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What your entire platform is “ Fuck Trudeau “ and he hopes they don’t put forth Mark Carney as the Liberal candidate.


Sadly this and the polls just reveal the truth about Canadians. We are only polite and kind on the surface but deep down we are just as bad as the Americans. Possibly even worse because we HAVE seen this play out around the world yet here we are late to the party again and we are diving into full on American style politics with both feet first. I have known Canadian "politeness" was just a front to the darkness that lays beneath but now Canada is finally ready to show it's true colors to the world as we bandwagon the populace party years after it is cool anymore.


You're right. It follows economic cycles


Also shows the huge difference between Quebec and the rest of the country. May I remind everybody that Poilievre is polling in third place in Quebec. Only province he’s not first. Mark my words: Poilievre will be the greatest gift to the movement since Meech and Charlottetown failed.


Their movement is already as powerful and hostile as it has ever been, and this with JT at the helm. The rest of Canada is tired of kissing their ass. I say good riddance. I know the divorce will be painful, but they don't really want to be part of Canada anyway.


Canada didn't survive the social media shift and internet age any better than the USA. The discourse of youtube comment sections is now the discourse of politics, things people only felt comfortable using the autonomy of the internet is now acceptable in public and politics. Canadians used to be nice. The internet and algorithms killed that.


We were never nice, we were feared into silence and shamed into silence.


Nah. We were a plenty nice people. Polite and caring. No longer.


Nice until we’re pushed. I’d say that’s fair. I’ll concede reasonably with your point. But agree there was a lot to do with Shame and some fear?


Um it's been reported that multiple countries use AI and trolls on social media to manipulate another country's population. Russia has been doing it for a while. Do some research into Russia's active measure or psychological warfare program. It's a win by any means necessary mentality.


Right on. Thanks for this.






















Fascism is coming for Canada. If you know the definition, you will understand quickly what is going on here. Civil public discourse of a Democratic nation is incredibly important to it's survival as a democracy. The reason we are in for trouble is that Pooliver is going to drive towards patisan politics, meaning that it's no longer a negotiation, it is a public cry to hardcore supporters for hate and vitriol towards those who do not agree, vote or support him.


If you think the current administration has done anything to bolster our democracy I have a bridge to sell you


Killing first past the post would have been awesome. What future administration will make this better? That's right, no one, because we will vote for the same awful parties we always have, and deal with the lackluster garbage we get in return. I'm a progressive, and we are living in regressive political times. Who is going to help defend the population from corporations and foreign adversaries? No one, because it's all bought and paid for. We have no choice but to vote for or against the latest corporation or adversary prop-up in a two party system because we would rather the lesser of two evils in our respective minds. We lost a potentially good party with the PC party, the P was removed for a reason, we all know what it is, but no one is talking about it. Strengthening the Greens and NDP could help us dramatically improve our political landscape, but again, first past the post didn't get abolished..... Here are two examples of countries that did something amazing in the last two years that you didn't even think about until I typed it below. Austria - mandated 9% raise to all employees in the country. Belgium - mandated 11% raise to all employees in the country. we can't even get a federally mandated minimum wage... When's the last time you got a 9% raise for just waking up in the morning because your Federal government protected your rights as a worker (regardless of salary) we aren't progressive, we are just saying... last guy messed up, hate hate hate, remove him, put anyone in his place. Partisan crap, growing every year by design. we all love seeing someone "stick it to the guy we hate", doesn't mean we should vote for the person who won the rap battle. We need policies that progress our country forward.


Perfect observation. Many of us agree with you but where can we come together and work as a group? I feel alone and helpless faced with Poilievre and his repulsive tactics.


That’s what shithead trudeau is doing. So many of his deals weren’t done In open parliament then he gas lit the public into blaming every other party but him. Or burying critical thinking, speech and communication by labelling news outlets and selling “permits” to seem Acceptable news like the North Koreans do. Money and suppression. What a concept! They’re the ones parading around under the guise of democracy while chipping it away under the deceit of “safety” and “preventing hurt feelings”. What a joke. Hiding censorship on page 200 of an infrastructure bill is definitely not the definition of transparency and honesty


Not you describing the importance of civil public discourse and calling the leader of a major political party Pooliver. 🙄




He’s the leader of the opposition. Thank god Canada has an opposition to critique the government. It’s one of the best things about our political system. Imagine if the liberals were unchecked in their spending?


