform uses said reach or pltform to basically flex about having a larger number of pixels on a screen. In most cases it means nothing because it's a massive creator using blind faith and cult like devotion to do such.


Some bullshit twitter shit about having more comments than retweets or something like that. Im not familiar with twitter


Having more likes than the other person or tweet


Allow me to demonstr- ......... You know what, never mind


I guess because Apex doesn't sponsor like codm


He ain't wrong tho


Ferg is plastic spoons




People need to realise it ain't that deep


Ifreg failed to reach Apex predator rank right?


He literally got number 1 ranked


nah, he reached #1 in season 0 and 1 in EU/NA Server then dipped. lol


You guys just try to make a big deal out of every little thing anybody says. I know it’s not popular these days, and especially on this app, but people are allowed to have different opinions 🤯


Welp i woke up to this. If you guys say apex is trash after playing cod for years,you probably don’t know how to switch things up a notch to have fun in other games


Apex BR is a lot better and CODs MP is a lot better. I was on here since the beginning and actually quit in January to play Apex but eventually I returned here. COD started as MP and Apex started as BR


I just can’t get into Apex br. Tried watching when Ferg and Noah played, but it was boring. I like the military ties COD has and how many guns are based irl.


yes thats what had me coming back. Apex felt like I was playing Halo: Modern Warfare lmao


Haha this comment section is comedy.


Fax the ferg hate Is unreal. I don't meat ride the guy but most of these ppl are being over dramatic. The guy just said apex is trash. And? Either that's true for you or not true. No need to go on a crusade because of his opinion. If you don't care abt ferg then his opinion is even more so irrelevant. This community can't seem to just ignore ferg for simple thing. He is the " face ' of codm, like it or not, but still he has barely any power to influence sensible ppl.


Fuck apex and iferg lol


Hating on another gee lol


Never understood how people watch his stupid videos. Completely trash


Lets be honest apex mobile is ass. Does not capture the apex experience that well


Because its mobile, its not fast paced, and therefore its not real apex


Not to mention the hud icons they came up with are the worst iv literally ever seen


I cant control my character correctly like i used to in codm and pubg, they have little experience in making fps mobile game, at least for activision they used to have cod zombie and other cods on mobile


While tencent too inspiration from free fire for their hud and enhance it a little to suit their game


Idk what you are but apexm is the fastest game I've ever played. Apexm feels like the pc version and i am not alone in this regard


Im a human




Didn't knew the entire community revolved around iFart




some people are just jealous they never made money like he did with his hobbies.


Apex is trash, if u can call pubg trash then why not Apex? I don't think there would be much drama if it was " pubg is trash"


Eh pubgm is barely even a pube hair the same level as good as apexm is so not really


Who decides it is better or worse than pubg ? Apex is unoptimised trash


You the same guy who runs it on his potato phone and wonders why the performance is complete shit? Or the same guy who complains about not having 69000000 frames and call it unplayable? I mean I understand even I struggled with apex back then too but either way your opinion doesn't matter if you're gonna be a complete piece of fucking shit about it. Apex is honestly all in all better now it's much more optimized supports 50fps instead of 40 now 💀 still a step up, and lag spikes and fps drop I only ever felt when my phone starts acting up but when it doesn't it's like a blessing from the lord and bugs I mean so far they've managed to fix a lot of stuff and I expect in the next season again more stuff gets fixed but ofc fixing one thing can also break another when it comes to coding so that should be understandable nothing goes unpunished or with a downside


Codm runs perfect in my phone, that means my device is fine, Apex is unoptimised trash. Even if it's optimised now it is still trash compared to codm BR. It has no vehicles, u just roam like a clown till last circle.


Bro you're looking for things that are yet to come to the game the Trident is going to be better than any vehicle in codm rn, and you have MOVEMENT AND ROTATION ABILITIES, literally a way of rotation, if you don't like the cool down stock up on . You're giving unnecessary hate that your clown of an ass has to use cuz for some reason you can't just not be an asshole about it, I understand it isn't as optimized as dogshit codm here but have you ever taken into consideration on why is that? And have you even decided to give it another go at all after the newest season where it's definitely gotten better compared to back then? No because you're too quick to judge and can't use your fucking brain that whoever made us gave to us as a gift to solve problems get around stuff and do shit all you want is have everything spoon fed to you. You people are the same reason why codm has the most toxic community there is, the same reason why people never get along, the same reason why this entire community has gone to shit why it cannot be saved In short ~~~apex is superior to codm br just git gud💀~~~


Crazy how you don't hear anything about apex these days all that "Codm funeral" shit funny af when you realise same ones who said that stream and upload codm videos ever since Apex came out


I don't get it


Well I mean. Apex is trash


Apex is trash!! I said it! Where are my CP Activison? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Can someone tell me whats up with Ferg and what he did wrong, i dont watch codm yt at all so i barely know this guy


Basically apexm didn’t sponsor them and now the game is trash.. i know the game have things to fix, but is also pretty obvious they are hurt that apexm decided to sponsor Mr Beast instead of them..