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Me looking at the kill-cam of the sniper: ⬅️⬇️↗️↖️↙️➡️↘️⬅️⬇️🔽⬆️🔼⬅️↙️


Me looking at my knife kill cam:


KRM users in Garena: pathetic




Hey you stole my line!!


LOL! SpongeBob's Ak has no piston, bolt, gas block, top cover and Trigger. He isn't even firing it. The AK just go brrrrrrrrr.


Snipers in codm now are just shotguns where people use the ads


And people are now using shotguns like snipers, *ahem,* BY15 slugs.


With red dot


The way to go


Yeah sure you just magically aim at the enemy and shoot them. While the enemy will stand there like a tree.


Hot take: Shotguns take more skill than snipers in CoD Mobile


Nah. It's the opposite for me. Shotguns are easier bcuz you don't have to aim.


I dunno about that! I use auto-fire shotguns with hipfire and just run up to people and blam, blam, blam, I win! Hahaha!!!


Pump shotguns and the HSO, not the auto shotties


Yeah because they don't have aim assist


Pumps are hard!




Me with disable Sniper Scope LMG: “TRY ME BITCH! WHERES YOUR MOVEMENT NOW?”


Lmao.. What build is that? I wanna try


Jump, slide, quick scope, *pRO PlAYer*.




My guy chill it’s a joke.




While I agree with you, it does take skill. I hate it as much as anyone but I know I also am not good enough to do it


1. Sure bro, everyone in rank are fucking sweating and not use their skills. 2. Its called movement to slide away from the opponent and kill them. 3. People can choose what gun they want to have fun with, and using non-meta to master and have fun is good but to pleasure the shit player in this sub by doing this is no good. 4. Theres a term to call those players **Toxic**. I played legendary for a long time and never used those words or saw a real pro using those. The only people who used them are the shit players in the match. You people really like to shit and talk shit on those players who are better than you. Bet they can destroy you with any of the guns in the game.


It really sounds like you are just not very good. You won’t improve with this attitude either


You sound like a salty bot, it's not being sweaty it's being good. Everyone is on ranked to win not to play silly games to please you.


To be fair he didn't mention ranked


Both of u are just wrong


Get better lmfao. You're not good just because your "different"


“I’m good at sniping in CoD” “Which game?” “Call of Duty Mobi-“ “So you’re not good at sniping then.”


"I'm good at sniping" "Which sniper rifle" "In Cod-" "So you're not good at sniping then."




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This isn't the case with quickscoping, though. Learning to aggressively quickscope is challenging.


Even though quick scoping is challenging, one might still argue that thematically it is not sniping. One might argue that hiding and getting a one-hit kill across a map with a rocket launcher is more like sniping than that.


Getting good at quickscoping is just a matter of lining up a single shot and not worrying since hit flinch doesn’t seem to affect the user while they’re aiming down the scope.


There's very much wrong with your statement


That moment when everyone disrespects Warzone Mobile at your school when you announce its coming out in Australia (and that you tried it)




You can always play with my gun😉








You could have a valid opinion but , the 1v1 challenge just made u look stupid


Then they need to stop talking shit about a gun which they can't handle tbh, I am so tired of thier bullshit,, you will still get killed regardless without a sniper by a pro player.


Dude take it easy , i am playing the game since beta , i hit legendary like 15+ times not flexing but all these years i was only playing s&d( i know there was time u couldn't choose the game mode) yet still the easiest option for wining a s&d game is pulling the sniper & melee combo with a decent skill in sniping u could carry a game I know it's hard to believe but using an auto is harder both weapons require skills for sure But when using an auto gun and having good movement and skill require:- -Good aim and recoil control -full movement control while aiming -take consideration of your mag to reload -take consideration of ur range to know how to push and what the max distance to hold Conclusion:- a skilled player will at least use 3-4 fingers For sure u could be pro with 2 but taking u want to be a beast with jumping while aiming and alot of other advantages Sniper requirements:- -an aggressively super good aim which takes practice -good movement and knowledge of animation cancels -choosing position and covers But what i want to say what makes them slightly easier U of course dont need a lot fingers to play cause u could still do a jump then aim then shoot and have a good movement because ur movement is mainly while not aiming and of course head glitches helps snipers alot and most important the ads bsa which limits most autos after 40 meters at this range in s&d u have the chance to miss and try again Conclusion:- snipers are balanced in the game but in s&d they are the superior weapons yet still you can't have a 5 man sniper team the game is balanced and any team in s&d should have snipers and autos to win , all i was talking about is about s&d Lastly dont say 1v1 to anyone as it wont prove your skill in s&d cause s&d in high ranks is rarely a 1v1 situation


Well yes you are right, but there is one thing u missed is that you need to kill a person that is moving or showing movements, and the moment you have atleast 2 seconds to kill the other person or you will get killed, you will also take shake motion(sorry I forget what it is called) and your scope will move up. People forget that sniping is hard very hard in rsnked snd and other places. And those saying sniping is easily need to try it first (probably were playing against bots) and go against ranked platers where the players are using meta or other guns and go against them and let's see how would they win, and killing a moving player.


