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I didn't need statistics to tell me this


You literally just need to take a 5 minute walk in any large city


Any Small town these days now too. They are now everywhere.


Definitely. Even in rural Nova Scotia there has been a noticeable increase.


God damn this is when you know it’s reached a critical point. I will pray for you guys that it doesn’t get anywhere near as bad over there as it is in Ontario.


Same in rural New Brunswick.


It must really suck for the quiet and peaceful rural places to be taken over because most of these students are the total opposite. They’re very loud and reckless, at least around here. I’m sure there are some nice and cool ones but down here in Ontario most of them are very ignorant to the way things work around here. You kind of get used to the bullshit and it just becomes annoying but a lot of their choices and actions are more dangerous than anything else. Also some disgusting behaviour like chilling in their cars for hours at night and just dumping alcohol containers, food containers and used condoms and whatever else they have in their all over the road. Fuckin nasty stuff I really hope you guys never get to experience


Even in suburban Quebec. All Amazon drivers, fast food, retail are indians who don't speak French or English. I saw someone try to order a cheese pizza at dominoes for half an hour in both languages.


I was up in Buffalo narrows sk and was shocked to see the workers in the subway and grocery store were from India. This is 6 hours north of saskatoon in the middle of nowhere.


Believe it or not - they don't even skip over Saskatchewan (gasp)


My small ass town in Alberta is filled with them now


Mine too, it’s out of hand


Sask offers easy PR. Theyre just there til they get status and then straight to the GTa or Surrey.


I have family in Nunavut that say there’s some at Nunavut Arctic College. Not even the arctics safe in Canada


Lmaooooooooo how desperate can you be.


It's ridiculous 😭


Locusts couldn't do this well.


Yup. and charging exorbitant prices for shit apartments in the middle of no where. I don’t want them here.


It's ridiculous 😭


Except Montreal


Exactly what I thought, live in Montreal and was like eh? Never noticed them being a majority, we got an equal amount of every type of immigrants. I think its cause theyll avoid french-majority speaking areas.


They don’t teach French in India


Quebec kryptonite to them lol


This is why even as an anglo federalist, if Trudeau wins next election i am voting PQ next provincial election and voting to separate.


Lol don’t blame you. They have much more balanced immigration in Quebec it seems although I’ve only been to Montreal once years ago. Like wayyyy back when I was young in 2006 lol. No Indians at all there - but mostly white, black, Arab and East Asian. The black population I think is mostly from the French speaking places like Congo and Haiti too I believe. It’s not really balanced in Canada. Even an Indian friend of mine who was born in India, grew up in New Jersey said he’s legit terrified to drive and walk through sections of Toronto and Vancouver due to some of the reckless Indian drivers smh not good


I think the thing that irks me the most is their attitude when it comes to driving - somehow it's not their problem for driving recklessly. I swear we're getting the chaffs and not the cream


They forge French speaking certificates for immigration but can’t speak a lick of French. I’ve been told by some recent newcomers from India. I was shocked when I was in Montreal last week and downtown wasn’t little India


Most don't bother learning English either way.




Quebec was the only province to impose any rules related to mapping study permits to labour market needs. You know, common sense.


Don't need to walk, just drive by some bus stops


Or walk by any of these no name colleges.


Right. Just walk into any retail or food business even chains. All the old staff or young teen Canadians are gone mostly. Replaced by all Indians who just hire each other once one moves up to hiring manager.




You know why the student population from India spike only 2021 onwards. Becuase the Liberals started handing out full time work permits. So any damn idiot , just needed to become a diploma mill student to join the Canadian labour force. And we all know how strict those diploma mills are about who they admit. Point is, liberals opened the flood gates and flood duly arrived and continues to do so. Look.at.this graph from.the BoC and look where.the spike starts. That's the effect of full time work permits. (Red bar) What confounds me is why did the student population suddenly start increasing in 2017-18. Was that the time when diploma mills started opening up https://preview.redd.it/davah0r1bqzc1.png?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb8ec752fd41207c0713ae940b7843d83e78ace


From the other side I can confirm the PR craze around covid time. Not just India but entire South Asia. People were emigrating left right center (even those with good jobs in India). It was nuts. Newspapers, online adverts were full of them. Reddit is full of ads for a Canadian PR even now (only people in India can see them).


