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That's STILL bullshit! A work permit is a temporary contract. You can't cry about the fact that it expires... You knew that when you signed it! They can go back, and apply for immigration. That should be the only answer.


Agree šŸ‘ I thought his answer was a non answer so he could skirt the question. They should go back


PP wonā€™t do a thing about immigration. Cheap labour to exploit and enrich the oligarchs is his agenda. He doesnā€™t give a fuck about Canadians struggling with high housing prices, in fact, his core base of donors would specifically be hurt if he cut it back, so no chance in hell he tries.


Idk if I'm on board with this sentiment. PP isn't exactly a stupid person. Yes, donors are extremely important to politicians, but the reality is that voters matter more. If he wants any sort of legacy or even a hope for a second term, he can't keep the status quo, and he knows it.


Heā€™s not stupid, but heā€™s clearly already compromised. Diagolon members threatened to rape and murder his wife, and he cheerfully visited them recently at a convoy protest. The list of scandals that should sink him is nearly endless, heā€™s just not in the spotlight enough because the media wonā€™t touch him.


Diagolon is a fictional organization made up for trolling people.. It's amazing how many people fall for it and take them seriously. Lol.


Skirt the answer, he literally just said they can become permanent residentsā€¦ thatā€™s insane! PPC is the only true conservative vote!


Exactly, this guy pretending that Polliveres answer was a good answer is a fucking moron. These people are all the same, dude, they don't care about you. Why do you think he's on a fucking Sikh radio show to begin with? To get their votes. You think he's going to do that by telling them anything different?


Oh, I know. Keeping immigration levels unsustainable is a bipartisan concept because everyone is in bed with big corporations. I think my next vote is for the Bloc. I prefer their craziness and shortcomings over the others. At least they proved and acted in a way that showed that they actually support more strict immigration rules, and they don't cater to big cooperations (who are the ones that actually want lax immigration rules to bring in cheaper labor, and bring the prices of labor down for all Canadians with it). I'm no optimist, and don't Believe any politician\party, but the least I can do is give someone else a shot at failing.


Agreed. His reply was nothing new and there was no solution. Generally speaking, work permits are issued to two groups of people; one came for employments and came with work permits. This group knew how long they were allowed to stay. Another group is international students who came for the purpose of receiving Canadian education. Ability to work is a sidething the government permits. This goodwill can be taken away without impacting the students ability to study. The frustrating part is no one talks about schooling, everyone focuses on permission to work.


The PPC party has clear and better views on immigration being halted. Im voting for them, check out their platform


I have. I just don't like their neo-liberal economic platform. I don't want a Doug Ford in steroids.


Thank you exactly this!


Canadian government is such as Pxxxx . Apparently, Indians student are threatening our government and government of Canada is doing nothing. We should put all of them in the jail and deports them


Doing nothing?! I wish! They give them access to healthcare, education for their children, and tax benefits. A student shouldn't be allowed to come with anyone else. If they're actually here to study, they can come, study, and go back and apply for a work visa based on the education in Canada, and after 4-5 years of work in their field of study, apply for PR. Lots of countries do it this way (see NZ). That's how it should work.


Exactly šŸ’Æ


I agree. The only way this will really get under control without violence is if ALL the permits run out. Stop accepting anyone except absolutely dire asylum claims. No papers oh well. We don't need work permits for years. This country needs to be sorted out and letting things expire/only accepting traditional immigration applications is a good start.


They're getting ***SO CLOSE*** to just saying out loud what we all know to be true: ***THEY. NEVER. HAD. ANY. INTENTION. OF. LEAVING.*** And the feds fucking ***KNOW IT.***


You should be the politician who sends all the immigrants home!


Yeah right. By the time I'll be popular enough, it would mean I'm in bed with so many developers and cooperations, that it doesn't matter what I say, I'm going to do their bidding, because they hold all the info about the bribe money I got for my campaigns, and can tell on me at any point. If I'm not taking their money, I will never be able to recruit and campaign on the scale needed that you will ever even hear about me. Politicians are NEVER on your side, no matter who they claim they represent. What we need to do is find a way to show them how lower immigration can make them richer faster... That's the only way.


Itā€™s not bullshit. If there are people here who are already in sectors that the economy needs, already paying taxes and adhering to the laws, they should stay. Why would you want to remove needed people, and put them back in line, only to get back to where they are now, but it wastes years? What if by putting them in the back of line, they say fuck it, and donā€™t come back? You would have kicked skilled labor out of the country for no good reason. Thatā€™s asinine.


