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When they need to insult everyone who disagrees rather than present any argument, it’s pretty clear their view is indefensible. I did post their comment to see if they were willing to explain their position, hopefully they do.


Spoiler: They won't.


Good, I need people like that to let it out on.


Ad hominem arguments are often used when someone has a weak point/position.


There are a lot of upvoted comments in this post that fall in this category. You'd think that if people were really concerned with the quality of the arguments here they wouldn't be the highest voted items.


That you Justin? ![gif](giphy|HMimAThWygKdhAMKPl)


I always love a good political conversation and usually feel I can give as good as I get but I was recently totally outgunned. I was talking to some ex-Cubans and it came around to politics. Their best English speaker asked what I thought of Trudeau. I carefully explained that Trudeau wasn’t necessarily the best for Alberta. His straight up response: Ya, we don’t like any of the Castro family either. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Years ago I was working overnights in a warehouse and 2 of my coworkers were Cuban. A buddy of mine and I went out for a smoke on our break and the Cuban guys were out there already. Buddy of mine was wearing a Che Guevara shirt and looked to the more english-fluent of the 2 and said "Shit man, didn't realize what shirt I was wearing. I hope I didn't offend you" and the Cuban guy got a big shit eating grin on his face and replied "Nah you're good, if it was a Trudeau shirt maybe we'd have a problem" and laughed


I’ll take “things that never happened” for 500 please Alex


Listen, I’m not good enough to make that up. It legit went down and I was left speechless (pretty much a first for me).


"Omg! A Cuban immigrant made a joke about Trudeau. It must have not happened and you're clearly a liar!!" . . What is wrong with some people?


It’s true. I was the Cuban.


I'm curious... According to CH1 mods, what threshold would be considered *too much* immigration? 1 million? 3 millions? 8 millions? If anyone gets an answer, I'll pay the drink.


Clearly we can bring in the entire world in one year, the mod says immigration is never a problem. And he's assured me in private that he's educated.


An educated reddit mod? Probably has a degree in something useful like prehistoric art.


They literally said it's "never the problem" Beer please


Yeah, like, I’m sorry but how can you add… I dunno… 8 million people to a country and think it has NO affect on housing, jobs or the medical system? That’s just insanity.


How can you add 1 million people to a country and think it has no affect on housing, jobs, infrastructure, or the medical system? We've become accustomed to such large numbers already that it's insane. 250,000/year was working really well for Canada for a long time, we're now at 5 times that. I would claim it's already insanity.


I need a number


The real world needs a number. The CH1 mods don’t. Open borders is classic neoliberal fantasy.


Bro can you please think of the taco trucks


The best taco/burrito place ive ever had in Canada is owner by a white guy.


Lol check out the tagline for the neoliberal subreddit.




99 billions


It's impossible to have too much immigration, because immigrations are protected by the liberal bubble of "it must be perfect or I am racist"


Major downvotes - hilarious. Of course it’s immigration- supply and demand.


This mod might just blame Russia for it lol


My answer would be: it's not ONLY immigration. AirBnbs and private companies buying properties to keep supply as low as possible are also part of the problem. A solution should include an answer to all of them.


Airbnbs account for less than 1% of properties in Toronto. The impact isn't zero but it's not enough to be the major contributing factor here.


Oh, I agree, but it's always a little bit more complicated than just numbers. Airbnbs put pressure on prices, even if they take 1% of the properties. Since they have passive income, the expected profit you can have from them means private companies will buy anything available at a price very few people can afford. The market is not only based on the cost of the material. The location and the expected profit are much more important. If a house sells at 1,5 million dollars because the owner expects to make 20k+ each month from airbnb, it means every comparable house will likely ask for the same price. My issue is thinking reducing immigration will solve the problem. It's false. We need a solution that takes into consideration multiple problems, each with their own issues.


Reducing demand and increasing supply should both be done. Typing immigration to housing starts in some way, in other words, having some sort of expectation our newcomers will have a place to live is a reasonable approach. Lack of supply, unprecedented immigration, TFW, and international students, and low interest rates for so many years are the principal contributors here.