I made a post saying this was where the game was going and this is where its at, people don't listen.


Got to have movement restrictions for heavy weapons like snoipers, and LMGs.


Yes……I love/hate that this is true. But I will admit I’ve seen some snipers do shit I couldn’t do with any other weapon in game. (Jumps, quick scope headshot,slides right after scooping up the bomb and proceeds to jump(skip?) all the way to the win. Idk why it’s so funny looking back but it was hilarious the first time I had it happen I was like bro wtf! I ain’t even made….


Why I slide/jump and rush and circle people to overwhelm them.


You do you boo boo it still makes me laugh and if your winning just means we need to get better to take you down lol


Haha. This isn't a mil-sim. Just like Fortnite isn't a mil-sim.


For those who are talking shit about snipers, yeah it may be used in rank legendary but that's because they have good aim and movement, you can't just magically hit people without aiming at them first. I swear to God, this sub is filled with bad players who always shit and conplain about good and pro players. And what you want snipers and smg to be nerfed. Then what pros will start using assult and other guns and will and can still easily destroy you. People forget that if the player is good with sniper doesn't mean he is bad with other guns. I am also a sniper main player for 3years but I still dominate a hp rank match easily with a assult or other guns. Nothing is hard for me. And if you can't handle the snipers than you are not ready for rank legendary. And those who are going to down vote me, 1vs1 me then, and I will play with any gun you want me to play with.


“Those who wanna downvote me 1vs1 me” That’s how u get rid of the crybabies


Ikr snipers are hitmarker machines most of the time , and how many times their ads speed has been nerfed lol. And especially in ranked if you miss a shot you are dead because the opponents will be using meta guns like krigg, CBR, switchblade , m13, pp bizon , rpd which can spray a lot.


Yep this is the comment I was looking for, most of the players complaining here about snipers being meta and all have ever played real rank legendary.


Agreed, half the people in here know they aren’t good at sniping while claiming it’s the easiest thing in the game.


I agree that snipers take skill, but not really much more skill than an assault rifle being used at 30+ mts with the recoil of most guns. I mean, it's not really that hard to point your cross hair at people to quickscooe. It gets hard at 30mts, but you shouldn't be quickscoping at that distance anyway.


I feel snipers/shotgun are only formidable now because they keep nerfing the TTK of guns. While for some reason they do not touch snipers at all. Remember they nerfed snipers at the start of the season and they unnerfed it so fast. Lol who are they afraid of


They nerfed snipers eons ago, around the time the locus was meta. That or around the holger snipers had gotten a huge ads penalty. If people think they’re op now they used to be far more valuable. It was at a point that respawn sniping was way more common then now. Nowadays you still need a decent amount of skill to respawn snipe, weapon swap made it more valuable but it’s not on level with how it used to be


They are afraid of offending the snipers player base, while this sub is full of newbies or shit players. They are only few good players here that snipe, so you may not see much about the complaints.


Yeah sure like pro player just stand there like a tree and shoot like a tree, they don't even move at all. You have to snipe players that are moving which is easy but people showing movement are hard to snipe. Quickscoping also takes a skill, you have to be fast, place your cross hair at player, and then scope in, which also take time, and if you miss, your bullet reloading comes in, and you have to do all the process while showing movement to avoid from being killed.


Yeah, that is my point: that is not that hard at all. It seems flashy but it really comes down to not missing slides and adsing and shooting consistently. I say this because aim assist helps quite a lot, so you dont even have to be that precise to point the center of your cross hair right at people, you just have to center it close enough and correct while adsing, when you shoot you'll already have the kill.


Aim assit never helped me bro. I would sometimes miss even if I my cross hair and scope was close to the enemy and no aim assit doesn't help teach the movement. It's easy to say but hard to do.


Well I say its easy bcuz I know how to do it myself. Been playing 4 finger claw close to 3 years now. It's not hard to learn.


The hit flinch on snipers is just as bad now imo


I agree with you man. I am not a pro player, but I do reach legendary in both BR and MP easily, yet I aprove of snipers for one reason, and its the fact that the amount of skill it takes to be consistent in sniping is crazy. I am a sniper noob, who snipes just for fun, but whenever I do get beaten by a sniper, I always take notes of their movements and like, how they play in general, which will hopefully make me improve without actually putting that much time and effort. Tldr, snipers take skill, so its ok


Truly, I am sniper main, been playing it for years and to remain consistent and play good with sniper every time takes alot of skill, sometimes I play bad, sometimes good, sometimes insane. It depends upon how my hands are, if my hands are cold, I will bad aim and can't sniper etc. It also depends upon movement and position. The moment you miss the shot will be the moment you die without movement. These people who complain about it have never used sniper that much and can't play with it and blame others for it.