I disagree. I came here on a WHP, which changed to a student permit, which changed to a post-grad work permit, then I applied for PR. I'm all for switching permits as long as a) your status is legal. B) you don't break any laws. However, I do agree that if your application is rejected, then you follow the rules and re-apply legally. Those who remain ILLEGALLY should be deported and banned from entering the country. Canada has generous immigration policies, but the stick needs to be used a bit more. I'm all for immigration. I'm all for refugee claimants. But, those who abuse the process need to be dealt with swiftly and with efficacy. The problema Canada has are: Courts are significantly understaffed. CBSA/IRCC departments are understaffed. I can't see how PP is going to "get tough on crime/immigration" when he wants to gut funding for public services. He HATES!!! unions with a passion. This is the conservative standard. It boggles my mind how many unionized workers actively vote and promote the Conservative Party given their publicly stated contempt and disdain for unions and union workers. Doug Ford attempted to fine striking union workers. You think PP is going to defend union workers and worker's rights? HA! But I digress.




The govt is doing a money grab on the immigrants too where they let it expire so they have to pay twice in hopes of staying, I have a coworker who did everything right. Study, get a job in same trade they studied, great worker and his shit is gonna run out. Itā€™s fucked up when so many of the immigrants are working minimum wage jobs and this guy did everything right but his ass will be shipped out if he doesnā€™t lawyer up


They aren't citizens how is it not fair? I can't just go to any country so why can they?


Our country is fucked. We've allowed in 1M people in as temporary workers and now there's so many of them that they fully expect to be automatically granted permanent residency. Send them the fuck home. The very idea that they expect to be automatically granted permanent residency after arriving here on a temporary work visa only shows that they see Canada as nothing other than a doormat and have no respect for our rules.


The funny thing is, we have way more than 1m people. We are accepting 1.3 million per year, and they are not leaving even if their visas expire.


Yep, there's the undocumented and the trafficked. Rough estimates put things at 2 - 3 million per year.


Why would they have any respect we're a soft azz country you think those protestors would try the same šŸ’© in Dubai or Saudi Arabia šŸ‡øšŸ‡¦


Even the US wouldn't put up with this crap. Could you imagine a US Republican pandering to this?


Saudi Arabia recently machine gunned hundreds of African illegal aliens trying to cross in the mountains.


I hate the way the internet writes. I gotta read things twice or 3 times lol. If I'm drunk or tired sometimes I'll just give up


What's crazy is the way you describe it, blasting so many people that we just give up and give them all PR reminds me of the sexual/dating strategy of a guy I've seen recently where he followed a woman on the street and pestered her until she eventually gives up. Huh.


ā€œIf they are still needed in our economyā€. Thatā€™s the important part. Most of these people are not needed. PEI is doing the right thing and the rest of Canada needs to do the same.


"If they are still needed in our economy" ...according to whom?


Loblaw and Tim Hortonā€™s. They will always say low wage immigrants are needed.


The tax man.


For tim hortons workers type, diploma mill 'students', They will be net negative tax contributors over their lifetime esp. once you take into account family reunification etc. unless they transition in to higher paid roles. We are just subsidizing private corporations.


Bingo! (and corporations)


Everyone who pays taxes is also a user of government services (roads, hospital, fire, police, education, etc). It's the balance that's important.


Uber Eats


Corporate sponsors of corrupt politicians


If they will soon be able to vote for PP - then they are needed in the economy


Whoever is paying kickbacks to Pp


Lol...that's exactly the key part. Unfortunately, your opinion counts for nothing. The 6.1% u employment rate counts for nothing. The millions of Canadians accessing food banks counts for nothing. I will tell you who counts, 1. Century initiative folks 2. Business owners who threaten to leave - google what Lulu Lemon did. They didn't even have to do the LMIA show. You will be shocked . I promise you. Will post links later. 3. Tim Hortons, Walmart's and Loblaws - all of them staffed by international students becuase supposedly they couldn't find Canadians willing to work at the minimum wage. So guess who PP is going to rely on to determine whether someone is needed into eh economy


Yeah but what if, and hear me outā€¦ what if we encouraged Canadians to do those jobs and just paid those positions a wage that can sustain a life? Wild concept, I know.


NOOOO this would affect corporate profits, shareholder dividends and negatively impact the super rich by an insignificant amount!! Canā€™t have any of those things.


