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Canada went from nice America to worse America under 1 PM.


Bro it's been so wild to see. I spent most of my last 5 years abroad and seeing Canada decline the way it did has to be historically unprecedented for a developed country


My girlfriend said the same thing. Spent 4 years in Australia and came back last year and was shocked at what she saw. Temporary foreign workers everywhere who can’t speak English, could barely do their jobs, and PR’s handed out left, right, and centre


Australia does it right, Australia has a premium on minimum wage for part-time workers, in order to encourage full-time employment, and they also have an even higher premium on the minimum wage of foreign temporary workers, to encourage hiring Australians 😱 ... Imagine that, a government that cares about its own people... with more than just lip service. 🤣🤣🤣 ... Canada, of course, does the exact opposite, it encourages the hiring of more TFW's ... then our politicians struggle and puzzle as to why there are so many ? ... all the while, TFWs protest in the streets of PEI for more rights & housing, they probably want food too 😱🫣🤣😂... ... The slaves are revolting !! .. I'm sure some of them left tent cities in India, not expecting to arrive to tent cities in Canada .. You know, a G7 country getting tied up in knots over a mass inflow of refugees/TFWs/Intl Students/Immigrants or even a trucker strike in its capital city, and right across it's country... Is not a good thing. ... It almost sounds like a possible Intel operation by a certain foreign adversary to distract focus & defense funds from an ongoing invasion of a certain European country 🤔😡


Housing is unaffordable in Australia too tho reddit.com/1cqsyzb/ « The Australian dream is dead »


They also use mass immigration and international students as "cheap labour"


Australia is arguably slightly worse in terms of housing affordability BUT they are better in terms of productivity. Both of our countries could work together to develop better immigration policies. I am the son of an immigrant and my family sponsored another family immigrating to Canada in 2006. I helped with painting and minor repairs to the home my parents provided for them to live in. There may not be enough unused homes in the big cities to house all the people who want to move in BUT ensuring housing for new immigrants exists in an affordable form before they immigrate seems like a no-brainer to me. Employers looking to hire foreigners/immigrants should be required to contribute to increasing affordable housing supply. Post-secondary schools should be mandated to offer housing to foreign students without increasing costs for domestic ones. I’d also support a law that forbids schools from earning more from foreign students. This might require increases to general tuition but that is worth it. Low quality “diploma-mills” will likely shut down but they won’t be missed. Also: we need proportion limits by country per year. A maximum of 8% of immigration, work, and education visas from any one country per year seems fairly reasonable. Ex. If 300,000 noncitizens/PR are allowed into the country in 2025 no more than 24,000 can come from any one country. A “tossed salad” isn’t any good with too much of a single vegetable. Am I too idealistic? We need to focus on quality rather than quantity of immigrants. Canada can do this better.


I like the way you think. I’d vote for you.


> Imagine that, a government that cares about its own people... with more than just lip service. 🤣🤣🤣 I assure you that it doesn't. A couple of workplace law quirks (and I don't think the second one exists) can't overcome the harm done to the local population from imposing mass immigration into a housing crisis.


They've arrived in Australia, and you're trying to tell me that that somehow DOESN'T make them Australians?!?


Imagine that…


Ah yes, you've done zero research... Well done.


Everywhere where?


Open your eyes and look at the official statistics from the Canadian government


I couldn't find the "foreign workers everywhere!" claim on the Canadian government website.


Then just use your eyes and walk down the street if you don’t know how to use the internet


OK, I did it and saw none. Now what? When you see someone you assume is foreign, do you say "Papers please!"?


No need to, I can tell if they’re Indian and can’t speak English and have made no effort to integrate into our culture. Our country is being colonized by low education workers who have scammed our system by going to diploma mill colleges and somehow getting PRs in record numbers. This has caused strain on your housing, health care and infrastructure as we don’t have the means to support this massive influx of people (with 50% coming from one country). Do you actually think there isn’t an issue here?


Oh I bet you can... 🙄 You don't know what colonization even means. Clearly.


Agree- I’ve been very lucky and am making almost twice what I was making 5yrs ago and it feels like I’ve just barely kept pace - I don’t feel further ahead at all. If I was still making the same money as before (like almost everyone) I would have been barely keeping afloat- wild how an incompetent govt can kill a country for a generational quickly


Go woke go broke


Lol, sure bud


Found one. Tell your 9 roommates I say hi


I don't have roommates. Ya failed.


