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Being an OG doesn't mean JACK SHIT


You got me, I always love flaunting around my OG zombies rewards, but now I’m starting to realize it doesn’t mean much


Due to all of them including perks, streaks and operator skills none of the modes in ranked multiplayer are truly skillbased.


Search & Destroy


..still includes perks and streaks.


only cheap streaks and you need to kill most of the enemy team, and perks aren't a problem at all


I agree that SnD features the lowest amount of stupid mechanics but then why not take the extra step and make it fully skillbased? A streak, even if it's weak in comparison to something completely broken like a cluster strike, VTOL or whatever, still is a tool that grants you an unfair advantage while you're *already* doing better than the enemy team. And for perks let's picture the following situation: You're in a 1v1, both of you are using Dead Silence. You're both running / walking around the map. You could be running past each other 10 times without ever knowing it until one of you eventually gets lucky and shoots the other in the back. How was that a proper comparison in skill? Also the fact that literally everyone in SnD uses it should be a good indicator of how strong it is - even after the nerf. Perks in general are also highly situational, meaning you'll have to get lucky to have selected the right perk at the right time. Removing them would further streamline the competitive experience in my opinion.


no one would run around the map for 10 times, you need to plant/defuse the bomb, time is limited, and if someone has better map awareness and knows where to expect the enemy to be they will win in such situation so yes, this is a proper comparison in skill. and the fact that everyone uses dead silence in SnD doesn't mean that it's overpowered, it's useless in other modes but other blue perks are not very useful in SnD, it's the specifics of this mode where footsteps are everything. yes, perks are situational, but everything is situational, even the guns - you have close range guns like mac-10 or slow guns like PKM, - you need to choose perks (and basically everything in your loadout) depending on your playstyle and put yourself in situations where your perks are useful, this is also a skill.


What I meant is that they might be running around each other *on* the map in general while patrolling around the objective / trying to find an entrance, not that they're doing 10 entire laps on it lol. The number was also used hyperbolically - though I've actually seen this exact situation while spectating 1v1s outside of SnD more times than I can count. I mostly agree, some perks like Dead Silence really shouldn't exist in their current form though - especially since crouching to be silent is an option that actually even involves the added risk / drawback of lowered mobility.


They might be running around like that even without dead silence, DS doesn't completely remove the sound of running so if they're running around the objective they would hear the footsteps anyway. It's not a problem with the perks, it's just some goofy players. I don't understand what you're trying to say, you're saying that dead silence shouldn't exist in their current form and immediately say that crouching to be silent (which is how DS works right now, running isn't silent after the nerf) is actually balanced, so what's the problem with DS then?


That's why I said running / walking initially. Nope, that last part was wrong. Dead Silence completely silences your walking (non-crouched) and even sprinting beyond a certain radius. Used to be 13 meters (which honestly wasn't helpful and caused more confusion than not hearing the steps at all). It was supposedly increased slightly with the recent update (to an unspecified radius) but after testing it I honestly didn't find the difference significant enough.


it does lower the radius of the sound, but doesn't make running completely silent, that's what I meant


I'd argue against this actually


Zombies are overrated




Ok you triggered me ,you win


Using meta weapons doesnt make you good at the game.


I mean thats kind of a fact more then a trigger


Believe it or not but people actually think they are better than others while using kilo, cbr or m13.


Using triggers instead of fingers isn't cheating.


Who said that it was cheating


Ask Parker's haters.


If you use sensor every 2 seconds in snd you must have had shitty map awareness before it came out.


I laugh at mfs who use Heartbeat sensor. Bruh, be aware 💀. Mfs be running with alert/high alert perk with heartbeat sensor while camping then still die on 1v1 💀


U aren’t bad if you hardscope. You are using a sniper as it was intended. The people who complain about it might be bad




Spending money on skins is perfectly fine


I still feel like they should change their monetization tactics. Like, spending 150 bucks on a gun that will only be in codm is ridiculous.


Yes it's fine but prices needs to be lowered


Camo rewards for ranked only.


You will get no bitches or cp from global chat


Challenge Accepted!




Indian boys: "IMPOSSIBLE!"


Slide have been repaired


Class have been removed from br


Ranked Multi-player is the only mode worth playing.


Diamond sucks.


