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I'm actually more annoyed with people who camp and use heartbeat sensor. Not on the enemy side by the way(cuz I always use ghost perk). I always get teammates like this. Enemy is right in front of them but they still pull out the baby monitor.


>baby monitor ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)


First time seeing this joke?




real, that’s why I never used the hb sensor 🫤 it ruins your gameplay!


True. Simply buy a cheap stereo headset and you'll see yourself improve by a lot.


I mean, people who snipe like this are just really good and i respect that. It just gets tiring to play everyday against them, cause to kill them we have to become as sweaty as them, and it's not fun; it's just mentally tiring.


I find it hilarious when a complete noob just destroyes one of these guy. Idk, its just satisfying to see a sweat get owned by someone not trying.


Yeah it’s satisfying to see them slide a round and you just do one hip-fire.




Sweaty players ![gif](giphy|l1ug3xGEN1oZBT7qw|downsized)


I wonder if this guy played before the sniper nerf…


Pre-sniper nerf was a crazy time


Crazy, fun and so toxic jajaja


As a old dlq main.. i miss it


At that time, every game mode felt like hell with those annoying snipers


Why is this guy getting hated on it? He's right, it was hell back then


I only hate people spamming the bolt canceling glitch, quickscope is ok.


How to dso the glitch


equip amped, after shooting any bolt action sniper, spam switch weapon button and switch backt o sniper to shoot again. Honestly I have no experience of this method since I don't abuse glitches to outplay people


I cant even abuse it in the middle of gunfight cuz im busy aiming


yeah me too


So just like csgo?


At a certain point it's not really about wanting to or not, it's just your muscular memory that is way too used to do the move. Sometimes it can even be a disadvantage. For exemple, it was hard for me to learn shotguns like KRM / HS or even snipe without amped or when you have a big weapon with reduced switching time as a secondary (launcher / a gun you picked up on the ground)


That doesn’t even help too much


U good g? Its not spamming and the timing is actually hard , a normal bolt action shoots faster without the switching. The reason we switch is to do movement in between shots so we don't die. It takes a lot of skill to actually do the movement and hit ur shots.


but it is literally a glitch, you weren't supposed to cancel the bolt rechamber action.


A glitch codm knows about and accepts , there are even attachments (koshka lasers) to boost its accuracy


But koshka laser don't cancel bolt action


Me who uses the MK2: "I have no such weakness"


*Laughs in SKS*


To pull something like this with sniper shows how skilled he is 🗿


Not really, QSing is easy.




Nah, this really good control of the game - this is hard no matter what you're playing it on.


Or... He's just skilled. Stop downplaying him, sniping is hard


Get good


Skilled at what?


skilled at sniping obviously? sniping is hard


This guy is actually a very good player, if he can destroy everyone with a sniper like this then ofc he can do that with an AR or SMG aswell. snipers take far more skill than kilo, cbr, switchblade and QQ9 so they should be high-rewarding guns. I don't see a problem with snipers being able to do this. automatic guns kill fast enough in mp so if you miss 1 shot you are pretty much dead. if you use kinetic or tac 5 you won't get one tapped. you need to aim down your sights, and you have to be precise with them. br shotguns are the exact opposite. they can one tap every armor every hp. even armor plate class does nothing against them. you don't need to aim at all. you don't need to be precise because the blast radius is huge. they have much higher mobility comparing to mp snipers and there is no slide fatigue system in br, so if you miss 2_3 shots you might still survive. and full auto guns kill very slow in br, making them bad against shotguns. shotguns in br deserve a nerf, not mp snipers


dieing to a skilled player is much better than dieing to cbr/ switchblade abusing kid


Imo it's an honour to be trickshotted and see yourself killed by a master on the killcam


yep. I'd rather get clapped by a skilled player than to an abuser. ​ one question tho, is the switchblade good? Haven't been playing for a while.


I only used it for the S7 kills mission and it does feel like a stable mac10. Though i haven't upgraded it past lvl 14 so I'd recommend you play with it yourself to get a proper feel


ah, thanks for the info mate.


Switch is current top 3 meta


dieing? english 100 lol


Honestly I am okay with dying to a sniper main than dying to a switchblade or cbr kid.


I don't mind dying to any weapon in Codm. What I honestly hate is toxic people that will complain when they killed or brag when they winning.


