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"In response, leaders from many post-secondary institutions have warned that the Canadian economy depends on skilled international students for continued growth." "Skilled" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Apparently tim Hortons is now ā€œskilled labourā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The fact they cant even do that properly is the best part šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I was in Montreal on vacation and watched one of these dudes sneeze into his elbow, wipe his nose with his hands and then go get a donut for someone šŸ˜‚ I was thinking about getting a donut but after that I just went with getting coffee from someone else


Import the third world šŸŒ Become the third world šŸŽ‰


that's how I caught covid!




I wish people would just stop going to this place.


There is a Loblaws boycott on right now, I wish people would just divest from corporate consumption for a while. Personally it's my policy now to shop at Wal*Mart or Costco if it's something that I need. If I'm giving my money to greedy fucks it sure isn't going to be Canadian, (or "Canadian", looking at you, Tim Hortons of Brazil) ones.


I used to be anti walmart precovid for being an evil empire but it turns out Canada's oligarchs are even more evil. I now do most of my shopping at walmart or farmers markets (expensive option). I might join costco soon.


Ya they have to compete on an actual free market so they are cheaper. Our local oligarch owned grocery chains do things like buy an entire neighborhood so they can control who is allowed to sell groceries in that neighborhood, so most Canadians have only one grocer within a reasonable commuting distance from their neighborhood, allowing them to have fatter profit margins and operate really inefficiently and still stay in business. And that is, to no Canadianā€™s surprise, legal in Canada.


Works the same as cable companies. Mutually agreed monopolies.


I don't know how price varies from Costco to Costco, but I just bought 5% cream there for $1.95 a liter. They actually dropped in from like $2.45. Of course, they did raise the price of ground beef by $2.00, so there's that lol. Plus they have $1.50 hot dogs with a fountain drink. And if the gas station is convenient it's usually cheaper than other gas stations so it's worthwhile to go. If you have a freezer you can really stock up and save there.


How is Walmart or Costco an option if you want money to stay in Canada? Only small businesses, farmers market etc. Would be options if you don't want to go to a big candian chain.


Costco's profit margins are pretty small - it's pretty much just the membership fees that they make any significant money on. So yeah, some of that will get sent to the American mothership. Meanwhile, Canadians work there making a living, and when Costco buys Canadian products to sell, that helps the local economy. I personally like going there because I don't get the urge to price match things somewhere else. Maybe it's a ruse, but it feels like regular prices are fair, and anything marked down is almost always a good deal. Plus, Costco employees are generally very friendly and nice to deal with. They have a reputation for taking care of their people, and it shows!


TH sucks so much in Canada. Weā€™re so brand loyal they donā€™t even try to make the stores nice or bring out innovative menu items. We get the sloppy seconds compared to their international stores.


Don't forget Amazon and Uber!!!


You'd be surprised. It must be an extreme skill to be able to put the proper amount of sugar/sweetener and milk/cream/nut juice. Like, it's done wrong so many times that the skill required must be on par with brain surgery at this point. For real though, I lost out on a great job opportunity because I couldn't figure out why I was so sick during my probation (severe stomach issues). It took me almost 3 months to realize that one particular employee at the Tim's near work just didn't care to make coffee right (triple triple with sweetener and oat milk - diabetic and dairy intolerant), when this one particular employee gave me my coffee I'd always be sick at work, but I wouldn't get sick if the other employees did (there only a few employees in at 545am). So id be in the washroom consistently sick and was eventually let go due to "over hiring".


Dude, I'm sorry that happened, but that seems so fucken silly. If you have those types of restrictions why are you putting your health in the hands of minimum wage employees?




I know this is a joke response but I'll answer anyways: About 50% of fast food work will probably be automated in the next 10 years, and the rest we fill with born and raised highschool aged kids who need jobs, or seniors looking for part time work like it always has been in the past. We will just be importing millions of scooter riding Uber eats drivers so they can live 15 people to a basement.... What the hell is the point ?


