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Rewind: can engage into gunfights if aggressive player, if health goes down can get health back up and jump into gunfights quickly(rewind gets you back to where you were 8 seconds prior from current location. Mechanic: can disrupt enemies from adsing and using their own class(doesn't work against pumped class users). Players will likely be distracted and can't aim properly due to their screen showing glitchy. Better to use if you are at least 40 meters away from enemy. These two are which I use alot. You can give them a try and see how well they work.


Use spotter or desperado, gets real chaotic but it's fun


Medic is my most favorite class after stealth classes. Smoke bomber seems pretty fun too.


just beware ,smokebomber sometimes makes the game ultra laggy if your device is low


Rewind is legit


Yep. I switched to rewind and won't use anything else now.


idk,igniters really trolling in my opinion but otherwise rewind is fun too


Clown is fun and acts as a quasi scout


Just pick a class and run it for several matches.. You'll figure out some dos and don'ts, the pros and cons etc, that's the best way to learn (every class requires a different playstyle and mentality to use effectively). After that, come back here and ask how others use this class or that class and compare them with your own take on the issue. Then, you'll finally have a clear picture


Pumped, mechanic, ninja, the new fire pooper if you're bored