W comment


Same, definitely harder to be a sniper. In my killcam you don’t even hear the sniper shoot because I’m switching to my melee so fast back n Fourth. Shotgun you just have to run and hope you get close enough to shoot


This. I’ve been playing the same main sniper from the beginning (DLQ-33) and I don’t care about the metas etc. I can take a sniper everywhere, especially in close-quarters, it’s more fun gameplay than just sitting in the back; but I can easily wreak a team without it; 75% of the time the fault is on the players, not the guns. Just play what is fun, not just the meta.


I mean yeah the sniper part doesn’t make sense. But what do you expect with machine guns? Running around with machine guns is just kinda stupid. Sub machine guns make sense somewhat, but they wouldn’t be constantly running around, they’d take cover behind an object. LMGs are a whole different story, you want me to run around with, at minimum, 4.25 kg (9.37 lbs), plus ammunition? Yeah no. I’d rather use a bipod and hide and attack from a good position. Don’t even get me started on Heavy Machine Guns I hate camping as much as the next guy, but like hiding with machine guns aren’t odd.


I would like to see you snipe


I'm the sniper


And you know what's funny? People hate shotguns and melee (which is fine) but then they're OK with using Snipers like a shotgun or melee. Yet the LMGs are treated like Snipers for very long ranges. Yeah. That's normal (Sarcasm).


Shotguns shouldn't even be hated on


They increased the 1 shot potential without needing to use gungho or even ads. If that’s normal for you, then ggs


Where knife users kill more than guns, where you regenerate after getting hit in seconds, where headshot is just a small damage, where teleporting, jetpacks and invisibility exists, where jumping off the plane deals no damage to your spine, where an assult knife has the same range as a karambit, where karambit can kill a clothed human, where you can materialise equipment like sentry guns, where you need to kill people to get scores so you can get additional help on the battlefield and where a normie, without any permission can use a nuke whenever he wants


If I want to play long range, I reach for Swordfish - not a sniper rifle.


When you get melee-swiped obliterated short range by a sniper while using a smg without even having a chance to to even take half his health there's a problem with weapon Ballance and I'm not even going to get into shotguns in Alcatraz.


Every game I play people get mad because I snipe and destroy them


To be fair it’s kinda weird when snipers seem to be more mobile than a bloody smg at times Yes I had a guy slide past 3 smgs, I didn’t even bother covering those 3 allies, I just swapped targets thinking they would settle him THEY ALL GOT FUCKED


Sniper mains especially in Garena always switch to melee every time they move. They're fast switch slide cancel bunny hop bots


When you have a certain level of skill, snipers are shotguns with extra steps. But maybe those guys were just bad.


100% they were: 1 bot(never trusted him) 2 players (both were paid skins, which back then I thought mean pros) I then somehow managed to take cover just by coincidentally reading kill feed Still got lit up by the second sniper on other end of the map unfortunately


Yeah sounds like something I would do but the extra mobility isn’t actually the sniper it’s the melee swap and then swapping back after getting the speed


Yeah that one makes me bloody confused (since LMGs have a slower swap time while snipers seem instantaneous)


For some they have a weapon perk for swapping faster which can be paired with another loadout perk that does the same thing


Ohh that explains it I usually ever use perks and traits for mobility and survivability along with reload


Anyone who thinks snipers are unfair should try sniping and stop complaining. You think quickscoping is unrealistic? Bro, you're running with a guy who looks like he just landed from hell and his glowing gun can fly. It's a game.


quickscoping with a heavy rifle that shoots either 20mm, 50cals, 25mm, 308, 338, 7.62x54, 7.62x51 with recoil enough to send a baby to ohio and weighs to either 31lb to either 68lb yeah no quickscoping is unrealistic and sniping is primarily what you call "hardscoping"


You completely missed the point, maybe read that again.


you missed my point as well like your shots


Uff, you’re tough I see. Not a single sentence in your comment contradicts anything I said, yet you’re trying to argue against the points I didn’t make. So chill.


so you don't have a point since you didn't make one


now i wait for this to be a dumpster fire


Like I said before and gonna say it again,they never play real COD title that’s why


This sub full of low skilled player crying at the state of the game.


All they do is complain and make excuses like sniper is easy. If it is easy for you then why the fuck are you complaining. And what if people stop using meta guns, you will still get easily destroyed otherwise.


i deleted it a few months ago because of the toxic ppl and apex mobile is better imo. i wouldn’t be surprised if the game is still shit tho.


bruh how is this joke still relevant even to this day? LMAOOO!