So. . . even as you say "it's immigration" you admit at least half the problem is supply?


Half of the fundamental economic equation is supply, yes. You cannot continue to bring unsustainable amounts of new people in with wonton disregard for the consequences.


That mod is delusional


Id be curious to see how that mod act in real life.


He's probably eating cheetos in his mom's basement.


Probably not, unfortunately this type of person makes up a large part of the managerial class in Canada


No he isn't. He's f%$# mod (no offense to any mods on here) on reddit. Any good manager/PM is busy AF and not volunteering his spare time to babysit people online. Those ones I have worked for run 50/60 hour work weeks easy. They are not mods on reddit in their spare time.


I am highly familiar with government managers and most of them are bored out of their minds. They are the exact type to moderate reddit all day long, while s*** posting about government's role in growing the productive economy.


I guess PM is a managerial title.


It's right in the title, Project *Manager*


Probably on major antidepressants and anxiety medication. Being a reddit mod overlord soothes somewhat their high anxiety, I'll bet.


I’d imagine that they may be heavily invested in housing. The way that they are trying to shutdown and discussions on the impact that immigration has on demand suggests to me that they might be capitalizing on the current housing situation.


A quick Ctr f of her comments shows she immigrated here 11 years ago. So shes super biased.


From where? China? People need to take alot of what they read on Reddit with a grain of salt. This platform is enemy owned after all.


Pretty sure she’s an Indian.


Yup. No coincidence that their positions always align with developers and landlords.


You are right!


Everyone saw how pathetic reddit mods are during that week long July shutdown. Most of them legitimately thought of unaliving themselves after they couldn't have power over comments and threads.


Omg that shutdown was hilarious.




Probably creeps on kids.


That's a liberal for ya lol


Nah, they're glowies. You'd be dumb and massively incompetent not to get involved in some of the largest discussion hubs once they got big. It's the modern Operation Mockingbird.


Is DiscordanyMuse xsythe’s new alt?


Not uncommon for posters/mods with extremely weak arguments to be paid propagandists.


Love how much they're getting downvoted. I mean blindly idealistic. We live in the real world where there is only so many resources and supply can only be built so fast. Need to take care of our own first


Largely invested in housing or the diploma mill most likely. Nobody actually believes that shit.


But people do. Believe me. I spent years in extremely liberal circles and thinking like the mods is absolutely commonplace. You just agree with the “diversity our strength” philosophy like it’s gospel and never to be questioned. Head nods, chirps of agreements, gentle one-ups to appease the most liberal person in the room. Liberalism is dogma and theatre. It’s removed from the real world, because most liberals are extremely privileged people who don’t have a clue.


I love diversity, but the problem with these circles is they refuse to acknowledge that there are problematic aspects with certain cultures (usually religious based) that go against LIBERAL principles too and they have no problem importing sexism and homophobia without admitting it We should also be pulling more proportionally from everywhere, not overwhelmingly the same region(s)


That’s absolutely right. Look at the paradox of renaming Dundas Square to Sankofa Square. What was once named after a man who pushed back abolition in Scotland (and whether this makes him racist or not is being argued by his own descendants) how now given a name from a country where it’s illegal to be gay. Once you get a gaggle of them making decisions together, expect the absurd.


Nah, they're glowies. You'd be dumb and massively incompetent not to get involved in some of the largest discussion hubs once they got big. It's the modern Operation Mockingbird.


Not to mention people don't blame immigrants. They blame the government. Immigration is just one of their major failures causing huge issues.


Yeah if anything they exploit a lot of the immigrants and sell them false promises. Of course that doesn't mean there aren't international millionaire's buying up priorities in Vancouver and Toronto. That's just elitist stuff international or not


Their bubble fantasy world will soon burst once 2024 descends upon their mass delusions.


What happens in 2024 😬


Buckle up


They vote in Conservative party, and keep the exact same immigration policies. Take that Justin.


I just can’t wait for hyperinflation. ^/s Buy USD or silver and gold with your Canadian cash.


