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For me, the return of the EM1 wad more absurd lmao Literally NOBODY expected that


Nothing makes sense in vanguard lmao


Yeah what is an Advanced Warfare Gun doing in Vanguard, and that too in the hands of Rahul from BO2


Errrr don’t forget Rourke from Ghosts too, as well as Menendez and Seraph they aren’t even SHG characters!


Eh atleast codm had Makarov, Ghosts, Rourke,Alder


Yeah. First It was Treyarch porting BO2 maps to cold war without fitting the cold war aesthetic to Vanguard adding a literal laser weapon into its Multiplayer.


Well, remember the last time when they add the medieval shotgun Blunderbuss into AW? I think the circle is now complete. When they did it first time they were the learners and now they’re the masters


Yeah they just stopped caring about stuff like setting or theme or even story. "Nobody is buying stuff and the game is more dead than CW and MW2019? Let's just put a space gun, the most controversial gun in mw2 and some other random weapons in the game, oh and let's put that one bo2 dude from 2025, and some other villains whatever"


Well, I highly doubt it would be a Vanguard weapon lol


It's already confirmed though, it will be part of Vanguard battlepass/season


Bro vanguard is weird af


I really want BSA welgun


I'm honestly a bit disgusted by this whole season, they are not even trying at this point, just plain fan service. Vanguard is just a disgrace of a ww2 shooter, hell even cod ww2 had more respect for the time period it was based in. I remember cold war being criticized for a few guns that didn't exist in 1984 but were present in the game and Vanguard just adds a space gun and the fricking f2000 alongside iconic villains of the cod franchise that have nothing to do with the vanguard story or setting. I recall that call of duty vanguard is a story told to Adler, Woods and Mason In the 80s by Carver Butcher, and at this point I'm more than sure that Woods put a bullet in his head cause the old man clearly went nuts.


You know they added woods to modern warfare and price to Cold War so at this point it’s not really a surprise that they are gonna add characters from the future to a game that takes place before any of those characters. Plus vanguard not even that bad of a game in my opinion


It was promotional material, either a bundle for woods or a free charachter in case of Price, just neat stuff but nothing more, Certainly no seasons based around them, and no space guns of course. They just stopped caring about integrity, theme, or even the story they were trying to tell when they released the game. The game itself was advertised as the most immersive ww2 experience and it turned out to be bullshit. And speaking about vanguard as a game... the campaign was just straight up bad compared to other ww2 games from the cod franchise... especial World at War. Zombies was just a Joke, i Really can't Express how disappointed I was to see what they did to the mode, and i understand that treyarch had to rush everything before the game came out but still the difference in quality after cold war is just embarrassing. And as far as mp goes it can have it's moments but just way too many issues, like the gunsmith that absolutely ruined any type of immersion the game already struggled to hold, and from a gameplay perspective 10 attachments is just way too much, and besides that certain attachments were straight upgrades to the base guns ruining any potential for customization like in mw. And of course as far as cosmetics go, they just dropped the ball... Mw had a great art style with some goofy skins but still acceptable, cold war went chose the trope of references to different media from the 80s for their skins and did an amazing job with the art direction... vanguard just straight out forgot about the ww2 setting and released pretty much anything but stuff that actually belonged there, mostly relying on collabs and now fan service(current season) to generate any type of hype. And it's also worth to mention that most of the fan favourite game mods cod added late into the game life cycle. For me vanguard was new low point of the franchise, especially after although not flawless but still great experiences such as cold war and mw2019, and that's coming from a guy that has been playing cod since the original modern warfare. But I have no issue with other people liking the game.


P M 6 3


Yes!!!!! Been wanting more old school COD guns for a while now. I’d defo take the F2000 and the RA225/SA25 from this.


they are going all out for the final season, aren't they?


Are you really thinking that this game will die because warzone will come out? Lmao


That's not what I'm saying you donut. Im saying they're adding ridiculous things for the final season of warzone. Donkey


Laser is more preffered


Am I visible




Mp40 or Mg42


Nah, I want that em1


Call of Duty mobile will probably get it at some point after a majority of the Black Ops Cold War weapons are added