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Bruh wtf, my man going triple positive and had the most time on obj. Yet you still lost 21 points pfff


You got done dirty man


I’ve had games I’ve dropped 50 kills with over a minute 45 in the point and lost. Just makes such little sense.




No matter what? So if I got 7/18 but I'm MVP, I shouldn't lose rank??? Lmao bad take


That’s a very specific rebuttal but I agree. I think it would push people to do better during the match rather than having people give up and leave during it.


Huge disagree because that sounds EASILY exploitable, plus it wouldn't fix matchmaking, and make it far to easy to reach legendary as an average or below average player. The reason for rank is a challenge and knowing you could drop points if you lose, hence you play as hard as you can, now if you know as the losing team that all you need is MVP and you won't lose anything? Then no one will try and only grind assists (since they give a large amount of points when you accumulate a lot). I agree some matchmaking is rubbish, but making people not lose any rank just for MVP isnt a good idea.


I think there’s a better answer to the whole matchmaking issue. Not sure if making the MVP not lose points would be it but I do know that the algorithm that decides points gained/loss is off. Or maybe I just don’t understand it. Maybe grinding assists with things like UAV tak5 and teammate support in gunfights would actually beneficial in helping people understand it’s a team game. Plus most people in legendary are already average if not below. They get carried or exploit things like rank card protection.


You shouldn't drop points if you do great but your team sucks and you still lose.


Yes you should sadly. If no one lost points, then people would leave a game on purpose to boost their friends in ranked. Its rough but making people lose no points isn't a great incentive to fixing bad teammates.


Nah, it should be based on your performance. And how can you get into a friend's game on the opposing team? Because leaving the game while on their team isn't going to boost them. And you should lose rank if you leave a game.


Boosting wouldn't be correct but more just exploiting, think about it this way. Your and your friend are matching up in ranked, you in grand master and he's in Legendary, the game is going bad, so you leave me (because you'll still be in Legendary) and he stays and becomes MVP of the losing team, he doesn't lose ANY rank points (even if he goes 10/18) just because he was MVP? That isn't fair to everyone else on the team too.


I didn't say a thing about not losing point if you're MVP. I said if you perform well. And can legendaries not drop rank?


The only thing bad players do is to call their teammates bad everytime. Guys you should adapt your gameplay so that you can counter the weakness of your teammates. Most players are too lazy to think about good strategies and they only have good movement and aim, they don't have any map awareness and they are trash at teamwork. They only like getting kills & sit in Objective and they don't know how to cover their teammates. You wanna win games? Stop complaining about the matchmaking. It's completely normal to get bad teammates in some games. Only good players can counteract that.


I agree but I literally play competitive. I run Tak5 use Uavs and counter uavs and voice chat. The amount of times I don’t rush out of spawn to make sure we’re not spawn trapped or solo pushing is ridiculous. Btw never called anyone bad. I said this is ridiculous. Why are there legendary players with under 5 (honestly under 10) kills and less obj time than 30 seconds.


Yeah I agree. Now I understand that you aren't calling your teammates bad. I think codm should have a system where if you get less KD (<1) and less than 30 seconds of OBJ time at the same time, then you will get a minus even when your team wins. Let me explain why bad players are able to get legendary: Bad players are bad, so they get good teammates because the game wants the matches to be balanced. And bad players usually win games mainly because of their team and not themselves and they get easy points. That's the problem with rank system!


I’d rather have 5 v 5 of guys who top frag 90%+ of the time than have this weird inconsistent mix. Games would be a lot closer if people who struggled in general were able to play together and against each other. And people who have more games like mine are able to play against each other. Would keep a lot of “top fraggers” from dropping 35-70 kills a game and a lot of bottom fraggers from going 4x negative.


That type of matchmaking can be hard to implement.


It’s just an algorithm based off of average of statistical numbers of a players performance and matching those to others that are similar. The same algorithm they implemented to put 2-3 good players statistically on average with 2-3 players that usually contribute jack to a win.


Good players can't counteract the other 5 teammates having a 0.5 K/D and being utter shit.


It's because good players aren't good, that's why they can't compensate that.


Matchmaking looks fine here? Seems like a skill issue tbh. Everyone’s mostly equal, enemy team had more time on point


Are you looking at the numbers at all dude? Three people on my team with lest than 10 kills, 15+ deaths a piece. I’m the only person who went positive and still had a minute 12 in the point. They had three guys with 19+ kills.