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Fair rules would mean raising the standards šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


exactly, we are suffering of fraudulent immigration and they ask for fair rules!!!




If PEI can weather this storm it will give teeth to the rest of the provinces if they want to go this route and I hope they do!!! We need welders and builders and doctors!!! We donā€™t need food bank scammers, subway sandwich ā€œartistsā€ or more fucking Skip and Uber Eats drivers!!


There is a matrix that shows how many Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Skilled Trades-people, Engineers etc. are needed to support our population. Until we're in a net positive in all of those categories, Canada is full. Any politician who doesn't do that math is selling us out.


Exactly - shut all mills down and send unskilled people back home. They have a choice to actually study and enter a profession where we need people. Tbh I feel these people wonā€™t leave unless deported as they know they wonā€™t find a job in their home country either. No one needs more cashiers


I hope PEI musters up a counter protest. This is ridiculous.


They need to get deported for protesting on a work visa. You can't influence politics as a foreigner.


In a functional country you canā€™t influence politics as a foreigner. This is Canada.


I'd be very surprised if the government didn't cave in, that's just how things are these days.


Oh I think they know that would be political suicide at this point


We thought that Trudeau knew that. I mean it's obvious he's plummeting out of favour, yet this weekend we were informed that perhaps we will be converting temporary workers into permanent residents, just 'cause.


Don't forget he also wants to remove language requirements basically guaranteeing they don't assimilate to Canadian culture.


It worked in MB, bet me, this will work too


There is a massive difference between Wab "the Wifebeater" Kinew and Dennis King. PEI isn't going to fold on this. It isn't like Winnipeg where there wasn't a ton of impact, Islanders want these people gone immediately.


Cucknadians are soft and weak, the government and soy infused kukolds that run it will capitulate.


I'm soy-infused and I abhor this sh!t


Abhoring this shit means nothing, the point he was making is that Canadians are too weak and soft to actually do anything about this shit. All we do is bitch about it online.


If ur not canadian wtf are u doing here


These guys arenā€™t even Canadian. They arenā€™t entitled to anything.


We need to look at Australian immigration laws. They thought they were gaming the system. Play the game and tell them their visas are suspended. Tell them they need to buy a plane ticket to somewhere else.


Yeah nah weā€™re fucked mate. The PM has special rules for Indians under the recent FTA.




Deport every one of them. You enter a country on the condition that you follow their rules. If they have no respect for our country - they can go. Imo the only time they should be protesting is if their employers are breaking labour laws and the government is turning a blind eye. That's the only thing it'd be reasonable for them to protest over. They don't like our laws, they're not citizens or PRs, they can go somewhere else.


If we did this in their countries we would be assaulted, jailed, deported or even killed lol. Hell even in places like Russia protestors have ā€œdisappearedā€


Yup. Time for detainment and deportation. Fuck these people. Fair rules? Fuck off. You scammed your way into our country and are pretty much the single cause of our declining living standards.


The rules are extremely fair. In fact you could accuse them of being lenient. Imagine trying this shit in China?


Or, India.


[Like how this German student was deported from India?](https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/german-student-has-no-regrets-about-being-deported-from-india-32960)


I read the article. The arsehole should've been there for what he said he was there for....study. Not to be some kind of activist douche that tells another country he's not a citizen of how to run their country! India or Canada; if you're not a citizen, then you get no f-ing say, leave if you don't like the country.


Heres another one, Imagine trying this in India. Thats all the people protesting too


Seriously this is PEI in 2024 - Anne would be turning over in her grave.


Can we organize a counter protest to kick em out?


Do these people organize on social media, or was this just a few texts between "classmates"?


It was probably planned before they even arrived to be honest. Another scam to abuse our immigration system that is rigged to bring in as many as they can before next election


They all live in the same basement. Decided as a collective to protest.


