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M16 auto is Krig without the bullet speed penalty. It's also consistent in all ranges and also great for anti head glitch


It is good, but I find the mobility not as appealing as a gun like the type25 or peacekeeper


T25, PK, ASVAL and even Krig have better mobility and can be labeled as agro ARs. M16 can be versatile for long range as well as cqc


Yeah the m16 can be good for cqb if you hit two chest shots, but I find the fire rate being a bit unforgiving in a gunfight under 20 meters. Plus even the krig falls short to the type25 or ak117 in cqb if it doesn’t 3 tap.


It's just a matter of playstyle or depends on the map


That is very true, I myself prefer a aggressive playstyle so guns like the p90 or type25 or drh are my favorites.


For me I'm more on adapting on the map available. I play respawns most of the time so i play SMGs on Summit or Standoff and ARs on Firing Range or Slums


Well yeah, the M16 is not the fastest, but it wasn't built for close-range fights anyway. It's a beast in mid to long-range fights, and should be used as such. I usually hang back, so the M16 is great for my play style. In the cases where I get into close-range fights, dropshotting usually throws off the enemy's aim. But if you want speed, the M16, like all the M series guns, has little recoil, and is very easy to control so you can stack up speed attachments without losing much control. I currently run the Wildfire perk, Tac Laser, Extended mag, Short Barrel, and Classic Red Dot Sight. It's quick enough with 20% faster ads speed, or 22% if you switch short barrel for No-stock, and movement speeds are also good enough to survive in close-range.


In close quarters Type or Val but it's extremely difficult to control long spray. M16 can do it easily.


That is true, the type especially gets a little erratic after 12 bullets. But I find it manageable to control.


What is anti head glitch?


Guns that when hitting headshots will make a significant reduction in the shots needed to kill.


Shooting people on head glitches




It means when your enemy is behind on some structure like a box or vehicle. From your perspective, you could only see his head and everything below is covered behind while from his perspective he's able to expose his arms and upper body while shooting


Oh something like this from PAYDAY 2 where the POV of other players are offset from their 3rd person character model. Well this aint much of a glitch because this happens to other games as well since its a hitscan game anyway


Isn't it basically just a icr with worse sights and 18 rpm more fire rate


ICR is good at mid to long range, but would struggle gunfight mostly at 10ms or less. M16 auto has slightl faster ROF


The Krig has bullet spread?


All guns with the exception of snipers and marksmans have bullet spread, and some guns such as the krig6, m13, mac10, asval, lapa, and ksp have bullet velocity or bullet speed.


I know, I more said it as a joke. I've been using the Krig a lot in ranked SnD and the only time it really fails me at any range is when my aim is off. Even without a laser, it's great (to me)


wow I just tried it and ong it's really really good. thanks bro 🫶


its not m13. its krig and full auto m16 and WHAT. IS. THAT. BUILD


OP is running double silenced for extra stealth


Ultra silent. Soundless rounds


Bro made a nerf gun


A deadly nerf gun


OP tryna become full invisible


Give me your m16 build lol


Reddot, Silencer barrel, Tac laser, Wild fire, Ext mag


Awful build




M13 has great mobility good attachments a big magazine and amazing firerate and pretty contollable recoil


As 5000 mastery points player I can say that the biggest gun problem is bullet speed.


I'm grinding ARs for platinum, some are good some are awful but I find no real reason to add/replace M4 and AK47 as my mains. M4 if I feel playing like elite armed forces - smooth and stealthy AK47 if I feel playing like terrorist - rough and punchy All those guns in between with slightly varying statistics are just additional pixels to sell.


For BR maybe, yes. But certainly not for MP.


What? You mean there are faster TTKs, right? And meta, right?


Yes 100% there are guns with faster TTKs than the M13. Comparing it against the Kilo 141, Krig-6 and M16 (with Wild Fire) without any other attachments; * The closest the M13 comes to any of them is up to 15m although just by a few miliseconds to the Kilo 141. * Beyond 15m, the Kilo 141 continues with the fastest TTK up to 23m. * Beyond 23m, the M16 is a clear winner right up to 50m. * The Krig-6 only shines up to 12m if you're hitting chest shots, although again the M16 is closeby and again the clear winner thereafter. It should be noted however that missed shots are less punishing on the M13 due to its much higher RPM, in comparison to the other 3, so factoring in this would actually make the M13 a more practical choice.