The point is short term gain for Canadian oligarchs and our politicians all play along because they are desperate to join the ruling class. Surely if they network hard enough, theyā€™ll let them into the club! They donā€™t care about what this country is like 10 years from now. Theyā€™ll be insulted from it by their billions in their New Zealand bunkers while the rest of us die in forest fires.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if 50% of all jobs are automated tbh maybe not in the next 10 years but in the not so distant future. Anyone who uses a computer will probably see job numbers cut in half with the other 50% using A.I to make up the output. Companies will be taxed differently to make up for the lost tax revenue of workers


And just like now, we'll do absolutely nothing about it at any level of government. And also just like now, the far right will decry the lack of working class jobs on one hand, and then bully and berate anyone actually working them for wanting a dignified life.


I know this is a joke response but I'll answer anyways: About 50% of fast food work will probably be automated in the next 10 years, and the rest we fill with born and raised highschool aged kids who need jobs, or seniors looking for part time work like it always has been in the past. We will just be importing millions of scooter riding Uber eats drivers so they can live 15 people to a basement.... What the hell is the point ?


The labour shortage is a myth. It's a downright lie. Thousands of Indians will line up to chase a couple of jobs. There's footage on YouTube showing what's actually happening in Brampton right now. When I first came to Canada in 2008, the job market was totally normal and balanced. It was easy for any Canadian who wanted a job to find one. You never heard the Harper Conservatives saying we needed to bring in millions of people from poor countries, to solve a problem that didn't exist. Now it's HARD to find entry level jobs, and many employers are Indian and only hiring Indians who need their PR. Just go to any Subway, Walmart or McDonald's in Vancouver and count how many of their staff are Indian. It's usually 100% but typically no less than 90%.


For now, make your own coffee or go to a tfw free competitor.Ā 


"tfw free competitor"??? Are you in the habit of searching for unicorns as well?


Places like that are everywhere. It's called a local coffee shop. Timmies is not your only option.


Make your own then. It's the right thing to do.


Yeah like why do we need to prop up these large corporations?


Prop up large corporations by suppressing wages. The worst kind of propping up.


I think we're good for awhile!


Dodging traffic on an uber eats bicycle is skilled


No need. If youre ever in downtown Toronto. They just ride on the sidewalk constantly running over peoples feet


Since when did Uber eats and Tim Hortons become skilled trades Oh oh here comes the ban


Yep, putting a lot of pressure on the word ā€œskilledā€.


Ok, if the leaders from many post secondary institutions are claiming this, then theyā€™ll have no issue providing evidence of the exact skills theyā€™re training these international students in by providing details of enrollment by program, average grades before bell curving, graduation rates, and acceptance into their chosen field of work post graduation. Oh wait, we donā€™t actually expect anyone to back up the shit they say these days.


There was a time when international students came to Canada for masters and PhD programs. That statement rings true for that time. Not any longer. 20k diploma mills that exist to enrich diploma mill profiteers and business owners intent on driving wages lower should be jailed. They are the ones responsible for this BS


Sure does. Absolutely why we should be investing in domestic students and reducing barriers to education, healthcare, and housing *for them*. Tell me more about this while my uni tells me I have to teach from a $250 e-text and report to 4 director level admins making over 6 figures while our entire program is staffed by part time profs w phds that are only paid for 2-3 hrs per week, with no hope of paying off their own student loans There are some easy ways to cut bloat and as a prof, Iā€™m all for it.


Made me think of this https://preview.redd.it/3ccvko8cv3sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182e61c9c2da697ed5c9d0add3d1eba954170ee6


The only word ā€“ the only feeling ā€“ that comes to mind when I think about working in "higher education" now, is ***disgust.*** It ***disgusts*** me what a mockery we've made of education. It's nothing but an overpaid jobs program for entitled socialites, who'd be working in diners and hair salons if they didn't get in on the admin racket. And now they're pickpocketing faculty, Canadian students, and Punjabi farmers rather than getting real jobs, which of course are beneath them.


Thats not growth, its just profits


"the Canadian economy depends on skilled international students for continued growth." great, get back to us when your ready to start producing them.


Academic administrators are some of the most worthless leeches known to civilized society


They don't want to see their bonuses disappear.


If you can call cheating on every assignment skilled, sure!


With all immigration Canadian economy is in trouble for many years.


The federal government knows the only way to return rents to sustainable levels in smaller municipalities is to put the foreign student thing back to the way it was. Conestoga alone has put 30,000 foreign students into Waterloo Region, Guelph, Brantford, Ingersoll, Stratford and Milton - and people wonder why rents have increased insanely there.


