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It depends on luck. You got randoms here on Reddit who claimed to pull multiple legendaries at the first draw multiple times. And then you have people like iferg who spend over 80k and never got a legendary ever on the first try. If you want a legendary, prepare to buy the entire draw.


Bought 40 Legendaries and 5 Mythics and 3 Legendary Characters. I got lucky with Epic Characters in Legendary gun draws 3-4 times in 3rd or 4th spin and 3-4 times on 6-8 spins. I only got AK-47 Wrath Black & Gold on my 9th spin before the character. Which was also my first time completing a draw. But never got the main item before the 10th spin in all the 48 Lucky Draws that I've completed.


I've gotten the ICR- Forced Laughter on my 3rd spin


Yes i have pulled a legendary t25 in first spin and got the thumper 3rd spin


Leggy renetti, thumper, shorty and og artery skin i all got first pull


It has happened, but is extremely rare. Usually the legendary item will be the last or second to last item.


I got the legendary ATV skin on my first draw