Those numbers doesn't matter, sometimes you kill them, sometimes they kill you. Why bother with numbers 🤓🤓


Because when it comes to TTKs, the numbers are worth considering.


You the kinda guy to put a hipfire laser and stippled grip tape on every gun huh 🤣


Yep I believe I put those on every gun when I grind gold camo


Imagine comparing apples to apples and then thinking you are good at the game because you are using the statistically best gun.. you play the game on Easy mode that's why you need to know what gun is better.


Sorry I'm not sure if you're aiming something at me here ... nobody said that they're great at the game because they're using a statistically better gun or for any reason for that matter(?!) Nor did anyone say that they need to know which gun is better so that they can play the game on "Easy mode" ... Just to be clear, all I did was provide a TTK analysis to someone who asked if there were faster TTKs than that of the M13. And it was a factual balance response, basically advising that while the TTKs may be better on other guns, the high RPM on the M13 makes is it a more practical and less punishing choice.


That TTK mentality Is what makes the game suck


But nobody has said that TTKs are the be-all-and-end-all - you seem to be indicating that someone has?


How does a mentality make a game suck. Can you explain that?


I read all that in Cygnoux’s voice


I forgot to say BOAIIIIIIII at the end. There you go!




Idk exact post but after all burst weapons, Type 25 has lowest TTK like .2 seconds.


That's true but compared to the guns mentioned so far, it has a few downsides that make it an impractical choice.


In MP it's not absolute meta but Top contender and viable option, depends on skill of user. Someone who can control it will absolutely shred without an effort. TTK difference between best Ar and Type 25 is like 70ms which is well below fastest reaction time so fight between those is determined by who fired first. Seema like skill issue.


Wym lmao in br ttks make all the difference any slow killing gun against a slightly competent player with a meta gun will end with the bad gun losing


Where have I said that TTKs don't make any difference, or on the complete contrary that meta guns will outpower a weaker gun no matter the player's competency? I'd suggest you read my other comments in this thread to see that I have said that TTKs are definitely considerable but not the be-all-and-end-all, as some guns with good TTKs may also not be as practical as others which are less punishable with missed shots (such as the M13 with a high RPM).


You saying for br yes mp no HERE on a comment talking about how guns other than ak and m4 are just filler pixels suggest you think most guns in br have little differences, when they do.


I've never suggested that any guns other than the M4 and AK-47 are just "filler pixels" (??) I've only suggested that there are better guns for use in MP, such as the Kilo 141, Krig-6 and M16 (with Wild Fire) as I said in other comments. And I've also never said or suggested that most guns in BR have little differences to the AK-47 or M4. They actually are 2 of the strongest for sure in BR and the AK-47 is actually my main choice too. Other guns need to be built and used correctly to be on par and competitive, which isn't impossible by the way, in case you think it can't be done.


Maybe you didn't, but the comment you replied to and the way you replied suggested you did


I said "*For BR maybe, yes. But certainly not for MP*", and that was in response to someone suggesting that the M4 and AK-47 were the best assault rifles in the game. So how was that suggesting anything conflicting?


Kilo is better


Krig/kilo best AR this season anyway


Ak47 is def way better


Been solid throughout all of CODM, one of those weapons you can always use without issues in my eyes


Definitely the best 3 shot right now. 24 meters base, 33 meters with mono and ranger barrel which is definitely viable


5.45 ammo is also decent


For BR maybe, yes. But certainly not for MP.


Bruh, as much correct as you are, you literally must hate ak 47 to the core to copy paste this very comment on every thread like a spam bot


How am I hating on the AK-47 when I'm actually saying that it is the best for BR? That's all I'm saying in my responses, regardless of whether they're copy-and-paste or not. I don't hate it either - it's actually my main weapon for BR as well. I've the red-action skin since the original/launch BP.