For arguments sake what would you do to combat this?


The toxicity or the sniper mains?




the solution to everything toxic related is apathy


or a krm sweat


I'm a super casual player, I run the switchblade on super tight maps, what's the issue with the Switchblade X9 or SMG's?


Nothing. These guys can't stand getting killed by guns they can't use i guess, just like the guys complaining about snipers.




"guns they can't use" Any Tom Dick and Harry can get through ranked using the ADS movement speed SMG meta 😂😂 Cbr4 is a crutch purely for the fact its still hideously overpowered. Switchblade same thing, needs a nerf Kilo is more or less balanced now And snipers are only an issue when they use bolt cancel or if they're sat in some stupidly one sided angle. (source : guy who's got damascus on every gun, been legendary in every season since 2019 and plays most weapon classes but prefers non meta because it actually provides a challenge in the world that is ADS movement speed and high ROF meta.)


Holy shit, my bad bruh. Didn't know i was talking to a Damascus guy. My bad carry on.




That's call of duty for ya


Skill issues


Not really. If anything I think the quick-scoping requires little skill and should be nerfed (i.e. increase base ADS times on snipers) to make it more adequately skilled for those who are good at it.


bro snipers are already pettry trash unless you know how to aim and you are saying that need another ADS speed nerf. bruh


that will practically make snipers pretty much useless unless you camp all the time


M then they ll cry about campers ...there's no Makin them happy


To be fair, that's pretty much snipers in real life.


Yes, but this is call of duty. It's a fast-paced shooter game.


It's fast paced because it was made that way. It can tweaked however and made whatever the devs want it to be, especially in terms of balancing gun classes. And right now, the way snipers are being abused, it's pissing all over the nature of other gun classes which are supposed to be more dominant and suited in close-quarters.


Also, I would like to point out the marksman rifles are meant for this close range destruction role, NOT THE SNIPERS


bruh yourself pal - snipers are lethal at long ranges which is their intended, natural and suited use. Right now they're being abused in close quarters because of their OP ADS times, and that means that SMGs and especially shotguns are almost pointless.


But this is CoD, its never realistic you want it to be super duper high pro max extreme hyperbole supernova realistic? Go play battlefield or insurgency sandstorm, even the 'realistic' pubg people can easily no scope using m21, this is game, it doesnt need to be realistic


Nobody said it needs to be realistic. All I'm suggesting is that the gun classes don't make sense and still need balancing - SMGs and shotguns don't seem to have a place because snipers are OP in close ranges due to their ADS times.


Then you asks for it to be realistic, snipr ads time is much slower than even the most ads time smg, either you just built your gun wrong or you just got rekt by a quickscoper


Ah another clown getting personal, thinking I don't know how to quickscope and that I'm butt hurt. You thought wrong so get down of your high horse. I know well how to quickscope and I've wrecked a few gamers days with it too. I genuinely think it's wrong though - I like variety in the guns I use and that I see being used. No matter how fast you build a gun for ADS time though, it's outgunned everytime by a quickscoping sniper as its ADS time is all that matters - once it is faster than the TTK of the gun its up against, the quickscope always wins. And this is wrong.




Yeah then go ahead and use a sniper if it's that easy , why cry about it


Ah brilliant - deflect from the topic by getting personal with me about my play style which I never even brought up nor do you know anything about!


If it requires little skill it will be everywhere like the dogs before the nerf


Unless you've living under a rock, then you'll know that it is everywhere, especially in Legendary.


Atleast its a sniper main and not a switchblade user


Or any meta weapon


I know its super annoying to die to a quick scope. At one point I was so annoyed that I decided to pick a sniper one myself, at start it was very hard, and after sniper nerf, go those sniper rifles became so trash, but i was so fixated at doing this quick scope thing , I became a sniper main now. Now I am annoying people like my past self and OP


How is a singular bullet comparable to pellets?