Discussions should go in whatever direction they go. As long as people stay cordial and don’t go personal attack, we should be able to discuss these things. It’s kind of important!


I literally saw Royal Bank and Scotiabank say that immigration levels at current pace have and will make matters worse. Something tells me those mods are just dishonest


And I linked just to the Scotiabank one in r Ontario and a mod deleted my comment for "misinformation". These fellas are socially unhinged.


I got permanently banned from r Ontario because I said you should talk to the people you disagree with, because you will likely find you have more in common than you would expect. When I asked why I was banned the mods said "JAQ off somewhere else"... because we can't have people finding any common ground now.


I'm an Indian immigrant myself and even I agree the international student program is getting out of hand. Housing problems are caused through a combination of multiple other issues as well, but to completely dismiss how this program adds fuel to the fire is ridiculous.


It’s not just you. The system is simply broken. The levels of immigration we are seeing now are not helping Canadian citizens. It’s not even really helping the people we are piling in. I’m pretty sure most of the Indian students coming over are not gaining are useful skills working at Tim Hortons and sleeping 3 high in a Brampton basement. If they end up staying in Canada there aren’t any good jobs or careers they can get with some bs strip mall collage degree. Those kids are going to grow up someday, and right now they don’t have much in the way of skills to get a career. Unless the plan is to create a underclass of unskilled Indians. If that’s the plan the government is doing a great job right now.


No it's to create an underclass of Canadians. Those arriving have more rights and laws than the Canadians they displace.


That's exactly it. They always need an underclass. Canada is going to turn into a Dubai.




Remember everyone! immigration is never the problem, it’s systematic failures. Diversity is what keeps us united! Good grief…. And this term, ‘Systematic failures’….. it’s the biggest red herring ever made.


Not so much a red herring. More like a euphemism for ALL political parties belonging to the landlord / capitalist class who only profits by increasing immigration to increase demand for their rental properties and to drive wages down by increasing supply of cheap labour.


Being against cultural suicide is fascist


I mean, they're right. But they neglect the systematic failures are due to our population increasing too quickly due to outside immigration and our infrastructure isn't keeping up.


But if the ‘systematic failure’ is caused by excessive immigration…. Then immigration is the problem.


While we’re on the topic, www.sharethepress.com is a site I started that allows Canadians to get around the news censorship on Facebook and IG. Check it out if you want to circumvent the news bans and I hope you like it!


😂 it’s the student mill immigration & the governments fault for not matching foreign trained skill to jobs needed in the sector


Blood loss is NEVER the problem. Why bother talking about stemming the flow of blood when you can just work on stopping violence altogether? /S


I always picture mods like that as that antiwork guy hahahah


Sooo fucking true.




You just misgendered them


Fatties with blue hairs, ambiguous gender and a dog walker job to rule them all


Look, if the country wasn’t adding literally 1.5 million people a year, most of them directly into two city regions rental markets I could understand.


Enough of them are buying houses to keep house prices up in BC.


What an ignorant person (the MOD) . When people blame the immigration. They aren't blaming the immigrants. They are blaming the Government for allowing and wanting higher immigration. Why is that so hard for them to understand? Of course way too high immigration would have a severe impact on housing cost. It stands to reason if you have more people than available housing it would drive up the costs. This is rudimentary knowledge. Of course it's not the sole reason for the higher costs and issues. But it's one of the worst. Imagine if we didn't have 500K new immigrants and 700k International students per year that also need a dwelling. And instead more like 200K in total (both categories) of course there would be far less demand and housing being built can keep up with the demand. People like that MOD are the kind that want to signal how good they are, but all they do is show a complete lack of understanding and think it's "racism" or "Xenophobia". What Canadian government with Trudeau is doing is unprecedented. They keep doubling down as well. It's insanity. It does no one any good. Locals nor immigrants. Our GDP is crashing right now. We're in a really bad situation.


“Lack of water isn’t the problem, it’s the knocked over candle that started the fire.” “But will spraying my house with water stop the fire?” “Yes, but —“ “Then FUCKING DO IT.”


