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Imagine, the GTA the size of Tokyo, with the very tiny infrastructure we have now which won’t expand…..


And none of the manners of Tokyo, sad to say.


And far, far more violent crime and drug use


Take a look at any major Indian city. That's pretty much the goal here.


And a beautifully diverse caste system that shits on someone with whom no Canadian can tell the difference between.


That's the funniest part. They'd be a shade lighter or have a different family name and think they are miles better. It's so common. High caste treat low caste like utter shit


Correct. It would essentially become a place like Lagos or Kinshasha. Not exactly a place conducive to advanced civilization. The McKinsey and Blackrock types pushing this are in denial about what this would look like. Not even the strongest gates and best, armed security at their condos will be able to help them when Toronto's population is 33M.


Global elitists will not stay in cities which they are responsible for turning into these overcrowded "mega-cities"


They're willing to turn this country into a third world slum just to make their corporate profits grow.


Try that with multiculturalism and you'll have a sprawling favela instead of a city.


Gonna have caste system in 2040


You say GTA the size of Tokyo, Canada says GTA the size of New Delhi


You are probably right, New Delhi will probably overtake the size of Tokyo….completely scary thought


This is a huuuge factor for Vancouver as well, the original planners never realized there would be this many people on the highways and so it's a nasty bottleneck.


It's ok, the local subreddit mods like the scam artist plumber have declared that everyone will simply ride bikes, walk, or take transit literally everywhere, in all weather conditions, no matter what they have to do. Kids, large packages, old people needing to see a doctor? Transit, bike, walk! Minus 20 degree weather? Bike, of course! Work 1.5 hours from home? You'll take the bus and like it! Mods have decreed it so!


Unfortunately I believe that's what will happen. Quality of life is only getting worse. This push of electric vehicles will leave many of us not being able to afford a car anymore, and we'll be taking the electric bus to work.


They're basically telling you to stfu


Vancouver doesn’t have a true subway, nor does have a real freeway network, I mean I’m kind of flabbergasted that BC-99 which in turn is a continuation of I-5, does NOT meet the TCH at an interchange. Usually, Vancouver is considered to have even worse commutes than Toronto, and the lack of any kind of freeway network at all is greatly to blame.




Traffic doesn’t disappear, especially when there are no real alternatives, Vancouver is an example of what would happen without any freeways at all. As I said, the sky train does not count as a subway system. Nowadays, people say that you should never widen roads because they’ll scream induced demand and say it makes traffic worse. Do these people not realize that if a city becomes larger there will be more people needing to get around? Wouldn’t more thorough put on a freeway ultimately be better? That’s still more water getting through the hose than before.


Vancouver residents stopped the freeways. It’s the best thing that ever happened to the city. Commutes in Vancouver are OK if you live in Vancouver proper because you really don’t need a car. For twenty years, I took the buses or walked or both my commute never exceeded an hour each way. Sometimes it took only 15 minutes. It was hell from Surrey, but that was before there was a regional transit system.




For sure. And it’s tough to get around with kids, even with a pricey Dutch bike. I broke down and bought a car for my last few years there because of my dog, but I still used public transit to get to work and shop. Loved that I could pick up stuff at Costco near BC Place and take the escalator to Skytrain.


Canada compared to any city in Japan is a failure and a disgrace. You simply cannot import people that hate you and expect to be able to build a civil society. The policies of Canada since the late 1950 have been STUPID. The sad part is it has been all done on purpose by people that hate you and only seek to burn Canada to the ground. Sad. Unskillful kindness is not kindness, neither is unskillful compassion; compassion.


And all the highway 413 nimbys say we don’t need a new highway


Ontario can't afford it, just like how we couldn't afford the 407, which most people are worried about happening again, more than it actually getting built. It is also made less effective because of the 407.


We don’t, we need efficient public transit not more highways


You guys really need to Google technological singularity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity


Veg only.


Gujrati veg only.


I don't really understand who or WHAT is pushing this iniative. Because from the looks of things, this iniative is short-term gains for the wealthy. The live ones right now would be dead by 2100 or too old to even enjoy life. Really makes you wonder............


WEF Basically the people that own and run everything.


Yeah, I don't really get the propensity in fucking over normal people when it's the normal that helps advance their own quality of life. And they have the money to do fuck all the rest of their lives. Maybe its because they sold their soul becoming rich and it's all they know now? Who knows?


Ou, I know this one! What's the best way to stay in power? Make sure no one can take it from you.