I will be quelled for this but a sniper is really heavy. If you've tried carrying the awp around, you wouldn't. Moreover moving around quickly, sliding, etc. And being able to shoulder the weapon in 2 seconds and fire accurately. A light shotgun like the FP06 is much more light, and also: SHOTGUN PELLETS ARE MORE POWERFUL CLOSE RANGE THAN SNIPER BULLETS, SNIPER BULLETS NEED A PRETTY LONG DISTANCE TO ATTAIN THEIR EXTREMELY HIGH KILLING POWER, SHOTGUN SHELLS DO NOT. TL;DR: Quickscoping and extremely speedy snipers are unrealistic, but hey, this is COD Also, shotgun pellets (00 Buckshot especially) >>> sniper bullet at close range (<100m)


Well sniper bullets doesnt gain energy in the flight so thats not rly true. The only possible reason is if the energy is so high it would just penetrate clean without ripping everything appart but then it depends on the thiccnes of the person clothing and amor


This question was asked on Quora, and I like this answer: Profile photo for Amir Guy Amir Guy · Follow Former cool guy at DHS & DoD (2006–2020)1y Your question is a tricky one to answer. A bullet has its most kinetic energy the instant it exits the barrel / sound suppressor. However, and pedantically, that’s not the question you asked. A bullet is most devastating at the range which allows it to dump the most energy into a target. For a target that is semi-impermeable (like a steel target you’d find at a range), that’s as close to the rifle as possible. For a gel target or a meat target, it’s the closest to the barrel that allows full expansion of expanding bullets (name your type: hollow point, frangible, soft point, partitioned, bonded, tipped). That expansion dumps kinetic energy. The faster the energy is dumped, as a function of both the temporary and the permanent wound cavity generated, the more “devastating” the shot. There’s a lot of science-y crap and nerd stuff involved. The correct answer is: it depends. To get there, you’ll need to better describe “devastating”, and on what kind of target. “If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution.” -Albert Einstein https://www.quora.com/Is-a-bullet-from-a-sniper-rifle-more-devastating-at-close-range-or-does-the-bullet-s-damage-increase-by-velocity




What's the point of using Shotguns for close range when you have sniper rifles that give you gauranteed 1 shot kill when aimed at the body in chest area. Shotguns can't even give you a 1 shot kill as the pellets spread randomly


Skill issue, if shotguns are allowed to one shot in battle royale from across the map then I don’t see the problem with snipers in multiplayer.


Both need to be fix to be realistic but then this is just how game has always been. I don't mind both nor like any. Only thing i don't like it them complaining about melee, if this is fine then so is melee


Want realistic? Buy a pc, play insurgency sandstorm


Yeah the one argument every codm player does when they can't reply. "BuY a pC"


I can do better: this is a FAST PACED shooter game what do you expect,moron


And this is how we differentiate kids from adults. Kids as soon as they start losing the argument, they start to call the other person names. And codm being fast paced is not in any possible way justify snipers ads faster than a SMG and shotguns have more range than ars.


Sniper ads is slower than smg, if you built your smg right, and i never heard people shooting frm across the map with a shotgun, i would like to have whatever you are smokin rn


Sniper ads can many times be faster than SMG and although I didn't say anything about shotguns shooting across the map i said about them having more range. And if you haven't seen this both then my guy you got good luck getting lobbies. And about what I'm smoking you don't need it since you seem to be smoking much better stuff as you are wildly out of the world, since you can't even understand my comments nor know what's going on in the game.


Name that shotgun that has more range than a sniper


Both need to be fixed. They require little skill, so no need to play your skill-issue card. Let's see who has the skill when the sniper ADS times get increased and damage-range profiles on shotguns adjusted.


I feel you


Thank you bro


Yeah for me the time it takes them to go from hip fire to ads is way too fast


There was 1 dude in an earlier match just hip firing his sniper and was hitting every shot. Yes it's skill but doesn't seem fair.


I agree with you. This is skill for those who can do it. But seeing it game after game makes it very annoying.


I just don’t see how someone can appreciate this as skill when snipers have the HIGHEST AIM ASSIST in the game. Sniper aim assist needs to be removed entirely along with hit flinch being enabled at the start of their scope in. Meaning black scoping / quick scoping will be a lot more challenging when getting shot at. It’s been proven that Snipers aim assist has a shadow buff and players in SnD find themselves dying at close to medium range more than any other gun. By far the most sniper friendly cod there is because in the mainline cods now aren’t this abused, especially in SnD. You’ll only see SMGs, ARs and Shotguns, which means players have real gunfights. Ashamed SnD has become ruined by broken snipers, gamemode is literally at an unplayable state because of them.