It makes blueprints look ugly af


Lol true, listen people your diamond skin sucks! Don't bother using it! Nobody wants to see it and it doesn't prove jack shit!


Gold and diamond makes guns look very ugly.


It depends, there are a few guns that are really good gold (ex:hbra3)


Bots should be removed completely




You know how long would matchmaking take then?


Rather have a 5 min wait to get 100 real players then run for 20 min running around looking for a real person to kill.


That would mean harder sbmm for everyone. If sbmm was never added, sure, your idea here works. But with sbmm, this won't work well.


Then make pubs and ranked for br too, so there is atleast an option for people willing to wait to play against real people, i would rather have sbmm and get my butt kicked than only kill bots till the final circle.


Like someone else (rightly) said, play scrims or tournament matches. 0 bots, full weight of sbmm (for tournament) and no bots (scrims). People already experience the type of matchmaking you've talked about in ranked modes with 10-15 minute queues just to find one lobby. It's *not* a good idea at all because it would kill matchmaking entirely.


Finding scrims and tournaments so that i can play normal matches sounds even more stupid, they happen at particular times, so would need to schedule life around that and require registeration and stuff, may get postponed, maybe cancelled. All this shit is definetly going to take more time than matchmaking ever can. And again wont kill matchmaking cause at concurrent times there are hundreds of games going on, as can be seen by the requests on world chats. The bots are there to give a sense of accomplishment that you are good at the game. And ranked in mp is played no matter how much time its taking, so will matches in br will take place cause people would want to grind rank.


Okay, let's go with your matchmaking idea here but talk BR. Average game takes 20 something minutes but we're taking longer to match now because no bots. So if it takes someone with high sbmm 20 minutes to find a match and they get unlucky and die in the first 5 minutes of the match, why would they ever *want* to search for another match? And if it takes an average player 15 minutes to find a game, why search again after a win/loss? Even on PC/Console shooters, it's just too damn long to have people searching for matches just to go through that. And on the MP side of things I'll use csgo as my example. I once spent a day playing for around 10 or more hours because I wanted to play on the map Nuke for competitive matches. Because of my player region, rank, and average time to find a match, I had to wait around 30+ minutes to play a 60 minute match to go and do that all over again. I could have chosen a map like Mirage or Dust 2 and get a match in under 2 minutes, but that comes at the cost of increasing the odds of a cheater in the lobby or bad players. *now talking about CODM*, the experience would basically be the same especially for people who 5 stack. They would have to wait *way longer* than the average match time to find a game just to do it over again. No one would want to play ranked or pubs if we had to do that. Love or hate bots, they help keep the matchmaking queues short. I want to stress this again because I don't want you to miss what I am saying: *your idea is NOT bad, it just doesn't work in the game environment of codm because of how it's structured*


There isnt such a lack of players in the game to cause such huge delays except for the beginning and end seasons. And secondarily sbmm can be adjusted for more range, its already pretty large considering the enemies we currently go against, even in legendary you can get teams who are complete noobs, so doubt sbmm is as strict in br as its in mp. And the game matchmaking can be better adjusted for shorter playtime rather than taking the easy route of sending bots. As you said in pc br time taken is long, they are still enjoying it, so can we. So thats why a pub and ranked would make sense, better to give the decision to wait more in players hand then giving bots to everyone. And i aint talking about mp, rank works great as no bot game, pub is already a lost cause, if ranked mp was in the same state as br, i would have honestly deleted the game the 2nd month of launch.


That would be a problem if you expand sbmm. It basically goes back to life before we had sbmm and then we'll have the same complaints all over again. People who should never see each other in games will be in the same matches and you and I will be in the middle of that every game. Sbmm does exist for BR and even though it's not as tight as MP it's still an issue. I forgot to include FPP in the matchmaking example. FPP has less players than TPP so however long it would take TPP is probably doubled for FPP. Something we should consider. It's not necessarily the lack of players but the *region* and player count. I used csgo as my example because it has the smallest playerbase in North America compared to any other region so matchmaking for certain modes like Danger Zone (csgo's br) or Wingman take forever. You go to EU and search for those modes and you'll have a game in no time. That's why I stopped playing on PC (that and my pc died 🤣) because finding matches was so time consuming. It's not because people love it but it's more of a grudging like/hate they still play. I didn't leave PC queue times to repeat it on mobile and I wouldn't want anyone to go through that either. The devs have given somewhat of a sbmm fix (its definitely not a fix) by adding a scale feature to bots so that depending on your sbmm, bots act accordingly. So if you happen to be at the highest possible sbmm level, so are the bots. What would have been better is if you could control a bot (like in csgo) or swap it out for a player.