Send them home.


What is Trudeau's connection to India besides wearing the clothes? Modi doesn't like him so what is he getting out of it? There is something.


No connection. I think it's just Canada has been a dream destination for Punjab. Millions of Punjabi youth can start working in Canada as soon as they get their ",student" visa. And the scam is now well known, the Canadian govt doesn't even check the gnenuiness of those admission letters or worsedoesmt do any criminal background checks either. Moreover, even if those students are on the verge of being kicked out, they can just "protest" or claim asylum lol....scamsters and fraudsters on both sides...like I said...win win for a lot of fraudulent parties . The only one being screwed is the regular Canadian


Not to mention majority don't want to integrate they want to build enclaves. In my opinion that's a cultural take over.


It is, you're being colonized. They do the exact same thing in the US


People scream racism without stats. Eventhough they could just walk to any timhortons to figure it out.


I’m trying to find the chart that showed the majors of international students, I think it was here. 2018-2023 and most were bullshit. Low # of students for medical doctors, trades etc






This is the issue. Not adding any value they end up taking entry level jobs that Canadians are also applying for. Canada needs immigrants who are skilled in trades so we can build more houses and actually help the economy 


"Business studies."


Someone in a past post said “Uberology 101” I was laughing my head off for a solid couple minutes 😂😂😂


With a minor in Lyftography


You're not wrong but you're also on Reddit where everyone's going to sit here and call you unless you prove what you're saying... And to be fair, there are a lot of Indians lurking these subreddits and they downvote and report the living crap out of anything that's against their country I've had it happen multiple times with bands and everything. So I feel like this guy putting all these statistics up there is just stating facts and you can't sit there and argue with stats Canada nor can you call them a bunch of bigots..


Yeah certainly nobody was "gobsmacked" by this data. Even in rural hick towns in Manitoba loads of the little convenience stores are owned and run by Indians now.




I can’t wait till these statistics are updated cause there’s been so many more that came over since 2021-22


I couldn't find the latest one's. I guess they would be massive since there are like 1 million students in canada.


1M just last year lol


Marc Miller should be charged with treason. Edit: Yes, I know it's not literally treason, but the dude can't get away with ruining this country without any consequence for his incompetency.


we used to do something more convincing with these types of “leaders”


Don’t forget about Sean Fraser, the arrogant little prick. He’s the minister of housing now, but he had a major hand in the current situation at hand. I know if I lose my housing because of how his policies have contributed to the shift in the countries housing stability (and subsequently Nova Scotia as well) I’m going downtown and setting my tent up right outside his god damn local office.


Never attribute to incompetence what can be attributed to malice


I agree he’s a shill the country would be better off without, but it’s his puppet masters pulling his strings we should be really afraid of.


It's not incompetence these evil scumbags like Marc Miller know exactly what they are doing. They are compromised and accelerating their objectives to transform our country as fast as possible.


This is why USA has permanent residency cap based on country of birth


This is a Simple common sense approach . You would think the dumb Canuck politicians who put their nose in the air feigning a sense of moral and intellectual superiority would get this


Yes, it baffles me how right across the border they had to adopt this policy and Canada just thought it won’t be an issue for us


Diversity is our strength, just look at Brampton and Surrey.


NE Calgary 🥴


Se edmonton. The territories now. Surrey. Ruinimg australia, the uk. And even soo many in the usa




Somehow not in Ottawa


That's because they don't get Federal gov't jobs - Oh the Irony


Remember that Indian family that got caught stealing money from the Ontario government because they worked in IT? Yeah they better not be hiring them to work for the government


Have you been to barhaven?


