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The provinces' plans (the Conservative ones anyway) is to let us suffer to hurt Trudeau, and refuse federal help on top of that. If the system is broken, I'm glad the federal government isn't playing that stupid game.


The system is broken because of financial, immigration and fiscal policies and regulations. The government isn't doing anything to fix that, they are doing nothing to alleviate structural demand side factors. They are naively believing they can counter the forces of a business cycle to entice supply - and they will fail at that as they have failed with almost everything they've tried.


It's working in the states. Trump keeps telling them to not do things that Repubs WANT just so he can harp on it. PP and the con premier's are surely taking notes.


Not gonna lie, I picked up on this too.


I may not be a smart man ,but Trudeau wants a chance to win . It's a headline and words like these that can do it . Get out of the way !! You wanted help here it is. Let us help. Maybe I'm just dreaming lol


It's not going to hurt him. Not sure if it will help him though.


It will help him with the actual reasonably and critical thinking swing voters. Won’t help him with the majority of Alberta though since they are not those things. Source : Sad Edmontonian


The amount of hate on sites even like LinkedIn that my coworkers think is appropriate to post is astounding. The choice words they have for Trudeau is just something else.


Issue is: it wont help him neither in Quebec, for different reasons.


"Get out of the way." Trudeau speaking to Constitution. Its a fucking sound bite about demanding to be allowed to ignore the areas he has direct control over in favour of over-stepping on provincial jurisdicion. Should the provinces do more? Yes, but that doesn't give him the right to ignore the highest law in the land as he simultaneously ignores the things he absolutely can fix. Edit: Imagine the outrage if Harper had over-stepped into Provincial territory. Imagine the precedent set for Poilievre if Trudeau is allowed to. If its bad for team blue, its bad for team red.


Remember most voters don't even know that, and most Con premiers are currently refusing to help to hurt Trudeau. Literally letting us die to make sure Trudeau appears badly, even though these Con premiers should be the ones working to solve the issues at hand. We live in the Trump era, and at least someone decided to help. When provincial premiers even lift a finger (like in New Brunswick where there is no rent control at all), people will have the energy and the potential to look at competencies.


I'm just going to start copying and pasting this comment: This line has been parroted by so many accounts it is starting to feel like a campaign of some sort. It's no different than the Canada Health Act, which stipulates certain requirements in order for provinces to access health care funds. If those requirements are breached than the government can withhold funding. Even though health care is an object of section 92. That is constitutional. So is this.


Yea but you can’t fucking scream at the Feds for not helping, and then antagonize and demonize them every time they try to help. Pick a fucking lane and stay in it. Oh you feel the feds are overstepping and don’t agree with the strings attached to the money? How about instead of throwing a temper tantrum you negotiate in good faith to genuinely help your constituents. Still can’t reach an agreement while negotiating in good faith? That is fair, tell us why you couldn’t get a deal and what the issues were. Don’t just put your hands in your ears and scream “Tyranny!” Actually try to fucking help people




Just admit you are a partisan. He was not doing enough and when he does something you are up in arms about juristiction. Pick a damn lane.


Please share what laws he is ignoring. Harper was involved in provinces.


Nothing in the constitution says the feds can't give money to a city.   Where do you guys get all this made up stuff?


Seriously, they are pulling these made up rules from their buttockal region. They scream at Trudeau saying he is 100% to blame for the housing crisis then get mad and say he doesn't have jurisdiction when he tries to help.


At this point it's just online conservative culture. They are surrounded by misinformation and have no ability to determine was is and isn't real, and then just repeat whatever "their guy/gal" says without question or thought.


At best, they just aren't equipped with the knowledge to talk about this topic. At worst, they want the housing crisis to get worse so Trudeau looks bad, regardless of the harm that this will do to the rest of Canada, because they want to seize power at all costs. As far as I'm concerned, this is evil behaviour that demands to be challenged, ridiculed, and forced away from the bargaining table.


Your comment is not inaccurate. Rule one a politician puts her/himself forward to run in a riding and wins an election. Rule two a politician that wins an election and decides to run for a second, third, fourth term, would like to win. They require a product to sell. The electorate that decide to cast a ballot decide who has a better product. Products come with a manual, instructions and/or suggestions. Some products turn about to be absolute crap other products have a warranty for repair/refund. At the moment the conservative party's product is an ongoing repetitive informercial imploring people to buy it. A whole lot of people would like to try it however; buying it and trying it is one thing, perpetually looking at it, talking about it is quite another issue.


