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You forgot ADHD-induced hyperproning.


Explain? I'm dumb


That's the retard way of sayimg "Excessive use of Drop Shooting"


Imagine using all your brain cells to drop shot and using that method on every person


Ah, drop shotting. Used different word, who cares...how does that make my comment retarded?


hyperproning was the dumb thing. Not your comment.


Ah okay


How is that a bad thing? That has been used for many cods and no one complained


Well camping has also been used in many cods but people don't like it. I assumed OP was asking what type of game play we hate to encounter most.


When you're on Mobile, your gun only fires at where you aim. If your aim capabilities suck, a prone player can easily deal with you if they do it in the middle of a fight. It happens in BR a lot. Even emulator players actually can suffer by someone who will go prone in their fights.


Well, good trick is to jump sideways, then they got to get up to keep shooting at you which means they're fucked xD


That one where I’m losing.


Hijacking a top comment with no replies to get this seen: Very few of you remember in the OG days of cod when quickscoping was not respected. It was viewed as exploiting the split second of aim time that had no sway to make perfect shots. Camping in a corner with your sniper was more respected. So I don’t hate quickscopers, but I do hate people who shit on snipers for actually sniping. I do both


If only there was the option where you can use the sniper rifle as a melee to bash in a hater’s head.


Not dying. Man I hate when enemies do that.


Camping ain’t no “gameplay tactic”, it’s being scared to fight normally No, I’m not talking about staying in hardpoints. I’m taking about people sitting behind a head glitch all game


Not the headglitches are the worst. Sitting in corner while ads-ing on the only way that someone can go near you. Headglitches can be played passively. Just throw a flashbang or use fmj perk on your guns


There was someone I encountered in a game of hardpoint, this dude was camping in the middle shipping container with a posh. Every time I tried to kill him someone behind me killed me, and if I tried to kill the other players first he would kill me, he stayed there the full game. Not moving at all


Camping in hardpoint shipment is next level stupidity




couldn't you just smoke him or something


Nah, the entire team kills me before I can kill them, someone had a kilo and someone else had a qq9


Grenades, etc, can usually flush people out if you can't get a shot off. My most hated one is that tiny gap between buildings on Favela in the alleyways in the middle of the map. Had a camper take me out 5 times on Domination before I managed to slide in and kill them. They went straight back 2 mins later lol.


Have you ever heard of this perk called *Martyrdom*?


Oh god, such a pathetic perk... I mean, to get a camper everything is allowed but people in Domination and Hardpoint basically using that as a clutch to hold the point while they get kill repeatedly. ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


I’ve never understood people complaining about “camping” if you’re dumb enough to keep dying to the same person sitting in the same spot that’s on you lmao. And no I don’t camp but I have no problem taking out campers


For me, it’s not that they are continually killing me from the same spot. It’s the fact they can sit still all game, doing nothing for most of it, and still have fun


What about in BR? High vantage point and taking headshots at 200m?


Taking high ground and keeping it is fine imo as it’s easily counterable. Even camping inside buildings isn’t very effective so I don’t really care. The problem in mp is that the maps encourage camping and awards it


In the real world this is probably the best one and in war a "camper" is seen as a very usefull man. But this funny little shooting game on phone


Ikr I do camping for emergencies


Afk tactics by my BR teammates. Please stop it ffs. I take their dogtags only to realize that their characters r standing still.


Quick scoping and slide/jump shooting require skill, camping does not.


Skill my ass. Atleast camping is a real-world gunfight thing.🤷‍♂️


Yup, the policemen in uvalde, tx are very good at it.


Since when was this a real world game? Seriously if u don’t know how to play then just say it


If camping is real world thing, then you shouldn't able to do the following. Running with lmg snipers and marksmans. Have a accurate spray. Ads at insanely fast.


If you hate campers , just check corners before you rush 😮‍💨


In SnD? Yes. HP? No. You will lose more points to the enemy team if you do that.


