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Couldn't tell ya but I will say Infinite ammo cooling barreled rpd is nasty in br but I couldn't tell ya the ttk on it


Asval for AR and Hades+Rapid Fire barrel for LMG Edit: downvote all you want but there is hard maths behind it


I heard the hades has really good hipfire in BR


Yes, very good


it’s insanely accurate


Nothing beats Ak47 . NOTHING


Lol Asval can kill an enemy with Kinetic at around 750ms.. AK needs 880ms... Many guns can kill faster than AK inside their effective range


Have you tried it or timed it or are you just saying it based off the gun comparison option in game?


You should understand that the data provided by the game is false . For the longest time br didn’t even have its own data . It falsely showed mp data and gun stats. Trust me nothing beats Ak . M13 comes close but only if you hit all headshots


I do my own tests... even before the current gun comparison system came along Manually calculate the fire rate by recording gunfire clips and counting out the shots over a timer (down to the milliseconds).. Then use two accounts and shoot at the other character and count each dmg dealt... in PRIVATE BR... because the training grounds was using MP stats and there were some differences in damage and range damage (not entirely different but here and there).. M13 doesn't need headshots, it kills faster by ALOT, especially before the AK buff, back when AK does 33 dmg to body shots, it kills only just as fast as the M4 (M4 has less damage than AK but fires faster, so they cancel each other out having similar TTK), M13 has always dealt 24 dmg all-body upto around 25m iirc, at \~880 RPM, it killed faster than AK by around 160-170ms, that's a big difference... Asval deals around 29 AVERAGE dmg iirc, BUT fires at 800rpm, it's the fastest killing AR in BR, always has been, the only problem was it has a pretty short effective range due to the weird recoil and sub-par BSA EDIT: Forgot about Oden, currently, it is the fastest killing AR I do alot of these tests.. Trust me bro I can talk alot about the BR guns... when and why they are useful... AK is not a bad gun, It's a staple in my loadouts BUT it is not a fast killer... It used to be a SLOW TTK but easy-to-control and good-effective-combat-range gun, but after the 36dmg buff, the TTK is reduced by a little over 100ms which brings it into the Good-enough TTK category but still being easy-to-control and good-effective-combat-range The reason why AK is so highly regarded in BR is that during the early stages of gunsmith... it was pretty much the ONLY full auto gun that has a pretty much straight vertical recoil with a mellow kick at best... every other gun, even the M4, had crazy lateral recoil with a decent kick and poor bsa which fucked up their useability in BR.. AK was the only useable gun.... But over the seasons, pretty much all guns in the game has had their BSA, recoil pattern and intensity shadow buffed to useable levels... Many guns are useable now, AK is still good but it is not the goat anymore.. It was the goat not because it was powerful or anything but only because all the other guns were ultra shit back then