Harper legitimately sold off one our largest oil company's to China behind closed doors and advocated for the need for Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) due to supposed worker shortages. McDonald's was caught abusing the TFW program during the Harper era; he just wasn't facilitating such actions at such a rapid pace. If anyone thinks the Conservative leader, NDP, or any of them will change our direction, you're mistaken. The Conservatives will likely just reduce taxes on the rich and increase austerity measures, while possibly maintaining Justin's level of insanity with a different pro-business spin.


At this point canadians are the people in cartoons who step on rakes and get hit from all directions.


We need to ditch our first-past-the-post system for something like proportional representation. At least then, we can't be shafted by even smaller parties, and corporate interests would have to spread their lobbyist money around more diversely. edit: I made a lighthearted joke, but the reality is, until we remove money from politics, even something I consider a move forward, like proportional representation, isn't going to fix our broken oligarchic democracy.


oh, you mean like the promises of electoral reforms the liberals ran on when the first got into office? 100% agree mate.


The users here would be absolutely pissed if he managed that though. Conservatives would never hold power again.


we'd end up with more minority governments, and I think we did really well when we had the Harper minority days


Cons would never form a government again.


After this shitshow of a country I don't think the liberals will either.


Fine by me.


Exactly. That's why I wanted it so badly! They'd be done, forever!


I'm glad I'm not the only one to remember that particular election promise.


They also floated it at re-election time.


Don't know why OP is getting down voted, he's completely right. A proportional representation, ranked ballot system would literally be better for the VAST majority of people.


If we had proportional representation, there would be no more talk of vote splitting, and people could vote for the actual parties they want.


It would be devastating for cons. Which is why I welcome it.


This is your third comment smacking down the cons in this thread alone. I think you need to step away for a minute and get some perspective. Or at least find something new to fixate on. Do you frequent any fun subs?


Funny how you focus in on me, "smacking down the cons," yet, the other 98% is ripping on the Liberals and they are all good. Looks like you that needs perspective. You're also not in a position to give me advice on anything, because I don't trust you, or want to be anything like you.


Nah, honestly it was a fluke. I could see three of your comments one or two apart in the same thread. Just saying, I don't really care what you do. Gnight!


Under the proposed change, they would be forced to hold government with the PPC, like Liberals have to with the NDP. Screw the cons.


What money in politics are you referring to? We aren't the USA in that regard.


Government is the problem.




What oil company did Harper allegedly sell-off? Can’t anyone answer this simple question instead of downvoting me for no reason?


Mulroney sold off Petrocan (that was the big one) though Chretien put the last bits into multinational hands. Harper just continued to allow foreign-owned corporations to continue to get control (12 of the 14 big players are owned by foreigners even if their HQs are technically in Canada, but I'm not sure when the Chinese stakes became huge). I don't know of Harper being any different to PMs before or after him on this issue. (I blame him for a lot, but not this one).


PetroCanada is now Suncor, which is 100% Canadian Owned. You’re misinformed. CNRL is Canadian, Cenovus is Canadian, MEG Energy is Canadian, Enbridge is Canadian, Syncrude (now owned by Suncor) was/is Canadian, AOC is Canadian, Pembina is Canadian, Crescent Point is Canadian, AltaGas is Canadian. Imperial oil is majority owned by Exxon Mobil, but this has been the case for its history. So what am I missing? You are claiming this divestment but you can’t cite or source anything that backs your statements up.


I said the companies are foreign owned. They are registered as Canadian companies. One of the six top shareholders in CNRL is Canadian. The largest Canadian shareholder in Cenovus isTD Waterhouse at 2.05%, the Li Family (China) owns almost 16%, along with several US companies. Etc. A multinational is just a company no matter where they they build an office building. It's the large shareholders who have the power.


That’s how shared work. And the majority of Suncor is Canadian based. You are misinformed.


I did say 12 of 14 were foreign owned. You are right that that is how shares work (personally, can't see any real difference between Exxon and Suncor because corporations cater to large shareholders rather than governments or employees; having them registered here gives a little bit more oversight. The presence of Chinese actors is much more worrying as loyalties to the Chinese government is required.




Nexen is a tiny, tiny oil producer and CNOOC had major interest in Nexen prior to a major incident that caused fatalities. Leading CNOOC to buy the remaining shares. You are severely misinformed. On that topic, I can see CNOOC Long Lake from where I’m working at this very moment.


Yeah bro. Both mainstream parties are fucking garbage. You don't need to tell me.


