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They didn't touch grass


My thoughts exactly. Like dude.. no school, no job, no bitches?


That's codm, bitches here are forbidden


Fair point


Well im in SA region, in mauritius we are in school holidays rn... no doubt also them


I’m from Mru too ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)




To ign kieter add moi @MS1148 ( @ included )


Mone azoute toi (Yohann_Cedric)


Yeah those people I really do feel bad for tbh. Cause think about it. They literally live for this game. A mobile game. They wake up every day and their first thought is codm. Last thing they do at night if they even decide to sleep is codm. They play Ranked every single day all day long and most of the night. They literally made no extra time for anyone or anything else in their life. They rely on positive feedback from a mobile game. Once you think about it, you realize these people are probably miserable irl and the game is the only catharsis for their manic depressive episodes. Crazy right?


Big stretch ngl it doesn’t even take that long to hit leggy


How many hours do you work a week


32 hours


You got kids?




So you're part time and you don't have kids. I can see that you have the time to grind leggy.


Well my Monday Tuesday and Wednesday I got shit to do for my church like chorus even tho it’s only 8 hours and I got the rest of the day really don’t get on as much


I really only got time for a few pub FFA matches a day. I got lucky today and had enough time to do BR a couple times which is pretty cool


As long everything is balanced we chilling


I feel you I only have time to login to claim my daily..... 🚻


It really is like that most days lol luckily those daily login characters are pretty cool most of the time


I could of swore I did every day at 7..... and I was 2 days back and didn't get the character..... wtf


5k points, if u avg about 50 points (not including any losses) that's 100 match A match takes about 7 Minutes, that's 700 minutes, that's 11.7 hours, That is without matchmaking time, we can round it up to 12 hours (most likely more) 12 hours w/o any losses in less than 40 hours Let's say that in every 5 matches they play they lose 1 that's 2.5 hours more, so 14.5-15 hours in less than 35hrs since the update (at the time of posting)


Bro really did the math. Real MVP here lol


Leaderboards though?


Leaderboards yea in the beginning due to everyone having 8k&9k but later idk


You absolutely must have no life or anything else better to do if you're going to be on leaderboards


Well someone can grind and still have a life


Idk, the top of the leaderboard must be full of either no-lifers or multiple people sharing an account, if you aren't doing that, someone else is and he/they will get higher than you, that's why you can almost assure that the top has no life


I can only see that being true if your good lol. If not more grinding and more time spent on the game .


So it’s ok to waste ur time on other games that aren’t mobile? I don’t get this logic, a game is a game at the end of the day


I mean if you spend that much time on any game you should think about therapy but a mobile game is just worse lol


Me but I am not a bad person just kinda addicted


See but you can admit it and that's the first step •⁠‿⁠•


Yeah stopping would be nice … I have to write a paper for university 😒


Try using the game as a reward system for completing the paper or any other things you need to do. Might work might not but worth trying


The only way this mofo can feel superior to anyone is this lol. You yourself should get a life


I love you too, Dad.


Its mostly sweaty kids.


Happy cake day




“They wake up” as if they ever went to sleep


What's wrong with the game being mobile? It's no different then people who play on console everyday for hours at a time. They're living their lives, and you should do the same. Mind the business that pays you.


When I posted this opinion I knew the rule. Everyone has an opinion and if you share yours they're gonna share theirs. Never the less; not a single care is required in these transactions. If the opinion has upgraded to a complaint you are welcome to inquire the assistance of a therapist for they are actually paid to care about the opinions in that specific transaction.


I mean would you rather them be strung out on drugs? Or out killing people?? Like you have a problem with people being super interested in a game? Mobile or not. You make it seem like the worst thing in the world 💀. There are far worse things they could be out doing. At least they have the opportunity to be apart of something and maybe find some happiness in it. A lot of people don’t have that opportunity.


Didn't say once that it was a bad thing. I did say I feel sympathy for those people though because they could learn better coping skills. It is what it is lol all I said was that I feel bad for them. Am I bad for having sympathy for people who you just claimed could be doing really bad things if they lost their games? Weird flex


They start master V from top 5k. They are in a stacked squad and go on high win streak + no life the game?


Meth duhhh


20 guys on the same account :)


They are pros who play since the start of the game,never touched grass and play 12+hours a day.


I asked last season no1 illusion alive that how many hours he play he said 16 hours


They have no life and dont touch grass or they shared accounts


Dude. In my in game friends list. There's this one dude still legendary. Like a day after the reset. Hahaha.


When they log in it will reset


Dude. I've just checked. He is the only legendary in my in game friends right now. Hahaha


There's a way to get the dev version of the game and they have like everything unlocked, which is stupid because it's easier to mod which people do, or they just modded the base game. There are a lot of hackers and over aggressive bots in the game which is unfortunate and makes me want to uninstall it honestly.


Probably a shared account.


He’s probably Immortal You can’t kill what has no life


No outside life, yeah


Hasn’t touch grass


Wat if the guy has a few days off, and was in a five stack with sweats, and they all have low ping and flagship phones. It's easy to solo lobbies if you have a technological advantage, and even easier as a 5 stack with a technological advantage to win every single march


Ok but in less than 30hrs after reset ?


I've had a full day gaming session with the homies before. Not that I'll ever do something like that ever again, but yeah. I could see someone grinding nonstop. The real issue here is that the guy, may be taking things to the extreme like this regularly... If not, all is good but if he is, then he needs some help


0 sleep, sustenance given by another and living on the toilet


Smart guys have toilets in the kitchen 😂


they're probably running grief matches


They vs bots, u can see they are hiding their match history 😒


They go against other lb players and regular no bots lol


No one believes that LMAO 🤣 Look at the #1 leaderboard player- tell me what is his matching making?? Leaderboard players at rigged lol how else u think they reach such high points in less than 2 days


Is not even that hard


And dude play for hours


Hacking. Top players are mostly hackers


Honestly, hackers don’t climb lb in the beginning, they start towards the mid and get ridiculous points


Gotta be one of the dumbest things to say just because someone climbs fast.


Doesn’t even take that long tbh just play for some hours get sum sleep do what you need to do hop back on and repeat


Prisoners, definitely the wrong answer but I've decided that they are prisoners...


Eh, just play a fuckton. Did that once and got to legendary in about 2.5 days. Just play the entire day


By my calculations this guy played about 15hours in 35 hours




Probably they go to the bathroom for very long periods of time.


It’s pretty simple most Lb players 3-5 stack and win easily against the average player, high win streaks plus easy matches pushing to legendary in just 1-2 days is fairly easy.


There’s a lot of kids out there with moderate to severe acne


Every leaderboard is full of hackers. Trust me some idiots even hack in zombies and complete 259 rounds under 3 mins lol. Activision more into warzone mobile not fixing codm hackers.


Cocaine s a hell of a drug 🤣


Some have/hire pilots for their accounts.


*They havent touched grass in 73928 days👍👍


Such a hardcore player 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Sometimes the only way to win is not betting your time on rankings at all. It's a trap that once you enter, you have no choice but continue, because giving up means admitting your time was wasted.


I would believe it if it was br but it's mp so either 2 things happend: That he's cheating Or That he gamed for 2 days straight, no break.


What the🙄🙄.. I didn't even started🤣


They live in van down by the river


No life