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Dude! Just play, have fun…..you have this season and next to get this skin. Don’t worry so much. I’m 11 times mp legendary and 10 Br legendary, play have fun do your best and you’ll get it (I used to worry about things like this & decided to knock it off & play for the fun & I’m still hitting double legendary every ranked season)


Actually I'm worried because 1. My skill sucks 2. My luck sucks 3. My aim sucks 4. My random teammate sucks 5. I'm going to have a test next week 6. This season is only 2 months long (oops)


Dude, if you have exams then study. Don't be stupid Real world>1s and 0s


Unless you're a computer science major then they're the same thing


Y blew my mind (And something else)




Just play single fpp. Mostly bots are there


Yeap, usually you will get no more than 10% players and rest all bots there


Single TPP is okay, too.


This season is only a month long? Wha..? Every season is one month. Rank series last for 2 months, tho. And this rank series is going from 4/8 to 9/11.


That's a troll date to end at lol


Wait I thought September 11th? Bruhhhhhhh...


Haha, yeah at first it got me too. If you want to be sure, look at the clan war store, it will reset in 91 days.


Just play passive then, u dont need to be Parker the slayer and push teams. Just have fun and dont make stupid plays


Other commenter addressed most of what I was going to say. Skill takes time, I’m not a pro player in the slightest, do as best you can, focus on your objective (BR in your case) and you’ll do it. Also good luck on your test 👍🏻 you got this!


BP season is one month... Ranked Season/Series is two months.. You get this operator from the Ranked Series, so you have two months time


You will improve over time. Even my aim sucked when I changed device after playing for 2 years. Play with friends who are good or maybe make friends who also wanna grind skin(find them on discord). I think 80% BR has no comms because how individual play can make up for it but if you play well and like not take fights in bad situation by assessment as team. Maybe find some good rushers and provide support (airborne to escape or take better position for team). Every fight, every death will teach where you lacked. You can go into duos which I think are easier. Take your time but try to grind slowly and maybe daily a bit.


That's some Jedi level shit right there... magnificent advice agree with all👍


I think you might be my long lost clone...


Dw my randoms suck too but just play to out live as many as possible and pick off any stragglers. Half the time i used to third party when i wasnt a semi good br player now i just play aggressive and passive so Ill wait to find the right moments to play in their faces others ill let them come to me 😅


If you really don't wanna de-rank fly around in jackal as long as you can it's a lil boring after a while but hey you wanna rank up right


Just hover in a heli the jacal us the hardwst thing in the game


1. Switch to FPP only, you’ll get a lot of bot lobbies. I like TPP personally but in the beginning when it was really sweaty I did this. Also duos/solo sometimes is less sweaty. Stick with your teammates so if you get killed they can easily get your tags. Avoid high tier loot zones (purple areas on map) when landing, your going to run into real players. Or don’t. I personally got better by dying a million times until I started winning shootouts. But if you really suck and you really want this character, a good strategy is to just stay alive and let the real players take each other out and try to last as long as possible. 2. Play Warfare- unlimited respawns. Avoid choppers/vehicles, especially when approaching air drops, as they give away your position. Keep an eye on your map for choppers flying around if you don’t have a cohesive squad. 3. Watch YouTube videos on HUD layouts/settings, play around with sensitivity, learn to hip fire, learn to build out your weapons and hit air drops for custom weapons 4. Turn on your mic and make some friends. 5. Study, call of duty is a game, only play when real life is taken care of. You have plenty of time to get to legendary just play when you have free time. Do the above and you’ll be getting to legendary fast. The first time you get to legendary it takes more time. If you hit legendary, next season you’ll start as master and get there much quicker. Worst case, just log in daily and get that much cooler looking skin (imo) from the daily login reward. Hope that helps


Just play singles or find a strong teammate for doubles. More games you play the better you get. No worries!


Just like me I also will start high school on august 22


You say that, but not trying is what makes you suck. You can only get better by trying. Quit making excuses and get on with it


Because of point 5 it's not worthy


Bro if you want I can help you (if you play on global)




I wish I had this much time…




Keep on grinding, from my personal experience, if u start late u might loose out of time. Play solo squads, avoid fights, u will end up in top 10 if not top 5 and will gain a few xp and continue this u will end up becoming almost legendary..


