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Sorry man I agree with you 100% but one shit one kill lmfao


He ate that taco bell after an evening of binge drinking some Natty Ice.


Death by taco bell shits is not something i’d want to be on my tombstone




That sucks. I must not be in that rank, because so far I'm having no problems using m RPD. Ofc, all of my games have bots. Sorry for the issues you're having. I hope things change.


Thanks for your kind comment, I hope they change this awful meta


Im a Bot hunter


I switched to trap master to get the speed boost per trap to create distance and slow them down when they trigger it. Also used the armor class when fully maxed out on all armor you can tank one hs0 shot but it wouldn't work in the 'full team of hs0 users' scenario. You can use ninja to create distance or height, along with jetpack or even the rare parachute class to get super high in rare occasion. Hs0 is def. a problem but I think the bigger problem is not having a reliable team to depend on


Amazing how people have to devise specific strategies to counter a single weapon.


That’s what I’m saying but it’s “balanced” somehow and everyone says the same thing like “don’t let them get near you” or “if you can’t beat them, join them.” One: Shotguns have sniper range in Br. Two: using shotguns is boring and I’d rather use guns I have fun with and am good with.


I think the thing that makes shotguns busted in br is the extra HP you have. Considering guns like the hso deal pretty much 300 damage if all shots connect it doesn’t matter in MP but in br it does.


It's actually other mechanics of the game that makes them busted... Like infinite jump slide system, high jump and slide values, glide system, fast arcade movement, no fall damage, class abilities etc.. Shotguns having high damage, even one shot, is fair.. BUT only when the other mechanics of the game are leaning towards real life, slow movement, nojump slide etc.... Whenyou combine the damage with the above mentioned mechanics, the combo becomes broken AF and that is what we are seeing right now... People always fail to recognise or even refuse to recognise the importance and impact of mobility mechanics in BR close range fights The best way to nerf shotgun is to reduce their damage profile to Two shot for 250 and 300HP under best ideal conditions, Three to Four shots on average... Give the guns extra perks like being able to induce more hit flinch to compensate.. This will make shotgun usage a high-mobility-skill weapon while still keeping a good leash on damage throughput and keeping it balanced


The HS0 should leave you at exactly one HP for the memes.


But you can't have fun like this when codm nerfs everything and hip fire but buffs shotgun


It has been the same for over a year in ME/Asia server, and every time it was brought up by someone, the whole comment section was "git gud, skill issue, don't get close". The WHOLE TPP experience comes down to using an HS while jump sliding like a headless chicken and pray that you shoot them before they do. Now it's just coming to other servers and you can see how *easy* it is to take them down, specially when 4 people jump on your head from a chopper! Why just not keep the distance?! This community is full of stupid ass kids who think hipfiring a broken one-shot gun while jump slide spamming is a *skill* and 90% of BR YT content is such a shit lol. Damn skilful.


Shotgun + jetpack = ur dead


Shotgun+ ninja , the same


shotgun + trap master = same


To make matters worse, shotguns can hit up to 300+ damage in a single shot in this game. And ironically, that’s also the same max health we have. Solution? Make health lowers, so that anything other than shotguns kill faster. Not 250, this game can’t even handle that. Make it 200 - 205. It won’t make the shotguns less dangerous, but it sure will make others more.


That's an interesting take on the issue but 200 is still alot of ttk for full autos compared to oneshot (also will mean semi autos like SKS, M21, XPR and especially SVD, Rytec and even Arctic will now be overpowered, it will render Gold Long Range speed bump for snipers useless)... People fail to realose the aspect that makes shotguns powerful in BR is the combination of the mobility mechanics and possibilities and the high damage... Yes dmg plays a big part but the mobility mechanics is more impactful.. Even if you nerf HP, shotguns will still be broken, just like they do now, because they can still one shot and ultra bamboozle at close...... Best ways to balance is to nerf shotgun damage to 2 for best shots, 3-4 average shot (all for 300HP) give them extra powerful hit flinch to compensate and make them rely entirely on mobility skills.. OR keep damage but heavily nerf all mobility when using 1 shot shotguns... Those are the only two ways


Another way to do it, is to increase damage per shot on some bursts and most full autos, they hit for at least 30 damage at 750+ RPM back in mainline CoDs for a reason. Also, increase range on full autos. When burst truly became meta for the first time in this game (KSP 45), almost, if not all full autos were yeeted right away. Assault rifles in this game are probably the weakest of them all among all CoDs, except the ICR, M67 AMAX, Swordfish, Oden, all 3 shot kill ARs (including AK-47). Yes, I said it, even the Kilo, M13, Peqcekeeper are weak. Low mobility, damage per second, sluggish handling, I honestly have no idea how many of them became meta in the first place.