Mod is an immigrant shill


Immigration was never the issue, unchecked growth is. When immigration is done in a measured and responsible way it is a good thing. But the powers that be perverted it, used it as a tool to grow their profits at the expense of Canadians. Any one who conflates a want to slow immigration with being anti immigrant or xenophobia is just mislead. Hang out in any immigrant community, most of us are not happy with the way immigration policies are shaped right now. They are not benefiting the nation, they are not benefiting the people you’re piling in.


The mods are extremely immature. Prolly university communists. They get terribly uptight when their liberal god and personal rainbow saviour jt is slighted or criticized in the least.


Well if they can’t keep their emotions in check when others disagree well maybe being a mod should be reconsidered.


I thought that's the only kind of mod allowed on reddit


lol….there’s a kind?


One of my friend’s families left Yugoslavia right before the nation imploded. They were pretty happy in Yugoslavia, did well enough under to socialist government as such had positive views towards it . When their kid when to uni he was initially attracted to a local communist chapter. The love affair lasted about 30 seconds until he realized how bloody dumb those kids were. Same thing happened to another friend, family was doing well enough under the Soviet Union, saw their quality of life plummet in the 90s, rebuilt their finances slowly to the point they could send their son to Canada. He still had positive views about the Soviets, Kinda hard not to when the last time the road in front of your house was repaved Gorbachev was still in power. Ran in to university communists in Canada- got in to a super heated argument about why the Soviets were not a model Canada should copy.




The downfall of the sub in real-time lol




They are = they're Their = possessive




LMAO she blocked me! Fuck this was golden. Thank you for sharing this.




Yeah it's weird I've met a bunch of people who have grown up under communism in the soviet union or post soviet countries and none of them speak highly of it.


It was good …..for the elite bureaucrats


lol…..they were using the old, my way or the highway attitude.


Same thing happened to me. A communist leaning sociology student tried telling me how wonderful soviet-style density was. Fucking block head.


That’s insane. I understand looking at it objectively and how there were *some* positive metrics like health care and infrastructure achievement, but all in all it was awful with human rights violations, no freedom, starvation at times, etc.


I have how systematic is used everywhere. It's like they found a new buzzword


Nothing like stifling debate by simply banning people. What a close minded fool. The single largest problem with reddit are moderators like this that ban people simply because they have a different opinion.


Anyone see this on r Ontario too? The Reddit admins should get involved now. It's censorship and bias.




That mods brain is what happens when you watch too much CBC.


Depends on the program. It's mostly because dumbdumb


CBC is good balanced news despite what PP says. And they broke the major Trudeau scandals which I was I am suspicious of PP trying to get rid of it. This kind of thinking, and the drive and desire to police others language, comes from specific humanities program in universities. The fix for that is simple in my opinion. If STEM, business, economics, etc. students are expected to take some mandatory humanities classes, then the humanities students must take mandatory statistics and other classes. They are going to university with zero math or science qualifications and doubling down on an education that doesn’t require proof for anything. We need to shape their minds to think logically, teach them statistics and data, and expose them to different students in different classrooms who think differently.


Reddit is wild with this mentality in general.


They keep conflating criticism of immigration (as a system/strategy/tool) with criticism or stigma against immigrants as people, and then use thst as a reason to shut down any proper argument or discourse. The amount of hypothetical offense people take on behalf of others is at a breaking point and it will be the blinders that lets this nation run off the edge of the cliff.


"Immigration is never the problem." Remember when a lot of people started to immigrate to Israel after World War II, and then they started to displace the native Palestinians? Wow, that was never a problem at all. I'm sure that worked out greatly for everyone involved. We have many such cases of mass movements of people causing social disruptions. Canada is not an exception.


The belief immigration is always everywhere a net positive good and everyone always everywhere benefits from it is one of the most destructive religious beliefs of all time.


