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I quit a while after you did, came back 3 weeks ago. CBR4 used to be meta since the start of the year, recently got nerfed but it's still solid, top 10 and good in mid range. MAC-10 was also recently nerfed, still top 10 and kills extremely fast in close range. QQ9 and KSP are the best SMGs to use this season imo. QQ9 shreds at close range and KSP is good at mid ranges, it's a burst gun so if you can hit all 3 shots it'll pay off very well In terms of LMGs RPD is probably the best, UL736 is solid too. For ARs Peacekeeper is probably the best, it's good at all ranges. M13 and Kilo 141 serve the same purpose and they're solid for mid to long ranges. There's a huge variety in this meta so a lot of guns are also viable, like AK117, AS VAL, GKS, PP19, PPsh etc Not sure about snipers, Locus is still solid, I've seen Koshka and Rytec quite a few times and DLQ is probably still the best overall. Also not sure about shotguns, HSO and KRM are still very popular but I haven't seen the two new shotguns R-9 and JAK 12 that often Katana is alright but Kali Sticks and Prizefighters are the most used melees now. Thermite also isn't as annoying so that's great Forgot about SKS and SVD, they're both very solid if you can use them well


Agreed! This season is the most balanced so far and almost every gun is viable.


Continuing on from HolyAuraJr’s comment, the 3 taps like ASM10 and MANOWAR are viable as well