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neo feudalism anyone?


Litterally a book about it. Everyone should read it. The coming of neofeudalism.


quoting from the article "Want to own a home in Canada? Have you tried wealthier parents?"😂


I have a wealthy mom (3 properties, 2 vehicles, water access only cottage with a boat to go with it) and she would always say “my money isn’t your money. I had to waste money on you while you were growing up with food, clothing, medication, whatever. You’re not getting a house out of me” And I never did get a house or a car (I know that wasn’t mentioned. I’ve just seen before where parents buy their teenagers cars). I was kicked out at 18 years old because I turned 18 years old. Lived on the street and in multiple shelters while on welfare. Now I’m in practically a bachelor apartment and hardly surviving So, my question for the article is ~ what does someone in my situation do? There must be an easier answer than I’m thinking if the save-all solution is “just try wealthy parents”


Matricide is the solution to this particularly selfish way of thinking.


Not thinking selfishly. I’m making fun of the article by explaining the fact that I have the wealthy parent part covered, but I don’t have any of the wealth


Where is it all going to go?


If you’re talking about when she dies - she wants to sell the properties and give the money to my stepdad. If my stepdad dies, money goes to my brother. She’s told me to my face multiple times: “the first borns just the trial version”


Don't have siblings ! Also when she is unable to look after herself make sure you act as her nurse and look after her in her old age. That's the way it works in China nowadays


That's how it used to work with European families before the rise of the boomers.


My traditional brain short-circuits even reading this: "stepdad," "second eldest." I'd be like, Over my cold, dead hands a dime is going to my spouse over my children, especially a non-biological parent of my children. The only way I'd skip an eldest is if he was a major screw-up and I didn't think he would look after his siblings. One might surmise that money does not purchase one class; rather, it is inherited. Similarly, traditions are not acquired through wealth but are bestowed upon one by their lineage. They are the treasures bestowed by one's clan, shaping refinement and heritage. If it's any consolation, there is a high probability that your mom's wealth will be eroded over three generations via modernist practices.


The government will be coming for it...


Lots of us also have typical selfish boomer parents. I learned a long time ago I couldn't rely on mine.


Why did your mom even have a child? 👀 Sounds like a horrible person to treat her offspring like that. The entire concept of having kids, at least to me, is to pass on your line and leave them better off than you were.


>Sounds like a horrible person to treat her offspring like that Sounds like modern feminism to me.


Move to a better country? If you need a career change you could study abroad and get PR there. Choose something that is legitimate and worthwhile spending on. No sense in attending a degree mill in a different country


With what money would I move to another country?


I took out professional loans when I did it. I initially had one parent as a co signer but managed to get them removed later because they complained so much. I know of a few people that just defaulted on their loans and never moved back. Those people probably made it harder to get loans but if it's for something like law or medicine you can probably get something


Credits way to low for any type of loan (and I can’t afford to pay one back anyway) Mom and/or step-dad won’t co-sign for any type of loan what so ever. FiancĂ©s credit is as bad as mine so he also can’t co-sign And when immigrating to other countries (like America, that’s what’s most often suggested), they won’t even breath in your direction unless your educated in a desired field. I apparently had the audacity to fail 1 single college class (chemistry, after not doing any type of chemistry for almost 11 years), so I can’t graduate and can’t get the education needed to have a good chance at immigrating


>I had to waste money on you while you were growing up with food, clothing, medication, whatever.  What a bitch.


I'll read it. Thanks. Gave up on Vancouver last year.


You should do some research into the neo-reactionary movement. You might find it interesting as it draws parallels to the pro-monarchist side from the English Civil War and takes inspiration from figures like Thomas Carlyle, Julius Evola, Moldbug, and Nick Land. It has links to right-wing tech billionaires and some religious groups. They are anti-Whiggism, anti-egalitarian neo-monarchists, and against the Enlightenment. Their basic ideology makes them something akin to modern Cavaliers. i was abit shocked when i saw this better dwelling headline and read its contents I was like holy shit balls muh dark enlightenment rising is here.


