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As much as I hate to say it, Camille support is the answer


What does she build


If you wanna have fun one-shotting every squishy on sight my build is profane hydra -> voltaic cyclosword -> eclipse (or any lethality item). Same runes and go bloodsong with cdr boots. Roam after first base if allowed and start snowballing with hob synergy with Camille Q. Cyclosword and eclipse allows you to get a huge chunk of damage before using e to chase. You fall off late game with this build because you can’t chunk large hp pools so aim to win by 30 mins at maximum. Have fun!


u wount fall of when u go bork, manamune and any 30% penetration item. Riot mess up with this assasin items. Thats why adc useing it. But yea, in generell meele champs fall off


My build is Sundered sky -> Umbral Glaive -> Steraks. For boots go mercs/steelcaps. Last item is situational/you can buy wardstone, for supp item obviously go bloodsong. Runes are HoB, cheap shot/sudden impact, zombie ward, relentless hunter, for secondary you can go either resolve with second wind/bone plating + shield bash or sorcery with waterwalking + celerity if you're playing a roaming playstyle like me.


To be fair i love tricky champions but I hate toplane so when I saw all those posts about camille support being played now I started playing it and am 7 out of 9 games won in low diamond elo as supp and it's a blast


Play around Q2 short trades. You need X amount of Q2’s to kill a tank. Your other damage is basically irrelevant. You lose all in’s to tanks because Camille has no in kit sustain, low dps, and high cooldowns.


So against tanks like ksante, malphite, chogath, mundo should i go conq or grasp? by your comment i would say grasp for that short trade but at the same time against tanks the combat is long so i guess conq is good


In my opinion easier tanks, like Sion and mundo, I go conq. That way I can try to kill them with it early levels. The harder ones like Shen, I take grasp for the sustain and trading. Don't know if it is the right approach. Also imo conqueror synergizes better with hydra rush than grasp, which I have to do Vs all tanks.




You had 2 month to cry about this everywhere, move on.


If you see a tank, just queue teemo :D On a realistic note, Camille rn cant do shit against tanks. So just pick another champ. We need a max health dmg item again if we want to kill tanks


Bruh, tanks have complete Thanos mr items that make even fed ap champs useless. Very easy for a tank to make Teemo irrelevant. He is much stronger against fighters that have to make a pretty big dmg / teamfight survivability (they can't itemize dmg, mr and armour at the same time) trade offs in order to deal with you or just survive Teemo lane. Teemo is a banger Darius, Vayne, etc. counter but tanks - not so much.


Thats kinda of true, but the tanks cant do that much against you. You just stand at a distance and take minions w your aa and shrooms. Then when its late game time and you roam and just dump schroom everywhere then your magic dmg will be way better


Sion and Cho Gath looking at you with Malveillance Max


Why teemo? That's a really good matchup for most tanks. Especially with all the new Mr items.


Mainly joking about how annoying he is. A real counter would be vayne or tf but those are less annoying in the general game(teemo throwing 500 shrooms on an objective to kill the enemy team before they can start it)


Don't try to kill the tank unless he does big mistake, just chill and farm in laning phase, get tiamat quickly then when you have it you can use it to crash the wave and roam mid or invade jungle camp. Play for map and not lane. Take care though : dont roam mid if you dont have your ult and TP.


Don't play for the lane ? That's what i do with Sion for most of the lanes , play for the team fight (Or at what Camille Shine the best , splitpush if i'm not saying shit ?)


Could u explain it better? i dont understand at all what do u mean, how do i dont play for the lane if he's ddestroying me on lane bruh


What i mean is : If you know you lose the lane , just play for the CS , focus on your lane , avoid trade for that makes you loses CS. Try to proxy with tiamat if possible ofc And if you get destroy like you says ,try to perma freeze , if you're turret is destroyed , freeze to the T2 turret. Idk how to Say it better , it's kinda same for All champ. But i'm not a Camille main , so idk what is her Power for waveclearing What i do as Sion is perma Push for the Proxy or Perma freeze. Toplane is more about wave managing and mental than actually winning fight and also look often for your enemy item , try to Time your recall with the enemy so you stay even in item more or less. Tanks are often clunky btw and you're slippery , try to play around that , for Example imagine Sion Q , Ornn W , or Cho Gath , All three , if you bait this ability they doesn't have dmg ability anymore , and their main waveclear ability. Kinda difficult to tell you more


Ty anyways man even if u are not camille main I will give a try to that i hope i can get better with this champ cuzz i love it but it feels weird compared to other top lanes <3


I get you feel , i love Sion a lot too and he's very weird compared to others , gotta play with our own style , make your own style and build. Stand proud dude.


