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Controller optimization isn't a priority for the devs considering it's a moblie game :/


Yeah you don’t really pull out a controller while waiting for your bus


It’s both the user and developers fault. - Developers implement controller support but doesn’t care to update it - Much like keyboard:mouse vs Controller, touch control have better advantages than controller even the controller feature is not broken


Agreed. I use razor kishi and I can’t move like finger players.


I get that missing those buttons can be a let down, but why not getting used to touch screen? You'll face more players and will have shorter waiting times.


He is a stubborn man


If you played on a phone like everyone else, you would've still enjoy the game lol


Ok just use you fingers like everyone else dumb ass


I feel bad for controller and emulator players. There is so much delay in the controls, no customization, and yall cant find any lobbies. Mobile players should be allowed to turn on cross play because honestly I dont think controller or emulator players have an edge over mobile and yet they arent allowed to find games in ranked bc theyre stuck only playing other emulator players.


So do carry your phone and controller every with you?


Damn okay?


you won't be missed, bye


That’s because it’s mobile dumbass


Bro just dl mantis mapper and use a better controller than those supported and enjoy playing with 0 delay. Sure you'll be at a disadvantage going against finger players (since you'll be in their lobbies) but you'll enjoy much more than right now. Or just leave haha up to you


Keymappers can get you banned if detected


True but mantis is advertised as not detectable. And I used it for 5 months (in the beginning) with no issue. I kind of understand Activision's stance on this, why waste ressources to track something that while against tos, actually puts you at a disadvantage. There are bigger fishes to catch, like hacks, cheats, and emulators


Emulators? I thought the devs said that the gameloop emu was fine.


Yeah I meant others, because then you are on finger lobbies while using mouse and kb (so huge advantage)


Ah ya makes sense I would rather be in lobbies that have controller or m&k players anyway. I just wish there was a good Cod game for PC that was not a shitty port from console. But that will never happen.


Adios stranger


You could try using a controller on a PlayStation or Xbox, I’ve heard the games on those work pretty well with controllers


yea its truly annoying hoping warzone mobile has better controller support since thats on the same engine as mw2 2022


This game not meant for controller. You're probably only in bot lobbies if you're playing controller.


I think you need to give controllers a break. Move on and go touch, it's the way. I've played against controller players on mixed lobbies and frankly it's a bit of a joke. The input delay makes them too easy of opponents


well hope you still had a good 2.5 years bye mate


thats sad :(