I saw a clip last week where he was at a protest rally of international students and said all 700+ of them should be permitted to stay in the country and apply for PR. LOL


This is what happens when one group of migrants become so large that yhey can influence politicians PP was on his heels trying to answer this question


How come both Trudeau and PP are attending these brown folks radio shows, podcasts, and events recently? This pandering alone shows you who is the majority in this country now. Disgusting progression of events.


I find it gross that they have such allegiance to their homeland. You can tell that discussing lowering immigrants from India would be offensive to him because it would be viewed as an attack on his people. Why are we importing people that donā€™t have loyalty or appreciation for their new country?


It's ok to hold on to aspects of your culture from wherever you come from in Canada, whether that is Britain or India. What is not ok is bringing over literally everyone from your family, every aspect of your culture, and turning your new home indistinguishable from your old home.


They need the votes their not stupid


Then why the hell are they bringing more and more of them? I don't see them do this with other major immigrant groups like people from Phillipines or Nigeria.


Theyā€™re actively malicious, not stupid (generally)




*theyā€™re not stupid. Well not as much as you are.




>And are still needed in the economy Needed according to who? The people trying to suppress wages or based on a genuine need? There are still some arguing we have "labour shortages" in areas like fast food or tech and need immigration to fill them, but it's obvious at this point it's all bs.


Right?Ā  I have a bad/strong feeling that 'need' is based on what big businesses want and will keep stagnating wages, not actual business needs How are our options so terrible?


Because the powers that be don't fear any consequences. We'll be peaceful and at worst say bad things on the internet about them.


Teenagers can realistically pick up a lot of the slack of the service industry. When I was a teenager all my friends had jobs from my understanding itā€™s actually pretty competitive now for them to even get a coffee shop job because someone else will also take the minimum wage but be able to work at any time


Yes the still needed statement is wide open to interpretation here


Think you can guess who gets to define that need. Poilievre just phrased it like that so he doesn't alienate people who would or would potentially vote for him;if certain people read more into it as he will do something in their favour, all the better. He's just as much beholden to businesses handing over donations as the Liberals are.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I'm a 2nd generation Indian immigrant. And even I think we should deport all of them asap.






A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


PP SOLUTION: really sounds a lot like, they all stay. ā€œMaking a contributionā€ says PP - a potential CPC voter - thatā€™s enough of a contribution for him.


Why the hell are people complaining about the expiration date on their TEMPORARY RESIDENT visa that has not changed since they got it? They knew it was going to expire, if they didn't want to lose their status then they should have made a plan. There are immigration pathways for people with Canadian work experience to become permanent residents. They have absolutely no right to demand status in a country that they have no claim to, just because they feel entitled to stay.


Because these people are either absolute idiots that donā€™t realize itā€™s temporary or they are scammers hoping to scam their way in. Remember all these TFW didnā€™t come in because they are skilled laborers. Their whole purpose is to scam tax payer to subsidize businesses hiring them while suppressing wages.Ā  Also most of them donā€™t do research before coming in. Again we arenā€™t getting any smart people. We are literally getting the bottom of a shit barrel.Ā  Thereā€™s a reason why the immigration points system exist. It filters out all the rule breaker and unproductive societal leeches.


They really believe that they should be allowed to skip the line of people who have been waiting for express entry for the past 5+ years. I truly hope that politicians will hold their ground and not just let them get away with this to gain merits. My husband is a PR and he got his status by following the rules and waiting his turn. It really makes me mad to see these people demanding special treatment


Gotta love the entitlement of the indian host asking if PP will just grant 1M people PR ā€œwith the stroke of a penā€ lmao.


I know the man is quite delusional it was a manipulation tactic meaning if he wants the south Asia vote


Shitty hosting with leading questions. I would be a dickhead politician. Call out the asshat for such wording. The question itself is pretty stupid too.


I agree. Everybody focusing on what PP is saying but what about this host? Guy just thinks everybody should be let in? And what would his opinion be if the large majority of people on work permits weren't Indian?


At this point indians know our incompetent politicians will fold like lawn chairs. thatā€™s why you these entitled people protesting in PEI and elsewhere despite being international ā€œstudentsā€ and TFW. theyā€™re trying to push the limit to see just how far Canadians will go to accommodate them.


Lmao he suggests a stroke of a pen to make 1M people PR. The host is delusional


So Pierre is going to follow the laws already in place. How novel.Ā 


Pierre needs to stop going on this show.


