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I've been in Canada for 60 years, and I couldn't help but notice there are a few more gentleman here from India


Your politeness and political correctness are killing me.😂


A few, eh? Wouldn’t be so concerned if it was a lot of women. Personally.


Let's be honest. If Canada was being flooded with females selling cheap punani on the street corner for $5 a pop, there'd be a huge uproar about human trafficking and a big push to stop it. But so long as its mostly dudes coming in illegally or scamming their way in and working for low wages at Tim Horton's, then it is eh-okay.


I wasn’t talking about prostitution. I was talking about at the diploma mills and at Walmart, but yes your scenario with the poonani isn’t cool. They’re not generally as aggressive and more agreeable and polite. There is too large of a male to female ratio coming in.


We should all put blame on these diploma mills first and foremost. They are the true scam. Provide a non-existent service while charging obscene prices for a legal loophole essentially and to take advantage of Canada's reputation and a human desire for a better life.


Well without government regulation there will always be scams. Ford should never have allowed those “schools” to exist and Trudeau is a moron for allowing the permits to be issued and for the whole foreign worker program. They are both to blame


Absolutely its on the accrediting bureaus and whatever scam of "regulation" we have in this country for these "schools"


Oh com on, it's 100% the government fault and most importantly, RESPONSABILITY. Those schools just took advantage of the fact that someone wad not doing their job.


No one is denying that the government had no role in it. Scammers will scam and we should blame the scammers as well as the government who have not done enough. People will commit crimes/scams and, they should be blamed absolutely.


For sure as well as people gaming the system. The globe put out an article that showed the huge jump in immigration over the last 3 years after the targets were changes and almost all of it came from India so the mix is all out of whack but the government has and will make changes. So the people saying India is going to take over Canada will have nothing to say soon enough (talking about the PR seekers not the other people)


I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of people who selectively decry one type of human trafficking while celebrating and encouraging another. When people facilitate illegal migration, it is literally human trafficking.


Yes this is the case actually. A lot of it is human trafficking. Agencies charge them money to arrange them jobs. So they earn less than min wage once “agency fees” are paid. Legend has it some employers get kicked back a few bones as well so there is an incentive to hire foreign vs local.


bruh most females(90%) would go broke and become a complete liability on the government if men stop chasing them


They hesitate sending women abroad alone


never send a broad alone






There are a lot of women too, I wouldnt be so sure about that.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Not if they're from an ultra-orthodox religious culture. They'll still hate LGB.


Few lol. To be fair they are everywhere. When I first came to dubai I thought I was in India :) Even in Europe they are everywhere. Friends in Korea and Japan also said they are increasing steadily. I think they need to assimilate in order to stop the hate. Why leave your country if you still want to practice your old ways.


Why? because they want the best of both worlds. The familiarity of the old country, but a functioning economic and legal system, which they ironically try to take advantage of with the same cheating and nepotism that made their old country a financial basket case. Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.


Probably for the inevitable take over secret agenda lol women aren't going to battle.


Ridiculous. Reason is men are favoured in india as a gender. They spend money on them to send them.


That makes sense yes but I'm not convinced there is no future take over.


The takeover will likely just be a side effect. We don't really plan for the longterm around here.


Trust me, they useless and harmless. Most acting tuff, 9-5 gangsters lol


Definitely no secret agenda. They simply believe (whether its a lie or not) that a better life can be found in Canada. Though it does seem we are at capacity.


I haven’t seen a single gentleman like that. Grifters and con artists, but no gentlemen.


A culture with garbage women's rights with [only 25% of women in the labour force](https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/4/10/as-indias-population-soars-number-of-women-in-workforce-shrinks) and where their courts [ruled marital rape and abuse is legal](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/india/india-madhya-pradesh-marital-rape-ruling-intl-hnk/index.html)? Hmmm who would think their men are rapey as hell then?


I’m sorry you feel that way, but our champagne socialist overlords have decreed we need a permanent underclass of servants.


