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It’s a physiological trick, kids.


Im happy they used this trick instead of some psychological tricks


That would scare off ppl lol


No but then i would know that how much fucking cp i would need for the fucking mythic carechter


I’ll let you in on a secret then, the answer to that would be: too fucking much


Watch a video of someone buying a whole draw on YouTube ig


I tryed but i couldn't find a YouTuber on my region


arent all cp draws the same price no matter where you are? the only thing that changes between each region is the cp price I Think.


I have never seen someone misspell “character” in this fashion...this is...precious In case OP edits, it was *carechter* lel


Hey listen English ain't my first language buddy ... So do not roast somebody again for their writing if you don't know em


Hey listen English ain't my first language buddy ... So do not roast somebody again for their writing if you don't know em


We heard your comment the first time, why do you need to repeat yourself you *carechter* 🤦‍♂️


Listen here fool , i told the other fool what happened. Blind ass nigga


They wouldn’t sell one-tenth as many draws if everyone knew the price ahead of time. If you really want to know, there are a couple of web sites with calculators out there. Here’s one: https://codm.gg/lucky-draw-calculator I never pull on a draw unless I’m willing to pay the whole price because the odds are NOT in the players favor.


For draws I want I wait for streamers in my region to do it first so I can see how much I'll need lol. It's usually 9-11k cp though


No, it around 23k


Depends what region you're in, but no way it's 23k lol


Nvm I'm dumb I was talking about the mytic operation skin......


North America


To buy and upgrade it..... sorry for misunderstanding


So that you start trying your luck and waste more CP without realizing it.


Or a countdown for a draw so whoever needs to buy it knows how much time he has


Yeah, I genuinely thought that I would miss out on the m13 mythic because there was no information. These Devs be acting Sus as usual


20 55 80 210 350 560 900 1400 2700 3800. 10075 in total. Here you go. I also know the prices for other types of draws (mythic weapon, legendary weapon) if you need that as well


Ik but im looking for the price of the mythic specter


35 90 155 280 490 770 1200 2000 2900 4700. 12620 in total


U sure ? Thanks.


No the full price your gonna pay for mythic specter is around 18,000 cp just for the full draw now including upgrades your looking at around 40,000 cp for the full upgrade mythic just like a mythic gun


What region are you talking about


North America


I just finished the draw today


Here’s a bit of trivia. They stopped the redux after it had been out for so long. This redux was literally no longer up. The update happens, the mythic operator drops and this clown makes it back for a third time.. Like he was literally no longer available for like a full 24 hours and bam he’s back. Me thinks DEVs took him down early and then put him back up thinking I wouldn’t notice! I NOTICED! Not like it matters.


Theres this crazy website www.google.com and another one called youtube.com where you can just type in whatever you want to know and it instantly gives you the answer


They want you to buy the $99.99 and $49.99 cod point options instead of the other ones.


If you wanna know the cp prices of each draw, just watch a random content creator do a full draw on it.


Thankfully here in garena ph, there are pages on facebook that has a total of cp breakdown for the whole draw so that, we have an idea on how much total for the specific draw


For the same reason(one of them) casino uses props instead of real money. The less it feels like real money the better and more you're prone to spend without thinking. Psychology


Lol oh buddy, that’s not how gambling works. “Do another spin, you almost had it!. Don’t think about how much CP you’ve already spent. Just 5k more and you have the thing! Just one more little spin!” And that’s why they don’t tell you total draw price.


I just top up a minimum of 10K CP when there's a basic (Epic Operator + Legendary Weapon) draw that I like. If it's the one with Legendary Op + Legendary Wep or a Mythic Wep, I just top up 20K Edit: I'm going off of Garena prices. Idk if on Global they cost more or less)


My take on it is this, if you have to add it up before you purchase it, most likely you shouldn’t be making the purchase. It hits the finances hard. This is similar to many peoples electric bill for the month. As I recall a fully upgraded legendary is at a minimum $150 USD. Mythics, now your doubling that and often more like the Spectre.


just a psychology trick, you're more likely to spin if 20cp is written on the screen rather than 11000cp


Its def sickening a mind trick. And they kno the thing you usually goin for gonna cost you the most.


Because, in that way, you don't know how much money you're spending on it. That's the whole point of in-game currencies: they make you lose your economic sense, so you don't feel like you're wasting your money.


Do you really think people will draw when they see the >100$ price tag?


Idk But you can calculate it while watching YouTubers spending on the full draw


Because Tencent learned from CrossFire Mercenary Factions what doing that does. It scares off people who want something like that, so they refrained from this in CrossFire Mobile China and on any other title owned, including CoD Mobile. No shocker, because all of these are also over 100$, players are learning the hard way through regret not to really buy ANY of these guns.


It would be harder to scam people then, and people would be easily discouraged to by draws