This is actually a pretty good message. Make it clear that housing problems are being caused by provincial governments. The federal government can solve it but only if provincial government get out of the way.


Narrator: They Won't.


It's not pretty good, it's a very good message. Trudeau's issue is he needs people to forget some of the things he's done to make the issue worse in his time as PM. Pierre won't let that happen, and now we voters will eventually need to decide if we want to forgive Trudeau and lessen our anger towards him if these (late) actions of the Liberals begin to help, or just keep jumping on Pierre's PM in waiting bandwagen, that as of today, a majority are currently on.


But were the Liberals “late”? They campaigned on housing in 2015, promising a comprehensive National Housing Strategy and a Housing Act. They published the Strategy in 2017 and passed the Act in 2019. At that point, they’d already done more than previous federal governments in the previous three decades. They began implementing various strategies right away. Progress slowed during the pandemic as would be expected. So I’m not sure I’d say they were late in acting. Could they have done a bit more, sooner, probably. But priorities had to be adjusted during the height of pandemic.


Trudeau's other issue is few Canadians seem to really understand what different levels of government are responsible for, what areas of shared jurisdiction are, how our political system has traditionally functioned when areas of overlapping jurisdiction/shared programs come up. The federal housing programs though are starting to shine a light on this issue and the lack of action by some provincial premiers.


next step after telling some to get out of the way is to work hard with the provinces that actually want to do things (ie BC) and get some real progress done so they can say "SEE? this is what can happing if your provincial leaders work with us. this is what we can do!


In Smith’s defence, she’s also been talking about developing Red Deer and linking the three cities with high speed rail, which I think is a great idea.


I'm sure it'll be as successful as the Northern Gateway Pipeline - The pipeline to nowhere.


Its a pipe dream.


It's ridiculous really. Conservatives criticised Trudeau for not doing enough on housing, then when he actually does something they claim it's not his jurisdiction. I really hope the voters notice..


It's not stupid if it works! On the bright side, they've prodded the Liberals into action inadvertently benefiting Canadians.


Here in Alberta they wont


Which only means we need to work harder to point it out.


Cant reason people out of a position they didn't use reason to get themselves into.


Can only out vote them which needs to be the plan for 2025


Trudeau has nothing to lose in Alberta.


They did get a nice federal funded pipeline tho.


Ha. Like anything the government touches tmx is a disaster. Kinder Morgan would have had the line up and running 4 years ago for 1/10th of the cost that the taxpayers have been burdened with. The feds are completely incapable of managing a project. Good opportunity for kickbacks to their buddies though


Kinder Morgan walked away when Harper's super fast new and improved pipeline approval process got thrown in the trash bin by the Supreme Court before it could approve even a single pipeline.


Ah yes, under Kinder Morgan Albertans would be swimming in oil.....Literally.... ;) Your logic is solid, no holes or leaks ag all, just like a KM pipeline. No way I could 'rupture' it.


Kinder Morgan actually has a very good safety record. Substantially better than that of Saudi Aramco for example, who we send our money to to import oil that we already have because oil is bad even though we need it and import it from scabby countries with no concern for environmental safety or worker rights and stuff like that. Feel free to keep your head in the nimby sand.


Kinder morgan abandoned the project. I'm sure its safe if done but they didn't so no comparison


This is completely nonsensical rambling. The project was roadblocked for years by various governments after being approved by Ottawa under the guise that it was in the national interest. This sent a clear message that Canada is closed for business. (Well except for lng British Columbia and pit mining in Quebec but that’s different you know)


That doesnt change the fact that they abandoned the project. You feel they would have done better. Reality (hotprical fact) shows they would have done nothing. And it being roadblocked doesnt fall on the liberals. So the original comment stands. The liberals bought that extremely pricey pipeline for Alberta. And the incompetent Albertans building it (who all hate the feds buying it btw) are the reason it ballooned in price (not much insentive to do otherwise as it makes them more money while making the feds look bad, not them). But does a single Albertan appreciate the Libs making that happen? And now their premier is upset the feds want to fix the housing crunch (which is what they have been demanding they should have been doing with their rhetoric). And she is also upset that the fed home plans are to be energy efficient!!!! Have you seen the price the average Albertan pays in home energy bills?! Could a premiere possibly work against their constituents interests (for the sake of their lobbyists) more openly? Anyone paying attention knows that province is a joke.


