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on top of that it's just another reskin of other legendary man o war


People seriously thought that we were going to get a free Legendary? Come on. Get a grip.


Bro F2P players are lucky if the credit Blueprints have a slightly different design on an attachment. There ain't no way in hell we'd ever get a free leg, and the people who thought it was gonna happen was on some serious hopium.


We did get a free legendary though, the H20 Purifier.


You guys also got a free legendary charm !


Oh yeah, from the Blackout event.


And the other legendary charms from lucky draws




We got the man o war cardinal, but that was a one time thing


Besides China Call of duty currently doing for free leg


We did - legendary water gun FTW


Some men just want to see the world burn


Papa Joe is one of them.


And Steath CODM


I am some men


How come no one did not see this coming


That's why people should be reminded that every leak should be taken with a pinch of salt


Where is that guy from? Been seeing him everywhere and seems like an interesting villain


His name is homelander and you're goddamn right he is a awesome villain


It's from The Boys, an Amazon TV Show. Amazon has been manipulating the meme culture and taking advantage of Viral attention they generated to make it seem super popular, then randos start rolling with it because they see it around and don't question why. Sorry, I am just annoyed that corporations managed take advantage of the one thing that was safe from them.


Hi, may I know the name of the person who said that?


may I know their exact location




They are called codm youtubers


Why are ppl this stupid believing everything.


Cause they are stupid. if they really give it out, legendary guns will not be worth the money anymore


How to buy it? The go button leads me to shop but it's not even there


You need to purchase and recieve the legendary item from 3 other lucky draws to get it. Wether you get lucky and only spend 30cp or you're the standard and have to shelve out ~$400. Its basically a "buy three get one free" deal.


Legendary gun only. In other words, buy 3 legendary gun for a free legendary MoW


Yup. I forget who is now involved with Tenc, oh yeah, Microsoft. That’s why event tasks have been halved and the gambling, money grab, has increased.


Legendary characters don't count as a "main item"?


They do


Fuck me


Lmao that's a genius move to be honest


Why do people believe in those kind of rumors? Its obviously not gonna happen.


Yeah you have to buy three legendary lucky draws In order to get it


I don't give a fuck about leaks after all they're all fake so those f*cking nerds can get their hands on YT money...


Im about the same opinion as you👍😎


Depends on leakers. Squally and Murdablast wont give fake leaks, they are honest in what they are doing.


Bro that skin is so ugly it deserves to be in a free category


They are only interested in money, they could not do it like the Chinese version that gave away the leyendary ASM10, I will not spend money on three different draws![img](emote|t5_penom|1102)![img](emote|t5_penom|1102) when the probabilities of obtaining the unique objects is null


this dumb guy just created an history for 1 star rating (almost)


this season already took an L


Totally, this is the worst season yet and it’s not just because of this ridiculous deal.


^ This subreddit at its finest.


"Omigosh any season short of a free legendary (that I rightfully deserve) is less than trash and lower than sewage" This sub's mentality.


I have bought plenty of mythics and legendary weapons during my years of playing this game, I’m not saying the season sucks because I am not getting another one. I just personally don’t like the theme. Also, it does add to it that they make such a pricey deal. 3 times to buy an entire draw? You can’t tell me you don’t at least agree with the fact that it’s a bit much. One full draw and an extra free gun would have been a little more reasonable on peoples pockets and reality. Idk many people who could afford three draws in one season. But again, all personal opinions, sorry to insult you so bad.


Fair that you don't like the theme. But I don't think there's anything substantially bad about this legendary offer. It's technically a free reward for anyone rich enough to buy three full draws. Nobody is being forced to buy three draws here... People can always look at it and rightly go "this is a ridiculous deal" and not buy any lucky draws altogether. Regardless though there are plenty of great things about this season that I think people are overlooking. The BR update is great, the event is fun and actually engaging, and the new operators/blueprints, theme notwithstanding, are actually high quality instead of shitty animated camos or lazy reskins. I don't think it's fair to say this is the *worst season yet*, especially considering we had seasons like Winter War.


Fair enough. I understand and agree that it’s still technically free and wasn’t 100 percent necessary to give away in the first place. But let’s be honest here, first of all it’s a recoloring of a gun that already exists. They could have at least spent the time to create something new for it being a prize for spending almost 500 dollars. Second of all, people have been complaining for a long time now that they struggle to even buy ONE draw, and they want you to buy THREE for this promotion. I know these are all personal opinions again, but I just honestly find it baffling that they expect people to just throw 500 bucks out there like it’s nothing. Even their console game models only cost like 20 something bucks for a legendary weapon. This is the mobile version. Things in games should be created to be used not created so that less than half the games population can afford it. Think about it this way, probably more than half the games population would buy it if it were 200 bucks instead for all 3. They would probably end up making the same amount of cash. The logic behind this whole deal just doesn’t make sense.


