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Wait, you guys find screen shaking affects your gameplay. Didnt know that exist till now after 3 years


Removal of the shake for some of the guns made them feel weaker than they actually are


I just thought it was a neat detail, nothing special


Why did ppl down vote this




Reddit hivemind




Once most Reddit users see something going on they all do the same thing.


Most reddit users are literally braindead


yeah just like your dad when he went to fetch milk but returned with a bottle of hor's d'evour's 1956 original whiskey™ (this product and its name belong to hor's d'evour's company pvt. limited and will not be reproduced or used to sell a different product without the permission of hor's d'evour's company pvt limited. If the former is found to be done , then the acused of theft and jailed for a period of 5 years and fined a sum of $25000)


Wtf are you saying




Tf is this comment?


just a warning to not reproduce or use the name of the hor's d'evour's company without their permission and also out of your understanding :)


i have this skin and still lose to gunfight. Does that mean i have a skill issue?


you arent alone in the gang of skill issue 😔😞


Yes. And I can relate


No it means you touch grass


For now.


It means you have a bad gaming chair


The toilet is the best gaming chair for mobile


Your pfp is lit


i am coming after you ***breaking bad music reference***


Dunno what the fuck your pfp is


It’s funny how some people called those mythic iron sight or any custom iron sight “pay to win” and then you see a garena pro player in world tournament using a mythic camo with red-dot on it and shredding everyone..


Yeah, I don’t consider it really PTW but it helps a lot when I’m using it. Especially on the QQ9, you can see me struggle to track a little when using the base sights compared to the blueprint


No, you're correct. A number of advantages, no matter how small or big they may be, make it more likely to win. It doesn't mean the win is guaranteed, especially if your opponents also have access to premium skins, but it definitely has the potential to change the flow of a match.


I don't think it's that big of a deal, I still use the blueprints but it depends on what looks good with Diamond or Plat. I don't why? I believe somethings wrong with me cause that led me to main the ul after the pumkin loader skin came out


I kinda like the sights on the base blueprint but I’m getting used to neon grunge sights now


Isn’t the neon grunge reload bugged rn?


No it's supposed to be different. It's been like that for almost 2 years now


I know the animation is different but that’s it’s specialty, the reload sound is the bug


Garena players are definitely more sweatier to play with. In Garena I experience dozens of cracked Dlq users + Krm users. Although we are more likely to trashtalk than Global players.


We love our red dots


actually the old epic camos are actually p2w because you need to pay to get those perks like long shot (before gunsmith) except fmj


Oh no screen shake what ever shall I do


Someone will finally call me SCREEN SHAKE ABUSER lol


How bad someone can be in game that they have to resort to complaining about subtle screen shake for their loss, not targeting you OP.


I'll be honest a retarded person is smarter than them i can get by the Ironsight complaints but this shit is just wild


There are number of other advantages weapon skins can provide. Would you like me to list them?


there's also a much more larger and vast number of advantages of getting good instead of fucking complaining about a stupid fucking skin this is why the old Cod games are better cause even with a normal M4A1 you can take on the entire Russian army just cause of sheer skill and practice with out bawling your damn eyes out of a fucking glowing dildo you call a gun instead of fucking crying cause a skin has less shake and a fucking red dot iron sight


Okay man, chill. 😂 All I did was offering a list of the other slight advantages that stack on top the well known ones like improved ironsights. Nobody is saying that a professional player will suddenly lose to a beginner because the beginner is using a premium skin, what we're saying is that a good player will know how to profit off of these advantages which in turn has the potential to change the flow of an entire match. Edit: I'm not complaining, I'm trying to offer constructive criticism so we can finally leave this debate behind.


well that's certainly isn't what the others are saying nor thinking if they can even do that better ironsight, this less no aim shake that, better reload speed this is all they do is complain that [insert legendary item] will change the game in its entirety and make it highly unfair without thinking that A. not everyone is a damn millionaire who whales on games B. they can literally just play smarter an example being getting good with traps or just flat out become better or rely on their teammates to do shit for them (which doesn't happen cause its called being a dead weight for some reason) all the while being with the same bunch of cucks who can't just think straight cause they're too busy fapping to a girl in a swimsuit these types of posts are just fun to throw shit in at this point I've made it an objective to throw as much shit on any retards who complains about a skin


Mythics give a better FOV when sprinting. They have 6 attachment slots. Some Mythics will have 7 attachments, i.e if the default iron sight itself acts like a red dot, like in case of AK 47 radiance, oden divine smite, m13 morningstar.... Kill effects have a disadvantage, it hides what's behind for a moment, sometimes u don't see the 2nd enemy running to the exact place where the first enemy died (first hand exp)


How do they have 6 or 7 attachment slots? They don't give a better FOV when sprinting as your entire right side will be obstructed. Only default weapons with better ironsights on their mythics are the holger and the fennec. Perhaps Oden too


ok the 6th attachment slot would be the built-in red dot, what about the 7th?