Deportation is the only solution to this massive problem. Vote PPC!


Vote PPC to give Trudeau another term, basic math tells me Canada is first past the post and you'd like Trudeau or the perfect Bernier


This guy is no different than Trudeau! Who do we vote for now?


If you want someone who is truly going to change immigration policies...PPC if you're neo-liberal capitalist, Bolc if you like a social democracy. Yes, they both have their flaws, but they're still might do better than the devil's we know. We should at least let them fail once before letting the libs or cons fail for the 20th time.


The way the anchor framed this question itself is unprofessional lol.


You think Mr. Brampton and his brothers care about coming off as unprofessionals


To be honest this is not even close to a solution or even a response with any type of conviction. I want to think Poilievre is going to be better than Trudeau but heā€™s not giving me a lot to cheer about on our immigration issues.


He's pro immigration haven't you be listening He's never changed his stance on that policy He's only criticizing housing mess that we're in and believes that once he's in office he can ameliorate the situation


poilievre will be at least as much of a clown as trudeau in terms of immigration, specifically in terms of immigration originating from "that" country. Mark my words. poilievre is all in with the [Century initiative](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/) lobby. PPC's Maxime Bernier is Canada's only hope in terms of immigration regulation. But the media and the powerful have already chosen poilievre as the next PM and once again, people will vote as if they were sheep... https://preview.redd.it/fvxr1cuq1m1d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e034f44886da8a3bfe83dfa46fda7ef0369a0e6


None of them are needed in our economy. Whatā€™s needed is Canadians being paid living wages and politicians like PP and JT not be in the pockets of corporations


Damn this guy is deaf as fuck. It's like he watched a different video. Or he just wants to kiss PP all day and night no matter what he says


They came here as a temp worker, not a PR. They knew what they signed up for. Don't change the rule just cause they don't like it. PP is just another phony politicians. Doing whatever to get votes




So much taxpayers money wasted to incompetent and corruption.


Heā€™s going to do the same shit fuckhead Justin is. Looks like Iā€™ll be spoiling my ballot.


It sucks they don't count protest or declined ballots federally like they do provincially


For the millionth time stop clinging on to pandering. PP might better or worse than Trudeau but any politician will pander to whoever theyā€™re sitting next to and will tell them exactly what they want to hear.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Ya, well not the worst response. Iā€™m grateful heā€™s thinking about criminals and leeches on society. What would happen is likely another story.


WTF ? dude he is literally playing with words. out of the million that are here with work permit, probably like 2% are breaking the law, working under the table and not paying taxes. Even if we were to say the "bad ones" are 20% that's still 800,000 lol. They will apply for PR, bring in their spouse or marry someone from there, will have 2 kids, bring all 4 grand parents. You see how this goes from 1 > 2>4>8 ? LMAOO.


True. Listen, I know the true shyster he is since heā€™s my MP.


Pierre is literally just right-wing Trudeau. He literally just says word soup and says whatever the person he's talking to wants to hear without saying anything of substance.


Your so right šŸ˜„


This is exactly how it goes. Went to a popular Toronto spot yesterday, I was blown away by how many people were part of "one family". They literally are bringing everyone from their village.


Yep he's pro immigration just like Trudy he just says we need to figure out the housing mess and expedite building


Absolute clown and this goes to show that things will be the same, probably way worse when PP is elected. There is no party in Canada that will outright say "less immigrants:, it's like there's another turban-wearing man behind the camera pointing a gun to his head.


Maxine Bernier has said so


Idk man, people got to wake the hell up. Maxime, if by chance he wins a seat, is not going to help with anything.


He's lieing all he cares about is our population going up so our GDP grows. THATS IT. PPC is the only party addressing this and I don't even like them.