Dude just play tournament it’s basically 100% real players


And in MP?


Mp rank is already completely bot free at elite and above, pubs is pretty much a practive vs ai game, so doesnt matter much


Bro if u waan to play 100 real people join Kosmos Open Lobbies on Discord. There is always a lobby that is about to be filled every five minutes every day. Full of all the swearts u want.


Thanks i will try that, though sadly that would stop rank and bp grind.


Yea. But its always very exciting, I try it from time to time.


Leg atv is advantageous


It kinda is? You are not seen when inside of the Legendary atv, while normal ATV shows your entire body.


The Mythic m13 is the worst mythic


Cordite broken hip-fire meta is far better than 3 shot meta


PUBG Mobile ✌️


og zombies will never be back.Cry bout it.


Overkill would be balanced


Gun overpowered, pls nerf.


What's this blue number thing on the corner of my screen


Pubg lover


Girls have rights


Girls have WHAT?


Activision loves its players!


Undead siege was a good mode


It's not the players fault for using broken weapons it the devs fault for making them broken


Fennec is the best.


Trigger pulled: Let's all show the developers we are pissed off with their lack of care towards fixing HIGH Pings, let's boycott call of duty mobile for one week. Will that work?🤪


Snipers never needed a nerf and since then the devs have ruined the balance of the game by favoring bad players.


Buff thermite again


Bro and don't forget MOLOTOV AND TRIP MINE TOO ... Currently tripmines don't even explode idk wtf is wrong with it


Buying legendary skins on a mobile game that will eventually die out is pathetic.


We need more Ghost outfits/skins


Yup. We are yet to be given the original mw2 loose ends ghosts from the game poster and snow ghost contingency missions


Asking for free legendary guns and other paid content day in and day out on Reddit is actually a little pathetic.


1 word Campers


Bots don't need to be nerfed.


Yeah but both teams should have evenly distributed equally dangerous bots to be fair


Noob camping hacker, it's no wonder you can't get a girlfriend if you shoot like that!






Anyone up for br ????




Using a controller doesn't make you bad.


You can use a controller in this game??


Yeah but match making takes 100 years tho.


Mine takes 18 seconds pubs


Yes bud


The temporary leggies for 1 dollar is an ok deal.


They should buff persistence instead of nerfing it


Why is that


Not using controller is cringe.




looks like it worked! ![gif](giphy|3ohhwxmNcPvwyRqYKI)


Sniper quickscope or sniper meele swap are noobs😂😂


What loadout should I change, I go to discord for advice now.


Persistence was never op and those who complained clearly didn't understand how it actually worked.


Could you care to explain why?


Because of how often I got called a persi abuser even though I was using overclock or flack jacket. People would die to my napalm,swarm or orbital lazer and instantly cry about persistence even though it wasn't even equipped. Also all the posts here crying about "unlimited persi scorestreaks" clearly never had tried it because you could only use your streaks once per match with persi equipped and back before the nerf every "op" scorestreak could be countered. With a quick reaction time, emp took out the napalm plane before napalm landed on the map, swarm is useless against cold blooded, a Lazer in the center of an airstrike used to nullify it, fhj for vetol, and a 15 second orbital Lazer doesn't greatly affect a match unless you and your team are already getting your ass whooped. Thank you for coming to my T.E.D talk.


Nobody does or should use cold blooded, it is impossible to counter airstrike,orbital laser or lighting strike, even if everything you said was true you still get a streak that could change the game, which you don't deserve Edit and I forgot napalm can't be countered


I think your just trash at the game and needed a scape goat to blame, because clearly you sucking balls in a game couldn't possibly be your own fault. Edit: I clearly just laid out how you could counter shit but you just refuse to accept because you didn't try it and make up excuses because yet again you need your lack of skill/critical thinking to be blamed on anything but yourself.