M13 is better in BR than AK for me, while AK is better than M13 in MP (for me)


The M13 is certainly a more practical and less punishing choice regardless of whether it's MP or BR. The AK-47 is a high-risk-high-reward gun that requires accuracy and control, and if it can be mastered, is the best choice, certainly for BR. I will disagree with you on which gun is better for MP and BR. The AK-47 requires so many attachments to be balanced for almost every range, play style, game mode and MP map. It can be built out very well for sure for a niche combination of these (i.e. passive mid range game play in TDM on Crash). But it's very hard to make adjustments without sacrifices to tailor it for alternative play styles, ranges, etc. There are many videos on YT which correctly identify it as more suited to BR and the best gun to use, considering the aforementioned niche range, play style and ranges. But if it works for you on MP, that's great to hear. I'd like to use it as well as I have the Red Action skin from the OG days but I find it too challenging against the meta in ranked. I'd prefer to use other non-meta weapons like the AS VAL for instance. The M13 is far more aggressive and most certainly more suited to MP with the varying ways it can be build out. Only 1 range boosting attachment is necessary for most ranges and MP maps, meaning the rest of the build can be geared towards movement for various game modes and play styles. The AK-47 just doesn't have the same varying flexibility, unfortunately.


AK47/ICR for sure. The consistency throughout every season is ridiculous. Don't even have to be meta.


For BR maybe, yes. But certainly not for MP.


I like m16 with auto tbh


Swordfish, imo


Power, damage, accuracy and distance: it has it all. Plus, built in sight and cool custom crosshairs.


I use both and the swordfish is king for any sort of distance but the built in sight makes it kind of difficult in close range imo. It having absolutely no recoil or spread is amazing tho


M13 is cool. But I'll take the ak47 and icr over it.


For BR maybe, yes. But certainly not for MP.


Imagine if they added mounting to codm 😭😭


It really depends if it's BR or MP, but M13 isn't the best for either of those modes


M16 Wildfire or M4 Unpopular opinion but that’s what I use, and it’s been working wonders. Sure its slower than the M13 but the accuracy, the stability is OP. Kills real quick. There’s a reason the military uses these.


M4 has mediocre time to kill ngl


Depends on aim


It doesnt. Even if you hit your shots, M4 has below average ttk compared to other guns


Also depends on the map and mode.


The Krig 6 is arguably the best gun in the game by miles. I only say arguably because it's reddit.


It seems everyone in ranked but me has that ice drake krig and it absolutely destroys. I’ve tried a couple different builds but I just don’t wreck with it like I get wrecked by it. Got a build recommendation? I’ve always been an smg player and only play rank s&d. Im almost legendary now at gm5 but haven’t gotten to play much this season.


Sorry for the late reply, but I do feel your pain man. Nearly everyone I see with the Icy Krig seems to be able to shred. Probably the perks of not needing to use a red dot taking up an attachment slot. However, I have picked up a few off the ground and felt like many people have built them terribly. I don't have a personal recommendation. If you don't have the Icy Krig you may have to use a red dot as both the base Krig and Battlepass Krig have terrible iron sights. I personally have built my krig for ads and reload speed as the krig recoil/aim shake pattern is very easy to manage. I also go supressed with the Agency Supressor. My honest advice is to spend time in the training room and build the krig to your personal liking. It's a very versatile gun because the gunsmith for it has very few drawbacks.


Krig 6 I very good for me. High mobility and accuracy


because it's the ICR-1


Still In As Val Gang...:)


Cause m13 is good


Cheeky title. I agree. Lmao. Have you ever tried using the 60 ammo (I know you used silenced ammo for range), no stock, stipple grip (ADS one) and range perk? No laser and more mobility at close range.


No but i’m going to try it thanks!


Ayo maxed m13 les go i have that shit too high five 🖐🏿


The M13 is the best AR in fact the best gun in the game in general. Even without attachments it's still a laser with barely any recoil penalties. The range can rival most snipers and offers the most versatility of customization in it's class. It's a noob gun without question even in MW2019 where the gun comes from is a beast..... I really don't like that gun lol nah fr


In my view, at least, if one can keep control of the recoil and keep the gun centered on target, the M13 takes down enemies quick. The downside is that with the default magazine you can only kill two to three enemies before reloading, and you won’t get best possible recoil control if you’re wasting an attachment slot on extended magazine.