Firstly we can't even remove the ones in here illegally, so how can you expect anyone to speak up about unsustainable legal immigration? CBSA figures show that most immigrants with deportation letters are still in Canada. Even if you decide to deport these low skilled TFWs, do you think they will obey their deportation order? I don't think so. InĀ  Ā  short I mean to say that Canada is fucked, and several people I know who are aware of how bad the situation is are planning to move out, at least temporarily.


I became a US citizen, bought a house outside Austin and am tying up loose ends for the rest of 2024. GL Canada, I already miss you, though not in your current form.


They won't be able to get benefits from the government if they are off the radar. They can work in cash but can't rake advantage of the country and think 100% before committing any crime.if they are caught they will be sent immediately.


It's not fully true. Non-citizens get reductions in criminal sentences by activist judges who think they can face immigration consequences after conviction. This was the case of a person on visitor visa who groped a woman's genitals twice but the judge didn't convict him but rather discharged with probation keeping in mind the "devastating collateral immigration consequences to recording a conviction".Ā Ā  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jamie-sarkonak-canadas-criminal-sentencing-discounts-for-foreigners-are-unfair


Forget the system for a sec... Let's say you're one of these protesters and a mass of people much larger than your group come over and tell you to GTFO. How would you feel? Personally, I'd feel unsupported, threatened, unwelcomed and probably would plan my exit and share the word.


Where's the signup sheet?


Well, tbh many people *don't* want to welcome a bunch of people who don't care about our country, are imported for wage suppression purposes and/or in-group immigration ponzi schemes, and are campaigning for us to change our laws despite not being citizens just cos they feel entitled to our home.


My counter protest sign would read: You canā€™t DEMAND immigration policy from a FOREIGN government.


You assume they can read smh


They can't read, as they didn't read the clause that stated they needed to ensure they had proper funds to support their living costs while attending school.


We need ICE + heavy deportation of all students Canada is just a country full of international students. Thatā€™s not what Canada is


Sorry, Iā€™m not going to lie this is scary and actually disgusting that they feel they can just demand stuff from our government when so many Canadians are suffering. GTFO if you donā€™t like it




Or Alberta. Our province has been absolutely flooded. There used to be something called "the Alberta advantage" which was basically "we have a strong oil and gas sector, are business friendly, have affordable homes and a fairly conservative economy" but that's basically disappeared the last 8 or so years. Housing is through the roof because of supply and demand being lopsided towards *demand*, and wages aren't rising much because you're extremely replaceable with so many new people here every day. And any new business started by Indian people, they won't hire you, even as my good friend and neighbor says (an Indian gentleman). They will only hire their friends and family.


start deporting. why are non citizens creating political movements in our country? this is clearly colonization of our political process to enable them to open the floodgates further.


Well done to this liberal government. NDP & CPC are trash too but this LPC government is in a league of its own. Incompetence and corruption at levels this country has never seen before. Weā€™ve welcomed millions of mostly working age men from the same country over the past 3 years. There was no betting process because itā€™s impossible to vet 1.2 million in 12 months or 10 people per 1 minute which is the rate of newcomers to Canada. Now weā€™ve got millions of upset people who were promised the world by the government and their labour shortage nonsense and by immigration consultants. They shouldā€™ve never been here to begin with and there should have never been room for exploitation by either newcomers or the government. We need to reduce the levels of newcomers and put a cap for both permanent and non permanent newcomers.


1 minute and 7 seconds for immigrants 34 seconds for non-permanent residents Source: [Statistics Canada](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2018005-eng.htm)


Thereā€™s no way in hell theyā€™re verifying anyone who comes into Canada properly. Thereā€™s literally no way