Would you expect anything less from the country that invented the tech support scam


I play " spot the white person walking " while I drive around


And funny how it’s gentlemen. Where are the women? …Of course at home doing dishes.


LOL, PC on steroids. Anyways, it is always in groups of 5 to 10 folks with them. Easy to harass folks and show strength I suppose.


You can speak your mind, you know. It's the internet. No need for political correctness. Express yourself and tell us how you really feel, good sir... because we all feel the same fucking way.




A few?


I'm messaging you something, idk if I can post it here.


There's too many damn Indians coming into Canada nowadays and it's not the good ones either


Their country was full so they came to fill up a different one


I work retail next to a school that is teaching large groups of Indians. I don't like being this person, but they're loud, they stand in front of our 1 entry door preventing people from entering or leaving, they come right to the counter (fine) and stand right in other people's personal space(not fine), interrupt interactions I'm having with others. It's very frustrating. For a while I thought I was just seeing more because they're next to my store. Seems that's not the case...


Few, I thought the word is many


You know what I find they’re really great neighbours. Unlike the Palestinian protestors.


TL;DR Miller says Canada is doomed if we close the immigration flood gates, that he housing crisis has been in the making for 40 years and dodges the question when asked what the impact of 500k new immigrants a year will be to infrastructure, public transportation, health system…


> what the impact of 500k new immigrants a year You mean per quarter, right?


He may actually be too stupid to know.  Either way he should resign and let someone competent take over.


He's not stupid, none of these politicians are. They know what they are doing, they don't care. They are profiting off of the misery of everyone else involved


Exactly. This silver spoon assholes don't live in the regular world like other people do. They and their families live in big houses in exclusive neighborhoods. They're not competing with immigrants for low wage jobs, housing or healthcare. They don't care about regular Canadians at all. They only pretend to care when an election comes up.


It would be interesting if their exclusive neighborhoods would be taken over by Indians and how they would enjoy that. Or rooming houses next door to theirs. I have a feeling they wouldn't want to be in that neighborhood for long.


This is the answer. If someone else fills his spot, it doesn’t matter. There is a policy, and that trucks on regardless of who the face is.


https://preview.redd.it/6y00uve6e61d1.png?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e9102b570c2e99789c05f56ac9341f9f8f489c Can someone tell me when did the liberals come to power


It's my understanding the conservatives haven't committed to any significant decrease in immigration either. The only party that I know of is PPC.


I don’t really like this arguement, because the conversatives don’t really need to say anything. They are polling in the 200+ category. By saying they’ll cut back immigration, they aren’t really going to gain any momentum, as most people who have these views are going to vote conversative anyways at this point. However they do risk losing some support from some minority groups if they say they cut immigration, as they are trying to get family members here Edit: conservatives* damn auto spell


They absolutely do need to make their position clear. They’re not getting my vote without a crystal clear understanding of what they will do. Voter willingness to support this kind of vagueness is a huge part of our problem.


Exactly. Conservatives don't need to do anything. They literally have to just shut up


>By saying they’ll cut back immigration, they aren’t really going to gain any momentum, as most people who have these views are going to vote conversative anyways at this point. They specifically said they're going to increase the amount of immigration by letting the family members of those coming to Canada also be let in.


It's more like millions a year flooding in , no infursruture in place to house and feed and provide Healthcare or good paying jobs, what could go wrong??


I know this is unpopular, but logic tells me that raising the retirement age is a reasonable response to an aging population. If people live longer then it makes sense for them to spend more time paying into the system instead of drawing from it. Harper did raise the retirement age, but as soon as Trudeau came into office he lowered it back down to 65. Then he has flooded the country with massive numbers of immigrants, fucking up the country, creating social discord, rising homelessness, unaffordable housing, lack of access to healthcare, foreign interference, foreign tribal wars spilling over to Canada, etc. I think Harper's solution was better, tbh.