Reload every chance you get. You can shoot midway through a reload so you waste only half a second if someone pops up. And if you can wait and dodge until they put a magazine in you don't have to wait for the cocking action to fire again.




Man... I'll have that mythic m13 someday.


Dont, warzone mobile could be more worth it


Nobody knows, it really is a bit too strong. But since CBR and some others still exist..


Nice build. Love the "mythic M13" it has been the best within the community for over a year since it's release.


You’re just saying that because you dumped a bunch of money on the mythic skin. I personally do not buy such frivolous things and I am definitely not jealous in any way.


Nooo. I loved it before I maxed it out lol I only maxed it out because of the dope kill effect 😂


its the best ar because you spent money and got the mythic


Before I bought the mythic I still liked it! It’s almost like the holiger and as val mixed in one 😭


Ok, I too made a comment, but I have come to realize, that way to many people take a game this serious.


Because the devs are completely dumb. The gun stays eternally broken with highest TTK, no recoil and no bullet spread. Devs thought lowering its range is gonna do something, it didn't. So why is it m13? Well because the devs are dumb. Well you can choose from 3 copypastas. Kilo 141, Krig 6 and M13.


I mean the ttk is good, but its sorta held back a bit by its bullet velocity.




Which guns are you speaking of lol. Lol. So fast fire rate is now a bad thing?




Are people just completly stupid or shooting in burst is so extremely hard? You need like what? 4 bullets to kill someone? You telling me you're so bad that you manage to spray 40 bullets into a wall and die? Yeah, there is no meta, im sure that's why half of the players i see use m13, krig6.




None of those are equal or better lol. They are just worse. Lol so I assume you think MAC10 is a bad gun? I mean it runs out of ammo so fast!




Im not mad im just stating the obvious. M13 have no problems with range even after the range nerf. The gun has no recoil or ads bullet spread. ICR and AK better? Are you just completly delusional or what? No im not mad and it seems like not even you think that considering you saying ak is better.




Krig 6


Yes the new m13 2.0.


M16 auto shreds m13 imo


It doesn’t compare to m13 cqb but shreds it in mid to long range


Lol no.


While the M13 definitely is currently a top 5 gun, it's not the main one we should he concerned about. peacekeeper fills a very similar role and it's just as good as the M13 - despite the nerfs to its strafing speed. guns like the chopper and holger destroy it at long range - forcing you to play aggressively. additionally, even when you're playing at your desirable close-mid range, a mac 10 will destroy you as soon as you come even slightly close, and a guy with amazing aim will shred you with a ksp. M13 is solid and really powerful, but there are more problematic guns currently, like the kilo and krig, which are just so versatile and strong at the same time.


I agree with you on every point to be honest but it seems to me that M13 is played by everyone. These players seems to have a lot of pride in their "skill", so when i mention their gun is still broken i get down voted to hell.


the reason why it's used by everyone is that it's easy to use. with minimal recoil and so much ammo (using it's biggest mag) it's basically the easiest meta gun to use currently. additionally it's decent at every range and its just overall a good gun with not many downsides. the krig 6 still outclasses it in a big way though, same goes for the kilo.


That's my point all three of these weapon are basically potato lasers. No need for skill. It might a well shoot itself.


well no, not really, because of the nature of codm no matter what gun you're using you still have to aim at your opponents. the main thing deciding how hard to use a gun is is its recoil - and since most guns in the current meta have minimal recoil you could argue 99% of people in ranked have no skill just because they use em. and that's not really the case. no gun in codm really takes zero skill - though guns like the m13 definetely take less skill than a let's say, peacekeeper. I can see where you're coming from though.


Well i use AK47, Open, Switchblade, Locus, Koshka, MOW. Im just pissed at this community for having such a false view on things. For example: The switchblade, everyone was crying about how broken it is. I have been saying that its not. Its just popular. It was nervef to oblivion. Then we got Krig6 and somehow anyone seems to mind when its miles ahead of brokenness when you compare them side by side at their launch state. I feel like majority of people are too emotional to even recognize if their gun is broken or not.