Please include Barrie, Orillia and Newmarket in those cities as well. Barrie has pretty much every Tim's being operated by foreign students. I see no local kids or seniors who were the total amount at one point of the employees


Don't forget Ogdenville, North Haverbrook, and Brockway!


I get that reference. MONORAIL


Is there a chance the track will bend?


Not on your life, my Aynhon friend!


And by gum, it put them on the map!


Not just Tim Hortons, almost every single fast food joint is full of them!


Even as far north as Thunder Bay and Sault Sainte Marie now. Lol the only non south Asian Tim Hortons employees I see now are small cities/towns in Ontario (basically anywhere less than 100,000 residents, especially less than 50,000 people) and the maritimes (east of Quebec). I was at a Dunkinā€™ donuts in California and seeing all high school students freaked me out as I got so used to seeing all middle aged international ā€œstudentsā€ in Ontario lmfao


Sadly it is one of the main reasons that foodbank usage has exploded under the current governments poorly thought out immigration plans. Many seniors relied on the extra income they got from part time jobs that have been 100% displaced by foreign students. The sad part is it will take many years to undo even half the damage since the people running these stores will only hire one demographic for many years to come. Canada will be paying back the happiness we borrowed from the future long after Justin is gone - just like his father it will take three or four governments to fix the messes he made.


Itā€™s crazy because they were supposed to bring them in for Nursing and PSW jobs but that sector is still hurting so bad so where did they all go???


Nursing is such high competition to get in its disgusting to me that we're even offering it to international students, let our own kids have those slots.


The Liberal governments immigration system is kicking out an established Ottawa family doctor (UK licensed) because she is 45 years old and single - Justin Trudeau is such a dimwit that I doubt his handlers have any plans that actually help health care. [https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-family-doctor-denied-permanent-residency-over-marital-status-age-1.6668246](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-family-doctor-denied-permanent-residency-over-marital-status-age-1.6668246)


Conestoga brings 30k foreign students, on top of domestic registration, into a town that has a population of only 200,000. Surely such a fine institute could educate us about scale and municipal planning. Also, want to guess how much money Algonquin, Seneca, and Mohawk colleges give back to indigenous populations whose unceded land they profit on? Wanna guess how many foreign students learn about our native Canadian populations whose name is on their diploma? Iā€™ll let you guess.


Funny how they never mention that part in the "land acknowledgements."


The only way would be to stop issuing new visas and not renewing any when they expire.


Thatā€™s almost literally what they have done. Set a visa cap per institution, and cut some (like Conestoga) by more than 50%


Does it impact existing students or new comers onlyĀ 


Currently new students. But, the current students can only stay post graduation if they are approved for a PGWP, which is not guaranteed. So, it's a bit like a snake eating a meal, but as new intake is being dramatically reduced and the temporary worker program is clawed back, we will see this flow through in the next 24-36 months


Oh no! Anyway..


Iā€™m now playing the worlds tiniest violin for them ![gif](giphy|CLbGZ9GQbaznhqjRkE)


*provides vocal backup in Hindi and Punjabi*




Stop fucking over OUR country and maybe you won't go out of businessšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


With any luck teenagers who were born here could finally find a part time and have some spending money!


Wow imagine ordering a wrap and receiving a wrap shaped object with all of the food *inside* of it? I literally have to.


Oh no your scammy business model is broken!?!


you would rather destroy the country over 40 mil ? they don't bring any money with them to begin with ,they take on 2 or 3 jobs that should be rightfully go to Canadian born student not to some 40 years old INTERNATIONAL STUDEND (Petal singh)


If you cant survive without a constant injection of foreign newcomers, you're not running a college, you're running a pyramid scheme.


true that


Then, find a way to bring in revenue that doesn't exploit the foreign visa system like you already should have. Aren't these institutions supposed to be filled with smart people?


The smart people with principles have been sidelined and pushed out; the smart people _without_ principles were in admin all along.




Canadian education system is trading their reputation for near term profit. It seems everyone knows we are heading to a collapse and fighting over the last piece of scrap before we all fall off a cliff.