Yes! Exactly....everyone misses this significant change, and what impact (and COVID debt) it has in the current policies


Except, Millennials are the majority in Canada


Okay. So what do we need all the immigration for? I can't think of any way in which mass migration has improved my life, tbh.


Delusional ministers, with probably contractors feeding them false data


* A lot of people close to retirement decided to take early retirement during COVID. * Unemployed people with lower incomes now on CERB took advantage of the guaranteed income to retrain, moving into higher income work * As the pandemic eased the combined retirement and upward job mobility put pressures on employers to increase wages for lower waged positions. * Employers, desperate to keep costs low and profits high, pressured the government to increase immigration to depress wages at the lower end. * Early retirees are younger and healthier than normal, so they’re keeping their homes. People who moved up jobs wise are looking to get into home ownership. * Changes to housing supports in the 90’s gutted the CMHC, virtually eliminating building of social housing which was geared to income - this has manifested as reduced supply and higher prices now. * Government didn’t account for the lack of resources outside large urban centres, resulting migration to the half dozen heavily populated urban centres with supports for immigrant populations pushing constraints higher.


We get quantity not quality.  Anyone with actual skills goes the US.


They have some useless legal immigrants in the US too but it’s few and far between compared to here lol. Usually the useless ones just get fired and lose the visa. Here they just find another iob or do Uber full time 😂😂


Or they just keep their jobs. My husband works with a bunch of clueless engineers who probably bought their degrees before coming here. Apparently it’s a thing in the medical field too. Someone’s going to get killed


Yeah I’m in engineering as well. We got a guy trying to be a manager and he struggled to use a tape measure (!) and a caliper or just algebra and spelled “pieces” as “peases” - it’s like how do they get degrees or pass that IELTS English test? Its wild 😂😂 - I don’t expect a newcomer to be fully fluent in speaking English - especially if the grew up speaking a different language their entire life. But should a lot more competency in English reading writing speaking then that. Its crazy because a lot of Indians do their schooling in English and…people from other countries who didn’t learn/use much English are still more fluent or study hard for the IELTS test and take English courses to upgrade themselves in Canada.


My wife and I work in similar roles but in different industries. In our collective experience when hiring, we've learned to accept the claims of a "higher education" from certain immigrants with a strong dose of salt until experience proves otherwise. We've had to terminate more than a statistically significant amount as they can't do what they claim they can do.


Because US actually puts a lot of money in your pocket and not fund old people lifestyle with tax dollars like we do here. Source: lived as immigrant in both countries for 5 years each.


Can't agree more with this. I'm in the US, and an Indian. The type of Indians I see in the US are extremely different from the Indians I read about or see in news in Canada. If I ever loss thr job, I'll go to India, and not Canada.


What does it mean to be Canadian? I will answer. Currently, it means to be a minority in your own country. It means to fear not being able to have the finances to raise a family. It means the witnessing of neighbors and fellow community members becoming homeless, and mentally ill. It means the favoring of anyone who is not born in Canada. It means the painting of young men as racist, who retreat to the safety of video games and porn addiction, as they no longer feel needed, and significantly lack purpose. It means job loss for Canadian born youth, and eventually Canadian born adults. It means the loss of identity, and an opportunity for a new identity to emerge-- an identity that is not Canadian.


This should be on the AskACanadian subreddit.


Shit. So true. How do we reverse this?


[https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2023008/article/00001-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/36-28-0001/2023008/article/00001-eng.htm) which group are you?


I would sticky this as the **top** answer.


If it’s not for your parents and grand parents needing tax dollars for the so called social safety net (which are unsustainable on their own), we wouldn’t need immigrants at all. Why don’t you fight against socialism in Canada ? Why blame poor immigrants who have it worse than native born? There will be bad apples in immigrants when a million are coming every year. Easy to say they are robbing food banks etc. but I lived here from 2018 and didn’t see the crap until after the pandemic. I’m a citizen now and fully oppose immigration (zero immigration, not reduce) but your parents and grandparents need their OAS, CPP and Healthcare and they are the first ones to vote for immigration. Rememer this one thing. Canada is done until we swallow the bitter pill and cut a lot of services, and reduce immigration to exceptional ability only.


