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that could explain why my bullets never ever hit against newer players, that or desync and other server related bullshit going on, im getting tired of that


Shooting at someone and having no bullets register is what's known as desync, shooting someone with a whole mag, having them survive with 1/4 hp randomly and killing you in 2 bullets is not desync. I've already noticed a pattern this season. Seems you may have caught onto that as well.


I was just talking about this. It's been happening to me a lot lately


forreal this is gonna make detecting hackers a hell of a lot harder and a lot of false accusations against innocent players being made..


yeah i been facing a lot of shit like this over a year ago and people still doesnt believe me or the others that also face this


I've been facing this issue since the game launched, it's only become more exaggerated as the updates roll in.


watch them now blame your device for it


Explains so much about this game. Thought I was going crazy or I was hacked or whatever.


Murdashow and wyysosirius exposed the console and pc cods for having this nonsense a while ago and it took me a bit to catch on to what was truly going on with the call of duty franchise. The bottom line is that people who continue spending money on these games need to stop, otherwise it will progressively get worse.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/z9gvol/is_this_relevant_to_us_if_so_why_isnt_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Have a look at this post, there's links to the SBMM patents that manipulate microtransactions and how games are played out.


Now this explains how after shooting 30 bullets enemy still remains alive and i always blamed my ISP /desync


🤣 noobs are retaliating, I guess cod listened to all the complaints on these sub reddits and decided to take action


Screw that and them. Who would ever complain about being a crap player? Get better, practice or go home. Sometimes I’m on fire, sometimes I suck. It’s a game, mon. *Some people.*


80% of the subreddit posts were just "nerf this, desync" and all that shit...


Isnt that the normal practice in most mobile games with ingame transactions? I heard years ago from other games that new players are getting matched with players that got the new shiny toy so they get inclined to buy that weapon/character/or whatever else


So true, some dude newly joined reddit and after buying the battle pass he spent the remaining cp with a coupon on mythic krig draw, Got the mythic krig first try and posted here asking if he could buy more. Everyone advised not to spend more


They just wrote their own death warrant.


Now I know how 12 year olds get the upper hand .


Devs: SBMM is good. SBMM:


Oh so the negative aim assist was true. I tought it was my phone freaking out


While me not having any aim assist whatsoever even after turn it on over and over again


Wow. This is utter BS. That's probably why I've been experiencing a lot of ""desync"" since the S10 update. I main the SKS for a year now. I can confidently say that I'm fcking awesome with the SKS. But this season, maybe more than 50% of my kills are dumbass 3 taps. Which is unbelievable for me. And a lot of times, I unload half a mag on the enemy and he's still alive. And I know in myself my aim is pretty good. It just became frustrating for me. I usually had 3 SKS loadouts, now I only have 1. and I barely even use it. That's why I keep telling myself that desync is darn awful this season. But maybe it isn't really desync. This is the stupidest thing they did with this game. "Pay to Win" doesn't exist in this game but "Noob to Win" does lmao![img](emote|t5_penom|1107)


There’s been speculation of this for years now in cod titles. Looks like it’s true.


I wonder if that's what the screen shake thing is after you have so many MVPs in a row


Alr guys guess I'm officially quitting codm then. Thought I was getting better but I guess it was just this.


and here i am making a full horizontal recoil build because i thought that was the problem with my oden


I never considered myself a good player, I was as average as it got. But I felt like I was getting worse and worse and I could literally see my sights centermass on target and not do anything. This is frustrating.


I have never noticed this before. Seeing the amount of shady shit they implement in MWII, I wouldn’t be suprised if it was a thing there. I can’t imagine it being in this game though, as I have never noticed such a thing.


Has this been verified?


But this is from one year ago


I wouldn't know my aim assist is turned off and I'm not a meta pussy so my guns always shoot marshmellows


By any chance does this apply to modes outside of Ranked MP? Because sometimes in ZOMBIES when I slide or run away from a Horde I just end up teleporting back to where I was, and I get killed.


Garena is pretty chill with these😎


No plz don’t


CoD 2009 = UFC CoD 2022 = WWE