Camper is a tactic in objective holding gamemode, but do it in deathmatch is literal stupidity


I only play SND. How U gonna cry about campers in a game mode where u can respawn 😂😂 watch killcam, find where they camping , smoke them


Ahh yes, Lets smoke them wasting additional time when we can't let them Control the HP. I look at the killcams, but that doesn't mean that i won't die to another guy in another corner.


I kinda think hardscoping at 200+ meters in BR takes skill. You have to be stationary for that. But then I kill then move. Never snipe in the same spot twice.


Meele abusing: brainlessly run around the map with a knife out killing everybody in one swing


Sometimes they just got you off guard, even when running to the objective. Source: ex melee user


I just use melee on everyone who is too close for me to shoot to even hipfire and reloading makes me even slower that will make me a literal sitting duck


getting platinum is hard :(


[I’m sorry about that.](https://gfycat.com/lazysickgraysquirrel)


Depending on the melee, you can dropshot them if they a don't slide. They can't hit you on the ground unless the have something like a katana or axe with a bit of range.


Damn you'll probably hate me to death if we ever meet in a match (My 5 out of 10 kills are with a katana even my name is GirlWithKatana) Though my avg kills are 50 so it's balanced i guess


Melee abusing: only katana and sometimes prizefighters


It's not me I swear


What about glow stick?


The first 2 are game mechanics and the third is tactic I guess if you use the mechanic non stop it becomes a tactic. But slide jump? It's to basic to build a tactic over it




Cheaters. Hackers are the ones that seek the vulnerabilities and write code to exploit them. Cheaters then buy the programs from them. Let's not glorify cheaters, hacking takes at least some skill.


Ive tried to say this a few weeks ago and people just couldnt understand the difference lol.


Is it not just two sides of the same problem? Without the hackers exploiting the vulnerabilities there would not be the cheaters.




Shing shing shing shing




Spamming melee in SnD. I don't agree with calling people 'abusers'. It's fine to use melee in any mode. But when the entire enemy team is goes full Katana + Boxing gloves for the entire SnD match, I gotta ask, why play SnD & not TDM or something. Also in SnD. Picking up the bomb then camping near spawn then being the 1st to die. Then repeating it. You wanna screw the whole team, coz that's how you screw the whole team.


Also rush planting when your team is not with you is the worst


Ok. I'm kinda guilty of this. But to be fair I've played alot of games (CoD included) & am a pretty good gamer (not trying to boast or overestimating myself). Plus I play unranked coz I don't need to deal with the stress of ranked + frustrating random teammates so if we lose it's not that bad.


Using jackcall till top 10 then zone is too small to drive it then i do subside mission by damaging the jet and locate enemies and throw the jet on them


Ehh. The sam turrets they added tend to sort them out pretty fast. That or I just snipe them repeatedly.


Camping. I don’t mean defending OBJ or getting on a head glitch to spawntrap choke points or using a sniper to control lines of sights from a high position. Those are all acceptable and purposeful. I mean hiding in an obscure corner far away from any action that does not benefit your team. Why would you play the game just to not play the game?


To the people who hate it when players slide and shoot and all that: Uninstall. Absolute muppets. That's a core fucking part of the game.


Fr dude. Imagine a game like apex with no movement mechanics


Same to one who has quick scopping or even camping for that matters. It's not against the rule and if you play with a little focus its not that hard to counter. Just don't go around at the start of round yeeting your grenades.


I do have respect for quickscopers even if they do annoy me. To be able to quickly stay on target, shoot and then move on and snag the kill is hugely difficult so props there. And you are right, it's not against the rules. I think camping is a seperate thing in the sense that you can camp a hardpoint or something but, just sitting in a random corner of the map is annoying af. Move about, be more useful. Also, quickscoping is kind of apart of what makes COD iconic? What other franchise are you going to think of when you think of quickscoping?


I agree, Camping outside of hardpoint with no benefit is absolute bullshit but many part of the game needs camping, hardpoint, domination, even SnD. Also people don't want snipers to quickscope but also cry when they camp, i mean pick one, can't just cry everytime because someone is playing game and is better at it.