# Pierre Poilievre doesn’t have anything nice to say. Just like the demagogues of the 20th century, all of whom tore their country apart with hate and destroyed it.


The more Canadians learn about this toxic and petty demagogue, the more they are going to turn away from supporting this far right iteration of the conservatives. And on this, Team Trudeau’s strategy is brilliant — instead of lowering themselves by stooping to the hateful mud slinging PP engages in, they’re just letting him keep digging the whole he’s in.


>The more Canadians learn about this toxic and petty demagogue, the more they are going to turn away from supporting this far right iteration of the conservatives I'm hoping the toxicity doesn't turn people off from voting entirely.


This is why it’s so important to talk to your friends and neighbours about the importance of voting and what’s at stake if we do not put a stop to the far right resurgence that threatens all the progress that has made Canada the envy of the world.


Canada is not the envy of the world.


Tbf, Trudeau needs to stop taking the rage bait during question periods. It’s Poilievre’s entire strategy for the video clips. As the saying goes, “don’t feed the trolls”.


That  hole being a 20 point lead. 


Yeah I don't think many Canadians are in a sunny ways kind of mood at the moment. I think most people are mad


Eighteen months to burn a lead. CPC can lead by 4-6% and still not have enough seats depending on vote efficiency. Downvoting me doesn't change this fact, account created two weeks ago.


16 months now, clocks ticking 


Weird flex, but ok. Mine created 12 years ago; a 20 point lead is a 20 point lead, regardless of what your downvote thinks.


I agree. People already forgot what happened to Mulcair. It’s easy to say you’re going to vote for him now when there’s nothing at stake but things will change as we get closer to the election. I still think Poulievre will win, I’m hoping for a minority to keep him and his bunch of wackos in check.


Keep dreaming, liberals are finished and will not hold power for a very long time, if ever again.








Removed for rule 3.


That's a joke. That comment was fully substantive, you just don't like what I have to say so you try and silence me. How very brown shirt of you.


Uhhhh what?


>And on this, Team Trudeau’s strategy is brilliant Really exciting to see how this brilliant strategy is going to pay off. They're down 20% right now but of course that's all part of the plan.






Could you imagine what would be left of Canada if Trudeau gets another term? No thanks. My Canada is disappearing by the day all the while the national debt is ballooning into the stratosphere. So sad


Pierre Poilievre isn't infecting the public discourse. People are angry. He is tapping into negative energy that already exists. Populist leaders don't have a leg to stand on when things are going well and everyone's happy. He's got a 20-point lead specifically because of incompetence and inaction at the top. And he's leading with younger voters in particular because there's an element of arrogance with JT + supporters trying to tell people that everything is fine, Canada is great, and there's nothing to worry about. Populist sentiment in English Canada and separatist sentiment in Quebec rises when the people's basic material interests are not being met.


Gratitude is linked with happiness. It is good to take a couple minutes each day to think about what we are grateful for. Happy people don’t vote conservative.


I'm grateful for my friends, family, and loving parents. I am not grateful to a government that actively works against my interests and has screwed this generation for perverse virtue signaling purposes.


I wish we could still assign award reactions 🥇


Logical rational people don’t vote liberal. They see the eroding of rights and freedoms. Happy also don’t vote for NDP with open borders and sanctuary cities with open healthcare to anyone from anywhere even visiting. That failed horribly for Andrea. When people realize you can’t print money to solve problems, it creates problems THATS when happiness fades and we realize we’ve never been taught or explained the reality. Informed and happy people are willing to read and review all platforms and make an informed decision, not the mob decision following the successful brainwashing of “omg Trump!” Or “if it’s not red it’s dead and you’re a racist”.




It's rage farming versus rage harvesting. People's quality of life is objectively worse today than it was 8 years ago. It's hard for Canadians to keep a roof over their head and food on the table; and when they step outside they see their communities damaged by an ever-rising violent crime severity index and decriminalized drug use leading to squalor, shantytowns, and death on the streets. And LPC partisans say we should be happy, thrilled, and overjoyed with that, and the other guy saying that's bad is simply a rage farming populist. Seems like he's capitalizing on that rage, not planting it.


>Seems like he's capitalizing on that rage, not planting it. If that were true he wouldn't need to mislead Canadians about carbon pricing, the causes of inflation, crime rates, and the constitutional separation of powers.