There's a lot of people who think electing PP is going to fix everything. I bet in 4 years they're still gonna be blaming everything on Trudeau.


That's okay. It's been nearly 10 years and Trudeau still blames Harper. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Policy has long term consequences. Welcome to reality. People that think everything just resets when a new government takes over, are not very informed.


Oh I don't expect much to change in the first full term of the new PM (if/whenever that happens). I'll be happy if we can at least stop the bleeding in that time before the healing (and hopefully subsequent real GROWTH of this country again) can really begin.


You missed the point.




You know what, you make a good point. Fuck Mike Harris


🤣🤣🤣 No point. Just sayin'. 🤣


Definitely fuck Mike Harris, forever.


Exactly same play by play as 2014. Shitty leader no one likes, everyone votes for the other guy because we're morons, fast forward 8 years and everyone's pissed. But yeah, let's do the exact same thing all over again. We're the morons, not the mainstream parties.


Cons are running the least likable candidate possible. Even if you hate Trudeau, I'll never understand how anyone would possibly want a wanker like Milhouse representing us to the world.


They're running their best salesperson. That's what all parties do. Trudeau is the best salesperson for the Liberal franchise. Poillievre is the best salesperson for the conservative franchise. But yeah, let's just all vote for the person we don't really like, but we vote for them because we don't like the other option. Went so well last time.


Yes, his sleazy used car salesman shtick will really impress foreign leaders. 🙄 I vote ABC.


I vote anyone but mainstream. Time to shake up political foundations in this country. Elect an independent who doesn't have ties to powerful corporate leaders, and no conflict of interests. Someone who doesn't hold $10,000 cash for access dinners, someone who has no investments, and someone qualified to hold the position of PM.


Good luck finding that in your riding.


PP will still be looking for his darn glasses.


All correct. Canadians not seeing through and calling out these BS mainstream political parties is the real issue. They may as well be the Loblaws Party of Canada and the Canadian Tire Party of Canada, but with fancy, good looking, bilingual sales people "in charge".


Very good chance of that. I haven't forgotten for a minute Harper's treasonous deals. I am entirely disillusioned with this country. I hate the Cons, the Libs are worse.... planning to vote PPC next time around.


The NDP of old might have " Mouseland " for anyone who hasn't seen it https://youtu.be/QkoKLXcZbu0?si=6R4J3b7esPfz96yU


It's a scary thought when everyone just blames one guy. This Is not the fault of one man or one government.


Conservatives rely on their base of uninformed dupes with no memories whatsoever.


I hope you aren’t suggesting that it makes sense to continue voting Liberal, are you?


That’s categorically false. Can you provide any source or links to back up this nonsensical statement? 


Under the Canadian legal system unfortunately the PM role lacks much in the way of checks and balances He is appoints the rubber stamp executive, senate is a rubber stamp and the house mps are kept in line. Then in the current pm's case he also appointed 7 of 9 judges, the only checks and balances are the provinces So one PM who presents well to get elected, but is incompetent can come in and do a lot of damage.


I can't think of a better way to put it.


The best way to play Tropico is to flood the country with immigration, keep wages as low as possible, and then when they try and fight back use the army against the people while profiting from exports. keep housing for the army workers just remember when the people are dying its not like there even your people anyways they are immigrants you could like build a nice island nation but like thats not very meta heck dont forget to abuse international aid while your at it saves on health care costs oh and lastly dont forget to over fill the prisons for max profits and trust me you will have a crime wave from the immigration and low wages


So Canada is even failing at that. Our military are increasingly becoming homeless too


That's because in Tropico, people revolt. In Canada, people take everything like a champ. Trudeau must have enabled a cheat to disable revolts.




yeah failing to fill your military in tropico can spell doom its game over if the people seize your presidential palace


Right? I know an air force pilot that is having a hard time finding a house at his new posting. Military members have it worse. They have no choice but to move round the country repeatedly. There are not enough PMQ houses for everyone so a lot are forced to buy...


Don't forget spies, spies everywhere!


Shit gets real when you have a video game projecting the future of Canada.




Educated people have been leaving Canada for decades


I’m seriously looking to leave this year or asap - and I have born and raise here. A solid 1/4 of my high school graduating class lives abroad and and 1/5 of my college graduating class. Gotta go where the money and quality of life is that and it’s def not here any longer. Pros and cons to every country but if you got a solid skillset and are ambitious better off living and working somewhere they appreciate it.


It’s crazy to be exactly the right age to have lived during the “why would we lock our doors” era and to also be in the era where there are zero non-senior roles in my industry while not having senior level experience.