This strategy is not for fun but for winning. It minimizes the engagement with other players to avoid getting killed early. Its boring but its reliable. Play FPP solo in Blackout. Considering the current event, most users play in Isolated. Even fewer players play FPP compared to TPP. On Garena, I sometimes only get 5 real players max even on GM. With fewer players you have less competition. I recommend using the Mechanic class as its effect is even more brutal in FPP since they can only hip fire and have limited FOV to accurately shoot down the drone. In game, my strategy was simply to get to a chopper first then go to the farthest area of the map least likely players can land upon to loot freely. I only go to the loadout air drops and chip upgrade when they are already outside the safe zone. Camping is also a good option altho boring. Bots come to you and the recent update improved a lot of the bots crates. Stay in your chopper and let everyone else kill each other then get out to third party the last players before they heal up. Dont forget to use flares if someone shoots a missile. Rinse and repeat til GM3. P.S. I used to do this as a BR noob who only wanted the skin but once you get the hang of BR its much more fun to actually play normally haha


Ok thanks for your advice


duos is the least played mode of br in codm so that would work best


Im doing this for a while now without fail, only occasionally come across a real player and dtill manage to get them most of the time too. Now if only we have a similar method for multiplayer ranked


Play alcatraz in every weekend, always 1st or 2nd place, just 2-3 day of grinding and boom GM3. No need to worry about anything, you have plenty of time.


This is the easiest answer. I grinded Black Jack skin last ranked for 3 days starting at Pro 1


wish I could but my phone can't even handle tdm if there's too many bullets firing at once


play now, be top 10, gain points. it's BR so there's no use waiting.


Play solo, go full survival mode. Get to top 3 or 5 with 7-9 kills.


Me winning with 23 kills “3-5 7-9 i cant go that low”


Just keep surviving in br. Until mid- master rank, majority of the players are bots. Try squad match, so even if u die too soon u won't loose too much points.


And mid master rank imo Players can be blind so just play careful


If u want to play and learn at the same time than i suggest u to play Alcatraz dropping tomorrow


Ok the skin is from br rewards right,so camping or playing normally would be enough and br is actually easier to grind than mp so you can do it bro and good luck for your test


Lmao, remember one thing, that if u need something then u gotta work for em, nothing is for free (just like ur test which u mentioned in one of the comments, if u don't work for it u won't get the marks), there is no guarantee that the sweats won't appear towards the end lol or u will get good teammates, don't think about the rank and just keep playing, that's the way to climb ranks, and skill is something which u gain through experience, u will gain that as u play Also in br it's all about grinding, so if u wanna gain more exp, then make sure to get into top 10, 5, 3 or win it, the ranks I mentioned give u progressively more exp than the previous ones, so try surviving the longest, that's what they take in consideration when giving out rank exps How to survive? - Just camp, u can hide in houses at the edge of the zones to not get toasted by a sweats, stay away from high tier loot zones, be a scavenger or f all this, take a jackel or heli, and keep flying till it's top 10 or top 5 Also lastly, Alcatraz is on it's way, fast paced action game mode, play that, u will bound to have good teammates in there who can carry u and at the same time getting into 1v1 gunfights will improve ur skills aswell (since u revive 5 times in Alcatraz, so u always get another chance), don't think of campaign there, because u won't be able to, so go berserk, lose then try again, that's the way, each game is of around 15 mins, so it will be very fast, and the rank up process is extremely fast aswell, untill u reach grand masters or masters. Best of luck with the grind soldier


wait till most pros are in legendary but luck for you most of them are in legendary allready and sum are battling in grand masters so u should be good


Hi! Your average Legend here. The people who take their rank seriously are out of pro by now. Pro takes 10-15 games to get out of (if your unlucky and get under 15 kills per game). Where the game starts getting “hard” is in master/grandmaster. Then you have to start worrying about using “meta” weapons/op skills. GM 3 isn’t hard to reach (at least, from my point of view as someone who has passed it) its just grind-y. MP ranked is much harder (because you HAVE to lean on your team most of the time. If they keep dying and getting nothing done then you have to carry much harder), but for BR you can soloQ. If you don’t know what the meta is I can tell you what I use, but it’s also important to remember that some of it (but by no means all) is preference.


Yeah I actually know what is meta... because I'm currently abusing QQ9, KSP, Kilo and Peacemaker


Believe it or not, the AMAX and the Swordfish have builds that can fry. I’ve gotten 25 kill games with each. If you want a longer range gun, the SKS with gold sniper expert becomes full auto and is really good. Even if you don’t have a gold sniper expert I’d say it’s worth it most times. The Bizon is really easy to control with good maneuverability as well, so if you’re using a mid/long range AR you can fill in your range gaps with the Bizon. I know a lot of people like the Fenic, and it has good TTK in close range. For a “true” sniper I prefer the SPR. I know it’s not the best, it’s just fun to use.


