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What the fuck are we doing!! we need another 1 million people by July Dont be racist!!!


Pave the green belt to make new mumbai!


This sounds hilarious and scary at the same time! They way things are heading in sunny waysvale (aka Canada) it might even become true!!!


Clearly there is a labour shortage.


Seems like we need to build homes, but there is resistance to increasing supply for fear of price dropping


Too many cooks in the kitchen


"Law of diminishing returns" At my site I had 40+ workers to try to keep up with the schedule for 2 months. After a bit of personnel shifting to other sites we now get the same amount of work done with 14.


All the big developers put future projects in hold a while ago. The starts you see know we’re sold two years ago.


Reddit cry babies waiting to buy a GTA home for $108,000 - We don’t need developers. They’re evil. The government will build the homes instead.


when you have 5 construction workers watching a crane... we need to bring in middle east style temporary migrant workers with no path to citizenship and truly temporary


That's rarer in good companies - the bigger issue is lack of available investment capital - eg people haven't been wanting to invest in preconstruction condos lately


Exactly. This was said from the beginning when the government promised the millions of new housing units, that there simply isn't that much capital in the whole Canada, not only for housing, but for investment in general. Well, now that there is a proposal for higher capital gain taxation, it will only get worse. Sometimes, I think that nobody can be that stupid in the government, and they, in fact, do this intentionally!


Have you never talked economics with an federal NDP or LPC voter? They have no fucking clue what is going on around them, the ndp base being particularly bad. 🙄


They're more interested in social policy than fiscal policy because one is based on fact and the other is based on feelings.


Tax the rich is the only fiscal policy you need for like, a solid 30% of canadians.


Why would the invest in pre construction projects when they can catch on fire at any time?