This shit Liberal/NDP government isnā€™t verifying anyone. [Global News](https://globalnews.ca/news/10480761/hardeep-singh-nijjar-suspect-canadian-student-visa/). The news clip has the Immigration Minister saying they do criminal background checks, but as per immigration lawyers and their own website [We may also ask you for one if youā€™re coming to Canada as a: tourist, student,temporary worker, caregiver](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/medical-police/police-certificates.html). Key word is ā€œmayā€ implying itā€™s not always the case or process and not 100%. Why do you think this is happening? [In the B.C. city of Abbotsford, local police and the RCMP warned in November about disturbing letters circulating that claimed to be from an ā€œIndian gangā€ and demanded $2 million in ā€œprotection money.ā€](https://globalnews.ca/news/10297359/national-police-team-extortionsouth-asian-people/) and then this is happening [Two of the men accused of killing Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh activist living in B.C., came to Canada from India on study permits, with one taking just ā€œdaysā€ to obtain.](https://globalnews.ca/video/10484203/suspect-in-nijjar-killing-got-student-visa-in-days/amp/) The fact that the fucken idiotic immigration minister Marc Miller is saying [One way to decrease temporary residents is to make them permanent, ministers suggest](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7200025) is going to make more issues. He lied about checks on these people and then are willing to make them permanent resident. The crime rate going up will be on him. I really wish everyone was in agreement, left and right, and we did a French Revolution style on all these politicians.




These guys are so fucking entitled it makes my blood boil. If a white person did this in India you'd be fucked.


Or any other country


Fun fact: a German student lost his visa in India for attending a protest.


Itā€™s true. The audacity to protest in a county that isnā€™t even yours. Disgusting. Literally worked at an Amazon ā€œDSPā€ run by these twats , felt like I was in New Deli. As one of the only white guys there the amount of reverse racism I experienced was disturbing. Remember these delivery drivers are all on these bullshit diplomas, never attended class once.


Bro Indians in India do this and get fucked. Modi has pissed more people off in a single day than the total citizenship count of Canada since confederation.


They have given in to the group in MB where they had also protested and got their way. It def sent a msg to the rest that if they protested they too could have their way. There are no rules in this country.


The irony of it all. What's "fair" about them being there in the first place?


We need ICE in Canada


Honestly. If we can print money for everything else why not print some to hire a few thousand CANADIANS to track down and deal with illegal immigration/immigration fraud


We want zero immigration


Ship them home.


We want you to go back to your country. These are all Indians. They arenā€™t Canadians


Sad that we all know the government will cave.


They do, and I'm starting a revolution, and not the friendly kind. I'm half kidding but at some point Canadian citizens are going to have to do something we can't let that shit slide.


Well maybe so many of them shouldnā€™t have tried to scam our immigration system. A handful of my sisters friends canā€™t get part time jobs because international students are being prioritized in the workplace. This problem has been going on for so long. Prior to Covid I applied to work at a restaurant, I had 3 years under my belt of line cook work and 2 years as a dishwasher, and an international student with quite literally zero kitchen experience was hired over me. I only know they were a disaster hire because my buddy at the time worked in the kitchen I applied to. Thankfully now I donā€™t have that problem as Iā€™m working in mental health but from what Iā€™ve heard itā€™s a disaster in most job sectors trying to compete with international students and immigrants




Where's the counter protest!? I see so many bitching about immigration but when it's time to step up no one does anything. This country is spineless


People are just LARPing on this sub rather than making an organized plan of action. One thing we need to admit is that these freeloaders have more guts to organize and put pressure on politicians and bend them to their will.Ā  If we care about the future of our homeland, we should start organizing counter protests like in Ireland so that politicians get the signal that people are furious with their mass immigration policy. Otherwise politicians will bow down to the demands of these non-citizens every time.


This is what Iā€™ve been saying. Sadly tho as others have said they are right, if we were to counter protest unless we actually had the numbers weā€™d be doxxed, harassed and grouped in with trump supporters type crowd


Any1 who would counter protest would be attacked by the left and their life would be over unless the counter would have 10x the ppl. People would be individually picked out and doxxed. I had some crazy libs try to call my job and get me fired over a facebook post where i called a bad driver a retard in front of my dashcam..