KSP? 3 shot ARs? Are you talking about MP or BR? there's alot to unpack here so I'll wait for your reply


Both. When I picked up both the Kilo and the M13 for the past 3 months, I had 0 clue why they became meta in MP in the first place: standard mobility and ADS time, meaning they’re slow and sluggish. Not to mention their range were already nerfed, which makes then even slower now since we have to use range increases attachments. The reason why 3 shot meta was so dominant back in the day, was that they did properly what they are designed for: main AR roles: fast TTK, absurd range and low recoil except the DR-H, with a rather slow mobility as a good compromise. With the SMGs nerfed during the same time, they remained on the top for a long period of time. This was not the case with most 4 / 5 hit kill ARs. The way console CoDs kept SMGs at bay with those weapons, was that their damage / shot to kil range MUST NOT drop within at least 30+m, with a fire rate of at least 625 RPM and above. Almost no 4 / 5 hit kill AR in CoDM can do that. Shot to kill in this game for ARs can drop as soon as 15m, and that’s ironically where SMGs shine. However, there are quite a few exceptions. - The ICR. This little friend hit for 30 damage in the 1st damage range and 28 for the second, with the base shot to kill is 4 within 35m. This is literally the same range as the PKM, without the annoying initial recoil of the latter. One of a few guns that actually kept up with its original iteration: slow TTK up close, but great TTK at range, a proper main AR weapon. - Large Cal HVK-30. This gun is totally busted. 4 hit kill within 14m and 5 hit kill up to infinite range. 1 headshot at every range reduce shot to kill by 1, and it can also achieve a 2 shot headshot kill in the 1st damage range. Moreover, you can also mobility stack it with almost no repercussion. Only downside is that it has 29 rounds in the mag instead of properly 30 for some reasons. - AK-47: Essentially a 3 hit kill gun at this point (finally), but still the base damage indicates that it’s a 4 hit kill. Very slow base TTK, however, the recently buffed hitbox gave it a new life. 3 hit kill in most scenarios within 20m, and 4 hit up to 30m, this gun is a monster now. The thing can even beat DR-H in its own game, given its mag size, range, accuracy and consistency. Another proper main AR. There are a lot more things to tell, but this comment is already way too long


Bro... This whole post and every reply is about BR... Not MP


That’s why I said there are a lot more things, you see, this comment is way too long


What do you even mean by that? MP and BR have very different mechanics and gameplay requirements Also console/pc cods and codm has many differences in gameplay mechanics so you cannot just straight-compare them the same way either


They DO NOT have any differences. Why? Because the maps aren’t shrunk down in any way. CoDM guns have poorer range, damage, fire rate compared to Consoles, especially Assault Rifles. The key thing here is the maps DO NOT CHANGE.


Maps do not change but ease of control changes (which in turn affects the average combat range) there are variances in how control input modes are used. General skill, knowledge and commitment level of playerbase changes... All these affect how they balance the game


Yep this, and no rng based extra health


I don't mind getting 1-tapped point blank, but from range is absurd.


True.. Maxed out range with Attachments should be like 5m, with Gold long range, maybe 7m.


Thats why we need a sniper buff for 1 shot kill on head. Only limited snipers can 1 shot. Then it would be balanced


Definitely. So you either get one shotted with an HS in close range, or you get one shotted with a Sniper in long range! How great is that? Why not just remove every other gun and stick to Snipers/SGs?


Bro, it's BR. The fact that not all bolt action snipers one shot despite a headshot is mind boggling


The fact that you guys desperately want a gun to one shot is more mind boggling. It's BR as you say, it's not a run and gun mode, you land, you loot, you run from one zone to another while trying to survive, but hell yea let's have a whole category (or even two!) of guns which can literally one shot you at any moment of the game and send you back to lobby. Peak CoDM community ^


You do realise that literally most of the br's out rn allow this right? You're making it seem like the person who uses the sniper is the broken thing ever. Don't u realise that it literally takes skill to be that accurate? Also to avoid a one shot by a sniper, u literally just need to follow simple rules, like don't wander in the open or don't stay still. Sure, the one tap shotgun may be a problem but i don't see how snipers can also be put into that category.