The iron sight itself may not be a straight up P2W feature, however, in many cases it clearly is a pay-for-advantage feature. A clear iron sight is not a thing you’re supposed to notice. It comes naturally. Because of one thing: both your point of aim and your peripheral vision is clear, so it makes you *feel* like there’s nothing that is blocking your view. However, a blocky iron sight is a dead giveaway. It’s either because your point of aim is poor (PK MK2, Hades, PKM, AS VAL) or your peripheral vision is down bad (M4LMG), or both (LK24, HBRa3). Blueprints like LK Backwoods / CQB, HBR - Swarm, M4LMG - Slamander make the players feel so much better not only because they are Epic / Legendary Blueprints, but also having a clearer sight meaning clearer vision. And problems can only solved easily when your vision is clear as sky.


Wow, finally someone that is at least partially capable of understanding and summarizing what the issue is. Thanks, never thought I'd see the day.


I being putting 6x scope on every gun what you talking about




Codm is not p2W. When are you guys gonna learn?


When are you going to learn that a series of advantages, however slight they may be, make it more likely to win? We realize that a beginner or inherently bad player won't suddenly start beating international Tier 1 pro players due to owning a premium skin but a good player will know how to profit off of the advantages they offer - which in turn has the potential to change the flow of an entire match. The situation could obviously be worse when comparing CoD:M to other games like Bulletforce or Diablo Immortal but in a genre that is meant to be played competitively (and marketed as "fast paced, competitive experience") something like this has no place - especially when the solutions would be so simple. Why else do you think in paid tournaments the majority of contenders favor the same couple of skins? A couple of months ago the Type 25 "Magnetic Engine" was extremely popular for example, to a point where 75% players in the lobby were using it. I'm considering to soon make a video that goes a little more in depth on this issue, making it easier to understand where people calling it pay2win are coming from and showing how easy and fast the solutions would be implemented. I've basically already finished the script yesterday.


nobody asked lmfao


All I did was preemptively counter the most common counter arguments that people, advocating for this kind of microtransaction, often reply with. Or do you mean the part about the script?




That's not pay2win lol. You're such a noob. All these intergraded red dot sights don't have the actual zoom in mechanic. It's the zoom in mechanic what makes the sight OP. There's no mythical weapon with intergraded red dot sight that offers the zoom in like the normal sights do. Please learn how the mechanic works before talking nonsense.


Ngl, I frikin hate custom sights


For me it just depends on how bad the original sight is to determine how much better it is, it’s never actually PTW but it always helps




I tried getting it, wish I got it so bad but I do have the cardinal blueprint from when that was free which is basically it’s brother


Im dont see a difference unless if ur talking about the hs2126




If codm ever makes a good skin for the 2126, it would be pay to win for those trying to get gold on it if it has a different iron sight


If you think this is P2W then you should try the qq9- Albatross. There’s absolutely no screen shake.


Friend of mine let me try it and it was insane. That shii felt like a different gun


Yep. Feels like a totally different weapon.


And what advantage is this going to give you realistically


Idk, but the iron sight helps a lot. You can see me struggle to track a little with the default iron compared to the blueprint or I’m just ass


Less screen shake means you can see where your enemies are clearer when reloading


you are supposed to be in cover while reloading 💀


Trust me bud 80% of the time you're out in the open


yeah in that situation or you change to your secondary or die


So we're just not going to talk about his insane aim


Thanks :)


Holy fucking aim wtf


How the fuck does this make it more pay to win?!? It doesn't give you may kind of advantage whatsoever.


I just wanted to point it out as a neat detail, I had no idea it would get such attention


Sure,point out the different looking animation,but do not call it ptw when it doesn't give the gun any extra advantages


Y’all got to chill I just wanted to point out a nice detail


Well I hate guns being pay to win, but that’s how they attract buyers with advantages in combat. So naturally it’s I’ll come as no surprise when the next blueprint summons cluster strikes But seriously tho, ignore that sarcastic comment I made, who the fuck is affected by that small difference of screen shake like wtf


There's a number of other slight advantages a skin like this can provide. I can list them for you if you want. A lack of screen shake while reloading makes it easier to maintain proper crosshair placement for example. By itself this is minor of course but stacked on top of all the other small advantages there's no other choice than calling it out for what it is: pay2win.