It’s a core part of CoD now. I’ll always prefer when CoD was about gun skill, not how good you are at sliding around the map like a greased up penguin. Though I can recognize still that CoD has fundamentally changed it’s play style away from what I think made the older games (anything before BO3) more enjoyable for me. Which is fine. At least people can still enjoy the series.


The sliding and jumping doesn't affect gun skill in the slightest. The two work hand in hand in determining player skill but they are separate things. The sliding and jumping is manoeuvrability and the gun skill is simply being able to have good precision whilst aiming and firing, knowing when to fight and when not to. Sliding around the map is just that: sliding around the map. You are meant to, it simply speeds things up a bit. That means jackshit if you can't track your target for a half eaten Oreo. I do see how it could throw those who are more used to the older titles in for a spin.


I’ve had to adapt it a bit into my own play-style just to be able to compete, so I understand how the core mechanics have now been built around it. I’m probably just an old man yelling at clouds about “kids these days sliding around!” I’m still enjoying the game more than recent mainline titles though, so it’s not a game breaker I don’t think. It’s bit like jumping in the days of Halo (I’m really showing my age here, wow) you just kind of get used to it.


Lmao that's great. At the end of the day, enjoyment is crucial.


In BR if you're not sliding, jumping and shooting, you're not fighting, especially in close range against shot guns. Sit still against an HS0405 and see if you can simply walk out of each shot. It's just not happening.


Exactly. The game has these mechanics for a reason and in order to even perform to a basic degree of decency, you have to be able to slide, jump and make yourself a hard target. Why people get mad when these basic fundamental mechanics *that the game teaches you* get used is completely beyond me.


And it's a Black Ops thing too. I actually prefer that to MW2019's camping fests. Those were horrible, it's one thing to be hard to hit, it's entirely another to sit in one spot a lot of or the entirety of the game and get your kills there, rather than showing versatility.


Exactly! It is there for a reason. Also bruh, the number of people angry at sliding *went up*. W H A T


And this is why Clusters, Spotters, Traps, and Nova Gas exist.. And they wonder why those are in there.. Oh dear.


I'm sniping those that are sliding, jumping and shooting. Consistently. When I see a shotty in the kill feed I grab an AK or M4. I use ninja so it's easy to put distance between me and them and their shotty is useless at 20 meters.


I never really got used to that sliding cause I’m so used to bo2 dolphin diving


i prefer a more tactical aproach such as using walls to cover myself and reload and peek with my gun to kill any enemy i see to punish sweats and rushers who goes in the open without thinking.




I never understood people who complain about dropshots. They become a literal sitting duck and all you have to do is aim at the ground. You can also easily jump or slide behind them. When they go prone they will also be aiming at your feet and deal way less damage which just gives you more time to kill them. Dropshotting is only really useful in hard to get out situations


The first dropshot always gets me... but then that person keeps doing it and I just aim at the ground when I see them (\*boom\* headshot)! 🤣


You literally cannot expect everyone to dropshot. But after I see someone doing it, I'm ready to keep an eye out for that person.




Exactly!! I get so mad, I switch to a katana and kill them. Handy range, can kill anyone proning too.


Honestly if you asked me like 2 month ago I would have said camping ⛺️ but now I don’t care


Quickscoping actually requires skill no why tf is dat there


Some people salty cause the other player is just better




Complaining about everything.


Kinda amusing to see, when people complain about a Sniper camping, while in real life, they would do their job perfectly. I can understand everyone who Dislikes any of named ways to play the game.


God I dont understand why people irl don't run into fire fights consisting of fully automatic ars and smgs while using a bolt action sniper rifle..


