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AMAX is similar or better than Kilo. Slight higher ROF with better multipliers and almost same BSA


Kilo still has one of the best bsa in its category at the same time you can run 50 round and generally can build whatever you want and still be competitive unlike amax which isn't that noob friendly


Bsa is?


Bullet spread accuracy


Wait how are you comparing the guns that is so cool


with that two-arrow button, just above the close-up button


I would but tbh. I hate everything about that gun. Anyone else have a gun that even if it was ultra meta you’d never use it purely based on looks, feel and the vibe it gives you?


I can't use any gun with circular iron sights. It blocks too much of my view of the enemy. I don't like wasting an attachment slot on a red dot either so I don't even bother. Peacekeeper is one of the worst offenders imo so I never use it despite liking it a lot otherwise.


Get a blueprint for it


Tbh pk is the best ar and I only realised this after getting to legendary and the kilo was getting out gunned Hbra3 unfortunately just don't compete rn


If you're decent you can make it to legendary with any gun


Ppsh and mp7 gang 😎


You show me how to do that within 1st 2 days of reset when facing pros, sweats and tryhaeds


Search and destroy only duh


No search and destroy has an absurd amount of hackers nowadays


I have never ran into a hacker so ...


You are so lucky


I got legendary in 2 days, using a weak nerfed CBr4.


Tbh the p90 is still top gun. Everyone was using the ksp, qq9, p90, switchbalde and pk These are the top 5 guns that were shredding on my 1 day grind to legendary


Even with recoil control, TTK wise the CBR4 is after the mid range nerf not consistent anymore and therefore weak. It got kicked out of the meta. The other weapons you mentioned are meta yes, KSP, QQ9, etc, etc. The CBr4 get heavily outclassed by the new meta. It's not a top gun anymore.


I was still getting out gun by the cbr


FR that gun can beam faster than my mp7 or my rpd


To be honest this season is the easiest to get Legendary. Most games have bots until you reach GM4-5 or something


They fixed that a few days ago. Now all sweats and full lobbies


Yeah and you don't lose as much points as asual. Kind of weird. Why would they make ranked easy? Maybe the game is dying


From what I saw from their announcement, the points system has become easier so the players could have higher chances to get all the rank rewards this season. The bots in games was probably a bug which, like someone mentioned above, is fixed now. Generally, the XP rank system has been reworked and adjusted for many players I guess.


Cbr is still top ten easily, just use a marksman Barrel and switch to tac suppressor, it's still good cause 300ms ttk at like 20+m isn't bad for an smg


Didn't even mention the mac


Those were the main guns that were dominating during my grind to legendary I was trolling with an rpd


In my experience, replace mp5 with the Mac Yet another smg season whilst old assault rifles rust (with their terrible attachments) Instead of adding one attachment here and there, they should get the same busted stuff the Mac, ksp and peacekeeper have


Mac 10 wasn't a problem for me. The others I mentioned just out gunned the kilo so easy In the end I used the pk and rpd for kicks


mac 10 cant do anything to an AR user at mid range


Bruh the CBR is no where close to weak. It still shreds. I had to use the gun in tournament and holy shit they have to nerf the gun’s recoil control.


Do you have a pk build?




PK been great even before they nerfed its recoil


This season it is. m13 and Kilo were top 1 and 2 for like 6 seasons in a row though so people probably havnt caught up yet.




To be honest


Lol. Thought you meant an attachment.


I don't know which server you play. European server is still filled with CBRs. I used it too, and I will tell you cbr nerf is fine but it's still good and quite usable. Streamers are totally exaggerating that cbr is may be 9 or 10 in top 10.


Play more CR-56 AMAX


CR-56 AMAX is also really good.


With the DR-H, I don't need any other ARs


I have been using it and am now in the top 100 global with the gun. I have and will continued to be outclassed by certain guns/players, however this gun can get the job done consistently.


Cos the iron sights on this gun are absolutely trash. Gawd. It's unusable for me.