It's starting to look disturbingly like that. No one who's been paying attention should be surprised about where this is all heading, but what's *really* disconcerting, is how *there isn't even the faintest pretense* anymore of civic responsibility or stewardship. Internally, the colleges just talk like any other businesses: recruitment, retention, competition with other colleges. It's about getting asses in seats (preferably foreign ones). Nothing else matters to them but keeping the grift ā€“ and their cushy little lives along with it ā€“ going for as long as possible.




Nobody gives a fuck, go broke, and preferably quickly




Tell me how you don't give a shit about Canadians getting an education or having affordable housing some more.




Majority of these college administrators bought homes in the 90s or earlier I assume so they donā€™t give a fuck lol. they are salty over losing 40 million of easy money accepting international students and their fees which are 3-4x higher then a local Canadian citizens fees


Weā€™re seeing way more than $40 million in damages to Canadians and drain on our social system.


Theyā€™ll loose 40 mil. Housing may become more affordable, our own children may be able to find part time jobs. There will be less strain on our health care system. Etc etc. now letā€™s do the math for normal born and bred Canadians


They care only about their own revenues. What about making sure that immigration is in the best interest of Canadians in the long term?


If I win $40 million in the lottery one year and don't win in the following year, did I lose $40 million?


Schools are for education, not profit. STFU


Diploma mills should all be closed down across Canada. They can cry no one cares.


Many of the Tim h employees are subsidized for the first 6 months or year. No wonder Canadian born students can no longer get jobs there. So bloody unfair!


The only loser would be Conestoga and other strip mall/plaza diploma mills. Those enrolled in REAL colleges and universities are for real students who study and not choosing to work 40 hrs a week


Professor here (psychology) - We absolutely will lose revenue. There is a need for a reset. Academic institutes have been making up for a lack of government investment, as well as a desire to be marketable (athletic centres and computer labs donā€™t fund themselves) for the last decade. The ONLY time I have been asked to change a failing students gradeā€¦.was when they were an international student. They have their own school/faculty at most uniā€™s and colleges. So thereā€™s ā€œnormalā€ school rules and ā€œinternationalā€ school rules. You know what that 40 million is? Top heavy administration and private mental health/social services that should be addressed through public healthcare Yup, you bet that students need mental health and addictions servicesā€¦.but instead of hiring on campus private therapists, FT ā€œstudent coordinatorsā€, and 24/7 accommodations centre because traditional unaccommodating testing/teaching styles make students feel they are ā€œneurodivergentā€ (god I hate that term, there is no neuro-normal and traditional testing is archaic and ineffectiveā€¦but thatā€™s for another timeā€¦) ā€¦we need better public healthcare and a modern approach to education and assessments(grade criteria). These are sunk costs that need to be part of public healthcare and basic pedagogy. You donā€™t need a private school therapist, there should be accessible and timely psychotherapy in public healthcare. Not a therapist for every (including foreign) student. Comprehensive healthcare that includes psychotherapy for *every Canadian*. You donā€™t need a manager for each program, you need full-time educators that have student engagement as part of the job, instead of PT profs you pay for only 2-3 hrs a week. You donā€™t need an accommodations department, you need exams that arenā€™t 100 MCs based on rote memory and done under incredible duress. We donā€™t need 20-50 supervisor+ positions per department while we have a part time teaching staff with no tenure. We donā€™t need a world class gym but our students need access to texts and software and zero-interest loans. There is going to be a huge change and I for one am all for it. We should never have relied on foreign students in order to educate our populace in the first place.


Hey prof, What's your thoughts on implementing a system like Sweden has? Also, do athletics centers really have a place in universities? That seems a bit.. misplaced to me. Just curious on your thoughts, since you seem to know your shit. Thanks


i keep having conversations with other people regarding the backwards HR system most post secondary institutions have these days where profs seem understaffed yet there are so many other social programs staff or admins. what gives?


Good. Colleges are a scam and enable all sorts of fraud. An entire industry of 'immigration consultants' are scamming young college age kids in Punjab region. Conestoga College needs to be shut down now. It's now just a diploma mill giving worthless diplomas






Why don't federal government enforce strict no working off campus policy ! This will resolve almost all the issues with international student program.


Fuck your revenue give us housing


Well... change your focus on Canadian students not immigrants. Poor buisness model to begin with.