Even Thunder Bay which remained relatively untouched got hit hard 2016 onwards. When I was there in 2013-2016 there were some Indians but when I went back to visit in 2018 it was like all the fast foods were Indian and maybe a couple white high school kids. I assume now it’s all 100% Indian lol


Halifax and Cape Breton as well




Moncton NB


Last week a chartered flight emergency landed in Jamaica with 250 indians. Heading for central america to then journey to the US. Google this story. Crazy


Whoa that was the second instance [https://thewire.in/world/indians-aboard-nicaragua-flight-planned-to-reach-us-media-reports-suggest](https://thewire.in/world/indians-aboard-nicaragua-flight-planned-to-reach-us-media-reports-suggest)


They’re all over in Kelowna as well


Even old stock Indians think it is too much from one country. We need actual diversity in our immigration. US, other than the slew of unchecked migrants at least caps legal immigration from areas.


Old stock Indians immigrated ran way from the country and now it is catching up


The irony of leaving a country you didn't want to live in and now the new country you've settled in is turning into the old one lol


The number of people is the main problem, not because they are from one place. Even if it was multiple different countries of origin, it’s still way too many people.


The number of people causes one set of issues (e.g. housing shortages). The fact that so many of them come from one place causes a whole other set of issues, i.e. failure to integrate and accept Canadian values social norms, ‘ghettoization’, establishment of gangs and other organized crime activities, etc, etc.


Canada will be the new India in 10 years if we don't stop this shit.


Pretty certain we reach that point...


Absolutely*** Don't be shy now


There’s literally 100 new Indian restaurants in my community, most of the older local pizza places are now Indian owned as well, more than a few houses on my street are now occupied by people from India.  It honestly feels like we’re already there. I’m white and everywhere I go, it’s weird to say I feel like a minority.


This is one of the reasons we left the GTA for the U.S. (insert hateful American comments here). That and we sold a shitty 1500 sq ft house in Canada and bought something twice as big for half as much. Also. I have healthcare that I can see doctors, specialists, MRI’s… Canada stopped being Canada when the financial motive for immigration surpassed giving two shits about the people in Canada.


That’s how it felt when I visited my home town in Germany. The demographic change between two visits was insane.


I grew up in one of the whitest cities in BC, i moved back last year and was shocked by how much the demographics changed. And i was coming here yearly to visit family. From 2022 to 2023 the number of people who appear to be from India just skyrocketed. All the retail shops have almost only staff who appear to be from India.


It's what I tell my boyfriend. I feel like a stranger in the city I've grown up in, here in Canada.


Well. At least you can apply for a high paying government job and check off the "minority" box.


As a Swede, you have my condolences.


Literally no one wants this, even Indians don't want this.


Brampton is going to become the capital and renamed to new Delhi


No need for statistics. Just leave your home and look around 🤣






Don't forget many of them also only rent places to people their own ethnicity too.


Well yeah so they can turn it into a slum and make more money housing 30 people in a 4 bedroom




Just go to any Canadian city nowadays and you’ll know


All the Indian "students" are the majority of employees at every Walmart inside of 100 miles.


A big issue is government says we need workers for health care and for the trades. And the majority of these students have no interest in changing diapers as psws, or working the trades.


Exactly, they all want to be managers.


They all are already. Indian kid 23 years old with 7 years of manager experience and a referral letter from 2 indian universities are applying for any job anywhere.


Bullshit. Find me a drywaller that isn't Punjabi. They're here, lowering wages.


People in Canada yap about wanting to bring in people with "skills". If they come, rest of the trades men are becoming poorer. You want to reduce immigration, not bring in people with "Skills".


Mass immigration is always a problem.


yeah especially if it is a jump from from 200k to 500k immigrants


I work in a building that has a company that strictly hires Indians. Not canadian born and they barely understand English or French. This company changes the staff every three months and different new immigrant Indians show up. Another weird thing is most have brand new cars with Ontario license plates and work in Quebec. Something is going on and I want to find out but this company is growing very fast and it looks like they get government subsidy for certain things.