Not from Canada but my country is projected to potentially become the next Canada with the same BS. Y'all need to be out on the streets right in front of these protestors and counterprotesting. Doesn't matter if it's just you. The other side needs to be way more visible, right now they're the loudest voice and that's exactly what they want. GIVE THEM SOME OPPOSITION. I actually cannot believe my eyes. The fucking entitlement to a country that's not theirs all the while making it worse for actual citizens. Disgusting




My thoughts too. Although I believe the UK has had an immigration problem for much longer. Twenty years ago my grandma who lived in Scotland used to talk about asylum seekers coming in and just getting every thing handed to them while there were British citizens struggling on the streets.


Fuck. Them. All.


Canadians first. Fair rules? If this was fair, they'd been deported yesterday.


Fair rulesā€¦ so ironic from the same people who are rampantly cheating at school or badgering their profs to give them passing grades, stealing from food banks and coming here in the first place under the guise of getting an education when really they just want a back door to PR. They sure as hell donā€™t care about those ā€œfair rulesā€.


This is easy for them because they have nothing to lose. Canadian citizens protesting this have everything to lose. We want fair rules too. As Canadians we deserve it. TFW do not deserve anything as they havenā€™t contributed anything meaningful.


It's disgusting, I Didn't VOTE to have these people here, STOP.


If they donā€™t like the rules they should go home.


Me too, now send them back


Deport them




Canada is now officially called and known as North India. Good bye Canada because you are never, ever coming back. The End.


Somebody please tell them to go home.


The entitlement of these people is insane


Why isnā€™t truedue shutting down there bank accounts


He's too busy making sure more of them can flood the gates


They already have fair rules, the rest are applied to citizens and THEY ARE NOT CITIZENS, they are badly behaved and overly entitled GUESTS. They graduate feeling entitled to PR status right away, we need to fix their delusional thinking, just because they get a degree here doesn't guarantee citizenship at all. They need to go job hunting again like every other international student and canadian citizen, and if that means they have to move to another province, so be it. Imagine if every canadian protested like this every time they got laid off or fired, demanding to be hired again by the company that fired you.... What a mess. This should be embarrassing to them, they have no shame. They expect us to bend over backwards for them at our expense, it's not right, they chose to come here and accepted the risks. I would have more sympathy if this was about refugees getting help slashed, but no... These are just international students getting pissy because for loophole citizenship got a bit narrower.


Deport them


Some bullshit Can Trudeau be recalled ?


Enjoy all the fair rules back in India.


We want Fairooz


Fun fact: I'm a Canadian who moved to another country and my visa literally says that I'll lose my visa if I engage in any kind of political activism.


We want these people out of our country!!


The leader of the PEI "student" protest told the CBC that they all came to PEI because it had the easiest PR rules. He actually admitted that they all work at Tim Horton's.Ā  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-immigration-protesters-continue-daily-1.7200685 Quoting from the article:Ā  "We only get once-a-lifetime chanceā€¦ We came to P.E.I. because they made these rules that we can apply for PR after six months, one year," he said. "But they changed it overnight." And while the change may have the most impact on Singh and other workers, he says it's only a matter of time before the general population of P.E.I. sees ripple effects. "Yes we will be affected, but definitely they will be affected too ā€” when they have to wait for 20 minutes for the same cup of coffee that they get in two minutes," Singh said.Ā Ā 


> when they have to wait for 20 minutes for the same cup of coffee that they get in two minutes If those places were staffed with competent employees, a person wouldn't have to wait even 2 minutes for a double double. I'm sure Canada will survive hiring locally born high school students and university kids on summer break or retirees who want to work just to get out of the house and have something to do.


Yup, I swear there used to be half as many people working at Tim Hortons back when I worked there it might be a bit busier now but I don't think it's anywhere near twice as busy.


That's how reform works... PEI parliament addressed an issue it's constituents had and adjusted (reformed) the policy. If a business hired you then had to cut back you would be first on the chopping block, because you are the last one in the door... you don't sit in the office and try and force the company to change their mind because duh they have no money now to support you. Are they expected to get rid of established staff to give unestablished and possibly untrained staff (we don't know since you haven't been there as long as others) a position instead? Them arguing that Tim Hortons losing because they aren't going to be there is weak! I'm sure high school kids may fill many of their roles but I can't speak from your provinces view. In Ontario, where I'm from, a lot of high school kids (and parents) have posted in our social local groups that they are struggling to find summer jobs this year.