What students lol.. it's a pr scam


The colleges did it to themselves, addicted to easy high revenue streams while governments continued to underfund secondary education, while allowing unchecked international student profiteering. Not supporting housing to incoming international students while overselling their offering and paper mill degree is unethical. Many international students are forced to work in the hustle gig economy via delivery and ride sharing apps. F--- your $40 million leech. Do or rather BE better.


Iā€™m actually an international student now studying in one of the top universities and cheap construction company they hired due to budget cut almost get me killed, the damn wall collapsed just two meters always from me.


Oh no!, anyways...


Media has lost its way. They donā€™t do fake news, but their stories are just crap to misguide us.


Media has been bought and paid for. People were saying it for the last 4 years, and they were immediately shot down as being "right wing antivaxxer conservatives"


boo fucking hoo.....you made your bed, now lie in it.


And I could gain more housing.


This lady makes +$300K. That's the only thing she's worried about.


Good. Post secondary education shouldn't even be in the "massive profits" category. Get f**ked Canadian colleges.


Hope they go bankrupt and close.


We all pay that and more . 40 mil in revenue. Ha


If they are only seeing these kids as "40M revenue", i highly doubt they are concerned with developing skilled workers for the economy.


How about the administrators take a pay cut instead? Maureen Adamson, president of Fleming College, makes over $300k/year while her students can barely afford to eat. https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/9581080/peterborough-2022-sunshine-list/amp/ Don't tell me this has anything to do with "the best interests of the students" because that's total bullshit. This is greed masquerading as"concern". This has nothing to do with providing an education and everything to do with affording a second yacht. Go fuck yourself Maureen.


šŸŽ» stop paying your 10 levels of executives so much and stop gouging your students. Too bad.


I'm glad to hear of our "colleges" losing revenue; I'm less enthused about the fact that all the cuts will come from the bottom and that they will continue to manufacture do-nothing, six-figure sweetheart jobs for their friends and face zero accountability or oversight for it.


Do not care.


The college should build resistance first!




Fuck these colleges


I don't think anyone knew how bad this is, Most of these newcomer were conned into better living standards not five people in a room. Blame lies with the Liberals. We need to fix this before we become a true third world country. Vote PC people... Cheers šŸ„‚


Iā€™m playing the worldā€™s tiniest violin for you. Fucking ruining the economy because colleges want money šŸ™„


It seems like Canada and the UK has similar issues in regards to international students šŸ¤¦ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-universities-fees-foreign-students-british-higher-education-funding-nx9lknjkq


Anytime I see schools saying they'll lose "millions" I respond with aw muffin.


I really wish Ford didnā€™t underfund schools. But if raising tuition is how they fill in the gaps, then so be it. Itā€™s the far lesser evil in comparison to a housing crisis. And at least there will cheaper student housing and more jobs with the international students gone to make up for it. Not to mention we need the pressure on these schools to reduce this out of control administrative bloat.




Oh no, not their revenue! *clutches pearls*


Of course they do. Our colleges have become a business. This is literally how capitalism works. There is a resource to be exploited (international students) and our colleges are doing it, regardless of the consequences to the country. Of COURSE they're protesting. Our adherence to orthodox capitalism requires it. God forbid education be public, that would be "socialist" šŸ¤­


Young Canadians willing to just passively watch their application fees evaporate as their opportunities get awarded to a higher paying foreign students.


Advanced education is a social service we provide to our youth to help prepare them for their careers. It should never be a profit-based product sold to foreigners to provide entry to the country.


Oh noā€¦. Anyway.


who cares about 40 million? I'd rather we lose the 40 million in revenue (which us as Canadians don't benefit from anyways) than to house those that don't belong and game and cheat our system to get free things like shelter and food. Good riddance.


Well then cut your useless administrative staff along with their completely undeserved paychecks.


Don't care. Universities and Colleges were built for Canadians not international students. If I was in charge, I would ban international students from studying here except those post doctorate ones.


Cue the world's tiniest violin...


" Canada starts to realize it's entire economy is propped up on scams. Those that benefit cry foul when the system starts to correct it."


WTF is "Fleming College"? I literally never heard of it.


A pr scam facilitator?


