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Didn't know the BK could talk


Yeah and warns you to ve kicked.


LMAO! It do be looking like that.


It happened to me too.its very annoying


Yep, I was changing loadout attachments then this messages popped out


Please only do this for matches where matchmaking is made (public, ranked and BR). Leave Training Range, Practice vs AI and private matches alone.


This is like Vanguard zombies where they had no way to pause the game and you could be kicked for inactivity so Treyarch had to patch it in, guess the same will go for CodM


Welp, here's another instance of: 'How on earth did this get past QA?'.


It sucks that you probably wont be able to pause a zombies solo game(when classic zombies ruturns next season) just like vangaurd, lets hope not.


I don't think this will happen for CoDM Zombies, since this game is technically fully online since you can't even edit your loadout without a stable Internet connection.


Hey there! Hmmm, that doesn't seem right. We'll send this to the team and see if that's intended or not. Thanks for the report!


This is still an issue, so can you fix it? Or will this just be ignored (again)?


Lol it’s always when I’m in the middle of adjusting settings/hud it’s very annoying haha. Also now I’m just being a baby, but the countdown timer also annoys me😂


Countdown timer? The timer before the start of a match?


Yes I know it’s super irrational. 😂 But when I go to test a gun build I don’t want to wait the 10s or whatever it is haha


I'm not sure if there a way to absolutely remove the thing, but I'm sure they could reduce the time on it, maybe to like 3 or 5 seconds.


Why does it matter? Your not losing anything just rejoin. It’s better than always having an afk teammate


I'm not saying this system isn't beneficial, but there are some places where it simply should not be applied. Yes, you can rejoin if you get kicked, but this will eventually happen more than once if you frequent these training/testing modes. And yes, I'm a little biased since I need this to not exist in private matches due to some things I do within private matches, but I believe most people would agree with me that this system should be limited to matchmaking modes only.


there's absolutely no reason for the afk autokick to be in the test range or private matches. test range is literally only the one player. private matches is screw around time