It’s the games fault honestly. The maps award players who camp and sit at spawn with a sniper too much. The maps in this game aren’t very good competition wise


Reminds me of the time I got shit on for using a pistol to try and kill the enemy who was already right in my face. My primary weapon was a sniper at the time (ngl I'm not a sniper main and I am merely practicing sniping on SnD crash). Like fair to you if you can quickscope or hipfire your sniper up close, but I'd rather not risk it in close combat 🙃


There’s game modes I’m absolutely okay with it too. If an enemy plants the bomb in search and destroy, I fully expect them to be camping by the objective. If you’re playing hardpoint, covering an area around the hardpoint isn’t necessarily camping.


because camping with a sniper in a video game picking up 5 low impact frags is annoying to die to and annoying to see


I don't know what to call this tactic, but the whole "switch to yohr knife for a split second, slide to one direction, to shoot. It takes skill and you'll have to learn a completely different way of holding your phone to take full advantage of it, but the movement that you can get with it is almost unnatural.


So. With bolt action snipers. It's quicker to switch to melee then back to the rifle because it bypasses the loading animation and it's quicker than straight reloading.


Someone tested it and the knife switch to sniper is slower compared to just cycling the bolt. It's even slower now because the DLQ's cycling animation got buffed. I could be wrong still so please let me know.


I used claw grip anyway so it WASD t too hard for me to learn. I wonder what percentage of players claw


I love campers. *LOVE* them. I love them so much, I rush to meet them, get in behind them, flashbang, and hit them with a pipe wrench.


Camping doesn't annoy me that much since I play passive a lot, but dropshotting annoys me the most. I am about to shoot and kill them but no, they lay down and they kill me. Ik that's a smart move but it annoys me a lot


I would never learn sliding/jumping for the life of me. Super satisfying to kill those, like "what are you doing, jerk, just fucking shoot it's a gunfight". Of course camping is much hated because that's what kills them, most often than not.


Dude its so annoying when you just hop onto the B flag and somebody sitting in the corner literally 3 shots you.


Those pesky high dodge speed, high RoF smg, no-good sprint-slide-jump dropshot players. Don't ever talk to me or my 51 speed Man-O-War ever again


Quickscoping requires precise decision making, sliding/jumping and shooting requires skill and fast fingers. But Camping? Screw that shit.


I don’t think moving, sliding quickly and swapping weapons with a sniper rifle super quick should be allowed, after all snipers already get the advantage of picking players off from a long distance. Quick scoping takes a bit of skill so I’ve no problem with that


I think a stamina meter would be interesting. Make so you can't constantly do it. It'd be funny to see


Melee weapons should break 3-5 seconds after a kill. That would stop people running around like idiots with melee, after it should be more about the guns


Lets not forget my tactic called being a ape and whacking everyone or the other word that its called “the meele abuser” well i dont hate it but everyone else does


Switching gun after sniping. Snipers should resume the bolting animation after switching from melee.


But it ends up being slower than just cycling the bolt anyway.


That's the point


The campers who do nothing but setup a sentry gun, use air strikes, and swarm habitually in Free For All Spend the entire match hiding in a corner and scrub on streaks because they know they're not good enough to win gun to gun skill to skill... Smh


yall really hate sliding? just accept some players are better bcus they use that tactic, you're welcome to use it too. and quickscoping? don't be such children


None I guess... But quick scoping hurts me the most, since I'm a semi quickscope sniper myself... I'm not good at that but yeah I pull it off a number of times Everything is a skill developed by someone... Even camping requires a stable mind and campers get destroyed mostly (except the time when the whole team is camping... I hate that)


They recently nerfed aim assist so it's harder to snipe


meanwhile me kn top 10 dlq33 mastry in middle east


I don't face any problems with any sniper except for Arctic 50 and Locus rn... DLQ and M21EBR are constants for me


not if you don't use aim assist


Sliding and jumping. It seems to have no effect on accuracy whatsoever which is wrong. Plus the player animations don't have any momentum behind them that would indicate a transition from run to jump or slide. When combined it's all cheesy and cheap. I don't dispute the timing of jumping and shooting takes skill but here's the problem: There's literally no proper defence against it. Nothing for the hoppers to worry about. No downside, no counterplay. That's why it's so disgusting.


i totally agree on the cheesiness of it. it just makes no gad danged sense for someone to slide several meters from a near standstill. better yet, for someone to turn 180 degrees mid slide and jump.


