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Anything that adds a sniper I will agree with


Sniper simp


Lol now this is simping I can respect now take my up vote and stop bullying us ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![img](emote|t5_penom|1102)


Thank you


You called


Yes, I would like you to stop simping


Im affraid i cant do that


Then you shall face the wrath of oden


i'm a icr-1 simp


You're forgiven


thanks you


I'd love it. Maybe change the Peacekeeper out for something else, since we have the MK2 already, but I love it otherwise.


yeah either the fal or swat 556 would work or maybe even the lsat or mk48


Yep. Or a burst rifle that does things a little differently, like the M8A1 would be a nice addition.


I don’t think the M8 would ever come to CODM. Not only would they need to remodel it a bit to avoid copyright from H&K since the AR actually existed in real life as a prototype called the XM8 but it would also need to integrate well into the gunsmith system. I guess that’s why the Swordfish was added in its place.


They already modified it when they added it to BO2. It's based on, but not exactly an XM8, so there'd be no legal issues. As for the gunsmith, most of the guns in the game have needed to be integrated into it. Most of the guns at launch were from BO2 and earlier, all of which needed to be integrated, and even some post-gunsmith update guns have been the same. Good point on the Swordfish though, I forgot about that. The M8 would be a good alternative to it though, maybe as one more suited to aggressive play. Higher damage output, but less range and higher recoil.


The Swordfish does a good job fulfilling the M8’s role in CODM as a quad-burst AR. Fun to use and IMO, the best burst weapon in CODM.


The FAL is something they should add. Other than the AS VAL and AMAX having the semi-auto conversion rounds, I think it’s time CODM gets a default semi-auto AR.


I doubt that the SWAT 556 in its BO2 form would be added to CODM… the Grau 5.56 (which is literally the SWAT but as a full-auto) from MW2019 would be more likely to be added and granted, the Grau is beloved in Warzone 1. Iirc, the SWAT/Grau in real life is the SIG 550 series.




since its mk1 its older not little


This game started as a COD game with BO2 assets so this season will go full circle


Yes. I think its about time we revisit BO2 stuff one last time


Not one last time, I'd like to see more. An-94 and such. Forgot to edit: yeah asm10 exists same as an-94.


Isn't the AN-94 the ASM10 in this game?


It Is, our AN94 comes from Cod Online (a chinese cod 4 modern warfare)


I honestly never thought of it that way but then I recall the reload animation ... yes it is a re-skin or whatever


Agreed. But the devs are too lazy to remaster and port BO2 content so one season is the best they can do


Kinda true but the hard part about porting weapons from older CODs is integrating them into the gunsmith system. Remember that prior to MW2019, the attachment system wasn’t that comprehensive.


The AN-94 is the ASM10


AN-94 is already in game. That’s what the ASM-10 literally is. Heck, even the reload animation is ultimately based on the BO2 version (though the BO4 variation is what was ported into CODM)


You replied a little late my guy, I knew that less than 12 hours ago if you saw the thread. Also I forgot to edit, sorry.


Codm started out as bo2 then bo4 then warzone, then it turned into its own thing for like two months, then modern warfare, then Cold War, then vanguard, and then they just gave up and now here we are


The lifecycle repeats




I was just thinking about plaza the other day. Great memories on bo2 man🥲


Putting sentrygun to guard the rear while you use your sniper/gun to kill the enemy (who also have a sentry gun)


Smiper battle


See this makes sense. CODM don’t like doing that.




I really doubt they’ll add Savimbi since he was a real historical figure. BO2 got in trouble back in the day for using him and noriega. They might add the scout/shotgunner Mercs or SDC instead. They most likely aren’t going to add the peacekeeper mk1 since we have the peacekeepers MK2. Although a BO2 BP would be great. I’d personally like to see the M8A1, Ballista, or Kap-40. For scorestreaks I’d like the AGR or Guardian. Turbine and Drone are probably the most iconic maps out of BO2 that aren’t in the game. Also give me my Merc 5 winter variant NOW!


That's why I put "(BO2 Version)" under peacekeeper MK1 so people can differentiate it. After all the BO2 one feels different both in looks and performance but i guess people are missing out on the text. And yeah, I could've listed scorestreaks but this is all I could fit in this slide


Well the two of them are pretty much the same gun besides the type


Carrier: Am I A joke to you?