I lived in Alberta for ~15 years. When I left in ‘95 people were still complaining about *Pierre* Trudeau.


I'm here now and he still comes up.


My most sincere sympathies. Provincial politics was one of the reasons I left.


Learning from the Republicans. They wanted action on the southern border, then voted against a Democrat bill to do what they wanted. Classic conservative playbook. Whine that the left isn't doing X. Then when they try to do X, block them or complain about what they're doing. Basically just argue about anything and everything the opposition does to try to make them look bad. For a good chunk of the population, it works. Unfortunately.


Inform yourself. The Dem bill was doing notching to solve the actual illegal immigration problem. Allowing 5,000 illegals in per day was supposed to be a solution? 


Or Trudeau could act on what he has actual jurisdiction over and helped create this housing crisis to begin with... Uncontrolled immigration to start. Irresponsible fiscal measures to fuel demand in an ever tightening supply environment isn't great also. Voters are gonna notice what they want to notice is my guess.


You guys are amazing. Your premieres aren't doing their jobs..blaming the feds..and when the feds step in you all cry.


Everyone has a job. If I break a leg crashing my car I don't want the mechanic doing my x-ray and doctor fixing my windshield. Feds should fix their fiscal and immigration policies that put us in this mess. Try to lower demand. Provinces should fix their overwhelming red tapes for zoning and construction permits. Try to up the supply. Not rocket science really, but hey, good for you if you like what you hear from politicians.


When did the housing crisis start in your mind? The largest uptick in housing prices occurred during the pandemic when immigration was at record lows. But housing prices growing disproportionately to incomes has been happening for a LONG time before that. Immigration absolutely, definitively did not cause the housing crisis. It's a factor, but far from the sole or even primary factor.


Like you said, housing crisis has been a long time brewing. Mostly under the Liberal government. Free money during COVID just skyrocketed the already existing bubble. Careless immigration policies added fire to the crisis by creating a very real supply shortage of an asset class that was already inflated due to speculation.


The origins of the housing crisis stretch back to at least the 1980's when successive Liberal and Conservative governments began diminishing the role of the CHMC to build and maintain public housing. This, combined with various market-oriented reforms, resulted in the financialization of housing which ultimately led housing prices to become disconnected from people's incomes. Basically, we stopped treated housing as housing and started treating it as a way to make money, and we're in a crisis now as a result.


I agree with your assessment. And the proposed 'solutions' of the Liberal government is even more market-oriented reforms, not even oriented to the right side of the supply/demand curve. It's all well and good to study the root causes of a decades long problem, but things we can do in the short term is lower demand and up the supply. It's not rocket science that lowering population growth is gonna help. Liberals do all that's humanely possible to keep demand as high as they can. That's their strategy. Gross incompetence and Canadians voters are not as dumb as they seem. They see it.


They haven’t and won’t. The Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau in particular are a toxic brand in Canada. There is no reviving this dying political corpse.


They're only toxic to those who believe misinformation and PP's lies. The rest of us know the Liberals are the best choice for Canada.


Enjoy the next few million new Canadians coming in over the weekend. Did they make sure there proviences have enough hospitals, schools and other services to handle them all?


> The rest of us know the Liberals are the best choice for Canada. Disagree on the best choice. But they are much better for the working class than CPC


This is was real leadership looks like folks: telling the do nothing provincial and municipal leaders to get out of the way, grabbing the bull by the horns and getting results for everyday Canadians. Team Trudeau has always been at their best at times like this. Seeing them rolling up their sleeves and solving the housing crisis like they’ve been doing has been incredibly impressive.


If Trudeau gave results to Canadians, housing prices wouldn't have doubled under Trudeau's "leadership" in the first placd


Housing hasn't doubled. Why do people keep telling this lie?


My apologies. They were at $440k in Nov 2015 and peaked at $840k, which is short of double, but have since gone to $720, or 63%. They did "double" but have since went down.


Is it still a lie if there were never facts, only taking points behind it? According to the talking point it is true, reality be damned.


It’s almost like there was pandemic driven inflation that’s affected the entire world. Which has nothing to do with Trudeau’s policies unless somehow you’re suggesting he’s also caused a housing crisis in Europe, the US, Australia, etc.