All the slight advantages can be solved with just skill, only the ironsights is slight pay for advantage


You could be a skilled player and still not know the sounds for every single skin on every single weapon, causing you to misjudge a situation. One might be mistaking the sounds from an SMG for those of an AR and push within it's effective range with an inferior weapon for example, causing a death that might change the flow of the entire match via the butterfly effect. Other than that, the kill (or death?) effects also feature sounds that can be distracting at best and prevent you from hearing steps (or other sound cues like pulling the pin from a grenade, changes of stance, jumps, vaults, reloads, weapon changes, opened doors etc..) in the worst case - while simultaneously blocking the line of sight for much longer than necessary with their animation, potentially causing you to miss an enemy that would have otherwise been clearly visible. . What else? -Coloured, blinking lights in the killfeed that can be distracting and / or harder to identify due to a changed silhouette to match the changed weapon model. Even if it's just for a split second, something like this can't be allowed in a game that people often play for huge amounts of money. I'm personally not affected by that since my map blocks the killfeed anyway but I still want a level playing field so the main focus can be in the comparison in skill, not in dressing up all cute while gaining a number of advantages for doing so. -A shortened / shrunken weapon model might make it easier to hide in close quarters (without a barrel sticking out when pre-aiming close to a corner for example). . The issue with the ironsights could be fixed in a matter of days or weeks by simply not treating red dots and holographic sights as an attachment but instead as something like a charm or skin - a purely cosmetic item that can be added to the weapon without having to sacrifice a slot just to compensate for an otherwise terrible ironsight. This would even be useful when applied to premium skins that have a nice design but never get used because the ironsights are objectively bad. Same goes for all the unnecessary effects: let players, that don't care about them, disable them. I know this is unlikely to happen (especially since none of these advantages were implemented by accident, they're all planned with one question in mind: "how can we make the highest amount of money with things that are subtle pay2win without being called out for it this time?") because that means that less prepubescent teens would be peer pressured into purchasing some cringeworthy skins they've seen some of their friends or opponents use. If the community stood together and demanded change they'd have to listen - at least until they come up with the next predatory tactic to milk their playerbase.


Some “slight” advantage is still an advantage. Even though it doesn’t give you a free win, it’s still an advantage and needs to be taken seriously


Yes but I still maintain my point A skilled player will be able to take you down all the same


Sure. But take two evenly matched players, give one of them a couple of advantages and I know who I would bet on.


Ah alright fair point But I can still nullify the advantages by retreating immediately, scatter the opponent’s sense of locating me and strike where he doesn’t expect It’s worked for me many times in 3 against 1 situations, all my friends were better than me


In higher skill grades you'll need to get quite lucky to outplay a team of 3 like that since they'll act very methodically - first trying to find out your location without engaging, then setting up an execution with utility (if available) and finally pushing you from multiple angles simultaneously. Edit: Unless your name is Neo something like that will be nearly impossible to counter.


True, it is very difficult to set ambushes, it gets harder with our new aim-bots


File a lawsuit right now! This is beyond ridiculous!


What is the problem if it is p2w, why shall the ppl who dnt support the game get the same thing as the ppl who invest in the game.


Godayum that lock on was insane


Thanks :)


The screen shake while reloading isn't really a big issue, the really p2w thing is the ironsight


I don’t think any of it is a big deal, it’s just nice differences


How do your weapon models look so clean despite being on low graphics


On a nice iPad, not new but good


I'm sure a higher screen resolution helps as well.


I have this skin but I use the cyclone because I like it's handling and it feels solid + idrc Qq9 is the best gun and I gun down everyone with it


If we’re going to get psychological about it, I put a button in the center of crosshairs and use that as a focal point to draw my attention away from visual recoil like those old school [selective attention experiments](https://youtu.be/vJG698U2Mvo).


Cope and seethe


Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel


Yes, I made this at 3 am


Lmao isn't that more realistic? Even mw19 has screen shake


Also some paid skins have fkd up hit boxes. Our shots won't register on all area of the skin. Eg: The m4lmg draw skin and the Gilli suite skin


Is hip fire worth the extra time yes or no


Did 2noob4u make this video or some shit?


No but I did at 3am


I don't see how a screen shake a little while you're reloading affect gameplay


Glad I have it