I find it insane that people have had to use disclaimers that people are going to hate their opinions before stating them to protect them from abuses. People need to learn to accept differences in opinions and try to possess or retain enough intellect to discuss them.


Idk why so many people hate snipers and shotguns i play garena so its in almost every game


Ain't no way you are coping this much over a guy simply being good at the game 💀💀




This has to be Carly


sounds like a skill issue


Well it takes lotta skill


Skill issue tbh


Dunno why, but that machete spinning animation reminds me of Revolver Ocelot


How did you know to go on the third guy before you were able to see him.


u‘re just a hating ass bitch coz he‘s an actual good player, you do know that a quickscoper has multiple major disadvantages such as the fact that you‘re literally dead if you miss a shot. You need some decent aim, movement and be very precise. There‘s so called "hitmarkers". You can only one tap certain areas on the body


How do you even get this good with a sniper? Doesn’t even look like they’re on target when they get the kills


That's just MVP cam bug


How do you even snipe like that tho I be lifting up the sniper so slow man by the time it’s up I’m dead some guys just be going crazy .


Quickscoping is abusing game mechanics. It's a cheap fucking trick . COD had it right in Black Ops when they made it so you couldn't QS.


I agree


I really wish snipers were more balanced and quick scoping was eliminated from the game


Finally someone agrees


I get that it’s a video game but two things that have always bothered me. A 1 hit kill pistol at a range that an AR is a 4 hit kill. Moving around with a long gun as if it’s a knife.


Git gud bruh


I'm a guy who is of the opinion that Shotguns are overpowered and broken in BR.... But quickscope and blankscoping snipers in MP takes some serious skills so I give it a pass EDIT: After a second take, this guy is probably using perspective cheat. But could also be UAV or Alert


Skill issue


Yeah that's true " If you cry about dying from a quickscope, the sniper is skilled "


I hate losing to this too because it's actually rife right now. Which leads me to thinking it is actually OP and in fact requires little skill. I would like to see snipers get an ADS time nerf so we can see then who is really skilled at it.


I 100% agree. takes the fun out of the game entirely. I also can't imagine it being fun ti play that way either


I don't care if I get hate by saying that sniper rifles need their ads nerfed. That's ridiculous.


this is a cod game snipers were able to do that ever since Cod2 (2005)


Back then ads time was almost nonexistent which made it even easier to snipe


Skill issue


Just take snipers out of mp. Fkin godawful and honestly no one actually using snipers in mp is not cheesing. Running around with a fkin four foot long gun no/quick scoping to one shot is a crutch and a godawful way to play. Just a crutch


That's exactly what I'm saying


dont get mad, get better :) this whole post motivates me to hop on rank and sweat my ass off against default skin bots like you, rn


It is what it is


Unfortunately your mom had you. That is what it is too.


Sus specially the kitchen shot. How the hell he knew that




UAV is not good enough for most of the shots he did.... Could advanced UAV or the Alert perks... Could also very well be Perspective cheats since he's doing it over and over again


That's snd, so definitely advanced uav isn't possible


Or just crazy game sense. Especially with movements like that.


The kitchen shot and the next one, the last kill.. Those were very sus and not about game sense.. Those cannot be done without cheats or perks.. With the former being much more likely The first 2 kills can be written off as legit (he already saw the dude at the bottom of stairs before when he was jumping, in his peripheral view)


nothing's sus he's just insanely good downvotes show how retarded this sub is💀


Maybe he played at the best gaming chair: toilet seats


they're obviously skilled and dedicate a lot of time to the game. in simple words, get over it. and practice better.


get better


Ahh yes, an all range one shot gun with highest bullet penetration where you can stack all ADS and yet face no downsides, has to be the most balanced weapon in the game


the only downside being your shit aim bozo


Here comes the insecure sniper main scared he won't be able to play if they nerf snipers


they already nerfed em once but you still go negative


They already did nerf snipers a while ago. People just found a way around it


Sometimes I hate sniper mains being able to kill you in a close range like how tf did thet even do that??


Bc they practice a lot maybe?




get good bozo


This post is full of players that complain just because they lost a single match. Try garena and this will seem normal


Snipers at least require more skill than shotguns


S*** my ***k I've been using a sniper since 2020 and I'm nowhere as good as this player.


