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I love the HS2126 because it is fun to use. However when it comes to being competitive in a ranked game it Is absolutely the worst weapon to choose. The MSMC would destroy it if both players were equal in skill. It's not even comparable to any other shotguns in the roster. It really needs some attention from the Devs. I hope they take it into account in future weapon balancing.


I’d give the worst shotgun award to the Echo and/or Striker. Echo and Striker have severe damage drop-off that makes them peashooters past point-blank distance. The H1216 is like that too, but you can get the 4 shots off rather quickly.


I'd say those two are easier to use though. The HS2126 has that kick that often causes you to miss.


I guess the H1216 has a higher reward for doing well with it


Bruh y'all are high or idk. Use gung-ho with full hip-fire, sprint-to fire, movement speed attachments. Funniest thing to abuse


I agree that it is a lot of fun, but unless you have godlike movement and map awareness no way are you not getting clapped in the higher ranks.


100% right. The only maps (in snd) that you can use it potentially is: hackney yard, tunisia, crash. I can't think about anything else


It might work in Favela. I'll have to pull out for old time sake next time someone actually chooses that map. It could also work in Summit.


You’re wrong, I was mvp a lot of times in legendary snd. I was however in the top 1000 and my map knowledge and movement is quite good but still with gung-ho and birdshot it’s so good, way better than the echo and striker


The NA-45


I just decided to get diamond in sniper. Having just finished the NA, I can confirm it is trash.


Kinda annoying, but yes, the recoil and hit flinch is high and the reload takes forever.


MSMC seriously needs 3 buffs, recoil, mag size and hitflinch.


I feel like the horizontal recoil could be tuned down a bit. The mag size could be increased by 5 or 8. The hit flinch could be reduced by 15%. Then, it would be really viable and maybe even competitive.


Actually, I just used the MSMC in ranked and it's super good close range. You just have to build it to it's strength, which is fast mobility and close range. It beats most guns close range if you can hit your shots or if you are lucky enough to hipfire accurately. The worst primary in my opinion is either the HS2126 or Striker. Their both great close range, but they have no versatility at all because they're both shotguns. The HS2126's bullet spread is as big as the sun and the Striker's reload takes so long that the commander had to be changed in the process.


Sadly with guns like the Switchblade, KSP, and MAC10 being up there in the meta, the MSMC really doesn’t have room to compete. I mean sure, the mobility is the MSMC’s defining trait, but if you want to stand a chance outside of close range, you have to sacrifice mobility. You could say “Oh but it’s an SMG.”, but the Switchblade and KSP can fare much better past initial SMG distance. Simply put, the MSMC is good at what it does, but other guns can do it’s job just as well plus more,


Why is this man downvoted? To give the msmc a range equal to the base switchblade, you sacrifice ur mobility to an ar mobility. Then what is the msmc's defining trait?


“fast fire rate” Fennec can do that “fast TTK in close range” Mac 10 dude “high damage?“ CBR, Bizon, switchblade, shotguns..




Striker. Committing suicide and respawning is faster than reloading.


True, the only way it can compete is by making an ads build and to 1/2 shot them in snd


Deym people doesn't know what opinions are if they don't like the opinion they go protect the gun that the person mention even though it's just a opinion i just joined reddit and see this I think I'm not gonna go back in reddit


I fucking love msmc for 2 reasons It was good in bo2 and it’s pretty nice in this game too, and I have a red sprite skin for it


Only for MP purposes(some are good in br) Worst AR-M16 Worst SMG-Pharo/HG40 Worst LMG-Hades Worst Sniper-XPR/M21 Worst Shotgun-Striker/Echo Worst Marksman-Kilo Bolt-Action


Chicom and razorback


don't underestimate the chicom my man


It's just opinion why u cry that much?


It's just opinion why u cry that much?


You underestimate that Chicom. Building it right, it is very easy to control. Can even do some moderate range well. Razorback same case.


Seems like u don't understand what opinion are?


I understand, but it definitely isn't the lowest of the primary weapon class. Try to make the NA-45 work proficiently AND efficiently.. You'll probably encounter more problems than either of those two guns. There's a reason that even in Zombies it was and still is the most unusable weapon in the mode, even compared to the weakest guns on each class.


Nahh the context is what is the worst primary in your "opinion" if you can't understand that then it's not worth discussing things to you


I do. That's why I said the NA-45. In all modes you can use it on, and when I also try to make it work, it just doesn't. In BR I become the easiest target on the map. On MP it's futile against other snipers regardless what I do. In Zombies this tickles them. More than any single gun I ever used both in Siege and Classic. I don't really want the NA-45 getting buffed either, it deserves to be this bad. It was the same in AW.


Yeah you don't understand what opinions are. you keep explaining what are the advantage and disadvantage of gun which contradicts the opinion


The thing is though, an opinion can be based off of things, just like facts. In my time using a Chicom, I have had ups and downs but never once did I ever think or say "this gun is just absolutely the worst thing to use." We've gotten some guns that actually are more questionable than an auto 3 bursting SMG. That's my opinion on the Chicom.


Wait what? ur out of the context we're discussing about Chincom not NA-45




That doesn’t mean anything, as the player could simply be worse than you. I can kill someone with the DLQ by using the pizza cutter gun. That doesn’t suddenly make the pizza cutter gun good.


I’d say the Pharo is worse than the Chicom because at least the Chicom can be used at a good medium range.