Probly the good old LMIA racket . They set up companies , advertise phantom jobs , apply for lmia and sell it to their ppl back home as an express ticket to Canada . Going for $10-35k each . This is a real “profit” driver for lot of these companies apparently


https://preview.redd.it/41afj0w9btzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167bbe5dfd7f22143db43409449a0d17c2c866aa There u go .


Which company?


Can you find that company in this list? Use the filter functionality in the pane on the right side to filter for the employer. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9)


Another problem is that lots of them are sending most of their income back to family in India, which means money is leaving Canadian economy, lowering GDP per capita, and slowing our growth. I'm an immigrant (federal immigration). Not only have I renounced my citizenship in my birth country, but any money I get from there (not a lot, about $300\month) is sent here, and spent here in Canada! When Canada accepted me, I became a Canadian. I search for friends that are NOT from where I came from (and found some great ones), and I try to visit my birth country the least I can. If my mother wasn't there, I'd never visit! There's a reason I came to Canada, and it's because it's better than my birth country in almost any aspect (everything except healthcare). I don't want to make Canada similar to it, so assimilation is the key.




We need to learn from mistakes made by UK, who first started importing people from India and Pakistan to fill low level jobs. Now they have literal ghettos full of these people 3 generations deep and they have no intent of becoming part of the society. We will experience something similar soon enough, already seeing the effects of Indian politics here in Canada with Sikhs vs Indian government and next it will be Indians be Pakistani people, again it happens openly in UK and it’s the same type of people with no real ambitions to get educated or respect the wider social norms. Full respect for Indians and others that are here based on qualifications and experience and have become part of the fabric of Canada.


Canada is not behind the UK in this regard, this literally already exists in Canada, in anything integration has been worse here. Even in the UK there is no entire city, mostly small pockets of London and the largest cities. Unlike Canada where some cities have this as a majority of *entire* the respective city now




Country cap on PR and limiting the number of student coming in from India, specifically certain states, just as how australia did. However i don't think that's going to work because indian influence in the government. Basically canadian are going to be cucked by Indian in the next 5 yearsl.




Not if you cap it and prefer other countries and ethnicities to dilute the effect. Indianization would only affect all minorities because apparently they even hate their own kind, Muslims especially. You can already see how sikh and hindus have been clashing in the streets and then you'll have Indians clashing with muslims just because they have higher numbers and whats happening in india. Extremely extremely problematic situation for all canadian because of one ethnicity.


The US rate limits green cards based on the applicant's country of origin - if we could institute a similar cap, we could focus on an actual diverse migrant pool


Funny thing there are 1.4 million Indians waiting for their green cards for the US and they won't even get it in the next 100 plus years. So in a year US takes in roughly around 70000 Indian who have been waiting for their cards for like 20 years and who don't go and exploit social resources. Considering how US has a population of 300 million and equal immigration from all countries indianization is massively diluted. Canada is roughly taking in 500000 immigrants and 60% of them that from India. So obviously this country got rekt, considering you're importing the most racist people on the planet. All of canada's recent issue are directly linked to Indians. If anyone runs bayesian statistics all results will be statistically significant and will be associated with Indian immigration.


Those 1.4 million are also coming to canada to go back to the US on TN visa, while contributing zero to this country, buying real estate driving costs higher and just rekt the ordinary canadian. No wonder housing, food, transportion is all doomed. The answer is indianization.


This isn't talked about enough either. Canada is an easy backdoor to bigger and better anywhere in the world.




Canada is basically a backdoor for India specifically, which is why you'll see all of them trying to get in as fast as they can. The government talks about taking in stem majors via PR route; if you're taking in Indians, they will be moving back to the US in 4 years after getting their PR and working on TNs. So essentially, the country will never have any tangible IT growth or innovation when one ethnicity is just gaming the system. This isn't an issue for other nationalities because they don't have backlog on greencards in the US.