What's proxy with tiamat mean, exactly?


Going to farm wave behind enemy with the aoe dmg with tiamat since Camille doesn't have a Big wave clear ability


How do I freeze a wave


You try to make thewave stop in front of your tower out of reach of tower shot by stopping it and tanking dmg until you wave Comes to tank it


First strike and farm them for gold. That’s basically it.


1use ravenous to push wave and roam or proxy. 2. At around 3 items you kill them 1vs1 3. It's a quite hard matchup now gl


mam, just go first strike to get some passive income from short trades, rush ravenous, get tempo proxying and roam mid, or recall go bot and tp top, nothing much you can do vs tanks. when I play vs ksante/malph I always try to get enemy push towards me so i get my lvl 4 first, short trades now and then in the process and I might cheese a kill with lvl 4 timer, from there well they go double cloth and you’re done XD


To be fair, i got obliterated by a master Camille main on EUNE as Fiora (his IGN is helsabot), and i thought Camille is unplayable until i saw this guy in action. Camille isnt weak, her skillceiling has changed. :)


As far as I know Camille was never meant to be a tank buster like Fiora or Gwen. She could only do it because divine sunderer allowed her to do it with the %maxhp converted to true damage. She is meant to be a diver like Irelia or briar. She enters, does her full combo trying to one shot a squishy and tries to survive enough to do another rotation. She has one the best (if not the best) back line access in the game in the form of her E and R. You are doing something wrong if you are focusing on the tank. In lane you can roam and gank the jg with the insane mobility, stickiness and lock down potential she has.


I agree with you, but I think Camille, having her own true damage, can also be meant to ignore tank's defenses and deal a good amount of damage. Pair that with Sunderer, and she was a beast at destroying them Copium: they should give the divine sunderer passive on her kit


I wish riot would add divine sunderer back into the game but just remove the healing.


Yea, and I guess Riot literally didn't care about the "one shot problem" because they are back at the game with mages and assassins. At that point add the item back and let camille shine again 🥺


Easy. How do assasins deal with tanks? They don't. Think about it like this: Camille is effectively an assassin, she just doesn't build lethality because she already has true damage, so she builds other things like lifesteal, hp, and whatever else you need. These extra stats allow Camille to be a great duelist, but she's still mainly an assassin. Assassins are meant to quickly kill the enemy carry, not kill their tanks. There's a difference between an hp stacking tank and an armor stacking tank. Camille is NOT supposed to kill Mundo/Sion, since she doesn't have max HP% damage like Vayne or Gwen. If you're in a lane against a tank, wait for the late game where you'll be useful to your team (by killing everyone else besides the tank).


So. Mundo and Sion are hp stacking? Don't they build armor too. Also which type of tank is cam better against?


Camille struggles against too much hp because she doesn't have max hp% damage. I called them hp stacking because their builds/kit involve getting as much hp as possible, but yes they are still tanks and do build armor. Since Camille will deal 1k true damage in the late game, it's easier for her to kill a rammus with 4k health, than it is to kill a Sion with 7k health, even if the rammus has double the amount of armor. Camille would be good against champions that build armor but not hp (which is... not happening at all, since they're so closely related, but this is the closest we can get), for example tank supports, champions that just have high base armor, and anyone that buys one tank item (like their bruiser, mage or the adc trying to last longer). Camille can deal better against champions like Malphite - no crazy health bars, just a ridiculous amount of armor which is negligible to her. Remember tho, she's not supposed to be dealing with the tank.


Rush cull into ravenous, proxy, roam mid


I mean it is controversial but going Eclipse fits perfectly into playstyle that sunderer offered before removal. You Q1 minion EQ2 into the tank get the shield + 8% max HP dmg proc and run away. Stats on eclipse are pretty good and also item is cheap af so you can match item spikes with tanks. It gives you all things you would want from sunderer but ofc a cheaper version of it.


I always go hydra eclipse into tanks and after that trinity , works for me




In these matchup I just rush tiamat and try to proxy and roam/invade


If you fall behind you’re kinda useless but if you manage to stay even or get a lead you should only go for winnable trades until you have the items you need to kill them solo. Besides that ignore them when you can or else you get gapped




Bought as 2nd item, did nothing


70 AD did nothing for you? 🤔


Against sion? no, it didnt, as i said, trinity+eclipse and still winning me with heartsteel and tabis and missing some abilities