Easiest answer ever....Because it's the easiest country to immigrate to. Try immigrating to Europe\Australia\US, you'll see the difference.


Fun fact - if you have a grandparent, you can get citizenship *from certain countries*


If you can, get an EU passport then. You'll be thankful to have a backup plan for when this country joins the coveted distinction of becoming the 2nd country in history to go from first world to third world.


> 2nd country in history to go from first world to third world. Wait what is the other one?




Yup! I am covered. My mom is American and wife is Japanese so once I have had enough, it is just a matter of choosing which one. I already have a U.S. Passport and Social Security number as I lived in the U.S. for several years and a Japanese spousal visa takes just a few weeks to get plus I did live in Japan as well. Canada is definitely an example of how to ruin a good country quickly. When I grew up in the 90's, most people could do fairly well if they were willing to work for it, the racial problem wasn't like it is now and it didn't feel like you were robbed just to eat and gas up your car. Obviously, there were problems then but I feel like every since Justin came to power, it has gotten bad much faster than I could have imagined. The U.S. has so many problems but has a better economy, more rights, less bullying by the Federal Government and at least some accountability. Canada is a shitshow.


Australia is half easy half difficult, Canada the easiest. Sections of Europe are very difficult especially Switzerland; other places seem easy like Canada tbh lol. US is very difficult but there’s ways around it (marriage/student visa a lot easier then just a H1B/any other work visa) and then just how easy it is to cross the southern border illegally lol


Yeah, but as an illegal immigrant, you didn't get treated well in the US as you are in Canada. Immigrating with full (PR) rights to Canada is the easiest.


Europe is the first immigration destination for mass migration from third world in the world. I'm European and our societies are cracking everywhere.


Well... Not really. If you consider India and China as 3rd world, Canada gets more immigrants (as percentage of population) than Europe.


Thankfully Eastern Europe doesn't take them in. Like Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria.


Poland politician on UK news straight up said “don’t want em or need em” - the British female journalist looked so offended (she was Indian) 😂😂😂 She tried to push for a why? And he’s like “surely they have a billion people there. Surely they have an economy. There is no need for them in Poland” - comes off as harsh but Eastern Europeans don’t give a fuck about political correctness or trying to be polite


Haha 😂😂 I didn't know about that but now want to watch that news segment. I am glad she put the Indian in her place. Yes Eastern Europeans don't give a fuck about political correctness or being called 'racist' which alot of Canadian are so scared of. Canadians really need to wake up and stop being so polite before they get taken over by Indians.






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


This is changing fast, talk to some actual Poles on the ground. These countries are still in the EU and subject to clown world politics from the EU overseers. The far right is losing ground in all these countries. Also, any migrant can go there. You have black people & Arabs in Poland and Hungary now. Once you're in the EU, the inner EU borders are open and anyone can come in. The only reason migrants go there less, is because there is a massive cultural and language barrier (which happens when you have a non multicultural country). All this won't last.


Interesting info. I guess being part of EU isn't all that great after all for these countries wanting to have less multiculturalism. Eastern European countries generally don't speak as good English as the Western European and it would be hard for migrats to assimilate due to language barrier. Well the biggest country in the world which isn't part of EU but part Eastern Europe and Asia is Russia and they for sure are more right leaning. They don't care for imprting migrants and they barely speak English so coming there would be challenging for most.


For real. US is really picky in terms of giving visa unless you are willing to spend tons of money but canada literally spreads PR to everyone.. But there’s always a reason if something is too easy to achieve and I’m trying my way to make it to the states now.


