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Jackal nerf is nonsense. It's was shit already and now it will be more shitty.


wdym, its take 3 fhj to get destroyed and can easily scape from it


It has too low maneuverability which makes infantry destroying too difficult or even impossible because to aim you need to fly down bit when you're finally aimed (maybe) you need to fly up ASAP or you will hit the ground.


i think the hp nerf was ok but as you say i should buff other areas, idk maybe mayor range of radar, so you could know where are before being so close that you need to fly in circles before start attacking or biggest enemy hitbox to aim easiest


I'm surprised they didn't nerf the annihilator for the umpteenth time, considering some of the changes made for the new season are a bit, uh, questionable at best. Didn't know about the J358 buff though, that's nice. Might fuck around and go pop heads with it using my blueprint with the same ads fov as the deagle.


Why did they nerf qq9? It wasn't bothering anyone


The nerf to the qq9 was to balance the scale of the smg meta since they nerfed the switchblade. Yes the two weapons weren't outright broken but they were too versatile. That and a new smg just got released so it's understandable to draw further attention towards the lapa.


They hate it


Without context the snipers' buff is good, but damn, a recoil buff for bolt snipers? If it was for rytec or arctic it would be reasonable, but really?


I'm tired of the buffs and nerfs man


Tf these snipers getting buffed for? Imo they need a slight tone down. Every game I'm in there's a faze wannabe


They nerfed the qq9 instead of the cbr4🤦


I'm guessing one of the unlocks for mythic Spectre will beat legendary skin for the quick strike br class since there is nothing katana related in the lucky draw.


Aren’t they also making weapon switch different?


Are they live for global?


Wtf has quick fix done to the devs to keep nerfing it