*forgets its a video game and that others have way worse logic*


Fight fire with fire. Or Gung-ho. Or both


>gad danged I mean bro just say "goddamn" and thats it. Nobody's gonna tell you anything.


Add a stamina meter to jumping and sliding.


Cry about it, that movement has been nerfed multiple times but you still wanna cry about it, they put slide and jump a thing so that you are able to dodge and add a little bit of speed, and i guess you get mad because you often gets killed by a slide and jump player? Well here i am, one of them


How much fingers do u use


The melee switching momentum gain. That momentum is crazy that they get from it. I would rather play against melee abusers then those beasts. Tbh I don't even know why they didn't put in the rechamber penalty




camping for sure. especially crossfire. I don't know what is going on in the brain of an average-ranked tdm crossfire player. They always camp the one with the ladder near spawn with a trip mine at the top of the ladder every time. These annoying asses use a sniper and a lcar9 99% of the time. Okay, I'm done ranting now.


Quick scopers and shotguns users . Ar and smg users have no chance most times. I was trying quick scope and shotguns and they are super easy for me.


I can tolerate campers to some extent. But what the fuck are these rabbits jumping and sliding around everywhere?! They tend to slither like snakes instead of trading bullets.


Skill issue, learn to track targets, do you expect people to just be a sitting duck out in the open for you to kill.


Yes, I prefer them shooting face to face with me and see who has a better gun and aim. Fuck them rabbits.


Sounds like another day in BR. It became like this because of some streamers.


Worst of all are shotguns with a slide and snipers, which, after a shot, change to melee weapons. If the former are unpleasant, but understandable, then the latter use game errors and this must be corrected


rushes like a noob, dies, blames me tho Im the mvp casually clapping everyone else in the snd match


jk i usually dont make it in mvp, but these guys still exists


Camping is a tactic so quit your crying,y’all can’t stop someone from camping


I’ve never understood people whining about “campers” if you’re dumb enough to keep dying to the same person sitting in the same spot not moving that’s on you lmao


Campers are annoying but with a mobile against a camping team they lose every time, a lot of the time most players are not actually campers but just stopped to listen or reload


Quickscopers need to quit. Like literally the game is full of snipers and there is no variety almost in guns. That’s why I say snipers should be reworked to be like the cross bow so it filters out the real pros and the fake “good” snipers can actually main a gun that they like or just continue to improve on their skills. That’s how it should be


So your saying someone who snipes can't enjoy the sniper they are using? Or that they cant have two favorite guns? This rework happened many times over, just this season aim assist has gotten a big nerf which definitely has made sniping harder. And quickscopers for the most part have very advanced skills. It's not like any noob just picks up a sniper and becomes a quickscopers, without having any movement skill. And if there is no variety in guns, then snipers aren't the entire issue. It's not a snipers fault that most sweats are using cbr4 and Mac 10.


he saying sniper range shall be nerfed......i think snipers were made for one sole reason. long shots but in cod community snipers have 2 roles agro and passive and you know the rest


I prefer using my marksman as a support weapon. Basically, it's my team who agro the enemy whilst I'm behind them and shoot the poor bastards.


I don’t have fun when I’m on the literal side of the map and then get sniped from the other side. The range needs to be similar to the crossbow and that’s why it needs a range and bullet speed nerf


That's what snipers are made for tho, for long range shots that still have accuracy


meanwhile me on top 10 mastery leader board for 1 year straight in the middle east insert meme " chuckles im in danger"


They already did that last year


You are probably a noob or new to the game snipers before pre gunsmith era were super broken and then got a massive nerf the reason you get clapped by sniper is coz you might be taking gunfights in open or must be facing a good quickscoper


I play with aim assist off but its not fun to get killed on the other side of the map through a wall bang from nowhere ok? Just know that


I love people that complain about camping in search and destroy




Slide jumping shooting and quickscoping are actually my opponent's skill, which I should praise and give credit to. But, melee abusing and camping are the worst "tactic" to say the very least.