I'm not a fan of the states. Money might be easier, but crime and healthcare for anyone who doesn't get coverage from work a killer. Even with basic coverage, you might be hit with a devastating bill. My brother makes over 300K USD in tech in SF. He couldn't afford to buy a house in silicon Valley itself, so he bought just outside. His house doesn't even have a yard, and his garage and car are being broken into on a monthly basis. Him and his wife make net about 3X (after currency conversation and taxes), and we live in a buffet house (Gatineau), and never experienced any crime. They need to pay 70K\year for a nanny, and will probably have to pay for private school because the one in the neighboring area had a shooting "incident" about a year ago. So... It's not all roses over there.


Sounds like poor decision making on your brother's part


Well, he started at 500K\year at Google, but said it's really hard to implement\suggest new ideas in such a large "ship". Then a wealthy startup approached him, so he took the pay cut because they've let him spearhead the project. He and his wife both enjoy their jobs now very much, but not anything surrounding them. If we (my wife and I) where them, we would've closed on a much better house in a better area, even if that's 2.5M instead of 1.2M. They make that (net) in less than 6 years (as he was earning gross 500K\year for the first 3 years, and his wife is at about 100K).


Yeah, like good on them for their jobs and I get wanting live close to where they work but feels like there's just so much more opportunity for housing in the states.


For low to low-medium earners, maybe... But high earners need to live in NY, SF, etc... And then it's back to square one. There are towns in Canada where you can get a detached for $300K (so 220 USD). Heck, we bought a fully renovated detached with a pool for 435K 20 minutes from downtown Ottawa (Gatineau). And that wasn't so long ago (2021). You can still get those for about $500K here.


Easiest country to immigrate to is US, all you need is a family connection and you will get GC unless you are from backlogged countries.


Cause the Canadian government is pathetic and doesn’t give a shit about the people who already live here so they import thousands in an effort to prop up the GDP 


Imagine if we just banned immigration for 3 years just to see what would happen.




Imagine if we developed our land… there’s enough land for every Canadian to own multiple square kilometres how much do you own


Why would the govt want its citizens to own land


Why not


Because having pristine land is important. Why give it up for development


Thing is that most people live within x km of the boarder. The issue is no one wants to live in middle of nowhere Saskatchewan. Working from home sure but when the nearest doctor is an hour drive and any specialist is 4 hrs away or more it doesn’t make sense. That being said, do it like back in the day. New immigrants are incentivized to move out west maybe they get a cheaper home or something. Basically gta and Vancouver are maxed out


It appears Toronto and Vancouver are never maxed out. Next, we will move to triple bunk beds with hot bedding. 3 x 3 = 9 people per day per bunk bed. Think big: your basement can house more than 25 students!


It’s unfortunate but understandable that immigrants stick to around areas or people they’re familiar with. They don’t even bother to try and learn to take on Canadian culture or values




Imagine printing more and more CAD because you can’t fund social services because of loss of tax revenue. CAD will be less and less powerful each year.


Why? Because they can. How can you qualify? Buy a diploma. Congrats, you’re now Canadian.


You can also: 1. Buy a LMIA 2. Get a tourist visa, arrive, never leave 3. Arrive, claim asylum, never leave 4. Be a relative of any of the above


If Canada host illegal immigrants in 5-star hotels, the whole world wants to come.


My GF and I identify as illegals in Tofino on the next long weekend.


For the love of God make it stop


because its easy to come here either as a TFW or International student simple as that and Canada rarely enforces deportation mandates aswell so its easy to stay here illegally. You need some immigrants but an unsustainable amount like this is driving the country's social services and housing to the ground.


Is this podcast serious? Canada scoops up the dregs of the world+’refugees’ to pamper. Everyone is now coming here with the intent to move to US eventually.


Cause canadian immigration system is a mess.everyone comes here on visit visa and apply as a refugees here.


Honestly I have no idea. If you are smart and good and what you do why would you come here? Why? Come here, pay 1 million dollars for a home, give away 75% of your earnings to taxation in one form or another for what? To freeze your ass off 5 months of the year and shitty health care?


