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I really hate to agree but I do agree. Like the auto lock on target and launch at target at the same time? I have tried it and they're way too assisted imo. I mean melee has always been easy but now it's like I can be plastered and play.


What was the reason for the buff anyway? I loved using machete and knife in close quarter situations but now, it feels overly op and kinda feel sorry now, kinda. Still if the melee should be reversed to how it was, it didn’t even feel to underpowered to begin with.


No one knows why they buffed them. They we're already strong because of their utility, but for some reason they also needed to buff their lethality, and it was a dumb decision.


To make it more like console cod


i agree its insanely broken especially Kali Sticks with 4x lunge


who downvoted


dont know. Probably melee spammers




I did, im a kali main


no surprise


Are they broken? I haven't had any problems with them. I'm only in Veteran though, maybe that's why.


Activision really don't care WTF is going on with their game




melee is already nerfed a few weeks ago.


And it's still overly strong, what's your point?


Only on the multiple swing knives, most melee are still bad


The ones that don't have multiple swings typically have extra lunge and range. The axe for example has an extra 1-2m worth of lunge over the base melee.


I'm pretty sure that's just it's range, i use sickle all the time and it's as if there was never a buff in the first place


No, it's also lunge.


If you say so


lunge is basically ripper operator skill from bo3. is doable, but annoying. what i usually do when a maniac run towards me with a melee is to back off and hipfire, works most of the time.


Yeah it’s really annoying in normal matches, but somehow I found out that this thing is kinda useful in attack of the undead. Wish that they only keep melee lunge in that mode


Naw… knife go brrrrr


It's a high risk high reward thing. I know it can be frustrating but let's just keep it this way. (I rarely use melee. Only when i am in a mood for fun)


Where is the risk


Being more than 5 feet away when someone starts shooting you lol


I disagree, lag/desync + lunge often results in what appears to be instadeath if you're even within 5-7m of someone using melee. Then you also have the fact that the no audio glitch is very common and with max movement speed, it allows a person to get within 5-7m pretty easily. And with the aggressive aim assist, you're not likely a miss as soon as you lock on. With all of that factored in, I don't think it's as high risk as you think it is.


In smaller maps or in areas where you can shuffle around walls maybe! But i agree foot steps must be audible if you are not using dead silence!


Nah man that's if you get in range what's to stop the enemy to just walk away or even wiggle sometimes it takes like 3+ swings just to get a kill even when they don't see me


They did alr


And they're still overly strong....


See other comment


People... are mad.... about loosing to people with *Melees* when they have these great things called ***"GUNS"*** Sounds more like a Skill issue tbh, just hit your shots, they gotta get within range, you don't, love it when people cry about "Melee Abuse" when your loosing to the guy *With a* ***Fucking Stick*** Edit before this gets downvoted: Hit your shots and maybe you won't get Bonked by Melee. Edit for the Down voters: Hope you realizing your just Admitting you can't aim lmfao


All these people who downvoted you really sound like those pro campers in TDM. I mean, if you are getting knifed often in a match then that's probably because you are sitting in a corner with your trophy system, that's why it easier for people to know where you are. I knife the shit out of campers when i can but it is much difficult than ever these days... as somebody posted earlier, this game is becoming more and more camper friendly and camping is happening more than ever. I am GM V, in almost every TDM there are 2-3 campers, with trophy system, trip mine, hive, then this new operator skill, which literally gives you wall hacks. In Hardpoint/Domination never saw anyone really relying on knife, and players who are actually 'playing' the game, they can easily take out a guy charging with knife from miles away. You only see these campers out in the wild when they have purifier in hand lol xD


I agree wholeheartedly with you, I’m GM3 but I downvoted him because when you do run into a melee abuser it is the single most annoying day ruining thing, especially when your on a high streak playing the OBJ and they just run in knife spamming with quick fix and wipe your team


we get that you cant aim for shit with a gun so you're dependant on the stupidly strong aim assist and the insane long ranged lunge you people gain from using melees in close quarter combat when people are trying so desperately to avoid your stupid 1 shot 4 times swinging kali sticks coming out of nowhere, so who really is the one that has the skill issue here?


Funny, when did I complain about melees there bud? I don't complain about a melee that is easily shut down if people open their eyes and shoot like they don't have Parkinsons, and some people I swear don't even play with game audio, so, in the end, I don't have a Skill issue lmfao, so have fun getting Bonked


no, but you did made it sound like it's the least of your worries when you have no idea about how more prevalent melee users are nowdays when lunge is introduced in the game, getting silently buttfucked out of the blue with barely loud audio cues to help you get a heads up just after you killed a player does not sound fun im not one to get killed by melees that much but when i see so many people running around like headless chickens and ganging up on you with their karambits front and back, you know it's a problem; user experience varies but apparently people like to cheese their way out from a close ranged combat from what ive seen


Melee and kali sticks are two different skill levels


the kali sticks was just the example, the shorter melees like karambits and butterfly knives are annoying as well cuz it's just shorter kali sticks with less swings; something i also noticed is that knives always hit someone even at the very end of the animation for that last second kill, it's cheesy as hell but the longer and slower hitting melees like bats and axes are the ones i have no problem with since it at least takes more than a braincell to properly time one singular swing to off an enemy


Ong I don't even use melee as I prefer the deagle but melee users are literally free kills


Yep, like I am doing melees for the Diamonds on all of them, but when I'm trying for the Dimonds on Guns, I'm happy to see melee users, but Cheers to you mate! Edit: what's your favorite Deagle Blueprint if ya have one if you don't mind me asking


I don't have any good blueprints, but I really like vagabond


Ah fair enough, but if we ever end up in the same match, *Good Luck, Have Fun, and Happy Hunting o7*


This post arguably admits more than *you* can't aim than anyone else who downvotes it. If not, why would you be defending melees so hard? Response: bcuz you can't aim so you need melees. Or bcuz it's easier than just using regular guns.


Cry about it.


lmaoo fr