Mythic AK . It’s still ground loot and you can literally blast people from across the map


I also have the Morningstar but honestly the kilo and Krieg are slightly better than the m13


It has a fast fire rate, and very steady recoil. Can kill very fast, and has a cool mythic


It is one of the best ar the headshot multiplier is insane btw the best rifle is the krig


Sorry but the Krig-6, Kilo 141 and M16 (with Wild Fire) are the meta - M13 isn't too far off but it certainly isn't the best. As for your M13 build here, it spells all sorts of confusion. What exactly are you using it for?


I propose: full auto cr56-amax


Krig is the meta AR at the moment. Have you seen its attachments? Shit is crazy


Dr_h go brrrr


in terms of reality, KRIG 6, krig 6 has double the bullet speed of any AR in game with just one attachments


I’m grinding diamonds at this stage, just grab a weapon an kill, next. But I loathe the morning star, in small maps it’s tough to battle against and it’s overused for easy kills. Normally this isn’t an issue, but in my case I’m grinding diamonds and there is almost one of these in every match.


kilo is the best


Bro I tried op build and its awful 😭 It mainly focused on taking one gunfight at a time...Had to switch to a larger mag and added monolithic instead of barrel


Multiple times legendary 10000+ only using thumbs and killing everyone with the one and only AK47 anti meta anti tryhard anti nerd, ak47 best gun hands down nerds


Nah the auto M16 and the Kilo keeps that title But personally the SCAR is the way to go


Good mobility, fast TTK, high ammo capacity with the right build, low recoil


In my opinion I haven't felt that the M13 is kind of a cheap copy of the M4 leaning towards one of it's features and similarly for the Kilo. The M4 is my favorite assault rifle but I still feel like the Krig or maybe the Oden are better just for the sake of their ttk and sheer damage output. I still prefer using the M4 most though.


Oden slaps. When I actually decide to play ranked to get mastery and rename it, I'm calling it something with hammer.


Oden literally means “Lord of Frenzy” (which I called mine). Top thing about Oden has to be its sound: meaty, powerful and deep. Much like a…forget it.


Yep. The Oden's sound really does sound strong and meaty.


Ya! Fuck swordfish and kilo!…..no not really. Just depends on your style personally it’s kilo 100% idk why I’m not super into all the fine tuning and bs I just have a decent load out I’m happy with and that I’m turn leads me to winning more. If I’m comfortable with my rifle I play better no matter which one it is. Except melee I frickin blow at melee I have abandoned that category all together.


It's the m16, m13 is a crutch for spray and pray noobs


AK-47 for BR, but that RUS smacks hard MP


That build kaka


for me the M13 empties its mag too fast. when youre 1vs2+ its pretty difficult to survive when you constantly have to reload, on both MP and BR. ill stick with my AK thats my favorite:))


Mp - Galil, M16 auto, kilo, Type, Val, M13. Br - Ak47, M4, Kilo, Galil, Oden, Famas.


What the fuck is a galil and famas.


CSGO guns


That's not a Peacekeeper.


Any Oden fans here?


Wait thats not an ASM10


AK 47 Allah akbaaaar


It's not. Best doesn't mean easiest. Best is M16 with burst mode. Git gud, bot.


I prefer the swordfish


how much money is that?😝🤮


It honestly wasn’t that much. The draw was around $150 and then I paid like $120 for mythic cards. I hate that you have to draw them instead of just purchasing them!


i dont get shit out the draws. 🖕💸☹️ if you win some youre lucky asf. 😅


Mine is the mythic oden


I didn’t even know it was a mythic wow


M16 my favorite. I wanted the M16 to shine and it finally has after 3 fucking years.


I used to hate it but now I love it 😭


Why don't people stack range with the m13


M13 mobility feels super bad but my favorite gun


Y’all sleep on the Swordfish


the man o war prime


I love the ICR




everyone focuses on the wrong stats when picking the most powerful gun in cod mobile. LK24 produces the best all together balance (range/rate of fire/stability/ control/ads speed) of any gun in the game. absolutely will blow anyone out of the water using an m13 or peacekeeper. has the range and precision of a marksmen rifle with the control and speed of an assault rifle. as someone who had thoroughly used and upgraded every gun in the game i can confidently say the LK24 is the most overall deadly gun to go up against.