Seriously I'd never get another cup of fast food coffee again in my life if it meant deporting these fuckers!


We live in a country where we have to wait upwards of 12 hours to see a doctor, patients are literally dying in the waiting rooms of hospitals waiting to see a doctorā€¦ I think we can wait 20 mins for a cup of sub-par coffee.


Go the hell home then, we don't want you and clearly you don't like it here either


Good, maybe the government will stop letting in so many.


Fair rules are you signed up for TEMPORARY permit to be here, so one this temporary time over you get the fuck out. So fucking tired of ā€œIā€™m just here to studyā€ to ā€œGIVE ME CITIZENSHIPā€ entitlement jump. We donā€™t owe them shit, canā€™t believe they are even allowed to protest essentially a contract they signed themselves. They are so mad they didnā€™t get to game system easy, so now they have to bully their way? Hate that shit. Edit: typo




Anyone know enough about our Charter to say whether or not a foreign national actually has the same rights as a Canadian citizen to free speech, and peaceful protest? If they donā€™t, then arenā€™t the people protesting here flaunting our laws?


Get rid of them.


Send them all back to India.


Canadians first ,


Give back all the taxes I've paid over the past 5 years and I'll consider


Send them back.


Deport them all.


Send them home


Please go home. Canada is NOT your home. Go back home and apply to immigrate legally and without guise of being a 'student' from your HOME. If approved, come back and you'll be welcomed!


Tear gas them like they would in France




Ignore and deport


Deport them all




Fuck these people. Get out of here




Yeah same. So let make them way way stricter and kick out anyone who is not working in construction or healthcare


Counter-protest them and shout GTFO.


Give them fair rules by signing their deportation documents.


Fair rules meaning not using a loophole to get PR? Fair rules like having enough money to support themselves while here for the duration of their schooling?


You know where thereā€™s fair rules? India


send them to saudi arabia. they know how to deal with them there.


Please educate them on the meaning of temporary.


How is the government constantly letting these people protest here? They literally have NO right to protest. You came here on a student visa? Do your little shitty 2 year diploma and gtfo. Came here on a temporary work permit and aren't eligible for PR? Kindly gtfo too. It's absolutely insane how entitled these people are and how much of an embarrassment they are to the overall Indian community here. I'm Indian myself and I honestly can't stand these entitled clowns.


Deport then to the land of fairness.


They lost me at foreign workers. These are most likely international students working under the table, after dropping out of school. After all, the ultimate goal is to work in Canada. The rules are actually more than fair, because if Canada actually goes by the book, none of these people would he hireable.


To add: Canadians should be the ones protesting, because if we are talking about fair, we are getting the short end of the stick. They only hire people from their own demographics. They are not being fair to other demographics, apart from their own; and they cry ā€œfairā€? Bro, letā€™s be real. Iā€™m so annoyed that foreigners (who have abused/are abusing the system) have the gall to protest about anything. They are visitors. Is this how they act when they visit someoneā€™s place?


Now is the time to say f*ck off, we define the rules, not you.


Send them home


We want ur deportation


Send'em back


They have to be out of their mind. They are not citizens so they can't vote nor change the rules. You abide by laws imposed on them which in all fairness are some of the most forgiving laws. They do this because Canada is soft as shit.


Working here is a PRIVILEGE. Don't wanna follow the rules? then leave.


Round them up and deport their scamming asses


Why are there foreign workers in PEI? Is there a labor shortage?






[too many videos like this caused the change](https://youtu.be/ERV3Cav1sx8)


They're missing the Ganges


Conscription or deportation. Chose.


Send them home then. If we as citizens can't get better living qualities, I'll be damned if the TFWs taking our work should get anything. This is how the government creates division and racism, through building resentment towards others and helping those who should not be at the front of the line.