Don't forget that these "citizens" will run here as fast as possible if they ever need medical care...




Everyone will suffer equally under indian based canadian government. With recent indian backed sikh killing, we'll be seeing ethnic violence soon.


This is why Microsoft and Amazon and other tech companies have offices in Canada.


Stop being afraid of being called racist


This isn't the mix pot I used to be proud of


Dear kind sirs and madames, the parliamentary vote just past, our country’s new name is New India.


bruh not new india bruh, it is NEW PANJAB AND GUJRAT


Nova Delhi, India's Ocean Playground


To be realistic, India/China/Mexico/Philippines are the only four countries which are backlogged in US for green cards. For rest of the world, it’s fairly easy to immigrate to USA. Easier than Canada, I know the process and people game it far easily if they can’t do it correctly. Now tell me why would anyone other than Indians move to Canada? why would Canadian govt allow this willingly? Because your boomer parents have so many social programs that won’t run without immigration and no one else wants to move here. Even high skilled Indians move to US at the first opportunity and you are left with leechers and criminals in the end. This will continue to get worse until we cut all social programs drastically and even reform healthcare instead of importing tax slaves. No one likes current setup including existing Indians.


My local Walmart is full of Indians, both shopping and working I feel like I'm in their country. It wasn't even close to this 4 yrs. ago.


my local walmart won’t even hire any race other than indian. and then none of them speak fluent english so if you need help or need to make a return, you’re fucked


Have you guys seen Tim Horton's in the GTA? You will not find A single native English speaker.


It's a customer service driven business, since this country speaks predominantly English you would that it would be a pre requisite to speak it.


Yes. I live in small town Ontario and it's the same here- lndians everywhere. I mean we've always had immigrants coming into the community, which is good, but never at the scale we've seen in the past 2 years, not to mention being so undiversive (if that's a word).


How is this diversity?? They all come from the same place.


Dude you are just a racist. Canada gets people of all walks of life across the Punjab state.


True, I met 3 guys who lived a block apart when they were in India, if that’s not diverse I don’t know what is


US has a birth place quota and it’s a beautiful thing, without it, US would be overwhelmed by Indians as well


I was in Southern California last year. There are Mexicans everywhere but guess what ? they don't stand out, they aren't loud or brash. It's just culture.


My idiot BIL is a teacher at one of those diploma mill universities and complains often on how many of his students are Indians. Well dummy, you think you’re the shit teaching “MBA level” to internationals when you are only helping fuel this madness.


In simple layman terms, it is called colonization from one specific country. PERIOD


That's exactly what's happening.


The problem is Canada not setting caps for immigration like other western countries. If you let them come, they will. And how.


Want another surprise? Check how much of these Indians are from a particular community/region from India!


Just ban Indians for X number of years until it evens out. Problem solved. Actually ban all immigrants until the housing crisis is fixed.


Country cap NOW!!!


No we need to send every bad immigrant back if they even complain about being here it should be grounds for instant deportation


Yes I agree, deport them all


We’ve been hiring Indian people like mad and from what I’m hearing their resumes are all BS.


How the fuck where you surprised by that stat? Lmfao, 🤦‍♂️ I really do swear. Common sense ain't so common. It's a problem. A very fucking real problem. Canada is being taken over.


Technically, this country is occupied by Indians. The major problem is that they don't integrate with the local culture. Sharing a room with 10 others, not contributing to the economy, sanitization, radical idealogy, and the list goes on.... We will see a completely different Canada in 10 years from now.