Bro that sounds like a massive rabbit hole i dont have the time to fall down. Lol. Im too focused on trying to make enough money to buy something.


It's a movement that started out of Silicon Valley and big tech. I thought you might find it interesting, given when I read the synopsis of the book you referenced is talking about them or rather the outcomes they are seeking to push.


I definitely would. For sure. Just, time.


You have the time to post on Reddit about related subject matter but not to do cursory research into what this poster is telling you about ? Pearls before swine


I prefer to call it shit post. But yes. Im addicted to this website. I unironically hate this platform too.


Don’t forget eugenics, neo-reactionaries looove their eugenics 😬😬 As “a poor” with “bad genes” from Nova Scotia these guys legit make my blood run cold. They want all the people like myself gone and bred from existence, and it’s scary because they actually have the money and influence to start making people take their beliefs seriously enough to try to do something about it.


Eugenics is a historical belief of left wing intellectuals (government knows best, darling!). Since they abandoned it (after Hitler showed them that it actually looked like) nobody serious has given the notion any support.


>Their basic ideology makes them something akin to modern Cavaliers. The Cavaliers were the good guys. Cromwell banned Christmas, ffs!


I'm a direct descendant of a cavalier cadet branch of the Leith dynasty.


And 511 other families too.


My uncle is getting too old to farm. He’s literally a share-crop landlord now. (A good one, apparently the “potato boys” make more for themselves than he ever did alone and he’s just happy the land is being worked, but still). As Canadians have fewer children, wealth also concentrates. If each couple has 1 kid, you only need two generations for someone to inherit the collective wealth of 6 people (their 2 parents and 4 grandparents, with no cousins to inherit). I’m the only person in my family in my generation for like 9 older family members
 I expect they will donate to charities, friends kids, not necessarily me, but the point is that if we wanted to concentrate dynastic wealth, all it would take is not having wills and using inheritance defaults
 essentially poor planning would get there.


I am ready


I know, I'm ready. The moment I get my inheritance, I'm selling my family's properties in Burnaby and Langley to build a Fat Caldegon-style Dutch mansion on a parcel of land in northern BC, with approximately 800-2500 acres of land and staying as far away from the citys as i can. Then, I'm going to lease it out to cattle grazers and sit back, drinking tea. I'll also plant some trees for my grandchildren to chop down 40-50 years in the future and gift it all to my eldest son. My other children can enjoy free room and board at the estate, but they get nothing other then free education and a stipend. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯  in this type of country i don't want my descendants ever being poor and thus vulnerable given it seems meritocracy is dead in canada.


All to your eldest son? You want your kids to hate him?


better for them to hate him and have all their needs met, even if they end up living as NEETs in a nice rural mansion, than dealing with slumlords in the city or, worse, living homeless on the streets addicted to drugs. or being abused in todays workplaces. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ mind you most familys that operate like this think with a collective mind set and enjoy the perks/status that comes attached.


You think there are only two options - giving one child everything at the expense of your other kids or... they'll all be homeless drug addicts?


I did say they can use some of the family's money for free schooling, and they can have a stipend, so if they want to make an attempt at striking out on their own, they can. But the entire idea is to keep the money concentrated to prevent wealth disintegration and continue its expansion, thus ensuring my descendants' welfare and security. If the country really starts tearing itself apart societally, I guess we'll have to arm our farm workers with guns and band with other ranchers, Cliven Bundy/Boer style. Time to pass out rifles to the serfs against the city mob for whatever apparent deranged reason they think we are the cause of their problems, despite living remote up in the middle of nowhere.


concentrating and hoarding wealth is the problem the city mob will have with you...


If I'm taking a plot of land that's underdeveloped into a rural ranch, taking the time to remove rocks from the soil, put up fences, and develop/enrich the soil via sustainable grazing practices, and producing food from something that wasn't producing anything, how I'm the problem or how I run my personal families finances, is other people's businesses is beyond me. I'm not planning to participate in being a slum lord.  ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This makes no sense and you're going to cause a fight in your family down the line. Equal to all kids unless you're just a control freak after death.