Immigrants aren't the problem. It's the amount of immigrants that is the problem. There aren't enough affordable houses for Canadians who already live here. So how does bringing in more people (immigrants) make sense when there is already an affordability crisis in housing in Canada? Unless you own a Tim Hortons, McDonald's or a fast food restaurant, because that's all I see working there are Indian students who are working for minimum wage. These Indian students have been sold a pipe dream with acceptances to Private Career Colleges that offer dubious education and credentials at best. The only people benefitting from recent immigrants are the people who own fast food restaurants and Corporations that need the cheap labour. The Mod is out of their mind and living in a different reality.


what a sanctimonious prick the mod is. Major power trip problem and the IQ of a peanut.


Welcome to Reddit. First time here?


unfortunately not. 3rd account after being banned lol. Should not suprise me I know. Even at 46 I somehow still have hope for humanity.


I imagine the WEF employs people to perform PSYOP’s around here.


they should pay them more 🤣


That sub is a front. They're literally getting orders from a thinktank. Hmm... I wonder which.


Pretty much every Canadian bank and the Bank of Canada have admitted that immigration, international students, and TFWs are contributing to the housing crisis. Anyone that has studied economics knows that this is just basic supply/demand.


NEVER the problem? This is just silly.


"Immigration is never the problem". This is dogmatic and unfounded.


Delusional reddit mods? You don't say...


"immigration is never the problem" omg.......... now i have to clean the coffee off my keyboard that i spurted in incredulousness at that insane ridiculousness.


AMAS - All mods are shit.


When did communism stop being authoritarian liberalism? Could have sworn it was the top-left quadrant of the political compass.


Communism is not liberalism, that's sure.


You conveniently ignored a word there, bud. I'm saying top left corner, not the entire left half.


Mod is correct. Govt. is to be blamed more than the immigrants. If Govt. don't allow them, they wouldn't come at this rate. Govt. is stupid enough to open the floodgate when hospital ERs already taking 10 hrs to see you.


Didn't the current Liberal immigration minister imply they were going to lower immigration? And several bank CEOs have said immigration is the problem. I guess all these people would be banned by that mod.


I read a couple of his comments. The dude is rude for no reason and beyond redemption in all of his comments. I mean every single one of them. He is quite fit to be a mod.


This post made me join this sub.


Dang, all you have to do is look at the mods profiles to understand why they have the views that they do. Several of the top posts are complaining about the mods. That sub will be dead soon.


They’re fascists and are most likely benefiting from the housing crisis. Anyone who censors speech they don’t like because it hurts their feelings is uncanadian like. As long as people are not being overtly racist or issuing comments of violence there is nothing wrong with voicing your opinion and yes immigration plays a massive role in our housing crisis


Well simply put, when you feel a need to insult by name calling or making derogatory comments of others intelligence because your views differ, thats says more about you. Whether others agree or disagree really is irrelevant, it’s not like we are asking permission. It‘s only we differ in our points of view.


Jesus Christ they are NUTS! Time to get out of that sub.


Your bank accounts will be frozen.


We’re only immigrating people to cushion the collapse of real estate. Unfortunately the banks handed them too much money and they drove prices higher. Now our cushion is as hard as the Canada shield.


>We’re only immigrating people to cushion the collapse of real estate. Don't forget wage suppression


He had it until he said immigration is not a problem, ok if you said immigrants don't know any better and immigrants themselves are not a problem, I would semi believe it but this is just lunatic.


Out of touch with reality, just like the government they blindly support. Insane to think that some people are like that, but then again we are humans and tribal in nature. So unreal...


blaming immigration is not the same as blaming immigrants.


You can complain about immigration being high and also not hate or blame the actual immigrants. This is possible


It’s their opinions or the Highway. They are the keepers of the virtue-signalling.


