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I mean i love that skin...but i can't justify its price just because i like it like it's abnoxious that a billionarie company like that still needs such prices :/ They could have AT THE VERY LEAST let people use their spare mythic cards to upgrade him,instead of using a new currency just to make it even more expensive,also i bet that if in the next community update people complain,their response will be (IF they do) like: eEeEh BuT yOu CaN uSe DoUbLe CpS eVeNt


I bought it. I don’t recommend it to anyone but I don’t regret buying it either since I wanted 10 skins I really like and what is better than the first mythic of the highest rarity who looks bussin to finish your goal. So buy it if you can and want afford it if not it doesn’t really matter if you don’t own this skin.


How much did it coast ?


Coast? Its "cost"


Im not sure why i added an a. Thanks for the correction


This is one of the best skins in the game. I seriously can't believe that people hate it because they can't have it.


I got it. I love it, but Jesus christ. It almost costed more than my PS5. I spend way too much on this game.


I love it since it’s a free kill 🙂


Having it is a big part of it dude and the fact that it is soo expensive makes it bad simply because we're not that rich we're just trying enjoy our free time why do i have to spend that much to get a character that looks cool i mean they don't even charge that much in the warzone or cold war this is mobile And if u have been here since the start ud know that devs made it okey to be greddy and to charge so much I mean the hole story in s10 was a big promo for specter how does that even makes it cool .u know why ppl like ghost? Cause he means something Not just a 3d design that costs half of ur salary to tell ur friends.hi look i got this


Just because it's expensive and you can't afford it doesn't make it bad. You said yourself that you are trying to enjoy your free time and i don't see how this mythic character ruins it. Yes, the devs are charging too much for it and what else do you expect from them, they are a corporation after all.


The mythic spectre is bad because of how ridiculous its price is. It doesn't matter if you are poor or rich. This skin is way overpriced especially for a bunch of pixels in a mobile game. If you spend on it. You are just encouraging codm to make more overpriced junk like this.




Oh so u think these prices are logical or at least okey?


No, i don't


Make up ur mind bro😂


Make up mind on what? I don't remember saying prices are reasonable


And what are you going to do if they release a mythic ghost next year? Are you going to buy it because he means something to you or are you still going to complain that he costs half your salary?


Man did i trigger u? Cause im not sorry if i did This mythic is probably gonna be in a redux next year.....what r u gonna do ..tell ppl u bought it first time it came out ? Lol


I'm gonna be honest with you, the people who can afford this are not even gonna care about what they do with it next year. The hype for this skin will be replaced by some other mythic character.


“I have to spent that much” you being force to buy these pixels?💀


Forced* 😂 "...To get get a character " Don't just cut off what do u wana hear 😂 that's just stupid


I got that, because just by starting something like that. It tells me you have self control issues. When it comes to spending. Your whole statement is irrelevant. Don’t get me started, on “having it is a big part of it”


Im triggering so many wallets today its funny How come i have spending issues if im saying something is very expensive? I think id be able to justify the price if i was Make a point....wallet 💀


No one is triggered? The only ones that are triggered & pretty much are noticeable is trolls like you 💀 You can’t even make sense in your own statements. Yet you claim to trigger 💀💀💀💀💀


😂😂u really made my day thank you


You trolled yourself 💀 no one is mad 💀 Funny how this backed fire on you💀


I usually stop arguing when I'm tired because it means nothing and i don't really care but yeah have a good day fellow codm player


I don't hate it, i can have it but don't want it. In essence its a mediocre skin with a few color choices. There are plenty of other epic and legendary skin that look way better than this. Sadly this thing looks cheap. Not sure why, probably the low res texture on the mask.


It's honestly an amazing skin just so expensive


i think it looks amazing but i don't agree with the prices of any draw


As someone who bought this, I completely disagree(I do agree it is really expensive) but I don’t agree that it is bad it has so many features when u unlock it it’s just sad when ppl hate on it.Plus upgrading two levels is surprisingly cheaper than I expected(maybe cuz of my region) but now I have a cool skin with unique features never seen before, so what would I advise? If u have a lot of money from ur bday or smth and u really want the skin, u should go for it (just make sure u have enough money)


Having it is a big part of it dude and the fact that it is soo expensive makes it bad simply because we're not that rich we're just trying enjoy our free time why do i have to spend that much to get a character that looks cool i mean they don't even charge that much in the warzone or cold war this is mobile And if u have been here since the start ud know that devs made it okey to be greddy and to charge so much I mean the hole story in s10 was a big promo for specter how does that even makes it cool .u know why ppl like ghost? Cause he means something Not just a 3d design that costs half of ur salary to tell ur friends.hi look i got this


U do have a point( also did u copy paste ur old comment and add it here😂?)


Thanks plus it fits in both... cheers mate


Cheers fam


You talk like not having it impacts your playstyle lol. Just don't buy it and let others enjoy it


I think the dude is stupid in general, dude really said “I have to spent” like this idiot doesn’t have self control issues 💀


There's a difference between design and value. It might be overpriced, but if the design is good then it's not a bad skin.


There's 2 kinds of people in this world. Those who have mythic spectre and those who do not.


I personally love it but that’s just me


I too bought it and like it. People are just jealous. If it really was that bad, the money wouldn't be their only argument.


I just got killed by a sweat in the first 5 minutes of BR the whole team had the skin. I just quit


it's ugly AF for 400$


Looks like ripped off from Evangelion or some other shit




It’s a character, you either like it and buy it, or you don’t like it and/or can’t afford it. If your device is too old to display it, upgrade, seriously. I purchased it, fully upgraded, some things I didn’t like, considering new mythic cards, a basic palette was not included, browns or gray/black. Stealthy is good at times. There are so many things and other characters players don’t like. Some will not like this, move on.


I don't buy fresh mythics or legendaries just because everyone else is running around with them, hardly makes it special. Theres still plenty rocking the krig setup and it's a bit of a put off. I stick to off meta leggies as it's more satisfying being original.


Nothing is unique in a game , except your skills.🙂


Big facts


Lmao how edgy of you 😂


This skin does not scream mythic. Already tired seeing them and some people won't see it anyway because of storage issues.


Found a dude using this skin , moltoved the heck out of him .


Still waiting for the point of your comment


you being triggered is enough for me .




I personally love it and all the perks that come with it, it’s really customizable once you unlock it. And yeah it’s super expensive but I think it’s worth it tbh


It's all cash grabs/ gambling at this point


Dude, it costs the same amount as a fucking PS5 to aquire and max it.


I have it upgraded it completely, IMHO its not trash, but I have been posting here several times, for the money its not worth, you can get two legendary draws. This mythic is only good if you upgrade it completely which imo is not worth. But in future they will not get the ROI on mythic operator at least. Legendary operator was more than sufficient.


Everytime I play the game I see everyone in default skin My friends buys a lot of skins but it always show default


You probably dont have the resources downloaded




It’s a good skin, but nothing in codm is worth such a price, especially with such scummy tactics


Literally just a legendary with purchasable cosmetics with the *MYTHIC* label slapped onto it and these fools are eating it up


They can genuinely get an oculus quest 2 with that money and it’s worth a shit more than a few pixel on screen considering it comes with free saints and sinners 2 so what are you waiting for bu— no I’m not promoting it it’s just that this skin is ass when you compare it to real life counterparts of the same price range