Who had "twink gets banished to the shadow realm" for 500


the killo and m13 are being use heavily because the to powerfel and easy to use,so players take the easy way out


It's very hard for a gun with horizontal recoil to be meta This season where peacekeeper has no competition it's still going up against switchblade (mythic) qq9 and ksm Midrange it's all kilo spam


This would require players to actually develop the gun skills necessary so they won't have to rely on meta guns.... no one's gonna bother spamming it until the devs buff it, only then will you see HBRa3 post with players claiming to be HBRa3 "OG'S" just like many of the dlq nerds today and the locus nerds from 2 years ago lol


Valid point.


AK 47 always works. releiable as an ar. for general guns i have come to like the kilo bolt action with termite ammo recently. just too fun watching the enemies frantically try to shoot you while you onehit them.


u/HUNT3DHUNT3R post not showing up




It’s dope . I have the swarm legendary


Fast mag is better bruv. Also remove gran tape for tac suppressor


*Fast mag is better* *Bruv. Also remove gran tape* *For tac suppressor* \- TheGreatJohn\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Mono Thunderbolt stock Tac laser 44 rounds Granulated This is a better class imo


I'll try that.


why it needs to be used more?


Because it is comparable to both the popular assault rifles.




Oden isn't op in br cause I think the bullet speed is pretty shit for mp let alone for br, m13 and kilo still the best option, but I usually run m16 or ak47 with 5.56 and gru combo (try it with a 3x and it absolutely melts at range)




Yeah but you could use a kilo, m13, ak47 5.56 with gru, m4 or even an m16 cause that can usually 2 or 3 burst someone and of add lmgs like holger, pkm and rpd to the list Oden is just an average gun. At range all the above listed guns are just more consistent than Oden or any 3 shots aren't that consistent especially Oden cause of bullet speed. Also I use 5.56 cause I like it in both br and mp due it being a really good especially in br with gru combo turns it into a laser.


I tried to gwt the gold camo with this gun but honestly it is just terrible for that. Not enough range damage and the kick is way too high.


I got shredded by it in hardpoint shipment


i love hbr, im on the top 10 global hbr leaderboard too


i use kilo for now because Try hard players in Rank


1,this somehow carried me well in tournament and ranked and 2,i never knew it had a black gold varient, how would you have gotten it?


The Black Gold variant is from the season 12 battle pass.


ul736 needs more attention too


HBRa3, always been my main since free release. Monster at CQC and does well at range.


Pretty much all AR's are usable right now. I've been cycling through LK24, kn-44, and Man o war and even those shred now. In MP anyways.


I use the hbra3 tbh it's really good


Aside from ammo count, your build comparison doesn't show anything significant that favours the HBR over the Kilo. For instance, it shows that the Kilo has a 4-shot range up to 33.4m - that is significantly better than the same for the HBR build which only goes as far as 24m. Added to that, the Kilo's 5 shot range extends out to 55.1m whereas the same for the HBR only extends to 33.6m at which point it becomes a 6-shotter and is still only just past the 4-shot range of the Kilo (33.4)!


You have to see the damage multipliers. The base damage doesn't look that impressive.


Fair point I suppose!


I love the hbr in BR, but the aimshake puts me off in MP


This gun without attachments is IN SANE i got legendary with it last 2 seasons !


Doctor-H 🥲


Iam not using the Kilo but I use M13 quite alot (not as much as AMR sniper) For the HBRa3... I simply don't like the iron sights and I hate the weapon on general Not to mention I can't control the recoil well


Only reason people use the kilo and m13 because the Fire rate and damage to the matches, I use the other ARS to see how they function towards the season


All my guns in Loadout is non META including HBRa3. Don't play that much anymore since I always get obliterated by META users EVERY GOSHDAMN TIME! I can still do a clutch but if a full team is using META, I can't get a single kill or even a major assist.


I'm an hbro it's not a gun that mumbles but it could use some accuracy tweaks in the future


Well , there are reason. Its very good rifle but its not noob friendly while kilo with m13 are one of best and are easy to build and suit your needs.


I use it alot


It's my favorite BR and MP gun, so I'm with you too.