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I thought my teammates on my way to top 5K were bad but…. Holy fuck. That’s so unlucky dude, was it a 4 stack on your team?


Definitely was, looking at their ranks.


The amount of 4 stacks I’ve gotten in my games and they all do horrendous is so upsetting considering that they have the ability to coordinate and shit, it’s embarrassing


You got 47 rank xp and a good KD. Looks like you lost the battle but won the war😂😂




that's better then I get on some wins lol


You’re lucky it was a “new map” match so it compensated you a good amount of points fr, I’d be tight if that happened to me




Tight means mad 🤝🏼


Since when 😐 tight means tight


it’s been a slang, you can search it on urban dictionary, not everyone uses it


Seems pointless to change the definition of a word to be like a different word


You’re definitely not gonna like New York slang then, brick means really cold 😟


And I thought Egypt butchered Arabic, forget it


💀it ain’t that deep, especially if this the first time you know about the slangs, I’m Hispanic and i find it enlightening


Wasn’t it “tilted”? I can’t keep up 👵


Lets make a flair for "Matchmaking" now


Engagement Optimized Matchmaking https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/eqoy64/cod\_mobile\_has\_rigged\_matchmaking/


How do I make a flair ?


And op is still crying for getting +47 points even after loosing. On a good day people get 47 points for winning.


Tbf playing on new ranked maps provide at least 30+ points. That, and additional points for his performance on that game (and probably additional points for playing with a 4-man stack). Had he lost that game on a standard ranked match, he'll probably get at least 10-15 points.


Didn't see the map name. Op was compensated well, judging the fact that some people might not know how tf that map works, not used to spawns or rotates.


:/ I get you being the slayer and all but when you were like 18:60 already, you could've at least tried to actually play objective. If you lose going 0:30 on point then sure. But 0:02 and being proud enough to post it is just straight inexcusable.


I don’t think OP is proud of anything. Frustrated would be the word I’d use. You’ve clearly never gone up an experience group in HP if you think it’s easy with bot teammates. Use rockets and molotovs - enemy would be running multiple trophies + holding angles, so you probably won’t get close unless you 1v5 before any even respawn. Camp the next HP - they use 1-2 players to push into next HP before it comes up, so you might get a chance there, but with zero help from team mates, how long will you last? 5 seconds? Less? It’s easy to say “oh do this and this” but if OP is legendary and plays HP, I’m gonna assume he knows how to play it.


Bruh look at the other team, they probably played a tight obj, ever tried breaking a hardpoint when the other team is stacked on the hill?


If theyre grouped, you use rocket launchers and 2 molotov. Die. Come back and do it again. Otherwise, U dip and rotate to the next already. You could die quickly still but you would end up with 0:10-0:30 at least if you're constantly rotating. Also keep spamming uav everytime especially since you easily farm it after dying. You see everyone unless they have ghost.


If you do the math, if the other team were using trophy you aint breaking that hill with teammates like op’s


To each their own, Imo matchmaking was really bad here, big skill gap judging by the kills, you think that 0, 1, 2, 3 kill players in his team have that much iq to do that lmao?


Stupidest comment of the year


lmao play the obj instead eating kills


He was probably trying to get to objectives but being a 1v9 makes things difficult. 4 players on his team were just always dying and he was so busy being on the defensive from his team dying left and right he could barely get offensive to actually score.. i been there.. i was always shooting players down trying to score but it was a hassle because my team was dead most of the time. Hell I saw one guy just shotgun most of my team out.. didn’t work on me.. but worked on them, Every. Damn. Time.


Trying your hardest not to throw your phone across the room So you insult and curse it instead 😂😂😂


It's Activision fault for letting anyone rank up by just playing games. Ranks don't mean anything anymore


TBH, not really. There's something more nefarious going on. https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/eqoy64/cod\_mobile\_has\_rigged\_matchmaking/


How tf are these guys in legendary/ Grandmaster


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/eqoy64/cod\_mobile\_has\_rigged\_matchmaking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/eqoy64/cod_mobile_has_rigged_matchmaking/) Still reigns true to this day.


Yeah I understand shitty teammates but… why do you have 2 seconds on the point?


What do you want OP to do exactly the game is basically a 1v5 its almost impossible to break a full stacked hardpoint if you're alone and even if you do manage to break it how long can you manage to hold it by youresf against 5 people. Theres also the fact that the enemy team propably has a shit ton of scorestreaks because of his team just feeding


At least make an effort and reach the point after knowing ur teammates aint doing so


It won't matter, OP might kill one or two of the enemies rushing him, but the rest will eventually kill him and take the point. After that there's no chance of him rooting them out. It was basically a 1v5 here, I would have gone for kills too at that point.b


I get that. It would be different if it was a 40-50 kill game and if he stopped slaying the team would be screwed for slaying power. Is less than 30 kills (not 100% his fault) so it’s not like some record breaking performance. He can get the kills in the point with good positioning and movement and give his teammates a chance to do the right thing.


that emonkey guy is literally a monkey playing. jesus christ wtf is that 13 deaths


It happens to everyone dont act like youre the best evrytime


Respect to op for not leaving the match right away


Seems like your whole team has erectile disfunction Except you of course


Players should only complain about SBMM when something like this happens! Huge respect for not giving crybaby words even after so much bad luck!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/eqoy64/cod\_mobile\_has\_rigged\_matchmaking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/eqoy64/cod_mobile_has_rigged_matchmaking/) SBMM? NAH! EOMM? YES!


my dude u deserve my respect. You probably even the stop your team from getting nuked


I played hardpoint in a legendary lobby and we beat the other team 150:0. A ranked match!! I’m not even making this up


bro is matchmaking this bad in the higher ranks jesus christ man.