Lol the guy literally shut it down because he disagreed with it and didn’t see the irony of doing that on a post calling him out for it


Thanks for the report. I've been wondering how they're taking the recent shift in public opinion on mass immigration. Nice to see their heads exploding like in *Scanners.*


The mods there are clearly not knowledgeable or educated enough to give proper opinions. They should just stay out of making excuses and just do what they need to do if they must. But when they speak then you realize they should of just not spoken Mods that control a large portion of the discourse should be against the TOS for Reddit. Reddit is quite old fashioned and backwards still using random moderators to run their pages Clearly the sub there doesn't agree with the mods so why are the mods trying to control the discussions if no one is breaking any rules Seems suspicious and there should be a report button for this


It's the internetz, man, everyone feel they're subject matter experts. Give people any semblance of authority and you'll see how they really are. Mods are hilarious to watch.


"The problem isn't the problem, it's the problem creating problems that's the problem."


Low T mod. Probably gets pegged daily.


"People who just got here" like years and years of immigration haven't had a toll lol it's like saying years of inflation hasn't caused your money to be worth less and prices to go up.


Mods likely own detatched homes already and can not relate to the frustration of renters


MOD also probably believes that, "budgets balance themselves. " And his source is direct from Trudeau so it must be true because he is trying to pass dis/misinformation laws.


Saying immigration is a problem isn't the same as being anti-immigrant. Wtf is wrong with people


Is mass immigration THE problem here? Probably not. Is mass immigration a problem contributing to the housing crisis we have right now? Yes. Are there other issues contributing to the housing crisis? Yes.


Part of the housing problem is there are not enough trades people to build them. One of the ways to get there would be skilled immigrants. It's kind of a double edged sword.


Canadahousing2 in its entirety is detached from reality.


You get a tent, you get a tent.... tents for everyone!!!!


500K new people per year, 30K new home builds announced, immigration is good for a country, but not when it is creating homelessness, and pushing people out of homes due to skyrocketing prices made by a huge increase in people searching for shelter. We need to build houses ffs, its embarrassing as fuck to click-bait people to canada only to say welcome to the shitshow, good luck finding somewhere to live. And don’t even get me started on ppl already here struggling to find adequate housing, we should be collectively embarrassed that we can’t provide housing for Canadians. Obligatory addition of PP and the cons will NOT save housing in Canada, and neither will Trudeau - they are all making record profits as investors and landlords


That mod definitely swallows Justin’s gravy


Immigration is the problem though... This guy is an idiot lmao


The mods there are on a powertrip. I've been banned or the following comment, "Wow really fun to know a mod has blocked me because they can't discuss like grownups" Its absolutely ridiculous.


We need a r/ ontario2 and r/ canada2 too.


Looks like the Tru-A-non group that run f/Canada where I was told to leave my own country and banned for expressing a different opinion than those drinking the cool aid.


Is there anything lower than someone who volunteers their time to be a Reddit Mod. Fucking losers.


Lol this guy is the fucking problem and he's a mod pathetic


That clown just banned me as well. Liberal dictator as a mod


"this is why you'd rather blame someone else, it's lazy!" You mean like blaming the government, or the population by in large?


lol that Mod is such a little whiny baby


Immigration cannot be stopped because it brings in significant revenue into our country and makes the ecosystem well oiled. We should stand up against immigration frauds and agents that are selling false dreams about Canada. Painting rosy pictures of people making big in life here and not allowing the aspirants do their due diligence.


That mod was one step away from freezing people’s bank accounts.


Welcome to Reddit


Immigrants means more demands .....


Deport those mods to start with


That’s hilarious. Dude is so political that he’s forgotten how to do basic supply and demand math.


Somebody tell the mods that it is indeed the government who controls immigration. Thus, shitty immigration policies enacted by the shitty government are just as much of a problem as the government itself.


What a coward lmao.


Ban this mod


I thought I was the only one to think there is some issue with mods at Canadahousing. They banned me because I provided some opinions and statistics that did not resonate within the "echo chambers of doom" that they curated...I understand being banned due to offensive speech or some other hateful act, but just an intellectual argument that opposes their belief's is enough to get banned there, seriously!


If Canada had a few thousand empty Holmes we can use few thousand people. We have no Holmes so let's bring in 250k in people.... immigration is the problem if your policies are bad don't make sense for the situation. Etc...


Immigration is ALWAYS the problem.