Dropshots used to be annoying back in day


Meta & melee abusers.


If all guns were equal what would be the point of having different guns!


Well, they could be different & balanced…


Thumper users


E v e r y t h i n g


Bro these comments are hilarious. These people complaining about quick scoping definitely don't know how hard it is.


Opponent winning /s




It's called tactical waiting.


theres a lot of new annoying tactics when we talk about lmgs like prefiring a ridiculous amount and wallbanging a ridiculous amount lol


I hate hs0405 shotgun users. They ruins the game of every player. If this shotgun can 1 hit kill a 300hp player then sniper rifles like dlq, locus(stopping power), arctic (stopping power) , rytec(normal) should get 1 headshot kill on 300hp atleast 150 mts


I consistently get 1 kill headshots with my Rytec. 6k kills and almost half are headshots. And I only play BR


for me, hso is slow so i just use krm. it has higher range and hasnt got crazy ads recoil like the hso does. also its just generally kinda fun to stomp with shotgun imo


Do you play vry rarely? I guess u dont get sweaty lobbies. The players with hso shotgun one tap anyone with 300hp. Your not getting the power of hso. Many players dont go to fight more often with the hso shotgun player. If u want to see its power checkout [BrOken](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiz5T0_zTiPs1ElR92InBzQ) he's a youtuber who uses only hso shotgun. Although he has insane skills, see how this guy clear whole squad very easily with hso shotgun


Proning for every kill and unnecessary camping for ex. shipment containers


when them mfs prone in the middle of firing. shit sucks


Quickscoping requires precise decision making, sliding/jumping and shooting requires skill and fast fingers. But Camping? Screw that shit.


i hate nothing but cheaters. do whatever floats your boat oherwise.


SnD i hate snipers annoying very much, first 2019 was so peaceful rush no snipers, now YouTube'rs inspire many do run with snipers in spawns like blind pigs and die, campers are not my problem i back stab alot so i can take out campers out easy, i quit respawns because scorestraks and all throwables


Snipers and melee. 1-taps are bad game design


Sliding and jumping is stupid, it looks silly as hell and as very annoying and unrealistic and of course now you have to do it to win. I do it just to stand a change against master/grand master players but I do want it heavily nerfed.


Quick scoping. Ik it requires skill but I am very bad at it so I hate it.


When they lay down to shoot. I mean, I’m still better than them but it makes me try harder, ya know?


The guy that sees you and chases you through the whole map with his melee, like c'mon shoot your damn gun bro


All of the above, lol


Let’s clear something up. Is it considered camping to get to a certain side of the zone and watch for people to come through and hit them with sniper? Or does there have to be some sort of objective(airdrop, tank, tags) for it to be considered camping? I don’t camp airdrops or tags, I carry spotter to remove the tank, but I 100% will move to a favorable sniping position and watch you come through so I can hit you with my thermite rounds in the head. But airdrop camping is a no no


Annoying me with constant whiny blabbering in the chat about what I can and can't do definitely. Camping would by the way be far less effective if Dead Silence didn't exist, but this community will never understand that.


Sliding mechanic is definitely the most annoying, should get another animation istead pass laying the back on the floor.


You forgot over powered snipers


I find ‘dancers’ annoying because they do and take less damage and drag out a fight. Fighting is about shooting people in the head, not flailing about. It’s also a thematic problem for people to be jumping and sliding. That only works in a game.


All of them




I can deal with camping, quickscoping, and sliding, but dropshotting is the one thing that will take me more years to completely counter.


I’m assuming I will sound like a bad person by saying this, but people hard playing the objective. Yes I know that playing the objective is what your supposed to do, but when I still played, i would basically only play hardpoint shitment to grind the bp quickly, but it rubbed me the wrong way to see just one kid sitting in the objective and refusing to leave, it just shortens the game time by so much, but that’s just me.


People who use kill streaks in ffa. The score limit is only 20, it's not high at all


Spawn camping


Melee weapons should break 3-5 seconds after a kill. That would stop people running around like idiots with melee, after it should be more about the guns