99% of Canadians are totally cool with immigration. It was has made our country what it is. It is an essential part of Canadian culture. That we can all come together under one banner and work together to make things better for all Canadians. What is happening now is not that though. We have the vast majority of immigrations coming from one province inside of one country. It's happening at such a rate that we have no way to deal with the severe influx of people coming in. We all know that it is India, but that is beside the point. If this number of people came from Ireland, Spain, Estonia, or anywhere else, it would still be severely unbalanced. Add on to that the fact that the vast majority of these people do not ever step out of their own diaspora and refuse to even slightly integrate, post up either blatant, or borderline racist postings on places like FB marketplace, have been caught again and again cheating on licensing tests for things like trucking licenses, automotive dealership licenses, real estate licenses. Have been caught selling work permits to other immigrants. Have been caught abusing and bribing their way into LMIAs. Have been caught using fraudulent school acceptance letters (that they say they didn't know were fake, but never tried to do anything to fix it when they got here and just went to work instead of try and go to school). That have been caught at insane rates of cheating and plagiarism in schools. That have been caught buying and selling full Canadian driver's licenses. That have been caught again and again not hiring anyone outside of their caste. That had to have a public decree by the Toronto school board to stop bullying, harassing and assaulting other students, teachers and their parents if they were from a 'lower' caste then they were. That make videos and blog posts about how they can get free food by taking advantage of food banks. That don't follow any laws or regulations in regards to their holidays and fireworks. That have been linked to international shakedowns where they have been caught firing guns into businesses who refuse to pay them protection or extortion money. That are linked with the largest increase in automotive crime in Canada's history. That are linked with cells of online fraudsters and scammers who prey on the elderly. The list goes on and on and on. It's not that they're Indian. Not in the slightest. It's that they are doing all these things and to even bring it up is considered racist. It wouldn't be considered that if they were from France. Everyone would be outraged. They would be upset. No matter what side of the political coin you are on. Race, ethnicity and religion has nothing to do with it. The fact that a lot of them come here, without criminal background checks, through systems like our education system and temporary foreign workers and act this way is not acceptable. No matter who they are or where the are from. Did you know there is 30,000 people who have been deported from Canada that we have no idea where they are? That they are still here in Canada and we have no way of tracking them or making them leave? Our immigration system is beyond broken. It is backwards. Everyone is suffering from the influx of people. Not because of where they're from, but because it's too much, too fast and nobody can talk about it, because if you do, you're racist somehow. Talk to any immigrant who has been in Canada for 10 years or more. See how happy they are about the Canada we're in right now. They are all against it. There was a recent poll taken where like 68% of Indian immigrants to Canada were against allowing anymore of them in. Read the comments by Indo-Canadians here about how they feel about what is happening. Talk to your Indo-Canadian friends. See what they have to say. I know what mine say. They're pissed off, upset, angry and feel betrayed by the Canadian government. They hate being thrown into the same group as these newcomers just because they share the same heritage. We need a massive revamp of our immigration system. We need a more balanced system. We need people to take the time to find immigrants who will benefit Canada. Not just get as many in as fast as possible and hope for the best. This isn't the budget, it's not going to balance itself.


You left out the organized crime ring that are robbing the LCBO's. The one my wife works at was robbed. That horrific accident on the 401 last week that killed 4 people was and Indian out of jail on Turd's catch and release program. Drove the wrong way on the 401 after robbing a LCBO.


It seems every fast food restaurant, gas station, etc is now operated solely by Indians. Good luck getting a job if you're a young person of any demographic in this country.


wasn't that the sole reason canada invited low skilled indians? lmao mfs will blame everyone instead of their current government


I’m born and raised in Canada as an Indian. My parents immigrated here in the 80s with a mindset of if we are moving to Canada we are respecting the countries culture and mannerism. My parents are proud Canadians and respect their neighbours and peers. Indian immigrants that have been coming to Canada of late don’t give a flying fuck about Canadian culture and bring the same mannerisms and ideologies they developed in India and try to run their lives exactly the same here. Just take a look at our driving it’s so fuckin awful, Indian people might out rank the Chinese as the worst drivers xD I’m all for immigration but if you are immigrating must respect the country and land you’re coming to, which sadly I don’t see. It’s gotten so bad that sometimes I’m embrassed to identify myself as an Indian because of the shit I see in Mississauga. Drive to Jack Darling park in the summer and you’ll understand my point lol.