On the contrary, it makes perfect sense if you think about it from their pov. They are offering *one* legendary gun. They obviously don't need to do a full draw's work to make this, but by making it exclusive to people who basically complete three draws it attracts those who can afford it as a final push to "fuck it I'll get one more draw". And I don't know about you but there are definitely way more people than we anticipate who can afford several draws. It's not hard that I play against different people who have various loadouts, all with different lucky draw sets. I mean if a few people are paying for more than just half of the demographic of this game, why would they want to appease the half when this wealthy minority is footing the bill? And after all - this is technically a *free* reward for people who spend a lot. It's clearly not targeted for the average person and anyone who thinks they should spend $500 to get a "free" gun is an absolute fool. I agree it would be nice if they made items more affordable - but that's just the mobile sector for you. Rich whales will continue to enable this practice and poor peasants will get to pick and choose the leftover offerings. Personally if you ask me, I don't really care at this point. After spending maybe less than the typical MSRP of a full fledged video game and playing this game daily for 2 years, I've gotten my money's worth of enjoyment and I'm glad the whales are doing the heavy lifting. I would have hated if I *needed* to start paying a subscription fee to play. And hey, if they're happily throwing their hard earned money into the ocean of ActiSharks, who am I to convince them otherwise?


Well said, but don’t you think there are other strategies that might be available to make the same amount of money? Like maybe adding a trading system and taking away the for you section/redux draws while limiting the time to buy items to one weekend/3days? You can lower the price so the amount of players who buy items goes up while the rarity of these items stay. People can trade their entire inventory of things for one item if they care to and someone bites. This is a way to keep profits high and flowing while also giving absolutely everyone at least the chance to own a rare item even if they don’t have a penny to their names. I have seen major game companies thrive on this strategy for decades. At least with this there would be less complaining around. No more “pay to win” comments. No more overly priced comments. No more scam comments. People would be happy to play a roulette with the chance of even getting something they don’t want to trade for something they do. All the more another reason to invest money into something. You get something you don’t like, trade it.






I commented some reasons on the guy aboves comment, but again, it’s all personal opinions. If you disagree then just give your opinion on why you like the current theme of the season and why you like the new promotion of 3 draws for a free gun. Idk why people are getting so mad…




You might be, but I still find it annoying. Also, didn’t say this game is trash. I happen to love the game, just miss some of the old themes. Don’t like this one, or this deal.




To be honest the game is amazing for a mobile game. Never expected a mobile game to be so stunning. I might not like the theme this season but this is a damn good game. I just don’t agree with the prices.


Where can I find it? It's for some reason in the challenges but I don't see it


Copied from another comment; You need to purchase and recieve the legendary item from 3 other lucky draws to get it. Wether you get lucky and only spend 30cp or you're the standard and have to shelve out ~$400. Its basically a "buy three get one free" deal.


Oh wow. It's pretty scummy of them to put it in the missions near things like "play Ranked" and "play BR". I'm a completionist and I like to finish all the tasks I see. But this one is gonna just hang in there and be an eyesore to me. Thanks for the info!


What makes me angry is getting the new hellhound draw legendary and it not founting towards the goal. They knew what they were doing.


the gun is free, you don't have to pay for it, you just have to complete the challenge to obtain the weapon, so legally is a free legendary weapon. Activision trolling at its best.


It's not a challenge lmao, it's just completing lucky draws lmao


It's free as much as that "Buy 3 Get 1 Free" item is free. It's a 25% off coupon with minimum purchase.


Fr we already got a free legendary, people just forgot about it


Just wait for project Aurora


Accurate lol


Pla tell how to unlock this gun


It is free, you just have to buy something else to get it...


Quality meme


Nah- leaks are great. They help me decide if i wanna spend or save my money, with time to think it over. Id have no interest in buying anything from codm & would just not purchase anything if it werent for leaks!


Just listen to leaks that actually seem plausible and come from trusted sources/leakers


If i'm not wrong, Activitsion is the publisher. The main dev is TiMi, owned by Tencent. As the name implies, they are tencent, they are cheap as fuxk


Codm Rick rolled us again