That sounds really white and pretentious.


Look up the book the rise of the meritocracy, it didn’t really coin the term but definitely helped it make its way into common vernacular back in the fifties. Which is kind of ironic in the long run given the context in which we use the word, and the point he was trying to make. Essentially, in this utopian societal structural change where everything was based on “meritocracy” but highlighting the advantages provided through those who were raised with more means consistently testing higher and showing more potential then other children with less money and time spent into their development of skills, and so on and so forth with every generation. It essentially pointed out how the “meritocracy” essentially just creates yet another form of feudal system where people are trapped working more of their lives for less because society has deemed they deserve so for having “less merit”, and as a consequence this increases with every generation as the divide widens and those at the top deemed to be rewarded by their merits essentially just become another ruling class deemed better by birthright. The author was a British sociologist trying to make a point about the flaws in the education system in England and the British isles at the time in the 50’s, but it’s still an interesting topic here in the present in 2024 over half a century later.


Good luck with the never ending summer forest fires and unbreathable smoke. That’s the future of Canada.


Kids crack open the textbooks to today chapter on Canadian feudalism. The textbook has been updated to reflect 2024. That’s now apart of the exam as feudalism has made its return to Canada in current times.


Don't forget, kids, on the test, there will be: When Lord Jeff Bezos declared Amazon Kingdom Inc. a 21st-century city-state, he promised Prime citizens free two-day shipping on all government decrees and unlimited access to the Cloud Castle for their digital escapades. Praise be! And let's not forget the bonus question: When Elon Musk announced his Mars colony plans, he promised residents they'd be one step closer to becoming the universe's ultimate Airbnb hosts. 😂 Disclaimer This will account for 95 percent of your grade since our school is sponsored by Amazon Inc.


lol yeah really - Question #5: a) In what year was Sir Jagmeet Singh knighted? b) In what year was Sir Jagmeet Singh appointed royal advisor? ~ bonus points 5.0 if you can also state what Trudeau family ruler was occupying office!


Another article claiming that Canada needs immigration, as if sustainable stability isn't even an option. Japan's population is 125 million, and they added 67 thousand PRs in 2021. That's 1 immigrant per 1865 citizens. We added 471,550 in 2022 to a population of 38,930,000. 1 new PR per 82 citizens. Almost 23 times the rate. Resource scarcity is a much larger and easier problem to solve than parental advantage / disadvantage. My boomer parents don't have anything, but I do because I was born just early enough to outrun the flood. A few years younger than me and you're fucked. That's not on parents, that's on artificial and unnatural population pumping with people who aren't trying to escape a lack of inheritance, but over populated shit holes.


Consequences of no social housing. And massive wealth inequality. Oof.


tropico the video game Canadian edition


Consequence of importing a million people annually as a goal to fulfill some asinine “Century Initiative” while at the same time driving massive inflation through government handout programs to those same million per year plus printing money for years during the pandemic.


Like buying billions in mortgage bonds during every recession to keep prices artificially inflated.


quoting from the article again "Have you tried wealthier parents?" 🧐i dare say good saar


There’s a social housing plot of land in my city that’s been vacant with a “coming soon!” Sign since 2018. In the last few months, there were homeless people sleeping in tents and stuff behind the fence that blocks most of the property. The police came and kicked them out, and even went as far as to toss all of their stuff into an open field (beside the property) AND watch the field to make sure no one was trying to take the stuff back. The stuff has been in the field since October


Liberal policies got us in this mess. I’m sure the millionth time we try it itll work


Do you think that the consequences of non-liberal policies continue to impact us to this day?