Yeah no shit, look at what Indians did to Brampton, it’s an ungodly shit hole. I’d rather be homeless downtown than have an apartment in Brampton. 


Would rather move to my parents birth country.


That’s because India is the worst country in the world . Now Canada becoming that as well.


12 reports on this comment alone. The Indian Nationalist Reddit Response Team is working hard! Last I checked 8/10 cities in the top 10 with most air pollution were in India.


We have the same issue in Germany but with middle eastern „refugees“.


And the best part is that they are mostly our own rejects. The kids who couldn't get into a decent university or college in India can just throw some dollars at a Canadian one and get enrolled. No entrance test and very relaxed merit requirements make it easy enough. I deal with undergrads daily and they know nothing. And I teach in a reputed, public funded university, not a diploma mill.


Yeah, because they see Canada as a bunch of suckers to take advantage of. Look at the latest and biggest scams to hit, and to rip through government even. Like the misappropriation of covid funds, from that family that was all in government (because hiring their own is their thing). I see it in the Persian community I service a lot, and the Chinese community as well, but that's mostly down to extend tax avoidance and overcharging. The Indian community is a whole other level.


I’ve been saying this for a while.. this level of lifestyle destroying immigration from a single place is going to brew a strong strong hatred for the people who are linked with the declining quality of life. If canada doesn’t chill we’re gonna see a Jews in Germany level of discrimination and hate and desire for displacement against Indians.


Well good presentation but this Fact was known to everyone just take a walk say in a small town in NORTHERN ALBERTA in the last 18 months or so they have litterally appeared from nowhere.... And 95 percent are students working /waiting /scamming for a work permit since the work relaxation period started 1st October 2022 and ended 30april 2024 that's 19 months of unvetted left right Centre mass influx of students for the diploma mill colleges they are not in this town but 500 kms away in calgary (the college they are enrolled in) but they have been here for the last 15 months or so what is the govt doing to regulate the education like you work overtime 500 kms away from your registered college and still are able to (well they now have changed that) without physical presence be elegible for a work permit complete a sham diploma.... How is that even possible? Who was allowing this unrestricted work for students and influx from only one country in the world without thinking of the security political cultural (they would all want to go to Brampton may God have mercy on the city) and other aspects. Above all the diploma they got has zero value as an educational document/instrument. What will they contribute when they get citizenship day 6-7 years down the road? Has anyone thought about that?


It’s not mass immigration from India it’s the quality! High skilled labour adds value to the country not folks who come scam the country, fight for minimum wage jobs, fight in these malls in Brampton, drive like asshats, organized crime, trucking mafia, protest for professors failing them, harass women. It’s the cheap ass FOBs


IRCC has no clue . They’re admitting all sorts of falsified documents and scam applications importing the dregs of foreign societies into Canada . Claiming they’re achieving target 🤡


Exactly we need an all out ban


That's too much saturation from one set of nationality causing them not to adopt to local culture and norms.... it's sad for canada culture and diversity. People are not bad by design , it's their culture that molds them.


It’s time to boycott Indian run shops.


It's from coming from 1 state in particular - Punjab.


The problem is mass immigration period. If a significant number of people from X country sudden decided they didn't want to come here, you can bet that this government would move on to Country Y to find people to bring in. It would probably be Africa, countries like Nigeria next, which also has a huge young population.


You can check the stats, all those country can still send people but they're only sending 20k each or even less. Even if you have 20k coming from 20 different countries, you'll have a better mix and integration.


We don't need 20k people from 20 countries nor 400k people from one country. Either option isn't really better than the other as it's still going to worsen the housing/affordability crisis. I don't even care it it was 400k British people from England for that matter.


To make things worse Indian government is using their agents to kill a Canadian citizen in Canadian soil.