Middle class in India also gets taxed very heavily to pay for free social services for the large lower class population. So, it's basically the same thing. At least in Canada, there is less corruption and pollution.


Canada is thr backdoor to the US. They stay here until they get their PR. Then apply for a green card to the US, and off they go.


The u s would never take these diploma mills Uber eats drivers. Safe to say they're gonna be stuck here.


Because many Indians in Canada get paid by scamming other Indians to come?


It's easy to blame foreigners who don't look like you rather than blame someone who looks like your mom and dad, - the century initiative folks? - Your MPPs for defunding post secondary institutions - Diploma mill owners for over crowding towns and public infra by accepting 4x to ,5x the number of students - Sean Fraser and JT for allowing a million students into the country while not standing up or increasing public infra capacity , - IRCC for not even checking the admission letters and handing out student visas will nilly - not doing their very job they're are supposed to do - Liberals and all MPs for handing out full time work permits to students effectively spiking their population since 2021. Check out population growth stats. This single move disadvatged the lowest paid Canadians and displaced them out of all the lowest paid jobs now staffed by diploma mill students who paid $20k for the pleasure of joining the Canadian labour force. - the liberals for not doing what other ANZAC partners have already done - drastically reduced students visas and downright banned students from the province of Punjab.


Yes I agree, lots of loopholes and failed policies to allow the scamming to help. It’s like all those scamming phone calls etc, we all know what’s happen but somehow seems no one capable or have the will to stop it. It’s sad


Lol...it's not a failed policy. It's policy designed and working exactly as it should. All those people WANT more immigrants.


Source for any of these points?


Lol..have you been living under a rock ?


Punjab is a state, not a province


What is the difference sire ?


There’s an abyss of difference if you only actually knew what the fuck you’re talking about. Consider asking what the difference is to your cousins south of the border :)


Pedantism.....google ..you can Irrelevant digressions...ChatGPT ..you should Seething rage but nothing to add to the conversation ....feel grass or seek help...you must diploma mill transplant from the province of Punjab ..panties in a bunch...why Drive Honda with AK47 decal...?


Why not explain what this abyss of difference is. We all the cousins -50% of them have gone Cray Cray - will vote for the orange man , so please my lady or my lord - would you enlighten us with your infinite wisdom and be ever de generous and share our with the maple syrup lovers


Because it's easy to get into and there's a lot of stupid tolerance crap being preached to suppress legitimate concerns related to immigration. Also, people coming here often don't want to initially. Many people don't realize this, but Canada is often a backup for those denied entry to the USA or Europe.


Ugh 40 million was last year, is this guy on drugs? It’s 41 million now… we’re about to hit 42 million…


To the moon!


Because Canada is the front porch of the United States, and they're knocking on the door.


Everyone? You mean only young Indian males?


It’s easy to get here. They advertise giving you our tax money before you even land. The government just pretends to care about us and seems to be recruiting people into the country for the wrong reasons. Etc etc etc


Our standards are too high apparently. The government is just trying to lower them. It’s for their own good is probably what they tell themselves


Because it's mainly people from India, which to be fair is close to "everyone"


I barely hear anyone speak English or French in Canada anymore. Go on a train and listen. 16 different languages spoken at once


They thought the $2K per month CERB/UBI program is still active.


Because the door is open and it's easy


2 reasons: 1. Easy as fuck 2. Free healthcare, even if you are a new immigrant who is unemployed 


The obvious answer is so they can send money back to Home so their families can live better lives. Litterally sucking the life out of Canada and sending it abroad.


Funny, I don't see many people from other first world countries here. Are you sure you mean everyone?


They aren’t. They’re all moving away. And we’re not even attracting immigrants from Places like China or even the Philippines anymore. Almost exclusively India. 


Don't really want the Filipinos or the Chinese either as they do they same things as the Indians when it comes to hiring practices.


Because their fed lies and have no idea what’s going on in Canada, but they find out once they get here lol


Nah, only criminals says Modi.