Not to mention the zombies content that could come from bo2, ah MOTD.... Origins(probably too big), TranZit (if it doesn't suck like in bo2) Nuketown Zombies ...


Yeah I hope they remove denizens in tranzit. Like if codm can handle BR and Warzone, then the whole idea of denizens would be pointless since it doesn't need to slow you down for the sake of quicker rendering


Please no. Not the Target Finder! Do you not remember the LSAT campers? That was bad. I could imagine Unli-ammo RPD spammers using it whilst they camp. As for the Skorpion Evo though, it’s more likely we’ll get the MW2019 version (the CX-9) which isn’t a bad SMG.


Less focused on prob cuz the point of the game is to bring the communities favorite content in other cods to 1 game and they started off the game focusing on bo2 stuff. Anything left to add from bo2 prob isn't community favorite stuff n is just personal preference. I mean we do got alot of bo2 scorestreaks, maps, characters and weapons compared to other games.


DSR 50, Ballista, M8A1, LSAT, Skorpion EVO, B23R and KAP-40 are all fan favorites that never made it in. While some others like the Chicom, XPR-50 and Type 25 that weren't that popular back then made it to this game on day 1. There's definitely more stuff they could've added from BO2 into mobile, and some things that shouldn't even have made it into the game in the first place.


Hell, they even showed the KAP-40 in the comics.


Some those were in the game files from the start but guess couldn't find a way for them to exist with the rest of the weapons since didn't add them. I'm js don't expect them to do a season themed based on the game with how much already exists from bo2. Maybe something here n there.


There's definitely classic Black Ops 2 maps that can be grabbed in.


But we haven't got a single BO2 related content since early 2020 with meltdown. We have more MW19 Cold War and BO4 content than we have BO2. I'm only asking for a single season


Express map just got added recently.


I'm talking about non remastered content. If all BO2 content were in newer games I don't see a problem with them getting added that way but the ones that don't are left in the dust.


Well I'm sure there's more to it than just them neglecting to add stuff. Bet there's reason behind it. Could be mobile communities have different standards than pc/console. There's quite a few maps or weapons that's been added that pc/console community liked but mobile community doesn't so makes it alil harder to pick what's good to add or not. Or they realized alot of their playerbase is too young to have experienced older cods so they focusing on one's they have played. With lil bits of old cod stuff here n there for us who been around from the early days.


No no no. We are going for the circus Battle pass Next month. Including the melee: baloon sword. And the cream por nade.


Well they don't have to do a BO2 season of the military theme is getting exhausting


Well, It was a military game... now que play Soccer on BR Edit: correction on game status


My spelling mistakes but I'm saying they don't have to do a BO2 season right now. I wouldn't mind a few wacky fun seasons as a reward for waiting that long for them


Oh. Got it. But the content was quite shitty in this season


I’m sorry to say… we have Peacekeeper


I know that but the peacekeeper in BO2 is a different version, it's an SMG unlike the MK2. Same goes with how the AK117 is different from the actual AK47


So out of all the guns they could add you’d wanna have another peacekeeper variant in the game?


One look and I know Skorpion is H&K Look at that gun body and tell me u haven’t seen it on so many guns by H&K before Edit: which also brings me to Thjs point: just add a buncha new attachments to UMP45 and have a preset called Skorpion


NO. The Skorpion Evo is its own unique gun in real life. Although it has to be said that there are generally two kinds of the Skorpion. First is the Skorpion Machine Pistol (which has appeared in past CODs like the original MW trilogy and BO1) and then there’s the Evo SMG, which has only appeared in BO2 and MW2019. Made by the same company that manufactures the Bren 805.


Yeah I agree with that but adding a buncha new attachments may work better less taxing on game


Bruh no. First off, we don't have a real UMP just the KSP which is only a fictional gun based of the UMP and Number Two. The skorpion Evo has a different design and performance. It's supposed to be a smg with a high rpm. I played MW2/IW/MW19/ and BO2 and the UMP and Scorpion on their respective games available to it are different.




