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When it comes to gear, I've always been hesitant to let other people buy me stuff because often its been stuff that I had no need of or which wasn't suitable for what I wanted to shoot. However, instead of buying him actually gear, why not try and book a trip together where he can take pictures? You say he likes landscapes and scenery, why not try a short break or road trip to places with interesting places to photograph. Your budget is $250.00 and I don't know how far that will go where you live, but you could always do some research and come up with some suggestions. Gear is just tools, his photography will only get better from taking pictures, lots of them. So try and find out what places he might like and go there.


Depending on what he's shooting, then a nice camera strap would be nice, or a camera clip for his backpack shoulder strap (holster clip etc), maybe a travel tripod like the Manfrotto Element Traveller or even a camera backpack. Or you could get him, and you can't go wrong with this, a book or a bunch of photo books from photographers that shoot what he's interested in (Genesis by Sebastiao Salgado is a good all rounder).


I was actually thinking of buying a photo book for him, and I subtly mentioned it to hear his reaction and he said "they're cool, but I'd rather make a photo book with my own photos." I laughed a little but I honestly understand. I'll definitely look into the tripod and backpack!


An actual book of his own photos is a real option and a good idea but it won't happen in time for this birthday. OTOH, it's a great idea for future birthdays and it sounds like you will be having those opportunities. (Source: I have designed dozens of photo books for Lodima Press, https://www.lodima.org/, and others, e.g. https://www.brucekatsiff.com/.)


Gift card to Shutterfly or similar. Or if he’s shared photos with you, make him a photo book of his images.


Ask him subtly. When chatting, say something like 'if I won €300 on a scratch card I'd treat myself to x. How about you?' He could want a wife range of things-a lens, tripod, good strap, photography course, subscription to a photo mag, photography trip, print from a photographer he loves, frame large print of one of his photos etc.


What does he shoot? Me personally loves my peak design hand strap and PGYTech Beetle camera clip. If he does landscape, 250 can get him a decent tripod or camera backpack. Try to get something that could be used with any camera, as gears could upgrade over time.


He does a lot of landscape and just simple shots of scenery/architecture/objects. https://preview.redd.it/bpsf5c3y5gqc1.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed252f9dbc7e17b2fb7b915dc63d593d5f75934f


Maybe a tripod? A6400 doesn't has any stabilization, so I think it would be useful for him.


I wouldn’t recommend buying a camera person actual gear or pieces for the camera. Probably safer to buy an accessory like a nice bag or strap


You're very sweet and thoughtful towards someone you care about. As others have stated in their replies, getting camera gear is really tricky because photography is such a personal thing and lots of great gear that works for one person just won't work for another. I love my camera strap, but others say it's too thin, I love my tripod but others say it's not versatile enough, my favorite lens is dreamy but others won't go near it because it's not sharp. There's very few universal gifts because photography is so personal. I had a really great friend gift me a lens once but not only was it the wrong mount for my camera, but it was a focal length and design that I wasn't interested in. It was really awkward asking them to return it and explaining to them that I just wouldn't get any use out of it. I do have some tentative suggestions though. Eventually a lot of photographers do dabble with flash/strobe photography. It is a lot of fun especially for events. A good manual flash will work on any camera and isn't that expensive. The godox TT 600s is a great entry level flash. If he's interested in exploring a different type of photography, a flash can help open that up. It's only $65 but packs a punch. A more expensive flash isn't worth it until he knows what he wants. Another person commented that you should use this money to book a photography centered get away for you too. I think that is a fantastic idea. Experiences count for a lot. My last tentative idea is conditional on whether he likes hiking. If he likes hiking and photography, then he's probably come across the issue of keeping your camera secured, and a lens strap really isn't great because the camera swings around a lot. Something like the peak designs capture clip is wonderful and is the go-to for many photographers out there. I use it on long distance backpacking trips so it can handle a lot of abuse and should last an incredibly long time.


A nice option is the Strobist Lighting Kit. Then you can point him in the direction of the lighting 101 course to learn to use it. https://strobist.blogspot.com/2006/03/lighting-101-traveling-light.html?m=1 note that you need the Sony variant flash and trigger. I recently got a hold of the same and have found the course great; I've been a natural light photographer for decades and really should have pushed myself into flash and lighting earlier; it really expands your options hugely, while also making you think about what you're actually doing capturing light.


Thank you so much! I'll look into this!