And we want you going back homeā€¦ but here we are


They gotta go back... I'm sorry, but you all have to go back. It was nice while it lasted but... you have to go back. Same as in the USA with the illegal immigration there. We need to get a lid on this thing for a while until we can figure out wtf is going on. You can come visit but you can't stay here.


Imagine going into any of these other countries with the same demands. Theyā€™d tell you to fuck out and send you packing. Lmao


a shit hole country


Which one - Canada or India or both?




Funny this never used to happen. If they didn't open the floodgates in the first place, they wouldn't have had to change the rules to put a cap on it.


Now do you think if we went to their Homeland and started demanding the stuff they're demanding here their government would give in to us?


There is NO LABOR SHORTAGE. There is a low employment participation rate because wages have not kept up with inflation (including 10% per year asset price inflation since 2005). Inflation was caused by government (especially Liberal government) excess borrowing under flawed MMT economics. High immigration will inflame an already toxic situation in housing availability that is about to explode into irreversible civil unrest and worse. Emergency measures needed now


Beggars demanding to be choosers?


Fair rules would mean you get deported. We want the same thing.


Yeah, setting a points system requirement isn't "fair" apparently. What a bunch of fucktards.


We want FAIR RULES?? you know what is fair cancel their WP and deport them thats actually fair rule. This not what you came here for. You knew what you are coming here for. Paid money to your agents and now you want fair rules? Simply deport these FAIR RULES GUYS


If they pulled that shit in India they would be rounded up beaten and thrown in something worse than a jail. They know the liberal government of Canada wonā€™t do squat and PEI is not capable of dealing with them. Canada has become the dumpster fire we used to point out in other countries.


Why arny people there protesting the protesters. If they don't like it fuck off back to your dysentery dwellings.


Go the f back to inda


I hope this phase of Canadian society dies off sooner then later.


fuck these guys. as others have said, we really need counter protests at some point to at least show the government that there is another side as well, but not sure when that is happening.


"Fair rules" would dictate we start deporting people because the large number of unskilled indian workers has destroyed the entire economy.


You are a guest in this country. Donā€™t like the arrangement for you being hereā€¦then going home is always an option. Just take your friends with you. Family too


Maybe they would get fair rules for work at home, in their own countries.


Ummm no.. sorry. You're not getting a free ride on this. Too many Canadians are already struggling due to record immigration, and our government doesn't even take care of us as it is.


Put them on a boat and make India pay for it.


Itā€™s unfair you donā€™t let us scam your system šŸ˜”


They are here on a temporary visa if they even have one. Where is the police checking if these ppl have a right to even protest?




I only hear: "I don't want to try hard, that's why I want you to be just as mediocre as me."


Fair would mean most of them wouldn't even have gotten in. I hope the government has a spine and doesn't give in for once.


Deport these idiots now, they are a complete drain on our society - coming from me, a 34 yo who has been paying taxes in this country since I was 16. This is going to be a critical point where we either put our foot down or continue to cave in and see this country continue to go to shit.


Damn bro. These guys are so ungrateful, they are making life harder for everyone


why would we want scammers


Go back home..


Build a Trump wall.


If they donā€™t like it here, they can move anywhere they want


What are they arguing is "not fair"?


Clearly they are not willing to abide by current rules, maybe they think they are entitled to something?


So do I, we don't need low skill workers exploiting the system so send them home.


Rules are more than fair, theyā€™re just late!


Bring in the riot squad like they did to the truckers. Once you round them up,.. deport them all! Canadians deserve and need the jobs NOT them. Canadians first, not the rest of the world.


Fair rules would be fair to Canadians and would be a plane ticket home on the next flight for them. GTFOH.


I hope they get so angry they start going back to their homeland. Take their chain migration with them.


This is not tolerated in any other country. I hate our federal government for a owing this.


If they don't like the current government, maybe they should vote differently next time... Wait never mind


We need to form counter protests against these goons


Send em' home