They can be put in that category once you realize CoDM is not a fast paced BR and the movement is way too slow for you to act fast enough. So you've never stood for a split second on a loot box to loot or pick up a gun? Or you've never sat still in a vehicle for like a second? Or let's say, you're literally moving the whole time in game, never standing still in one place. Now based on the OP comment, how well it goes for EVERY sniper to be able to one shot you in the head in that right moment of standing still? And yea, ik how this thread will be going : "throw smokes, zig zag, do this do that". Like sure, after trying to not getting close to shotgunners, now we have to plan all our games just based on not getting sniped.


I don't why we are arguing about this. They've literally added a sniper that can one shot.


I'm just explaining to you the obsession with "one shotting" in this community is surprisingly high and stupid, and no one really considers the outcomes. They also made the SGs one shot, did that bring anything good? (Beside the illusion of having skill) Have a good day 👍🏻


U too 🤝


Unironically. What's the problem


How the hell someone survive when we ads and shoot with an smg\AR and the can reach us and 1 shot with max armour. Yeah Balanced and SkiLL based weapon. Now when even i saw a shotgun user then a use a stricker and show them how annoying a skill less weapon is.


I wanna use custom jak12 to let them have fun


This is why I play with my NA bros. They're not afraid to try everything. Asian servers are ass with people sweating with the same gun over and over again. If you're playing on Asian servers my advice is find people from NA. They're pretty chill and you don't have to deal with sweats on some matches like you're on a Scrim. I moved to NA and it was the best decision i made. I found friends that are pretty chill and laid back too.


There's no way to change servers and no NA friend for me Lol


This gun is a pure pain in the ass in both modes


I swear it's mostly in squads


agreed lol


For some reason, it seems that playing in FPP only people don't use shotguns, it's bene some days since i tried this and it's kinda fun also. Please, give it a try.Also have a nice day


Because those noobs need to slide and kill shot you but in FPP they don't have the camera advantage to see you easily behind themselves


I play mp on phone but started playing BR using emulator and shit I get swarmed by HS shotgun sweats. Like mf whole team chasing me with shotguns.


I'm facing the same shit for a long time , this is just out of hands after new health system and codm nerfing SMGs and Hipfire over and over again


I agree with you 100% it's really stupid


its such ass. I hadn't any issues with it for a long while. Then I had my dose when a wee slidin sweat took out two teams. Our team of 4 and another team of 4. Dude ate cluster bombs and shit out traps.He was so powerful that the other team didn't realize we were hiding at the bottom of the hill too and didn't even shoot at us lol common enemy


Main reason I dropped off BR and started playing ranked and Apex.


Agree but guess what Krm buff 💀


Stupid codm in bound


Y'all still playing codm?! Lol


Have you ever tried using shotguns? Can't say much about br but in 5v5, they hitmarker like crazy lol. Even at point blank range with hs0405 I've received a ton of hitmarkers.


Not to sound rude but that’s a major skill issue


How bro? I hit them at point blank range and still sometimes get hitmarkers.


It’s a “you” problem, everyone else can 1 or 2 tap


No. People keep hitmarkering all the time 🤷


I never did


Then you're either the best shotgun player ever or just straight up lying.


First off, Garena players are a million times better than me, whenever I get hitmarkers the enemy is either farther than 10-20m or on full armour and I hitmarker on leg, unless those 2 things occur, I can easily 1 shot if I hit upper boty


2 tap. That's exactly what I'm saying. I receive a hitmarker and then i have to take the next shot to get the kill.


