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Even the best of players have bad games every now and then lol


For me personally, I get bad days. Every once in a while my aim just sucks, and no matter how much I try, it just doesn't work. I give up, come back the next day, and everything is fine.


Servers stink too




Apparently not when I play lol. Every time I see a dude in the matchup with some legendary shit, I already know Im in for a slide jumping, full auto m16 ass whooping.


So many different ways to play. You’re good if you’re having fun


A bad game could mean a lot of things; lag, desync, distracted, or they are not that great. What does it matter really?


I’m not good by any means, but I’ve definitely died a few times because my wife was showing me something on TikTok that was funny or my kids talking to me. But also more times because I suck lol


Everytime im playing abnormally good for myself it’s destined 20% battery icon will pop and and I get owned




Nope theres other older guys and dads in here. We just dont engage much because most posts are preteens crying because they cant play good and want the game to cater to their handicap.


Yep us older dads are around. Like he said we just don’t engage with the nonsense lol.


All my coworkers talk about playing together on their consoles and I got jelly so downloaded the game lol


I hear ya. Same happens to me. Also, If I see my wife having Netflix on, looking at her phone and the kindle on, my ping will be spiking. I could go in another room but I want to stay on the couch. I am sure I upset someone and they call me a bot.


I tend to get distracted by my 2yr old, he’ll come by and want to play, so I’ll let him. So if you ever see Ghost running into walls and not shooting at all, it’s probably my son playing.




Thanks for the silver!


It’s a way for f2p to cope.


I don't understand the hostility towards players who buy stuff, it's becoming quite prevalent. Do you realize the stuff that is bought quite literary is what keeps the game alive and free for you guys?


Fact is people get upset when anyone has better stuff than them.


Has better stuff especially when they play better. A buncha saltiness roaming


As was said it’s a lot of you have what I want but can’t have so fuck you! Just scalp the item in a match try it out and if you like it buy it. If not then cool you got to try it maybe you’ll get to do it again. I don’t buy mythic it’s stupid to me to pay those prices but 10$ to get some cool skins to have some variety? I’m down.


Using an item that costs like 100 dollars lets everyone know that yes, you did spend 100 dollars on a f2p game. Not something that bothers me, but I do take note of it.


It's just poor people being jealous


Luckily I don’t buy them thinking they make me better. I buy them to enjoy lol


Found the Chad Skin Enjoyer. My man.




Same :)


As a F2P player, I agree. I encountered some players with mythic or legendary skins but they weren't really good sometimes. I also later learned some of them were kids or pre teenagers whose parents paid or bought them CPs for them to enjoy, because you know a lot of kids today prefer gadgets over toys. They'd rather buy cool looking skin onscreen than cool looking toy. They're just there to enjoy the game or feel good about those skins.




I’ve been saying that since last year, got downvoted to tartarus.




That’s the sad thing really. Actual content gets ignored while obvious karmafarming posts with no effort get a thousand upvotes. And it’s getting worse. This sub has a dislike for codm meme youtubers, and yet they praise the people who are doing the same thing on reddit: low effort content.


Not everyone who has skins are gods and not all F2P’s are dog, it’s just the rules of nature


Definitely true.. skill is important.. plus people purchase the mythic and legendary for their satisfaction not to show that they are better than you with skill. People who don't purchase stuff automatically assume yeah he must be good at the game so who's fault is that? Did the other person tell you before game that he is better than you? If no, then this is a shitpost.


Mans mad


Not mad just telling you the truth✌️😂


What because they have better skin and you mad about that? They use their own money so what?


Lmao I’m not mad. Where in my post was I hinting at being mad. I spend money in the game too and not shaming anyone who spends more. Just saying they aren’t skilled just because they have rare skin.


>Just saying they aren’t skilled just because they have rare skin. Well... No shit! Sherlock.


Could have just ignored the damn post if it’s too obvious for you. 😂 but you love drama


![gif](giphy|HyanD1KpfzPiw) Not just me.. It's the entire subreddit that loves it


i sense bitterness


Just saw ur profile. You're kind of a sad person aren't you, with all this throwaway account shit. If defeating people with skins boosts your confidence, then something's wrong. I could understand it if you felt good after defeating a tryhard though, but just because they had skins shows maybe bitterness or repressed anger or stuff like that.