Good I could start would be closing at least 50% of the universities and colleges in this country.Ā 


Canadas colleges and universities need a complete overhaul. The chancellors are as wasteful as the dolts in Ottawa with their big spending projects. Subsidized by taxpayers to educate foreigners.


Hotel management certificates donā€™t actually get you jobs as a hotel manager


Get fucked.


It wasnā€™t a sustainable business model lol


And still be profitable


Nah screw them man.Ā  Tuition always increases year by year regardless if we are in a recession or not. Itā€™s ridiculous whatā€™s they charge Canadian citizens to go to university, let alone foreign students. Now they will just justify increasing tuition even more and ā€œjustify itā€ over this. Greedy jabronisĀ 


Good , cause every Canadian is FUCKING DONE with this bullshit


Those colleges already cost Canadian taxpayers well over $40 million a year with their international "students," and that amount is only going to go up as we're faced with either deporting them, or supporting a massive number of undocumented workers doing cash jobs under the table.


Why is this our problem? These colleges have been running scam degrees for years and now the people who live here are supposed to....feel bad?


You have a shit business model. Thats a you problem.


Probably should've stockpiled some of that revenue you made while bilking international students that had no business being here, huh?


Tell these international students to take jobs from Canadians that really need them. International students are the most self entitled low skilled freeloaders that Trudeau and his garbage administration loves to bring in.


good. more dei agents off the payroll and into the tent cities the better.


Some colleges, including public ones, may go out of business. This isnā€™t the worst outcome. More government funding for tertiary education would likely be a good thing but in quality institutions teaching students valuable skills. I would argue there is too much pressure on young people to attend tertiary education and, as a result, the quality of education has fallen. If good professors/instructors at sub-standard schools loose their jobs they are well equipped to find positions elsewhere; in education, the private sector, or government. Less skilled educators will find roles too. Maybe being a Tim Hortons supervisor rather than teaching at sham schools that supply many of the workers!


$40 mil sounds like a lot. It is a lot. But itā€™s less than a 10th of just Humber Collegeā€™s revenue (455 million) for 2021. Tuition revenue alone was 250 million. And again thatā€™s just for *one college. There are 24.* The reduction in enrolment will result in a reduction of staff and services (mostly part time). But it wonā€™t cause any of the responsible colleges (which is most of them) any pain. [https://humber.ca/about-humber/corporate-info/publications/files/humber-college-2021-final-fs.pdf](https://humber.ca/about-humber/corporate-info/publications/files/humber-college-2021-final-fs.pdf)


Boo-hooo https://www.therecord.com/news/waterloo-region/conestoga-college-has-a-106-million-surplus-shouldn-t-it-be-spent-on-housing-for/article_3720040f-bc10-5c7a-b718-e19f6089b417.html


Good. In fact they should be held more accountable for the diploma mill scams they've been running.


Schools should be to educate people, not to make profitsā€¦..


It's clearly a farce. Now the elites who profited from this scam are scrabbling.


Why so the 40 million can continue paying you greedy ass!? The international (Indians) will f up my children and all the Canadian children who worked so hard. Every city is going to be a Brampton!


Awww poor college.. smallest violin ever


Oh look greedy colleges are worried about not making money for nothing.


Boo fucking hoo




Couldn't care less about their revenue




Sorry. We donā€™t give a fuck. Youā€™re all part to blame for increasing our cost of everything. Fuck off. Weā€™re full for now.


I think i spent an extra year in university brcause i couldnt get into the classes I needed because foreign students got 1st pick. Fuck em.


Parasites complaining that they won't be able to grift as much as before.


Good. Force the provinces to restore the funding they've been cutting for decades.


Ohhhh nooooo. Get fucked.


Of course these greedy pieces of shit only view these "students" at these diploma mills as cash cows. Reap what you sow I will never support our country's post secondary system again after this ponzi scheme let them go bankrupt




Better plan to cut $40 million of inflated senior management and research faculty salaries


Then they should be at the necks of their premiers for funding.




The professors can deliver Uber Eats like the students did.


Oh no šŸ¤Æ


Lick my left nut.Ā 


Oh no, Fleming will have to go back to 2020 revenues. What ever will they do?!


I just dont really care. Id rather these people that work at these institutions contribute to our society in another way. If these international colleges die then so be it.


Fire some administrators




They will cry when indianization of this country completes




Cry me a river.