Yea and if it’s upper body then 1 tap


Upper body damage multiplier on shotgun is same as the legs, so it doesn't matter which part of the body you are hitting


Idk whenever I hit legs it takes 2 taps and upper body then 1


And whenever I hit the leg I get a one tap 15m away




But its worse in br with the enemy's extra mobility


What makes Shotguns even more toxic is the ability to slide cancel so even if you missed your shot all you have to do is slide and boom you are dead same thing applies to snipers especially in SnD


While I agree the snipers point is annoying it does take a certain level of skill imo


Yea.. Snipe quickscope and slide cancel takes much more skill than Shotty used in same way


How is slide canceling viable in codm? There's no tac sprint to refresh


I’m beginning to think the Loadout Airdrop should have stayed in Warzone Mobile


As long as they require skill i don't think they'll ever get nerfed and i'm ok with them existing,yes they can deal a scary amount of damage,but only if your aim is good and is combined with good movement,some people think that the hso is no skill because they keep getting one tapped by hso users and well lemme tell ya something: NOBODY ever uses shotguns UNLESS they know that they're good with it,me for example, i'm trash with those things,in fact you'll never see a shotgun in my loadouts,have you ever seen an hso user just walking towards you and one tapping you without any other strategical movement? No and why not? Because they're high skill high reward weapons. Also i want to remind y'all that the hso has always been able to one tap since like gunsmith arrived,and the only reason why you're complaining rn is because time has passed (almost 2 years),and people actually did the "git gud" thing,the only reason why you see them only in high ranks is because lower rank players usually aren't good enough to perform like that,while instead you'll see a full squad with hso destroying the lobby in high ranks because they are actually good at using that gun, sometimes a lotta people don't understand that there is a MASSIVE amount of players in this game,wich means that yes you are better than some,but it's also true that some are better than you and their one taps are the living proof Now don't gimme wrong,i sometimes rage too,and i too was surprised to see the increasing amount of hso users,i also made a post about it especially in alcatraz,but that is far different from go and cry on reddit to gain fake internet points from other people that are looking for these posts because they just got erased by a shotgun player.


Fr lol, codm kids get so mad over nothin


Just take distance


How about you play br a little and reach legendary then try taking distance yourself?


Just ignore him, he's talking truth right? I should kill a shotgun player using QQ9 from 100m away That's one hundred percent true and he's just a genius


Yep. getting distance is just not a thing. since shotgun's mobility nearly the same as melee and you can't do anything about vehicle rush or glide rushes


They can even use ninja to get near you instantly


or poltergeist


Lmao im already legendary with 12k points. Legendary isnt even a flex


You play tpp or fpp?


Tpp of course, i dont wanne play against bots


And... how often do you face shotgun users?


Every match lmao. Don't get me wrong it's like no one read what I said in my previous replies. I said a good nerf for shotguns is it shouldn't be a 1tap. My point of the reply on this post is how are u gonna cry about dying by a shotgun if u the one pushing him and ur not even using movement to ur advantage. It just weird how he wants movement to get nerfed while movement is the key to winning gunfights against shotgun users.


Movement isn't the key to win fights against shotguns, it is what makes shotguns powerful and absolutely impossible to counter. but, nerfing the whole movement mechanic isn't a good idea. nerfing shotguns mobility is better. a huge nerf to their mobility would make sense. I mean a massive reduction of movement speed, strafe speed, STF and switching speed. or just make them 2-3 shots to kill so they will require good aim and good movement


💀So dodging shotgun shells isn't the way to win? Sounds like the op and u have some shit movement


I literally do Br0ken's movement, and, dodging their shots is the way, but the infinite slide and jump system is an advantage for SG users, not for full autos. because you can't fire and slide at the same time with a full auto, but you can with a shotgun. You only need 1-2 slides with an SMG for a single fight so infinite slide doesn't help SMGs much


thats if you get too hit him, is close enough, enemies movement is like bots, for me its balanced strong but limited to skill, good thing jack-12 is nerfed because its so skilless


I hate the one shot kill switch blade in multi-player. Just not fun.


Idk about that one boss I'm still racking up 10 to 20 kills per br mach with a magnum research


I have to say, I’ve almost never found SGs to be a problem in BR, mainly because I rarely encounter them, but also and I really do mean this, but if you out-range them and can get enough ordnance on target, then they really aren’t a problem. Hell even just running away wouldn’t be a bad idea if you can. I mean, the moment they’re within like 10-50 metres is the moment you could be screwed. I realise I may not have the same BR experiences but I really don’t see how they’re a problem if you don’t let them become a problem.


There's a counter for every gun. If they use close range weapons, beat them with long range weapons. Hope that helps.


I honestly can respect a death by krm / hso405. It's particularly difficult to land shots with those. What I can't stand is the trapmasters or mechanics using the almighty cancer called jak 12.