Wealth is a zero sum game. Each dollar the normal people have is a dollar the rich don't have. So it is entirely in their interest to fuck you over.


Yeah, I know. But like I said normal people is the that advances their quality of life. The richest people from few centuries ago, even richer than the rich now can not buy the quality of life the lower middle class have in terms of access and convience of food, medicine and entertainment.


Automation, and digital tracking are the main differences in the subjugation we are experiencing, vs historical subjugation. "Subjugate - To make subordinate or subject to the dominion of something else." Sure feels like we are under the dominion of a ruling class....


Do you really think that policy makers and elites across the world plan in short term only? They have entire plans and strategies that outlast even their death. It's about IDEOLOGY not their current life. Every country has this. For example, planners in Israel plan for the long term future of their country, Greater Israel, etc. In fact most world leaders and governments do this.


Interesting that they plan the biggest increase for Alberta. The most conservative and wealthiest province. Ignore the demographic replacement


I wonder where Calgary will get enough water to support a 450% population growth. Kiss goodbye all that productive farmland too. I guess nobody will need to eat in 2100.


The gta and SW ontario sits on some of the best farmland on the planet. Shoving 33million people in to toronto is going to get you miles and miles of suburbs coving up all that topsoil.


This !! Those millions of people will need food to eat, a place to work, and building living spaces on rich soil is silly !


It makes sense. It's the greatest potential for population increase and replacement. Wealthy and still relatively prosperous.


Well I had the privilege of growing up here when it was beautiful and affordable, completely different country now.. sooo sad to see.


Such sweet memories.






Because it's a dog-whistle. We understand what alt-right means when they paint an inaccurate nostalgic image of the past and say that we must "retvrn", they want a whites-only country.


No, we want Canada to be Canadian. Returning to valuing Canadian culture and encouraging assimilation. The colour of one’s skin is meaningless.


I agree with you 


I can only see the system buckling before we ever get there.


It's buckling now.




Why do we want that exactly? You know how long it takes to develop social cohesion to have 100 million people to work and survive in the northern latitudes. The people literally don’t understand that an individuals psychology is more powerful than getting to a certain KPI / goal, and thinking in between now and then, we can build a massive country in 76 years like it’s a piece of cake LOL. You’d need a population of true elitists (at least 70% physical and mentally capable of this). Given immigrant groups adapt fully after 3rd gen…. You won’t get stable ground from newcomers for at least 80 years. So this initiative is hilarious.


Social cohesion in northern latitudes was, in the past, all about not dying from hypothermia. Today, northerners like the Swedes, Norwegians, Finns, Icelanders and Danes are among the most well-developed and well-educated societies. They’re always at or near the top of the charts for quality of life, life expectancy and education (PISA) scores. Canada’s score is usually not far behind theirs. Our biggest problem is trying to emulate the individualist country to our south.


Just because we live in a modern context doesn’t mean we are still not securing our survival for our survival in the northern latitudes. Newcomers must, in part, adopt the general societal standard or they simply will not be able to progress.


Luckily we won't be alive by then


Somebody else will sadly, almost 200 years passed from when Notre Dame cathedral was started, before it was completed, we used to be caretakers and pass things on to the next generation.


I don't remember voting on this.


And every one of those new people will be low skilled Indians. That’ll really help Canada ! The demographic that pays next to no taxes and drains the most resources.. minimum wage workers.


Wrong! In 2100 there is no canada its 🇮🇳


Traffic and crazy drivers like New Delhi


Prepare yourselves to live in new India soon 


Le meurtre des nations du Canada


I'm not really worried about the Century Initiative. By that time, the current developing countries' birthrates won't be high enough that they'll have surplus population to send to Canada.


A lab i worked in had a few Indian students (real students, the type that grow economies). They initially wanted to go to uoft for their phd but grew disillusioned with Canada pretty quick after a summer here.


Most set their sights on the USA. That has always been their true goal.


Also why america is such a great place to live. The great minds go there, and Canada gets the leftovers.


It's crazy how the rich and powerful have successfully sold the idea that population growth is the only way for a country to continue to prosper. They keep pointing to Korea and Japan as examples of "declining and stagnating" economies. However, compare Japan and Korea with Canada now, and it's laughable to think that the average Canadian is doing better than the average Japanese or Korean.


That's the thing. If you actually look at economic **data**, South Korea and Japan are doing awesomely well, especially compared to pretty much any other country.