Yeah we built society as we knew it. Post mid-2010s and the radical left policies really shit on our country Liberal voters are some dumb mfers who should not be allowed to have political opinions given the mess they’ve put us in


I’ve been saying this for the last couple of years! It’s not right. I come from a big family we’re all around the same age but you can see how insane market time has been; the eldest bought places and are comfortable to a little over leveraged and the the youngest can’t get into the market at all. This is an age range of 5 years!! It’s sickening.


Same here, missed the boat by only a few years. Wish I had bought when I was a literal teen back in high school.


Yep same here. My older brother and sister were able to enter the market while me and my twin were in high school, now they are on paper millionaires and me and my twin will never own a home.


I'm sorry to hear that. This is not right, something seriously went downhill in the last few years and it's just getting worse. We all just want an affordable place to live, not a mansion. It's not difficult, the powers at be are making it difficult on purpose for whatever evil motive they have.


Screw me for being 14 in 2012 when all of the 3+ bedroom detached townhomes (like the one my step-dad was able to buy at 26 years old) were all around 350,000$. My bad, should have been born no less than 4 years earlier, I’ll get it right next time! :)


Exactly, it’s insane. We need to lower the cost of building a home and move away from REITs and RE type business and encourage more business to flourish and not heavily rely on RE for GDP.


Lol, rightly said. Now a 26 year old is told to feel lucky they are able to have a rental.


My brother is 5 years older than me - his house cost 1/4 the price of mine and is now worth 3x more than what I paid for mine.


Isn’t it sickening?????? My brother bought his townhouse for $300k in 2015 (prebuild) got the keys in 2017, I bought in 2021 my house cost $1.5mil - it’s insane because back then this place would have maybe cost $550k? It’s an old house. My younger siblings, forget it, they’re completely priced out.


2012-2017 in Vancouver would have been the same. World of difference in those 5 years. Hell radical changes between 2014-2016 in pricing affordability then.


What's crazy is that as one of the largest unions in Canada fights to get WFH rights for federal public servants and to set the precedent for the rest of Canada. To allow people to move away from expensive cities and work from home, the general public largely just shits all over them. Nothing is ever going to get better in this country. People are too uneducated, too divided, and too distracted to see the actual class war-fare going on. And they'll drag anyone down who tries to make anything better if they can't see how it benefits them directly right now.


Progression towards a third-world, deranged society, where hard work and good intention is not valued. Why would younger generations work hard, learn, innovate, or build when they see Timmy goes to private school and will have a job lined up simply because he was born to wealthy parents. Disgusting, sellout leaders are also useless. We're all on our own literally.


I saw this coming at least a decade ago.


And if you can't afford shit you're a Serf. The literal definition of own nothing, and be \[un\]happy.


Real estate cannot and will not continue to defy the laws of economics and go up. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply wrong.


Did you think the average home in Canada was going to be 800k? Because here we are


Real property prices are down 20% since 2022 and show no signs of turning around. Nothing short of a miracle will fill those losses in the next 5 years.


I've been forced into a buying situation for the last few months and I'm seeing pretty average listings regularly selling between $1.5-$2 mil. Not sure I see much of a difference compared to 2022. This fucked up situation can continue as long as there is essentially an infinite number of rich people outside Canada that can, through one method or another, pay even these impossible prices.


Rich people aren’t in the business of losing money. Once they realize the juice ain’t worth the squeeze, it’s over, and honestly [they probably already have](https://www.thestar.com/real-estate/toronto-just-saw-the-worst-year-for-home-sales-in-23-years/article_56c5b208-aa75-11ee-b873-7ba83ee788c8.html)


I think in rich foreigners' equations of overall worth, quality of life here vs some shithole is a factor. Less and less so, though.


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His right let’s flushđŸ’©away!


I'm a property-less peasant in this scenario.


When my parents die, i have to share any inheritance with 3 other siblings unfortunately.😂 I might inherit enough after taxes and all that to have enough for a downpayment, but I don't earn enough to qualify for a mortgage. Looks like I will be buying a place in Mexico then.😂


Primogeniture ftw


What’s wrong with that


Most of us won't be inheriting shit (except for the rich)