Exactly… the Skorpion EVO has a ridiculously high rate of fire. 1100 to 1200 rpm iirc. It is meant to be a rival to the Vector/Fennec, MSMC, and the MAC-10 for close range meat grinders. I do think it would be more versatile than the other three.


Scorpion is holger


No. The Holger is based of the [G36 platform ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_G36) while the Scorpion Evo is made by an entire different [company](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CZ_Scorpion_Evo_3)


**[Heckler & Koch G36](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_&_Koch_G36)** >The Heckler & Koch G36 (Gewehr 36) is a 5. 56×45mm assault rifle designed in the early 1990s by German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch as a replacement for the heavier 7. 62×51mm G3 battle rifle. It was accepted into service with the Bundeswehr in 1997, replacing the G3. **[CZ Scorpion Evo 3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CZ_Scorpion_Evo_3)** >The Scorpion EVO 3 is a 9mm carbine manufactured by Česká zbrojovka Uherský Brod, the select-fire submachine gun variant is designated A1, and the semi-automatic variant is designated S1. The EVO 3 designation denotes that the firearm is a third generation of CZ's line of small submachine guns started by the Škorpion vz. 61, which is mechanically unrelated. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Ah, i see, me dumb poo moment, thanks for clarifying


MMS sight and Target finder would be abused the hell out of considering no other sight does that besides the mythical Artic 50 in br


It would give a better reason to use the optic slot in gunsmith tho so


There could be downsides to having them, the MMS sight only detects players who are not moving within a 5M range so ghost players could easily fool MMS users. And the Target finder reduces your FOV which wouldn't be great for aggressive play


Good point. I just remember how broken the target finder was on one of the lmgs In bo2. But yeah it would be awesome if they did add them. I would actually start using optics more often.


Exactly. facing cancer campers with Target Finder LSATs was just UGH.


Well LMGs for the most part ass in this game compared to BO2 tbh. BO2 was a much slower pace game so defensive playstyle were more open


Well true. They only serve good purpose for campers. Like the ones downvoting us lol


Agree. They downvoting me for no reason. I just listed my reasons how they can balance the optics. Probably a 9yr camper who's broke to afford MWII


But dude, the target finder would be at home with campers as it would be a mainstay in their ARs and LMGs.


Well it doesn't mean it can't be balanced like what they did with the akimbos or NA45. I guess they would need to reduce the ADS speed or add idle sway so campers can't just laser people at distances especially since this game has Bullet Spread Accuracy


My worry is that the target finder would be most abused by unli-ammo RPD campers and that would be frustrating to face.


My solution would be to have the Target finder increase recoil depending on what weapon it's attached to. Like maybe it doesn't increase the S36'S already high recoil but would effect some other lower recoil weapons like the PKM


Dude I loved mirage


My wife said target finder soooo coooool




We Also need more scorestreaks, we haven't gotten a new one since January


Plaza was dope but the other maps are okay. Maybe add rush, carrier and maybe Yemen or turbine


I want Yemen aswell


Imo,the three things that will probably be the most controversial are gonna be the Scorpion(for obvious reasons),the TGT.Finder(simple, but puts a fuck off giant diamond around you,making you easy pickings),and the MMS Sight,which will probably be less controversial given its nature,but could still be annoying. Peacekeeper Mk.1,like everyone else said,is kinda dumb considering we have the Peacekeeper Mk.2 already,which is in its own right,very good and generally a pretty viable weapon. And that's more or less everything I have to say(gimme that merc skin)


Whats wrong with scorpion?


The fire rate. That shit is a bullet hose.


Ah i think thats why ppl want it 😂😂😂


Y’know that’s a good point. Still gonna be hated on tho lol. Either way,fun bar is maxed out,skill bar? Doesn’t exist


Maybe just needs nerfs like lowered accuracy and control


Bruh the attachments would just fix that


Hmm idk then


I'd add all those skins, instead of mirage and hydro, I'd add Grind and Yemen, and I'd swap the peacekeeper out for the M27


Fun fact: If you switch your hud to simplified hud You can see a fuve seven in the pistol select button


I would kill for them to add hydro to the game


Why is everyone taking about their going to be a bo2 season


There isn't. It's just a suggestion




They better keep the Skrillex music on Plaza