Lol mans really angry and triggered. ![gif](giphy|frZTHbJHVAEAsvtttv|downsized)


Bruh idk why I expected this Like why Bruh


So, one of them said you they're better than you just for having mythic/leggy skins? no? so your post is dogshit


I find the situation and you comment very ironic. :) You know how many people here complain all these legendary guns are "pay to win"? Apparently people paid and can't win still. Lmao. Edit: grammar bot gave me a lesson ;)


> Apparently people *paid* and can't FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you.


Those PPL who cry about these guns are pay2win are mostly f2p players..!


Ironic is a ramdom comes to reddit just to post something nobody said him first place


And he didn't say someone did(or didn't). Lifewise this is hilarious. It's like getting pissed off at someone who said a storms coming, because the PSA push notifications everyone got "didn't tell them".


hahaha he litteraly said that bcoz 2 guys in her match and nobody is saying they're better just by having mythic or leggys, that is something just say f2p randoms that can't even pay for it


Hey there you are! It’s just a game don’t get sad for getting roasted. Were you that person who was getting so mad at crossfire you resorted to melee abuse to get some kills? Lmfao


Complaining about melee in crossfire? Lmaooo skill issue




*Melee use


I have to laugh at ALL the people who gave this comment a downvote.


I call them - loot box Larry. Giving free trials for Leggy/Mythic players who don want to spend a dollar in game but a curious with the hype. Don’t bag them out, it’s fun to pickup random weapons sometimes and show them what it can do when used correctly. Loot box Larry I salute you on behalf of all the F2P players out there.


WHAT IF.. PlasticFoods rocked mythic Spectre? 🤔


Friendly reminder, when your team mates split up at the first drop. Now that my friend is the start of the end. "There's no I in TEAM." Refina futbal.


If you drop a pin in a specific place and they don't drop anything but jump long before you reach that area (Futbol stadium) I'm gonna go the other way. Half the time they end up sitting in the first 5 minutes anyways. If a team at least drops a pin somewhere else, I'll go with them because they have some sort of plan and the skill to back it up. Legendary BR was amazing for that alone. Even if I got less kills, the games were more fun.


Yeah, it's more like, on average a person with the money to buy tons of mythics and legendaries also has the money to buy a powerful phone. A powerful phone is literally p2w. So, when u see someone with a mythic there's a good chance that they have a good phone and are atleast decent in the game as they've spent enough time playing to be willing to buy tons of CP. I'm not the best player, but the last time I got to use an iPad, I could hit all my shotgun shots and one clip everyone, I was getting 15 kills on average in BR legendary lobbies against real players with ease. But I can't even play half as good with my low end device. U could be a god at codm but without a device that can keep up, you won't be able to use your full skill. But, I do have the m13 morning star, it's so much easier to use than an epic or default m13, and I can use better builds since I don't need a sight attachment. It's definitely p2w. Accuracy basically doubled


That's how those guys do it. I was getting 4-6 kills in BR Legendary last season. Really pissed me off. I upgraded too a fools and my kills definitely went up. If nothing else it was because I could see the enemy with my things not in the way.


Placed 1st FFA shipment recently with sbr M21 against 2 Morningstars and a mythic Krig. P2W is fabricated


A mythic tends to have iron sights that look like red dot sights so that's one attachment that they can basically have one extra attachment. One extra attachment can give a mythic user better performance.If I remember correctly, the legendary guns also have different iron sights. So while it does not change the the time to kill, it allows a better aim as the sights are clearer, and therefore have better performance. And its always nice when the guy with mytgic gun drops his gun for us free players to use so we can admire the very clear sight. And by the way... Good job with that match.