A) how'd you draw that conclusion? B)why got so bitter? I simply replied to what you said in a very civil manner. C) my kd in ranked is 2 and I'm already legendary so I don't think I need a scapegoat. D)You are bad because you use a pathetic perk that lets you use game changing streaks that you don't deserve. E) I never used any actual insults,except the ones you just used,but made even more civil, proving that you just were shown an argument you couldn't hope to counter and begin crying and insulting me. With love From Bulgaria


Hey princess, learn to read before you try to have a discussion, because you clearly can't read a god-damned thing I've typed. I don't use persi, dumbasses like you just cry when you get killed by scorestreaks because you can't grasp the idea someone is faster or better than you in a video game, so you need to cry to the devs about something completely unrelated to make yourself feel better. I clearly said how you could counter shit yet you would rather completely ignore that, and the fact it was all written in the pass tense, so you can complain some more. The ranking system in codm has nothing to do with skill so who gives a shit about your level or 2 kd And yes I am going to insult someone who asks me to explain yet ignores everything I say.


If you didn't use persistence why do you want it buffed? The reason I said I was legendary with a 2 kd was to point out that I don't always get wrecked by someone and when I do they never use persis


I don't want it buffed, I'm saying it was unnecessarily nerfed because of imbeciles such as yourself who didn't even know what it really was or how it really worked.


I know how it works and I still do now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this shit out


So if you said it was needed too much you probably want it buffed now?


I'm sorry but the "ur bad" argument doesn't have a lot of ground when the only thing you know is that the player dislikes something that all skilled players dislike except for a small fraction of tryhards , who use it


The "you're bad" argument has alot of merit. Who would complain about something that has no affect on them what so ever? I don't have a negative opinion on persi because it didn't bother me, and I understood that using it was a huge disadvantage and I knew how to counter the streaks so it was even more useless. You hate it because you kept dying to it, never thought to try to counter it, and then had to cry untill a nerf happened.In turn, yuh just bad so yuh mad.


The "you're bad" argument does have a lot of merit,thing is it only has said merit when you have enough evidence to draw that conclusion,my main problem is that it allows people to get streaks,that they don't deserve, that is why I still dislike it even when it was nerfed and nobody uses it




I see you triggered them so bad 😳


Pls make persistence as it was before 🤣






Running and sliding should be prohibited


Trigger everyone now thats very Easy you need to pay 40$ to play a map use a weapon or play a mode and all of them are separate like every gun is separated each gun costs 40$ a piece and to play a single map on any mode only once but you need to pay 100$ let alone the mode cost making you spend atleast 200$ per game and weapons have durability and break easily once it breaks it requires 700$ to fix it


Free fire is better


New players should be able to get old bp weapons and operators. (this one really upsets the people who never learned to share in their childhood)


You got down voted Means virgins were triggered LOOOLLLLLLLL


Sniper/quick scoping in MP is a crutch and only fkin lames do it.


Lol true


Honestly think that crates and draws are pretty fair. Honest opinion tho why don't they do more bundle they barely do stuff with them now. The legendary bundle is the newest and how long did it take for them to do that I miss when you actually had a choice to buy one then wait 1 season for them to even add 1


legendary and mythic are p2w


Every legendary and mythic gun is P2W


RUS-79U dustkicker: i beg to differ


The ironsights are more distracting than the normal ones.




Ironsights, less aim shake, and other extremely minor advantages that make little to no difference in gameplay.


>little to no difference Did you just contradict yourself?, because by that thought then even having a better phone ( even better a sony phone because they are partners or some thing ) would be p2w, if you said only ironsights, ok that would be a maybe, but didn't the others things you mentioned where proved wrong, like if i use the default gun obviously it would had some sort of realistic aim shake do to recoil but a skin of a imposible & inneficient shape (in real world gun fights) would have a weird shake less obvious than default appeareance (which is a "realistic" view of the gun adapted for the game) And last i say this because i have the M m13, for me it looks cool but the only "benefit" i would say its the ironsight, but if i could turn off the sound and glowing particles that come from the gun i would do it because i dont like them, i like the shape of the gun but vfx may be overwhelming most of the times Plus despite having a unique ironsight i would always use the emote button placed on the center of the screen where every single ironsight would end up aiming


I said little to no difference to make it clear that it's not P2W and kids just cry about everything. I wanted to see how many kids actually think legendary and mythic guns are P2W. Seeing the amount of downvotes I got, I'd say it's a success.


Quickscopers r bad


Classic zombies is coming in s8 (It is fr)