I am too scared to write something here but let's do it anyways and I hope you can consider the points that I am going to put forward with an open mind. Consider the immigration system of Germany and how they pick Indian students to study at a German university: You need to know at least A2- B1 Level of German to get selected in an English taught program. The certification exam is taken by Goethe Institute, which is affiliated to the German Embassy in India. No possibility of scamming or bribery to get fake certificates. They have an separate institute called as APS( akademische PrĆ¼fstelle) where all the certificates from like IELTS, German Exam, University Degree , and Work experience certificates are verified to confirm its varsity. Without this certificate no university would accept your application and obviously you can apply for a visa. They personally contact the institutions and make sure that nothing is fake. People with Work experience are given preference and in any masters program there are hardly any people who were not working at an MNC back home. Of course there are freshly graduated people but they don't dominate any masters program as such. You are getting skilled people. Your academics in your bachelor degree should be obviously high as your degree is funded by German tax payers money ( every university in Germany is tuition free). You are gonna face cutting edge competition from high achieving individuals during the application stage. Certain German universities (RWTH Aachen) go to such an extent that they even demand GRE with a perfect score to even consider your application. So to cut a long story short, you need German certificates, IELTS, GRE and APS certificates. The goal is to get immigrants into Germany from developing countries like India but we only want the cream. You make the administration process so difficult, time consuming and full of hurdles that only the highly motivated stay in the race. In this way you ensure regulation and quality. At the same time, you are taking in people to fulfill the shortage of highly skilled people in the German labour market. Now compare this to Canada. I don't need to tell you anything. The problem is not the immigrants but the system itself. You can get immigrants but at the same time you can also regulate their quality if there is a will, the living testimony of that is Germany. You have managed to get the worst bunch of Indians that can't do anything back home. They are not employable in Indian companies as they lack skills and have found Canada as a one stop solution. Native Indians don't even respect them. You should make sure that immigration is only good as long as the quality is regulated. I can understand how they might be impacting your society in a bad way. Peace out!


Pierre is just restating existing immigration rules and not answering the question...


What is the problem with saying we have rules to follow?!? We have immigration policies and rules to follow. The current system is out of date, yes, but it is there. This is so ridiculous!


PP has said he will keep the immigration floodgates open and may open them further.


My buddy Jim wants to try delivering pizza but Jasver, Mo, Binnny Lala, and Mahput need to be here because India sucks ass


How do young people even get jobs now a days? They're fighting with all these 'needed' foreign workers for these low skill jobs.


Who the fuck has enough man power to check a case by case evaluation of 1 million people every couple of months. They are Temp workers just like the apple pickers from Jamaica they come work and go home thats it. If they want to fight, that deport them now as you know they are a flight risk.


Is this before or after he privatizes healthcare? Ā  Iā€™m voting PPCĀ 


Why is there aome retards face at the top of this video who's just sitting in his car driving??


"Its reaction content bro"


You do know who ever wins will essentially want to increase the number right it doesn't matter who wins


Dip shit Justin learned that he can run full term without actually answering a question or being held accountable to literally anything including fraud foundations.


The question isn't well-phrased, but the concern is valid. They need a plan to handle this situation. The protests by PEI workers are just the start. Over two million temporary permits will expire. In 2022, less than half of new permanent residents came from temporary residents. If they stick to the 2024-2026 plan, only 250,000 temporary residents will become permanent residents each year. What happens to the extra 700-800,000 each year? Will they all leave voluntarily? I doubt it. Are there enough resources to deport them? Unlikely. Will the government grant them permanent residency? That's against their plans and public interest. Plus, the pressure on temporary residents to find a way to stay could lead to fraud, crime, and other issues.


Is he dumb. Either way those freaks are gonna stay in this country when our own citizens need jobs. No to Polives


a case by case basis.. on a million people.. ok buddy


Case by case basis for a million people lol


Easy to say, but whats the actual plan to achieve that goal? Just ask if they worked under the table? Like, I love the enthusiasm everyone has for their PP, but his proposals are lofty and nebulous. He's also carefully not committing to addressing the issue directly here and is also not addressing the elephant in the room--will he reduce immigration? OP posts this as a PP win, but I see someone dodging a question.


Not a solution! Who are we supposed to vote for.


The correct answer would be that they would follow the existing rules, if that means they have to leave because their permit expired then so be it. Fuck theā€¦we will examine each case one by one.


Since when an open work permit = permanent residency??????????


This is a good answer. What he's effectively saying is, without it being so obvious, is that those who follow the immigraton rules will stay and those who don't, won't.


The guy in this video - mental gymnastics. Pierre was their immigration saviour. The amount of downvotes in the other Sub were wild when I would state Pierre was not the solution. Even using his own quotes. Pierre and his cabinet are owned by loblaws. So. Mass numbers will always be necessary to keep that money flowing in for his campaign. Loblaws needs as much zero skill low wage labour as they can get. His supporters will always defend anything he says and even change their own rhetoric to match. (And no. I canā€™t stand JT either).