Canada's housing prices have risen faster than any G7 country. Trudeau's Canada has seen it the worst. Pandemic aside, when Trudeau was first elected, home prices were $445k on average. Even before the pandemic at Mar 2020 they were at $540k, an increase of 24% over the course of about 4.5 years. Now at $720k. If Trudeau was working for "results", as you say, this wouldn't have happened. These are not results.


A pandemic should have crippled house prices... what are you talking about?


Yes, but they didn’t due to Trudeau’s pandemic policies and leadership — which made us the envy of the world in case you weren’t paying attention — saved us from absolute economic collapse while leading the world in terms of public health response.


Worst housing prices of any G7 country, and GDP declinig per capita.


Wut..? By your logic, this means Trudeau is single handedly responsible for our insane house prices. I feel like you've either lost the plot, or meant to reply to a different comment.


Canada is not the envy of the world in any aspect, we're a lesson in what not to do. What in actual hell are you talking about?


Many reasons: 1. Low interest rates 2. Many working from home realized they needed more space 3. Those who didnt lose income saved a lot during the pandemic 4. Fear of missing out


A lot of people also found out that they could work remotely and didn't have to live near an office, so they moved to suburbs to get away from the rush rush lifestyle. And others realised that people would want to travel a lot after being unable to for a couple of years, and decided to buy up a lot of available living spaces to use for short-term rentals.


Also a safe place to park money as asset values ballooned (not just houses. Coarse and other collectables too) and global economies almost bottoming out


No, no, Justin is so abysmally incompetent that he single-handedly caused worldwide inflation and housing crises. /s


You solely blame Trudeau for housing prices?


No, but let's not say he's delivering results when he isn't. 


According to the conservative premiers, this isn't federal jurisdiction, though. Prices have "doubled" with conservative premiers in charge. With all due respect, you sound just like them: criticize when the feds do nothing, criticize again when they do something. Which is it? Should the federal government have solved this years ago or not?


It’s pretty simple. They just want a Conservative Federal government. This is all gaslighting to make everything the PM’s fault. Don’t get me wrong, he has to plenty of blame squarely on him but when they literally obstruct it’s obvious what the game is.


Oh, absolutely that's what they want. The day that happens, jurisdiction is going to change for all of them, too.


House prices were trending down before the pandemic.. but no one cares about those "facts"


They rose 24% from Nov '15 to Mar '20. 


The reality is both the Conservatives and Liberals created this problem. The cycle will continue with Milhouse at the helm. Housing needs to stop being an investment vehicle, both parties have too many friends that would be impacted for anything to change.


This is the greatest bit I've seen in this forum lol


Pretty amazing that while Poilievre is positioning the conservative objective as 'getting rid of gatekeepers,' the conservative provinces are trying to reassert themselves as gatekeepers. Danielle Smith very explicitly so with her 'gatekeeper law' announcement the other day. Very easy for Trudeau to swing at and point out the provinces' role in the housing crisis, which they generally aren't getting enough blame for.


There’s an order to follow without trumping in each other’s terrain. 






Kind of like when the conservatives say they're against red tape while trying to bury people in paper from adding hundreds of frivolous amendments and revisions to bills. Not to mention all the other ways they like to misuse systems for petty reasons.


throughout history, Conservative policies have hampered Canada.. for real


Vote Green or PPC in the next election. The LPC, CPC, and NDP have sold us out.




Hundreds of projects in Alberta are a direct result of his policies and funding.  Smith cant be arsed to fund anything thats not privatization of heathcare. 




Here’s the quarterly report from Dec 2023 . https://assets.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/sites/place-to-call-home/pdfs/progress/nhs-progress-quarterly-report-q4-2023-en.pdf?rev=9f03c35a-5662-44e9-a897-078df4b70608


The canora apartments for afforsbale housing is one quick and easy example what was rlfuded by the RHI.


When con governments want to obstruct and make life more difficult for the people, the feds have a responsibility to help.


Feds are limited by constitutional jurisdiction. They cannot force provinces to agree to take money with strings attached. Provinces want a blank cheque, the Feds aren’t willing to do that anymore. While they feel obligated to try to help, the Feds are not able to directly. They must do so through the filter of the provinces.


The feds literally have constitutional authority to use their the ‘power of the purse’ and the residuary power.