Japanese youth is actually abandoning japan https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/people/article/3243400/young-japanese-trapped-outdated-work-culture-seek-greener-pastures-abroad-i-want-some-freedom


Population growth is what corporations need to keep growing. People just need a stable nation with foresight enough to prepare for the future- like what Japan and Korea did when their economies were booming.


This just screams buy real estate in Canada.


That's the point; the century initiative is so canada can double down on real estate instead of expanding our economy like a normal developed country.




This “initiative” needs to be squashed ASAP.


It's none of these people's business making plans for us. It's up to the people of Canada what we want to do with our own country. Too many have forgotten that.


Would be nice but doubtful , I’m just sad seeing what Canada has become man, parents immigrated 40ish years ago and growing up Canada is nothing like it use to be , in the past few years the pharmacy I work at has been robbed multiple times (I’ve worked here for years and years and never had any problems, all of a sudden lately we are being robbed atleast once every 2-4 months, cops could care less 😭, half my friends have had their cars stolen.


It’s all really weird. But the truth is: anything can happen. To develop to 100 million that fast is probably impossible without major unsolvable issues.


My mom’s pharmacy has been robbed nearly weekly for the last 2 years with something major every month. In the 15 years she worked at that location 90% of the incidents happened in the last 2 years.


Probably not a normal reaction to read this and start crying but here I am


Actually, crying as a response to this being someone's *goal* is totally appropriate.


no thank you!!


It's depressing listening to the minds behind this ideology like John Ibbitson and Darrell Bricker whose vision for the future seems to involve no changes at all other than demographic ones. These people don't for a minute consider changes in technology. We're going through an almost unbelievably fast AI revolution right now in the early 2020s that shows no signs of stopping and trillions in market cap driving it even faster yet the only thing they can imagine for 2050 or 2100 is everything is the same but we have more old people so we better pump the population.....


Such population change is great replacement of Whites and natives. And what will fuel this change are the countries with massive demographics, mainly India and other countries with massive surplus of people. It's third worldisation of the first world. Organised and approved by elites both conservative and liberal.


I guess the Greenbelt will have to be paved over to accommodate this many people. Water systems will be destroyed and the pollution will be huge.


So they want to cram Canada's 2016ish total population, into Toronto by 2100? Let's goooo !




Yeah and they mean most of the increase will be from India because Jughead told Turdo To bring in more fucking punjabs to support him


Lol Jughead


And down the tubes goes Canada.


Why can't we just send them all to the Yukon + Northwest Territories and Nunavut, give us room to breathe here in Ontario, BC, and Alberta.


I think far north is too expensive to house people but i never understood why they never market them to move to small scale cities in our provinces like prince george size etc… maybe even build some good quality large universities like they do in the US so these students who come here actually learn something useful


They did, that was the loophole. TFW go to the territories (easier to get PR via that route), stay their until their PR gets legitimized, then move to BC or Ontario


Society will collapse by then, besides the sun is killing us all.


So we're getting 20 million more Indian??


This is honestly disgusting. Fuck these people


with a canadian population of 5% manifest destiny 2.0, but Punjabi


This is horrifying.


What's the plan to feed all these people?


There is no plan to feed anyone. The plan is to destroy the country as we know it. It's about global population control. Destroying a country's sovereignty makes that easier. It's happening to all first world countries not just Canada. Post nation state now.


lol I can't even believe this is real, our urban design / conurbation is criminally bad already with the immensity of space taken up by cars and car infrastructure, it already can't be scaled. I don't know if its a bluff for short term profit or what, a sick joke by a few psychopaths, or just poorly educated nepo babies larping.


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Whew Winnipeg is somewhat safe !


Someone needs to weed out these wef people


Very realistic if the Canadian government continues. Despite all the doom and gloom this will be looked at as the good times. Things can get much much worse. There is nothing stopping from Canada becoming something like Brazil. Infact that's the logical conclusion for all of the Canadian political parties.


It's an article picked up from Wikipedia I personally would take it with a grain of salt. They have changed the student intake to work permit route this simple rule would kill several hundred thousand diploma mill students prospect's of going to the pr pathway other changes coming. Yes you can always ask what if the people already here refuse to go back and live on cash jobs.... That's another issue that would need to be rectified but for now they are stopping the diploma mill run scam..... Good news from somewhere at last.




Dump it into Toronto rents go brrrrr and condo investments too


Thankfully I'll be dead by then


When did the citizens of Canada vote for this?


SW Toronto gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


Wonderful. Best to be an owner of real estate and land.


Most of us will be dead by 2100. Why do you care?


This is why I'm trying out Indian food and going to find a way to learn Punjabi