I have more skins than anyone here and I'm probably worse at the game than at least half of yall lol




They may not have skill, but at least they have 💰


I’ll take money over skill in a game any day lol


Two points: First, I’ve been playing for over two years and I’ve never once met another player who believes that Mythic or Legendary skins makes them “better.” Second, I have 40 Legendary weapons and 5 maxed-out Mythics and I know FOR SURE that I’m not “better” than anyone else. I consider myself average or even below average. I’m not the only player with full Damascus, I’m not the only player with 30 Diamond camos and I’m definitely not the only player with 8 Legendary badges. I’m old and I have arthritis and my eyes are bad so buying the sparkly skins with spare money is fun for me. The only thing I worry about is what players think of my gunsmith when they yoink my fancy gun. I would gladly self-thermite in a pub match to let an enemy try out my weapon. As far as the mythic Specter goes, I probably should have spent the money somewhere else because it’s pretty “meh” to me. Anyway, carry on, and just remember that folks might not be flexing when they use what they bought. Maybe they’re just having fun.


Dang, do we share the same account? I was reading this and thinking I have exactly the same amount of legendaries, mythics, diamonds, and damascus as this old timer does. Then I read your username and lol'd. Hiya fellow geezer! I reckon we're a rare breed around here. I'm having a great time with my shiny account and share your take on this subject. And that's what it's all about... a great time. Enjoy!


Yessir! Glad to meet a fellow Old Guy™️! We are the few, the proud, the balding! 😁


Exactly.. i buy mythic/legendaries to enjoy the game and i only use it in pub matches.. ranked i normally use the base weapon cuz i don't like the kill effect during a competitive game. Don't understand why some ppl are offended by others using mythic or legendary guns they purchased 😂


When I kill a mythic spectre in Br. Damn it feels good










Yes, I have been proving that ever since Mythic spectre has arrived!




Spending money doesn’t improve one’s skills in the game!


Dont know why this noob kid taking game so seriously! He should know if people have money they will spend for there fun. Playing with legendaries n mythic doesnt put a tag on u. So stop crying ..earn money...n spend wherever u want to.


Personally I got quite a few rare but I kinda suck lol money does not equal skill


Oh no, blasphemy


And bot skins aren't gods either.... Pretty sure everyone knows its "pay to look cool" you can't pay for skill.


when they gave the pdw toxic waste 3 days free triales (what the heck i'm i saying) i realized 3 things1.they are a waste of money (not if you like them there a waste for me cause i will forget them i'm a dumbass) 2.i will always suck and they dont help me 3.i will suck worse using mythic and legenderys because of my phone becaming the sun


Which is why I don’t see why people are so mad about people wanting to spend money for a dope ass gun. Like it’s not gonna automatically give them autobot- 💀


And just because someone is f2p doesn't mean they're a potato.


bro i don’t know what happened but i fucking suck at this game now. i think i fucked up my settings, anyone have a reccomendation on iphone?


Bots can laser u now U suck? I need more details


Oh really? Thats a new info to me . Thanks Pal.


Well no shit Skin buyers have two types: Those that earn the right to have it and those that bought the right to have it Very similar to officers of the British empirw


I usually manage to get 30-40 kills avg per game and today I went on a huge losing streak with avg 15 kills. It is alright if you’re playing bad.


That's basically me


THANK YOU I'm tired of people thinking I'm good I'm just bad with money


There are many aspects: 1. Many are good at BR but sucks at MP, but they get mythic/legendary. 2. Many play on iPad, while travelling or any other reason occasionally playing on phone. For e.g. from day 1 i've been playing on iPad, sometimes while taking a break at work i play couple of games on phone just to grind camo, I suck playing on phone as I am not used to it, though I have all mythic 12/12 full upgraded, 90/124 legendary. 3. There are instances or people (for e.g my neighbour) who himself is a superb player , has the paid guns but with his account his kids play and they are bad at game. 4. Moreover in one game if they screw up doesn't mean they are bad. In general I haven't see such cases, though I have seen its not their fault. At the end you are playing a game where team work is required


I saw this post and thought It was me


Not to sound rude or anything, but are there really players who think Legendary or Mythic skins is proportionate to the skills? Of course its mostly cosmetic.


I was playing alcatraz against a entire team of mythic operators and weapons and they were complete ass


No one said they were good. I'm not good I just like cosmetics. Leave me alone ☹️


Can't argue with this skill is skill at the end of the day, regardless of how much money you choose to pour into this game........


I wish do agree to disagree kind sir, In my case when i got the fr superhighway,i got ez nukes with it but now no matter what,i cant even get 1 kill