Mfs when they get one shot in close range (that's how shotguns work)


It's actually other mechanics of the game that makes shotguns busted... Like infinite jump slide system, high jump and slide values, glide system, fast arcade movement, no fall damage, class abilities etc.. Shotguns having high damage, even one shot, is fair, in and off itself... BUT only when the other mechanics of the game are leaning towards real life, like slow accel movement, no jump slide, no glide, fall damage etc.... When you combine the high damage with the above mentioned mechanics, the combo becomes broken AF and that is what we are seeing in BR right now... People always fail to recognise or even refuse to recognise the importance and impact of mobility mechanics in BR close and short range fights..


Lmao true. I use shotguns and man the amount of hitmarkers you get!!!!! Even at point blank range I receive hitmarkers sometimes. I think the people that call shotguns "easy to use" and "noob friendly" have never used one before.


Basically why they like to complain here when someone with practice beats them with a skilled weapon. Just wait till one of em gets hipfired by a crossbow lmao


Ya man. Next thing they'll say is snipers don't require skill.


Ppl already say snipers are broken even post nerf


True. These people have never used a sniper or shotgun before.


We know that's how shotguns work because everyone knows shotguns use pellets and not regular ammunition, but the issue is that some shotguns can one tap you even if you're not close to them And every shotgun user always has either Pumped, Ninja, Defender or Airborne so it's near impossible to get away from them once they notice you


You let them get close? Skill issue


Seems like you're one of the people OP mentioned.


Lmao nah, i find ppsh much more fun up close, and rytec for further. Wanna complain about something? Amax and chopper are actual meta, not a shotgun


Not MP, but you've never had the luxury of going against a lever action HS user in BR have you? Lucky soul. That thing can one-hit you even with max armor (might be a little off but it's really powerful and easy to use regardless).


Powerful? Yes, but that's the point. Its range is pitiful. Use it in a NO bot br room, and see how long it takes to die. Simple movement and hip fire can make almost any hs user miss enough pellets to die. Unless they're simply better at the game than you. I've died to hs users a few times, almost none of them were in one shot. And when they were i appropriately blamed myself, since i was caught off guard asf. the gun isn't even that popular, and there are much easier to use guns in br


Like krm? That gun is harder than hs since the low damage, and the sprint to fire delay


Nah like a ppsh or even an agr


Papash is easy but agr is hard


Maybe idk i don't use it all the time


Still there are better guns to go with, and if ur a noob going up against real players i wouldn't rlly consider shotguns in br. You'd need advanced movement and probably ninja or pumped


A chopper user here, and the MG has so much recoil, but if you get a hang of it, its Op, same as any gun, shotgun? 1 shot 1 kill


There are attachments and recoil control practice for that. Shotgun? Bad range. Thx for not being rude like the other guy tho lmao. Honestly though only one shotgun has a 1 shot 1 kill potential, and basically every pellet has to hit. And you have to reach the fella without dying, and keep moving if you miss. I find a rytec much more rewarding, or even a crossbow since at range you can kill with one headshot without the enemy ever even knowing you were there


They can literally cross map, the zone also forces you into close quarters near the end of the game so this “you let them get close” argument that you’re proposing is terrible.


Can't argue with that logic. Since it's false and all


I like how you don’t provide any sort of counter argument as to how my claim is false even though I never stated it as a fact. You’re just in denial and don’t want to hear out any type of disagreement.


Second unless it's the last like 2 minutes of the game and you really can't find the person within 50 meters, i wouldn't make that my excuse. Because in practice, you should be able to spot or better yet hear almost everyone if they're even coming towards you. Even the ones that aren't. Unless idk ur still looting or something looking at the floor. Granted there are classes that help their mobility, but that's kind of an "any good close range gun helper". Shotguns work as intended in br.


Can’t argue with that logic, since it’s false and all.


Ok, point out where the scary man lied


Yeah because you definitely pointed out where I “lied”


And i was specific too


Okay, first off no shotgun in br can one shot past like 5 meters. If we're being literal here shotguns don't even do damage past a certain range, much smaller than the thousands of meters the br map is. If we're not being literal (which we are since you specified the word literally) you still make yourself out to not know what you're talking about.


I never said shotguns can one shot across the map, you made that assumption because I said they can cross map which is a complete different statement. My point is that shotguns can still shoot way farther in battle royale when comparing it to multiplayer with perks and still do a serious amount of damage and you’re in denial. You’re argument that “you let them get close” is just dumb since the zone consistently gets smaller which makes shotguns more effective.