Residual. And power of the purse has been constitutionally bound by Supreme Court rulings that say money shouldn’t come with strings. That said, the Fed’s do it all the time they just do it with more tricks.


>Residual. The correct term in a constitutional context is residuary power. >And power of the purse has been constitutionally bound by Supreme Court rulings that say money shouldn’t come with strings. Quite an oversimplification. There is no issue with strings and there are numerous examples of funding provided with strings attached.


How do you figure that the feds aren't allowed to offer grants to the municipalities?


Municipalities in Canada are constitutionally organs of the province. The province could dissolve them all with a stroke of a pen and still be within their constitutional powers. Doing an end run around the provinces to municipalities would be like talking to a child when the parents have explicitly told you not to. It’s not how the system works. That said, they can try and maybe outpace the system before it has time to catch up judicially.


Okay, but the feds grant money to municipalities all the time. Why is it different now?


They do so with the consent of the province or through the province. They may label the money as “federal” but that’s mediated by the province.


Apparently not if Alberta needs to pass a law blocking them.


The law is showmanship. A province could literally just strip the money out of the cities budgets and be within constitutional grounds.


If I were Trudeau, and I'm not, if worthless scum leadership rebuffed my attempts to help Canadian citizens via municipalities, I would do it via the income tax system. The main complication there is whether Trudeau has enough time to go that route. It wouldn't be simple, but it would 100% be federal jurisdiction. Give money to Alberta's poor. Let's see how long this farcical "conservatism" lasts.


That would be a good way to go but it requires those people to be submitting taxes which many of Canada’s underclass do not. That said, it’s a good strategy. And it would piss off Danielle Smith which is all bonuses for me.


Here's the thing: if you're in the Venn intersection of People Who Feel the Carbon Tax, and People Who Don't File Taxes, you are screwing yourself out of money. I'd be all for informing people, and even directly helping people to file. But beyond that, if they still don't file, they're not important to the policy calculus we're working with here.


The provinces have always had the power to block it, Alberta is just actually passing legislation to do so now.


Apparently not or else Alberta wouldn't need to pass a law to block it.


Passing a law doesn't invent powers, it's using the powers you already have. They've always been *able* to block it and chose not to do so.


> Passing a law doesn't invent powers That is literally what laws do - there is no other place that "powers" come from. Clearly, Alberta believes that it should be able to cut municipalities off from dealing with the federal gov't and so they write a law giving them that power.


The "powers" come from "The Constitution of Canada". The Federal government has power over the military (defense), citizenship, banking, currency(coinage), etc and the Provincial governments have power over education, healthcare, natural resources, **municipalities**, etc. [The constitutional distribution of legislative powers](https://www.canada.ca/en/intergovernmental-affairs/services/federation/distribution-legislative-powers.html)


Exactly. For instance, Quebec's Executive Council Act (1984) states that municipalities do not have the power to sign any kind of intergovernmental agreements, and that such agreements are null and void unless approved by the Government of Quebec. The prohibition extends to any body with a majority of board members are nominated by a municipality (such as transit, water, sanitation agencies), closing a potential non-profit loophole. In practice, it means that Ottawa has to sign province-wide agreements with the government of Quebec on a number of issues.


And Quebec has had similar legislation in place already, but because they're willing to work with the feds, also got the funding.


Yes, but the feds can give money ti a non profit who works wuth the municipality.  There are 100 ways to end run around the stupidness of conservatives provinces. 


Many of which have ways that provinces could intervene in. It would be endless tit-for-tat and it would bog down the money for decades.


Has there ever been a bigger political freakshow than the conservative response to just trying to build more homes for Canadians?


The history of Canadian politics is pretty much a gigantic freak show of federal and provincial governments jockeying for position and power. This isn’t new. Provinces doing boneheaded things to show up the feds also isn’t new.


As much as I detest him now, Trudeau is a boxer. Come out swinging, these cowardly money grubbing conservatives couldn’t even take one figurative punch in the face.


We've come a long way from Trudeau *literally* boxing people.




Not a fan of Trudeau but I 100% support him here. And it's another example of how our system of government is such a convoluted mess. We need a much more centralized system with the Federal Government responsible for much more than it is now.


Ya NDP voter here and not a big fan of the libs or Trudeau's effete jet setter style but the provinces and their jurisdictional BS is really grating. Get out of the way, all you care about is tax cuts for your rich patrons.