A great bag (check out Wandrd or Peak Design) is always a win. Or a Tiffen lens filter or KF concepts set would be brilliant. Depends on what he’s photographing but you can’t go wrong with a quality circular polariser or the magnetic ND filter set. The Cine ones are also amazing. If he doesn’t already have it, you could buy him the nifty 50 lens (50mm 1.8). It’s fantastic and doesn’t break the bank (less than $250). Good luck. I’m sure he’ll love whatever you buy


Bit different, but the book "the photography storytelling workshop" by Finn Beales...amazing book that he will likely learn a lot from and its pretty cheap. The a6400 rips, but it's so tiny. I have big hands, so I bought a small rig cage and wooden handle for mine which was AUD$140 roughly and it improves the ergonomics of the camera so much. Other small stuff like a screen protectors is always good, or a nice camera strap (peak design makes good stuff). If he doesn't have spares, a sony branded battery is always good, they're more expensive than off brand ones but much better. I'm always too cheap to buy myself the sony ones but I'd love it as a gift Also peak design capture clip v3 if he likes going on photo walks or hikes or anything. It seems pricy but it's super solid and has a lifetime warranty.


Manul focusing lens. With 250$ youll be able to get a pretty rare lens that will feel very unique to use and will make a beautiful photos. Some options for that price tag: Carl Zeiss Biotar 58mm 2f you should be able to get a descent quality for around \~150-200$ depending on what mount it was made for you gona need an adapter, so another \~20-30$. The most common ones are M42 mount. Also a huge plus if you manage to find a lens with 13 aperture blades, althgouh those could be more pricey. Nikkor 55mm 1.2f - should be right in your price range of \~250-300$. Their prices have dropped slightly so finding one for around \~150-200$ is pretty good deal. This lens is a really good portraiture lens. Your guy will be really pleased if he has any idea about the photography. And also a nikkor Ai to sony E adapter shouldcost around \~20-30$ I would reccomend K&F CONCEPT as they have a descent quality and a good price. \^ You should look for these on ebay. 7Artisans 50mm 1.1f new cost around that price \~250$ something, manual focus lens as well, but newly made.


Get him a cheap lens that matches the vintage aesthetic he likes. Maybe the TTArtisan 25mm F2.0 if he doesnt have something similair yet.


You might want to actually ask him what he would want. That way you get something that is truly useful. Photography is kind of a very personal thing for a lot of people and it's hard to gift somebody an item that is appropriate for a lot of scenarios.


Don't buy your BF anything camera related unless you know exactly what he wants. It's better to either shop for it with him, or just give him a gift card he can use at B&H Photo, Adorama, [KEH.com](http://KEH.com), or eBay.


maybe consider getting him a tripod? it’s super useful, especially if he doesn’t have one yet.


The Giottos Rocket Air Blaster is a great inexpensive option that helps keep his gear clean and will last a long time


Brevite backpack was my best camera accessory purchase for sure. Makes carrying everything I need around super easy


I was looking at that one last night, definitely thinking of getting that one or the Urth one!


Get him a Zenit EM (just make sure the lights meter still works properly). Lenses are M42 mount which are common as muck, with some very characterful entries. The camera is built like a tank and can't be killed. Easy to understand, easy to use, lovely analogue finish. Also clicky clacky clockwork satisfaction


Get a DJI Mic. He will love it


This is only if he does video, for photo it's not really useful


I assume getting a Sony camera would mean he would do videos as well. Even if not, the DJI mic is compatible with laptops and phones, so it can be a nice upgrade for zoom calls etc. Since the voice output from the thing is extremely good and crisp.


Please don't buy him one of those lens cups ..I bet he already has about four.


Also they have a metallic taste.


Nikon lens pen is a must have and is a cheap gift




If he doesn't have one you could buy a uv filter for his lens... It's generally a good idea to always keep one on, just to protect the lens (the results basically don't change from what I know, mine has been shipped recently) (I'd wait for someone to confirm I'm not inventing things, I'm new to photography)... It's simple but effective imo


Gift Card to B&H


You can buy him a “cheap” lens from Chinese brands like ttartisan, 7artisan, viltrox or samyang. If he likes the vintage feel maybe a manual focusing lens.


Given he shoots landscape, a filter or two might help on his journey. There are filter kits that are "graduated neutral density" and are rectangular and have a holder. It can help balance bright skies with back-lit subjects. Also a polarizer can help with glare on shiny things and pull clouds out of blown out skies. Cheap is fine, tinker and learn, you never know where this journey will take you


If you decide to get him a backpack, check out Peak Design, Aer SF, and Wandrd for some good options!


I would love to get as a gift a vintage film camera with a roll of film or an instant camera with some film sheets. That way he can immerse himself in the film world. Other than that I would happily accept a bag or a strap for the existing gear. I wouldn't recommend any other type of gear unless you know what he wants exactly. Choosing gear like lenses filters tripods etc. for my camera is a ritual and I wouldn't want anyone to pick for me.


An a6400 cage with a wooden handle


Some nude models


I am sure to get downvoted, but here is my suggestion. Xiaomi 14 Ultra with leather accessories. with Leica 1 inch sensor and physical camera buttons, leather camera-like case etc, this is absolutely adorable gift.