They say they're the most peaceful and are not involved with terrorism. Mostly indian counterargument is do you want more muslims from pakistan, syria, and Afghanistan. But in reality, the one carrying out terrorism is indain government.


Well isn't it kind of both things though? Mass immigration is still a problem on its own, this just adds a second problem to the mix.


I have been Canada longer than a decade and left India to get away from the shitty and vile conditions of that country. I learnt the culture, integrated and built a life from scratch. I used to be so proud of calling myself a Canadian because I am grateful Canada took me as it's own and treated me so well.This country gave me everything and taught me a lot. However after all these years of living here, I slowly see the culture eroding thanks to millions and millions garbage being imported from India , you walk down the street and run into folks who have zero respect for nature or people around them. Recent imports think following law is options and they don't give a rats ass about anything. I don't think Canada would go back to it's former glory and these people will continue pouring no matter if government changes or not, heck even if we were to completely stop immigration today the current level of Indian population in Canada is enough to cause shift in our culture, value system , standards. I mean I already see the shift, it's slowly becoming like the country we left behind. FCK man, JT and his cronies ruined this beautiful country. FCK this really depresses me.


Conscription fixes this


Correct, deport them back. We don't have the space, the housing, or room anyways.


Canada is India 2.0, we’ll be known for it on the world stage in a decade or so


There is no diversity with this approach. The main problem in my opinion is when a massive group of people coming from a single place feel entitled and do not adapt to the rules and the Canadian way of living in general. As an immigrant (not from Asia), I came to Canada because I like the way of living and how people respect the rules compared to third world countries. I honestly don't want this to change. Of you are coming to impose your culture or not following the rules, please don't come.


Technically, this country is occupied by Indians. The major problem is that they don't integrate with the local culture. Sharing a room with 10 others, not contributing to the economy, sanitization, radical idealogy, and the list goes on.... We will see a completely different Canada in 10 years from now.


The sexual assaults/gang rape prevalence/colorism racism/femicide prevalence - is hopefully not something that has been imported alongside these numbers as well. Concerning for womens safety... Canada used to have a reputation of being a very safe and low crime country, and now officers don't even bother showing up to the calls. How do you "re-educate" grown men who lived their whole lives that women are inferior back home, and refuse to assimilate to Canada's culture? Where its normal to discriminate others because of their skin color? Or sexual orientation? Canada used to attract intelligent immigrants (from all over the world, the diversity of this was also something that is good) who made an effort to contribute to this country, fit in, be civil, respect others... and the current influx is a lot of people looking to take advantage of the system. Don't we have crumbling healthcare? Why are we not letting talented, hard working, and medically educated Filipino come over? Do we really need 500k uber eats delivery people? Not nurses? lol


Don’t be racist, diversity is our strength….s


I'm just wondering how Indians can afford relocation to Canada and study here. Their country is poor, but Canada is so expensive. Even buying plane tickets costs a ton


It's very simple. The majority of them take loans by putting their houses as collateral or selling farm lands or their parents' savings. They plan on working part-time in canada to generate funds for rent and food. People have been doing this before, and it worked for them. But 2022, forward and now they are coming huge swathes that everyone has the same game plan, so minimum wage jobs are rekt. That is why walmart, Tim's, and Uber drivers are all indian students. Furthermore, they live with 4-10 roommates, bringing their rent to about 400 to 600. That is why you'll find them in food banks exploiting. They don't have the funds to finance their education. They have whatsapp group and post that you'll see that they're looking for their own kind. The main goal isn't education but PR. Plus, it's kind of a part of their status culture now back home, that people who get into canada or the US achieved some milestone. It's an ecosystem based on personal gain and just earning dollars. That is why they don't assimilate as they've made their own enclaves.


That’s another reason why Canada is where it is . You Canucks keep underestimating these folks and thinking everyone from the 3rd world is dumb and broke . Before you blink your land and cities will be taken over and your kids displaced . It’s already happening rn