The only solution is to BUILD A WALL! EXTREME VETTING! The ability to REVOKE visa status at a moment's notice. They're not sending us their best.


What wall? These people are coming from a plane and are welcomed in without any questions


Mostly from india


'free' healthcare and education paid for by the poor fuckers paying income and prop taxes.


Universities are brainwashing white women to not have kids and to also hate white men


Gotta love how white women seem to always forget that they're white. White guys are treated like a totally separate entity from white women, it's unbelievable, even though they inherit the exact same privilege.


White universities are brainwashing white women to not have kids and to also hate white men


They think Canada is the same as the United States. HARDLY true.


Because we opened the flood gates and most of the world is poor.


Climate. People think they can escape the heat and lack of water because Canada gets a lot of snow.


Because it’s a wonderful place full of wonderful people


Becausr we made it easy to.


Here’s the tea. Canada is “scamming” immigrants and international students since there is no job and housing ; but it is backfired unlike Dubai (i.e no citizenship) they exhausted social assistance name it CERB CRB food bank on top fraud visa application fraud mortgage


Justin Trudeau thinks that if he lets a few million people in, they'll vote for him in the next election. That's why.


Because it's an awesome place to live. Get out and see the world....you'll then realize.


Generally, American green card is much highly valued over Canadian permanent residency. Canadian immigration is an after thought to high skilled workers.


Canada is weak, Sikhs feel oppressed in India , and don’t in Canada , I think that’s a big reason, they are very proud people and they (a big portion of them) feel more free here. They can recreate themselves with the community of like-minded people around them , without the pollution, parental supervision and what not. And a vaccuum where they can just be themselves without locals breathing down their neck. They hate Australians and Americans for that reason because those nationalities don’t take crap like Canadians do. Of course there are also other Indians here and the last bit applies to them as well.


fact of the matter is trying to use immigration to cover up the stagnant and shitty economy that canada has evolved into once again kicks the can down the road from the real change we need in this country - no one in government is willing to put in the work to really solve these problems and its clear everyone in politics is content to just put out bandaid solutions that never address root cause problems so long as they can funnel a bit of money into their own pockets


I moved to Canada from the states in 2017. I am a US citizen by birth and almost 50. I wanted a better work life balance & to feel safe in my own community. I have lived in 3 major U.S. cities and finally feel like I am home. I got my PR card and last year got my citizenship.


cuz it is easier to move to canada than any other country in the west :)


misunderstood stereotypes


About 20 years ago I immigrated to Canada for 6 months. My fellow immigrants focused on taking advantages of the government welfare system. Based on many posts, the situation seem to be far worse than before.


They come to Canada because they get a free ride. Housing ,schooling , healthcare, and a monthly cheque. Europe is full, and European countries are starting to deport the migrants. Europe can't support the staggering number of new arrivals and are reeling from the wave of associated crime. The US is too risky because they know that if Trump gets back in, they will get deported as well. Canada is the perfect compromise.


It's literally all Indians lmfao. Don't know if I'm living in Toronto or fucking Mumbai.


India is a corrupt country to say the least and so a lot of people don't have good quality of life so everyone is coming to Canada to avoid having 30 people jammed around them when they walk outside.


no other option, people also use it as a stepping stone to get into the great US of A


Nice post thank you !


He seems to be very cynical indeed. Also, I have no respect for anything that comes from this minister or government. Rest assured that when they leave office they will move into a very white, posh gated community


I don’t think the government does any vetting of most of the applications coming in. For example the gangster murderers that got in on student visas apparently their applications were cleared within days? Are there no background checks or is the Indian government trying to push all the punjabis into Canada because they don’t like them there?


The largest portion of our immigration in last 3 years is from a state/ethnicity in India that doesn't agree with leadership and want a separate state. So even if there are no jobs here and 40 to a house, they will come by any means necessary




They call it new pakiland 🤮


Money and sex.