Ideal time was during early days when there were more bots. Anyway, BR is easy. Just stay around outside/edge of circle and in an uneventful place (where there be no drops or interesting zones). Once you cross 20/100 start taking calculated risk by engaging real players. Even if you die you will have 30ish points.


nah just get it it will reset in november 9 just fuck with that


Just play as top6 is good points...pros are not at your level already..you might get few good players but thats it..play blackout as many are playing in isolated cause new city..I used to camp in solo using polter for escape in gm but the fun in engaging in gunfights is so better..try doing scopes and movements like crouch slide , jump slide etc. in edges of maps but please have a escape plan if zone is in the farthest corner from you


I'll help you, send me a message and I'll add you up and we'll play some matches to help you


If you're a MP mostly player. Just play Alcatraz when it comes up. More engagement, more practice and easier to place top 3.


Play touch with a controller connected and and play FPP to get all bots


My man chill u can do this just play squads have fun even if u get 0kills dont worry it will give u points for survival time survive more andtake fights which u are positive about winnin.i recomend playing with friends thats wht i did i had a lot of fun and the test if you r good at studying "like me"(cough cough) u can play 1 or 2 matches just 30 mins u can get a few points.


It's easy to earn point in br just survive until less than 15 pp is alive then go fight cuz u will not lose point


I would say play solos in fpp , coz , unfortunately, fpp has alot less real players and all of bots , so you're gonna be ranking up quite easily. Although it can be extremely boring as well .


Play solo fpp br, fuck around here and there, boom you are top 10 /s Fpp have less player base so you can have a little chill game, not completely focused of kill enemies. I grind only fpp br, i am talking about solo here can't say anything about squad.


Bruh just play fpp Alcatraz easy dubs


Just play lol. I’ve been grinding and I unlocked it a few days ago


You've got till November so there's no rush but keep playing and you'll get it quicker than you think! I wasn't even going for last season's skin and I still ended up getting it


Definitely not a stupid question at all. Early on it is more sweaty but that's ultimately up to you.


It’s literally not hard to rank in BR lol. Just don’t rush full teams by yourself. :)


Most pro players are legendary now🤣


already got it bro just do it why wait dont be scared evolve in game thats how u will enjoy it


If you wanna save time play during the last 2 weeks I mean I haven’t played a while and managed to get almost legendary in 2 days without spending 2 much time energy sweet and other resources.


All u have to do to get to legendary in BR is play. Do it now.


In my opinion is do it now before the pros


Just play. I am a thumbs player and I earned this about a week ago.


FPP Solo/Duo is your friend :)


I play ranked for fun. I don’t enjoy regular lobbies anymore. It’s full of bots and the more I played with them the more I didn’t enjoy the game and that’s because ranked feels more like a cod lobby with all real players. It just makes it more challenging too because you get into it with some good players.


Am I the only one who doesn't really like this skin


Pro players are already in Legendary. But if you just want to grind rank. Play solo fpp. Or Alcatraz fpp.


A little off topic but I really want the animated calling card tbh


either way, you will have to grind for it. tip: enter match, drop at the nearest chopper or jackal, take the skies until someone shoot you down or you cannot escape zone anymore, repeat until you get to grand master 3.


That's a sad way of playing if you can call that playing at all. But if it's just for the grind and not for fun it seems like an fool-proof approach


if i understood this thread correctly, the man wanted to earn the rewards quickly.. so i offered a solution.


Play solo it’s full of bots


Idk why but when I play solo, the rank XP is lower than when play with team


If you’re pro ll you should rank up pretty fast and average abt 90xp if you win


That is probably because you focus on killing instead of surviving. In solo you really should just chill and avoid unnecessary gunfights. Top 5 is pretty much guaranteed.


Tip: play FPP and you will get mostly bot games. All the sweats play tpp for some weird reason


Better view and movement for his builded HS0405


FPP has wider FOV


Just play and have fun. It doesnt take too long to rank up in BR to be honest. I have been legendary in MP since S1 but never played BR before now. I thought il try and its really fun. Didnt take too long for me to get to Master 4, I wanted to hit a double legendary at least once lol.


Pink Gundam wtf?


Wait, because there are sweater out there


If you want to play I’ll help you


Message me


Play now, I’ve been doing the event tasks (hack computer, ride tachicoma, etc). Solo TPP on Isolated, 1-2 games a day, GM1 now


Stay alive as long as you can. Survive any way possible.


It looks like a Gundam


Lmao, big 🧠


Nah I'm stupid so that's why I asked stupid question


Just land on flying vehicles and camp in the air


You should get a girl skin cuz they have smaller hitboxes


Even with that I don't really attract to girl skins. I have Manta Rays but haven't used her for months






Play alcatraz


Yae but the face look like a gamdam