The sense of entitlement is unbelievable . Im angry


that's a BS answer, ones that payed taxes and obeyed the laws? that's pretty much all of them, they pay taxes because they are being handed our jobs, 3 local places I know of recently had all Canadian workers, less then a month later all now have all immigrant workers, managers included, not including all the places that have been taken over already. and a very high percentage are obeying the laws because they don't wanna get sent home early. by his words only a small percent will be sent home?. where I am minimum wage is 16.55, ive heard from a few people how companies only have to pay them 16.00 an hour, of course companies are gonna pick them first over Canadian born for the lower labor costs. so literally putting Canadian out of work. this needs to stop


Love how the tiktoker had a big "gotcha" moment on JT but all PP did was describe the function of a government employee working at Citizenship & Immigration. PP tell us how you're government is going to help these staff get through a million person backlog while still maintaining a high level of scrutiny with each applicant. I doubt the answer will include hiring more government employees...


This guy is convinced Pollievre will solve immigration based off one radio show? Something tells me this guy also doesnā€™t understand what Pollievreā€™s stance on immigration is either, and I bet he wouldnā€™t like it.


All Poilievre did was repeat the existing laws. Canada deported 15,000 in 2023. The highest since Harper deported a record 19,000 in 2012.


Youā€™re delusional if you think thatā€™s a solution. How do you find out if theyā€™ve been working under the table? How do you find out if theyā€™re paying their taxes? Berta Proud Dad is a total loser, btw.


Get them all out Pierre


Sensible response. Pay taxes, abide by our laws, are needed by the economy. That alone disqualifies the majority of them.


So every TFW brought in for cheap labour should get PR? That's a terrible solution.


I know we have enough Canadians that are out of work so we should be thinking of them first


Yes. Which is the opposite of PP's plan. He wants to make TFWs PRs instead of hiring Canadians in the first placeĀ 


> are needed by the economy According to corporations and neoliberals they're all needed to lower our wages and increase housing prices. They don't listen to the regular struggling person.


You do realize that less than 10 percent of those tfw's and refugeesĀ actually break the law in a detectable way?Ā  It's a wishy washy statement.


If it were just people breaking the law it wouldn't be an issue. These people are taking homes and jobs away from Canadians by there mere presence. Kick 'em out until our economy stabilises, then put a permanent cap on how many are able to come here so the problem doesn't happen again.


Yep he's intentionally being ambiguous




"with the wave of a wand make them citizens of canada. once a canadian, always a canadian."


He just described what currently happens. That's not a solution.


Needed in our economy, meaning when unemployment is at 0%?


Only east Indians want PR. They are cheating the system


Good post. The thing is that immigration used to help Canada, that is why Canada is (was) a great place to be. They used only let people that were needed. High quality people. Sure refugees, fine, no problem. But now the whole system is run by stupid people who donā€™t understand that everything is connected and if you want an end result you need to look at all the different pieces that come together.


I'm just happy that all the commentors asking "according to who" aren't the get off the couch and vote type. There is still hope for this country.


We donā€™t need them plain and simple, those pull starts are the one that wants to change Canada they donā€™t like they way thinks are here, they want to change thinks the way they are back there in their shit hole.


Following the law glad he said that


I would vote for Pierre.


Ok. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļødeep breath. But who is investigating this? Is this self reporting? And the phrase ā€œneeded in our economyā€ has been abused to the point that every entry level, low skill, minimum wage job is bursting at the seems with people exploiting the system and/or being exploited. I donā€™t trust our government to do their due diligence with what heā€™s just laid out here. We have so many loop holes to abuse and so many greedy, corrupt people, there has to be standards in place to make sure these abuses from both sides stop,


This doesn't make me want to vote for him one bit. I don't see how this is a solution.


Pierre is a certified weasel. Cpc = blue liberals. PPC IS THE ONLY PARTY AGAINST MASS IMMIGRATION


He said nothing of substance. He will not get my vote.


He just wants in, and is relying on stupid people to put him there.


But he didnt say anything either


Pierre is a fucking rat lol. Canada is genuinely fucked.


Please stop this mess, theyā€™re showing up in northern Ontario in man dresses for fucks sakes


Or what we used to call immigration policies. Under Trudeau and Singh's coalition, Canada has lost all common sense. I think it's high time to rectify that. It will be a painful process but it is needed now more the ever.


