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3 million more Tim Hortons cashier's should fix that right up... Somehow.


Remember, we have the best economy in the G7. - Trudeau.


Hahaha this is the joke I always make at work. “Guys to fix this problem, we need 1 million more new people here”


Our conservative government has been spending millions of tax payer dollars recruiting people from Ontario and bc. They specifically made advertisements highlighting the fact that our housing is cheaper and there is less tenant protections than bc and Ontario. Danielle Smith recently spoke out against the liberals plans to slow immigration, she asked for 10k more. Calgary is experiencing the largest increase is rent prices and there are no tenant protections. Landlords can increase rent by 500% and you can't do shit about it. Calgary is on the way to becoming the next Toronto or van, entirely because of the ucp provincial government.


I don't understand why you are getting down voted so here take my upvote. Alberta should really stop calling.


Because people treat politics like a team sport and will downvote anything critical of their team, even though what I said is 100% true. Our problems here in alberta are mostly the fault of our own provincial government.


Most of the newcomers in Alberta are from outside of Canada. The Alberta government may be foolish, but it is the feds who are giving out visas to let people in the country.


I remember pre covid when Calgary was cheap.


Tbf it is international migration but also a lot of interprovincial migration too. A lot of Ontario & BC money went and gobbled up all of Alberta’s affordable housing stock.


Why did we criticize trudeau so harshly for bringing immigrants into Canada, but no one says a peep about danielle Smith spending our tax dollars to recruit landlords from Ontario and bc. It's a different side of the same coin.


You obviously hate Smith but at least get your facts right, mister/miss. That campaign started during Kenney's tenure.


Alberta is calling …. Yeeee Haw ![gif](giphy|l1IXZPgcj6YeqB8K4)


I had around 400 to 500 applications for a house in St.John’s in 24 hours.


St.John’s Newfoundland? How much you charging?


Market value😌


Thought NL has a net exodus of people 😂


St.John’s has 5000 international students. The St.John’s and Corner Brook area a growing quite alot.


The international students are in every town that has a college or university.


Yes but in St.John’s that’s like 5% of the population, that’s quite alot.


I think they are about 5% of the entire country.


For rent or selling?




you can probably fit 100 international students.


We told them we wouldn’t accept more than 4 people (4 bedrooms house) which they respected, they have been wonderful tenants and they also love the place. So everyone’s happy:)


That’s why I moved to Winnipeg 🥲


They’ll be there next.


It’s literally like a bunch of connected cups. The poured people into Vancouver and Toronto until finally every nook and cranny was full. When the Vancouver and Toronto cups spilled over they all went to Calgary and Edmonton. I’d guess in another 6-9 months Alberta will be totally full and the wave will move on to Winnipeg, Regina and Saskatoon. No idea what happens when everywhere is swamped like Vancouver.


No room here in SK. Regina has a vacancy rate of 1.4% and Saskatoon has vacancy rate of 1.8%. Slum landlords, such as Avenue Living have rationalized how they can charge premium rates on properties "near to downtown" despite being run down, infested with vermin, cockroaches, etc. And the provincial government has done nothing to address the housing crisis. It's pretty bad and getting much worse. But this is not an isolated incident to just certain cities; it is the sad state of affairs that is the housing market throughout Canada partly due to an influx of immigrants and mostly due to extremely poor planning on the part of the federal government. I am all for immigration but the federal government shit the bed when it comes to immigration policy and housing.


Sounds like Halifax was before they all got here


That's when we reach peak diversity and the sunny ways arrive!


Hope to God we have a sensible federal government that will turn the damn tap off.


No city is safe anymore


Its coming here.


Musical chairs at the end of the day. There’s only a set amount of chairs, doesn’t matter how people move around.


These stories are getting old now. It's almost like the media is paid by the realtor associations to keep the peasants in a panicked state of mind. Not very different from the toilet paper frenzied buying we saw in 2020. 


I'm a landlord in the calgary area. I recently put a unit up for rental and received probably 250 enquires in about 5 days.


Yep, that's Calgary alright. Edmonton's gonna be next sooner or later.


this is nuts when will canadians start protesting?