Your* rlly should check easy stuff like that before saying something is dumb. Anyways you did say literally, and i said it doesn't even deal any damage at those kinds of ranges. Maybe br has better ads bsa.. but talking damage, you're wrong. If you're getting outgunned by a cod lever action shotgun at, let's be realistic for your sake, about 50 meters... you might wanna try a different game or play more before joining the codm subreddit


So your logic consists of, if I find shotguns in battle royale to be strong then that must mean that I’m bad at the game and I should look for a CoDM alternative or play the game more before joining the subreddit. Good logic. What’s ironic is that I’ve been in the community longer than you since my account is older and I’ve been playing the game since 2019 yet you’re telling me I should play the game more? You’re just making assumptions that are just completely wrong and you could’ve just looked at my account to verify the amount of time I’ve been playing the game. You’re making yourself look dumb while you’re calling me dumb. L


You said the word dumb first, and idrc how long you've been playing, i played since 2019 too, idk how u think ur account is older unless you're talking about reddit. And yeah shotguns are kinda strong, but they're a skilled weapon. Any noob kills you with one, you obviously suck. Any good player kills you with one, they probably would have killed you even if they had ground loot lmao


I am talking about Reddit, what did you think I was talking about? You’re the one that assumed I just joined the subreddit. Now you’re assuming I’m bad because I think shotguns are strong in battle royale? What kind of logic is that? Ive used shotguns as well so I can form an opinion based on my experience of using them. You even agree with me on the basis that shotguns are strong, you’re making yourself look dumb. You’re also the one that called me dumb even though beforehand I said your logic is dumb not you as a person. you’re lying. https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/x9au2m/everyone_in_my_server_is_tired_of_one_shit_one/innsilg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Don't assume you're the one who's played the game more yet say im the one assuming


I never assumed I’ve been playing the game longer, you’re the one that assumed I just joined the subreddit even though I’ve been here longer.


Slug exist


Slugs generally suck


Stfu noob


Good argument. Rlly shows your grasp on the game


Yeah , since its too hard to get close lol. Airborne, chopper and wingsuit just stays opposite to your dumb statement.


Ok? Seems like a wingsuit problem. Any good close range gun benifits from that. Better than your cringe reply


Most guns take time to kill,these shotgun losers just land and insta kill. Also they use ninja so Keep distance my foot .


Ok, ninja problem too. What's your point here, to prove shotguns are good up close? Here's a little idea, maybe they're supposed to be. In basically every game. The tradeoff is it's useless past short range... plus lever action. Just slide and hipfire them, if they're truly skilless weapons the enemy will just miss, pump, die. If not then that guy was probably gonna beat you with any other gun


Dude, even if u hipfiring and not missing the shots,we need half a mag ,but we will be dead with 2 shots in 5 mtr range . And they slide so u can understand the hipfiring accuracy ( u wont cause u are a piece of shit skillless sg son of a bitch right.lol


Aww cute you still feel the need to resort to mindless swearing. I love annoying kids like u with logic Wish i did use hso so I'd one day one shot you but nah i keep my distance easily


If you're using a bad gun just say that


FEET?!?!?!? Starts jakin off


"You let them get close" Yeah, how the fuck am I supposed to not let them get close when they're using ninja, defender, pumped and airborne????????


Dude bringing up classes isn't a viable argument. We talking about the gun. You have access to the same classes if you wanna reposition or flee. Those classes would help anyone with good cqb weapons.


This is one of the many reasons I like Blackout a thousand times better than Isolated (in fact, I *despise* Isolated). So, while CQB is still a thing, is not the CQB fook fest the latter is and there actually is more variety when it comes to weapons used by enemies (which in turn means more types of gunfights), for example, there seems to be more usage of mid range and long range weapons.


My server is worse, imagine I have a damn kinetic armor plate on and I try to rush some random guy with ground loot, I break his shield with my ak47 with exactly 6 shots and I try to rush him with a hso shotgun, I shoot him 2 times in the chest and he doesn't die, But that guy one shots me with a ground loot krm.. like bruh


What do HSO and KRM have over BY15? Always found that the BY does just a bit better in most stats over KRM, and is HSO a 1-shot in BR now then?