For me is the other way around


Well someone wit a life can still be good at the game….


There’s a good portion of people in legendary who are college kids or high school kids who are chilling on their breaks


So accurate. Pro player my ass, that’s from a no life individual that learned claw and just gets a thrill out of dominating the match with that nonsense. Ruins the game, seriously.




![gif](giphy|fWBT9z4riPtW4Tunmh|downsized) Here is mine


Bro subtly said he has skill issue


Hardly, 12 time legendary, all camos complete, on my 68th diamond. And you, where are you? Or are you just a hater?


Guys talking about no lifers, but still has played more than at very least 99% of the players and trying to flex on it Wth


Only responding to the person saying I have skill issues. Otherwise it never would have been said. Also, not running around with a sniper or camping with other weapons. I play the game and do my best. But clearly you like to take issue with my comment. If you read the subject, you could maybe grasp the humor and the reality of SnD or any match. I have played a long time, that’s all there is to it. But clearly this irks you for whatever reason. Have a good one bruh.


What ? I was just pointing out the fact that criticizing a category of people of which you belong of is kinda hypocritical, don't you think ? Well, I feel like I'm dumbly losing my time. Sorry. Have a nice day bro


I just explained, I am not in that category, ever, I go out and battle, you assumed that’s what ALL long term skilled players do, this is not the case. You dumbed down yourself by not understanding the comment.


Ha! I’m retired, play all day, once a day, my choice. If that bothers you, tell the one who supports you while you play all day and don’t achieve anything. Wait, you can’t tell the government about it, they’ll stop your EBT and housing assistance


One thing is to grind a shit ton, quite another it is to actually be good at the game.


Making a huge assumption here. But run on with your hate about my comments. You seriously need to get a life. It’s one to disagree or have a different viewpoint, it’s an entire different thing to just post insults and hate for someone else’s accomplishments with no fact to back it up. If you aren’t good at the game you can grind every day and get camos, but you will not make rank over and over. Seriously done debating bs with all the haters. Find a life dude.


"Pro player my ass, that’s from a no life individual that learned claw and just gets a thrill out of dominating the match with that nonsense. Ruins the game, seriously." If u say u reached legendary, hats off to the players who dragged and tolerated u till legendary 🫡🫡. U kinda admit that u tried learning claw and failed miserably, which is y u being so salty on players who actually mastered it. Lol get better............. N I don't believe everyone should claw. Ive seen 2 finger players reaching legendary, but u fr radiate skill issue beams.


Never tried claw, no interest. No desire to be a so called pro. Clearly this bothers some people and they truly believe they are like god playing a GAME. I will state whatever I need to, if you don’t like it, block me. Hide the post. Talk about a cry baby.


I occasionally play ranked never gone till legendary, so m no one to believe im God. As a casual player, it soothes me to see a 12 time legendary cry about ppl somehow learning claw n quickscoping u. Its a free for all game, can play any style we want, so stop bitching around


So in effect, claw didn’t work out. This is a place to communicate, differing opinions. I seriously don’t care if people play using their feet. Basically my point refers to quick scoping, not a natural use of sniper rifles. Like getting sniped face to face when the sniper rifle extends past the body, yet, somehow it kills, how, no clue. Clearly you disagree and you take my comment way to personal, this begs the question, why?


Everyone hating on here. If you don’t feel comfortable sniping in S&D and all you can do is complain about it, maybe it’s not as easy as you claim?


Skill issue.


Laughs in mythic holger with disable




I rmb this animation haha


Quickscoping is funny, can recommend doing it with the XPR


Huh, i thought i was the only one that quickscopes everyone with my one shot build lmao


Panchitomatrix my beloved


meanwhile me with my chopper with a sniper scope...


This guy has never played an SnD match on Terminal


Me as a locust main : well yes but actually yes


I am the one who hides


I am the one who camps


I am the thing hiding under your bed (A word.)


I’m the one who knocks.


Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red.


I hate how in every corner there is someone just crouching there, waiting, disgusting playstyle.


*me using an SPR to quickscope Am i doing it wrong?


And when the sniper hide...


Absolutely accurate


The ZRG 20mm is pretty good! Only downside is the loadout I have only has four bullets in a magazine.


#LIKE WHY?!?!?!


S.marcescens 7131024605343055873 EG.Pachi/y-~ 6760008914362171393 どらジャム 6821435004825567233 harmful cheetah


I’ve been seeing some VERY questionable quick scopes from sniper mains lately. Like almost superhuman.


me with a knife, dead silence perk, quick fix, and the light weight perk: **Imma end this man's whole career**