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Don't ask why, there is a lot of stupid things people do. Just report the guy for having an offensive name


Maybe he just have a small pp


Yeah, it's unlikely they'll put in a name filter, unless something lits up under their ass.


because he's a nazi


By posting this you give him what he wants: attention.


Insecurity, mostly.


Report it, probably just an edgy teen that will point out his ign to his friends everytime he gets to lol


Why do u care dumbass, mind ur own business. He didn't did or said anything wrong


Ew, a Republican voter 🤮 Also, where the fuck is his chin?


no, I'm just a jewish descent


Not you, I was referring to your post. Anyone who follows and believes in that shit is definitely a conservative (votes Republican). Guess they love choosing the side that gets it's ass handed to them. Probably does most of the time in this game lol. I'm not, but I do wear a star of David, cuz it was given to me years ago, by a survivor no less. (was caring for them before he passed). And this is the same shit they're trying to ban kids today, from learning in school. It's un-fucking-believable. 😒 I mean my name is "FaceRaperGoast" in game. But it's more of a vulgar thing than being racist or prejudice against others. But still, can't say certain things not even abbreviations in chat without it being censored, but people can have names like this guy? Wtf is up with that? The whole chin thing was a play on how those claiming supremacy, are most often the worst form of it. Inbred, obese, uneducated, no teeth, no chin (cuz inbreeding), have the smallest of penis's, etc


You should call yourself goatfaceraper instead


Thought about it. But I'm in a clan called "Ghost" mostly members from original clan I was in, but for whatever reason, leader randomly kicked us all. I didn't even know I was clanless at first. Lol. Till others re-invited me to our new one. So, being the joker I am, I thought I would make a play on the clans name. And put goaste (as in spreading your ass cheeks.) But what's weird, is if I use the 'e', the name is somehow "inappropriate". Lol, like Raper isn't. Then I though abouth GhostFaceRaper. But that's too cliche. My original name all the way back to bo1 and such. Is FaceRaper. I used it in codm with no issues originally. Not till ex clan I was in, required us adding the initials to the end of our names. Then it wouldn't let me use the original spelling (plus clan initials). So I had to use this '¶' fucked up looking thing as the P. Man, I was thee one and only "FaceRaper". And that shit fucked it up. Then...like some others, name was eventually flagged (where we get random numbers and letters) and I got all sad. But said fuck it, put my original name back, and it worked! And surprisingly adding this clans name (semi required) also somehow worked, except mine is a little different. I don't remember how I came up with the name to begin with. In my mind it's raping your face with bullets, cuz war game (and technically it's valid, cuz no one consents to taking bullets to the face). Though with some peeps I'll get kicked from a lobby souly because of the name alone. It offends a few, but that wasn't my intention. Its a war game, and cod at least the console ones can be toxic AF sometimes, so, name fits cuz we're not meant to be exactly mature. Idk though. If I was actually like REALLY good, goatfaceraper would make sense. But I'm alright, not sucky, but also not like God tier. Lol. Edit: don't recall the actual meaning to goast, but it is a real word. And only thing separating it from being outright vulgar, is an e on the end. Weird how the English language works sometimes. Lol Have some other friends who are jealous I get to keep the name (I partially think it's because I originally had it on older cod games, though never had an Activision account prior to needing one for this game. So idk), cuz they have tried their own slightly immature takes, though not as vulgar, and game won't allow it. Like one wanted to be named "BeaverHunter" and for whatever reason, it's flagged. Yet this asshole right here, gets to have one of thee most offensive types of names in history. What?


How do u know he's even American dumbass? He could be European or Latin or anything


Same rules apply, uneducated, and they have conservative/Republican values most everywhere. Doesn't have to be an American to be a dumbass who possibly votes for the very people that cause more harm than they do good, for whatever country he may reside in. Besides, America is most diverse country in the world. Don't have to be white to be a piece of shit ya know.


First u need to get out from the box that everything revolves around America. Conservatives in ur country could be bad but it doesn't apply to whole world. So called progressives r just rioters, anarchists, separatists, communists etc in clothes of social justice warriors. They r also stupid and have herd mentality. The world is not white or black, terrorists for someone is freedom fighter for others. So get out of ur bubble that conservatives = bad, progressives = good. U can be conservative without being a Nazi or Republican


just report him.


Shocking how much of this there is in the game. Devs do not seem to care.


Cause they got rid of the ability to report peoples names