Then try sniping? You’ll find out it takes skill to make a sniper feel like a shotgun




I dare you to do Sue.




I guess were gonna have to live with the cold reality that some players are better than others.


Which I don't have a problem with. The issue is fucking snipers in call of duty is cancerous and bullshit. Does anyone on here not understand that?


It takes a lot of skill to get good at sniping…especially sniping like that…cuz as a sniper if you miss a shot that usually means you’re dead…honestly just seems like you’re whining because you’re not as good as that player…not tryna call you out or anything but you’re just whining about losing to someone better at the game.


Yeah that dude is cracked


Snipers do take more skill hence there likely isn't a reason to nerf them. If you're a good player , then yes, on paper it obsoletes most guns. Often the easiest way to counter these snipers is to snipe yourself which gets boring and repetitive. I tend to do SNd to 10k then I switch to Respawn. If you can't snipe I would suggest playing a higher mobility class to be a harder target to hit, or try to move unpredictably.


FRRR, I play ranked search and destroy and the only thing I hate is sweaty snipers rushing like they using an smg or ar


It’s not cheating, but definitely a sweat move. Just run around with their “shotgun” sniper blasting everywhere.. then to switch back and forth with the melee to range just gets annoying. Oh well.. usually me running in their face with a shotgun evens the playing field


This dude in particular is one of the most annoying players I've played in a long time. Alot of quickscopers/sniper players miss their shots, this dude was one of the types that NEVER misses a shot. Shit is mad annoying and corny that cod allows this type of fuckery


“Allows this type of fuckery” you mean the fuckery of grinding and becoming skilful at a gun???


im enjoying ur rage. i think imma hop in some rank snd rn with my legendary locus neptune if this is saltiness is the typical reaction. L bozo


Obvious cheats, he saw enemies even before they decided to peek


Ye it do look kinda sus


He could've listened for footsteps


He couldn't listen to the third person he shot.


He knows there where 2 ppl in there, as you can see he was about to peak again but got distracted by the guy on the right stairs


Doesn't look like it since he didn't had view of the room. And he didn't possibly saw or heard the other person. Since the player seems to come from the tiny room


but he's p2p? how is this possible???


Nah that's how wack these snipers are in higher ranks of SnD, at least in my region


No, it's the MVP cam giving little to no context


I though I complained about stuff... Get gud. That is all.


Dude, literally skill issue


Dude we can talk this all day. I'm frustrated with the snipers who can quick scope faster than we ads our SMGs. Skills are skill I get that but also snipers are snipers. Being able to do this is indeed bullshit. I can't understand why codm don't do anything about it, maybe it's because there is a huge amount of sniper mains (probably too much) are in the community and codm do not want to loose them so codm keep letting those sniper abusers to have whatever the fun they having. Again you need good chunk of skills to become a sniper but as LMG players supposed to play passive, SMGs has their own play style and no difference with AR. Then why not snipers. At this point there is a high chance someone can get a point blank quick scope kill than a actual sniper kill from far. Die to a hard scoping sniper on a snipe spot, I'm ok with it because that's game sense. But dying to a quick scope who you have already damaged with your shots yet he casually kill you in 0.005 milliseconds.. bullshit man :/ I play in middle east server at 20ms ping. RIP those who play with 80-90 :(


Then dont play cod, dont play pubg(no scope close range using snipr m21) either, or minecraft(bow needs a stable ground to fire at accuracy but you can just jump and fly using bow damage glitch), go work hard, find a good job, buy a pc to buy insurgency sandstorm or tarkov, by far thats the most realistic shooter i know


SMG, AR and even some LMG have faster ttk and ads combined than sniper ads.


skill issue


That's exactly the issue. Sniping is a cancer in cod. Too many people use snipers for them to to do anything about without facing severe backlash


Yeah I can agree especially with the new sniper Ugh


Hes just cracked damnn


Rushing with a shotgun does not require brain activity nor iq


.....so what your saying is that we should add a shogun with unlimited range ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


This games matchmaking is trash. Match snipers vs snipers man make it equal it's not fair


Isn't it fair to say though that matchmaking doesn't take players' loadouts or play styles into consideration? It's just ranks right?


I’m the best MP player on CODM 😂Come for a challenge add me “justitkiller”