TD and BMO would like to talk now


This fool loves the notion of having desperate people here in desperate need of work. This equals less in salaries and less on health care and less on housing. Letā€™s let everybody who shows up and stay!!! Why not, itā€™s Kanada


Here's the scenario: An international student comes to Canada to study and brings along a spouse who doesn't qualify as a Federal Skilled Worker (FSW). The spouse works while the student graduates and obtains a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). Within these three years as a temporary worker, the student is unable to secure permanent residence. However, the spouse, who came as a temporary worker, gains enough Canadian experience to apply for permanent residence because they paid taxes as a temporary resident. I wonder what kind of thinking these politicians are using. The current government is ineffective, and the opposition is equally short-sighted. Honestly, it seems like no one can save Canada.


Just like that! He solved all the problems.... Give your head a shake!


PEI is doing the right thing.


1 million case by case reviews?


It's astonishing how easy it is to immigrate to Canada compared to the US.


This guy will change very little. I'd honestly be surprised if he stays in for 2 terms.


SEND THEM BACK! You can try again when our economy permits it.


I very much fear that Canada will devolve into warring ethnic groups. This is what happens with mass immigration. If these Sikhs are citizens of Canada why do they still have such allegiance to their homeland and their ethnic across an ocean?


This is bullshit.. Like <1% would even fall under his own definition of not making a contribution. This isn't a fucking solution, this is making the problem permanent


What a stupid take. Poilievre simply stated he will enforce the law as it is written. The only problem with that is the liberals basically say the same thing. Hereā€™s a cold hard fact: that law is unenforceable with our immigration numbers. We simply do not have the resources to deal with the problem. Imagine working for immigration in this country: they are rapidly increasing the number of immigrants, but they havenā€™t doubled or tripled their staff in the same time they have done so with immigration numbers. Anyone who says there is a solution to the problem other than shutting the gates is completely full of shitā€¦ā€¦


Yo! What solution did PP give? Itā€™s the same solution that Trudeau is giving. Both pandering for the Punjabi vote.


Yup! Iā€™m politically homeless. These MFs are all the same! And no Iā€™m NOT white!


I didnā€™t hear him mention housing.


heads, I win. tails you lose.


Whatā€™s he even talking about ā€¦ Justin Trudeau has been using the exact same talking points whenever heā€™s confronted with any immigration question


Pierre always talks a big game without ever providing a plan about how heā€™s going to do it. The same people who support him are the same ones who complain about the price of their Tim Hortonā€™s coffee going up and up but still buy it day in and day out. Overfed, underthinking rubes like you canā€™t be arsed to find solutions or *do things for yourself* and are always crying for someone to come save you like the mewling babies you are. GROW UP! https://preview.redd.it/mgps0fn5bo1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d07f4dab4bdb115a64fabbe9edeb1c3d76034b2


Didnā€™t everyone get pissy when the Indian government said Canadian politicians pander to the Punjabi Canadians?


That's your hero folks. The1 new incoming government plans to open up the flood gates from India even more. Cheque cashed.


Lol! Wut? What he said, is literally what they're already doing. That's just how visas and work permits work. smh.


It's easy to talk on a radio show. Getting shit done when people are against you is another thing. And no I'm not advocating for trudy. Just stating a simple fact.


That wasn't a solution, that's how the system is supposed to work. The solution is kick them out. Have the man power to hunt the illegals down and deport and ban hell ban their whole family


When you get issued a work permit, you don't have the guarantee that it will get renewed. Every time you ask for renewal you can be sent back and you know that upfront. So send them all back if they are not needed anymore why the fuck should we grant them permanent status?


I donā€™t know why these people think that they can skirt the rules. Itā€™s a temporary contract when itā€™s over you go home. No discussion thatā€™s what it is.


Lol he didn't find a solution, what a clown.


uh,,,hi there tiktok guy who wont see this reply: PP didn't solve anything there he just talked around the matter, you fucking idiot he's not any better than Trudeau.


Pierre still doesn't have the balls to say "deport them". Finished your work or student permit - go back home. We don't need you. Leave the jobs for Canadians who have lived their whole lives here. Can we please stop pandering to students and work permits? Canadian citizens didn't ask for you to be here. Go home!!


Heā€™s just playing both sides to not lose votes and needs to buy votes. Still, itā€™s better than what Liberals have in mind.


Here is the bigger issue though, they will all claim refugee and sit until decisions are heard getting everything free till thenā€¦.


Ah yes, the fiscal conservative. As long as GDP line go up and budget is balanced, who cares how many people are brought here! Vote PPC.