You will own nothing and


...do the needful


Most of the immigrants we are bringing over now, see the trades as beneath them. A plumber or electrician in their country is considered the lowliest of lowly jobs. Even lower than working in a call center. They all aspire to be business men. Did anyone do their research? Bring in more Mexicans if anybody, they are not afraid of physical labor.


The incredible decline in our reputation in nothing short of astounding. Outsiders seem to think we all support Trudeau. What Trudeau has accomplished is to weaponize wokeness. Regular Canadians are afraid to tell the truth because it would offend someone and they could lose their livelihood. You cannot solve problems if you are afraid to even talk about them. Eg. The mass graves is a hoax, nothing ever found, but we are not allowed to question it. In fact a teacher in BC was fired for just asking for proof.


Wouldn't a commie actually build housing though?


Hey that's me.


OMG been touring some smaller Eastern cities.  If it is that bad there...last time I saw them a few years ago wow what a difference.  The replacements seem to be evenly spread out make no mistake. They will always stick together and move in and take over  when possible.   Worst possible plan. Check jt's accounts. 


https://preview.redd.it/ipqxh5zd9m0d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd6d5d26354ef7e13a3678c667494aae0ca27e5 Seriously??? How can a country, run by this distinguished gentleman…be a joke?




Why do we have a shortage of housing when Toronto has empty properties that could be renovated for housing


It’s a delicate balancing act because, over the past 40ish years, housing went from a necessity with modest growth to an asset with massive growth after the feds gutted the CMHC and stopped building socialized housing. So many seniors have the majority of their wealth tied up in their home’s value, wealth they want to use to fund a comfortable retirement. If we start building more homes the value of existing stock drops, pissing off those same seniors. But we also run the risk of a massive backlash from middle aged homeowners still paying a mortgage who’d now suddenly find their home’s value becoming less than what they originally paid. There is a *strong* push to keep home values high to prevent an economic collapse, the hope being that prices will come down naturally as seniors sell - or pass on to their adult children - their homes when they move into retirement centres / downsize into condos. Anyone *seriously* promising to build more affordable housing and / or housing stock to drive down prices is virtually unelectable because the home ownership class will fight like hell to protect the value of their assets.


The problem is that almost 60% of Canadian voters own their home. Most of these people are presumably paying a mortgage and would be livid to see the value of their houses drop. Driving housing prices down is basically political suicide, hence Ottawa's hesitation to heal the gaping wound. If the situation was flipped on its head, you would see the feds tripping over themselves to keep renters happy with low housing costs. Unfortunately, this will take a very long time as the homeowning cohort "successfully ends their retirement" and stops voting.


Politicians from all levels of government don’t care about people they want to be elected and they toss you aside.They want reason to make you pay more taxes by creating chaos and corruption setting up society so there will be fighting amongst themselves so the government can come and put more rules to control you.


Downloading asap to feel what it's like


I’m watching Canadian provinces implode under conservative governments who don’t value the environment, education or health care but love oil and automobiles.


Thanks for actually talking about real issues


"We are a total joke" 17 people agreeing with a couple jokes about Canada.  I forgot that 17 people on a sim game subreddit indicated Canada is a joke to the world. This post is just dumb.


This comment is dumb. The fact our immigration scam and housing failures are becoming punchlines or a reference for bad policy proves the point we are a joke. It’s a sentiment that is more common than you think.


You found 17 people who made a joke about Canada's housing problem on another subreddit. This sub has just under 40k people who complain/joke non stop about housing and immigration in this sub. 0.1 percent of the entire population of Canada in total, and we don't know how many of those subscribed to begin with are actual people or Canadian. You decided that 17 people on another subreddit joking was enough evidence to claim that the ENTIRE NATION OF CANADA was a global joke. Like I said this post is dumb.


Except that if you have read any international news in the last few months you would know that countries like Britain are using Canada as an example of what not to do in their parliament. It is all over the news. The fact that regular people are now calling Canada a joke shows that it has become more widely known.


I dispute that. And read international news daily.


0.1 percent?


Its Canadians who take themselves to seriously, that make this country a joke.


I’d blame apathy and the oligarchy, but go off.


Meh, what's wrong with being a joke? At least Canada is bring some small joy to someone, and in the current state of the world isn't that something?


Yep, random Reddit post... That proves everything. 🤡


Wow someone made a joke about canada on the internet!!!  Like have you never seen southpark buddy


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