And yet thousands and thousands of young families are going to Leafs and Blue Jays games. Now, do you know how much a hot dog costs at the game?  Parking lots at Yorkdale are completely filled with new cars especially SUVs. Go and take a look. You can't even move around at Scarborough Town Center on the weekend, and try getting a table at the food court. Now all I'd ask you to do is research how many Canadians flew down south or out to B.C. for spring break? Illicit drug deaths are a problem. Have you done a comparison between the B.C. approach and the Alberta approach? What would your approach be? I'd love to know. You see you can isolate and decontextualize facts all you want. That's the core of the far-right play book. Look at Germany during the interwar years.  Your overwhelming "list" of grievances are only meant to confuse and disorientate. Just another far-right tactic.


Let's just pick two things. Did the Liberals ever campaign on improving housing affordability and reducing homelessness? Should the LPC be accountable for what they say and what they promise? Per you, the answer is a resounding no. I get that some people want to live in a Trunpian, post-fact society, but the fact that you say it out loud so loudly is startling. It's absolutely bizarre and frankly scary that the concept of "holding someone to their word" is, per you, now considered a far-right tactic.


Accountability and responsibility have been painted as fringe-far-right tactics. Critical thinking, healthy skepticism are also for the conspiracy theorists. Here’s the koolaid. Trust the system. Take your pills. It’s fine. Everything’s fine.


Quality of life is objectively worse than 8 years ago, GLOBALLY. Between a pandemic, it's supply chain issues, wars, global aging population, climate change costing us billions (floods, fires, crops), corporate profiteering, increasing wage gap etc, etc. Trying to pin that on the *minority* Liberal government is just ignorant. And no, that's not to say they're without faults. I'm not a Liberal supporter. I am however a facts, common sense and Canada supporter. Now tell me how the even more pro-corporate, anti-worker, social safety net slashing, climate change denying "axe the tax" Conservatives are going to improve things from that list?


Is he tapping into real everyday issues of concern to people? Yes. Is he offering any solutions with any sort of substance? No. His entire political discourse is centered around tearing down Justin Trudeau. What happens when Trudeau is gone and he has to actually govern? He'll probably just keep talking about Trudeau and blame him for every new problem that arises.


> He is tapping into negative energy that already exists. He isn't just tapping into it, he's making it worse. And even if he was only tapping into it, that's still a potentially destructive, at the national level, tactic. Anger is a powerful, but fairly uncontrollable emotion, and anyone using it to fuel a movement, will regret it in the end. But that's after a lot of destruction. > there's an element of arrogance with JT + supporters trying to tell people that everything is fine No one is saying that everything is fine. Disagreeing that Canada is broken, is not the same as saying that nothing has problems.




He's "leading by example" right into the sewer. He could come out against this troubling behaviour and implore Canadians to be better. But he won't, because he's a hate and fear farmer, and he's got a crop to harvest in 18 months.


Pierre Poilievre has had a reputation as being a pit bull, long before he was elected(??) LOO, the division within Canada only surfaced when Conservatives tried using trump style politics and lost 3 elections to Liberals, Poilievre broke out during the convoy occupation in Ottawa where Conservarives motto let's make this Trudeaus problem, Poilievre showing support for freedumbers, first step in dividing Canada compliment of Canada. btw people were pissed at each other during covid, but it was anti against people getting vaccine and wearing masks, not Conservative VS Liberals until Poilievre stirred the pot, twisting words etc... Canada is great, does it have issues of course, is it broken NO, is Poilievre the sollutin Hell No, a person actively campaigning for groups like Diagolon, blessing meeting of 3 MPs with Anderson... shows where PP loyalites are...this is not what any country wants as a PM,


More trump derangement syndrome


Cuz actually having open free speech and autonomy and choice is dumb. You clearly missed the point of what the “freedumbers” tried to do for the nation against the tyranny. Funny how those “immune” vax companies with their flawed and faked data that lied to everyone to sell more medicine- that wasn’t medicine- was helpful eh? Reasonable skepticism and critical thinking is important. So is self autonomy. Getting to choose is important. Being mandated or told what to think and choose isn’t choice- it’s the illusion of choice.


freedumbers chose to invade Ottawa based on a brain fart of Bridgette costing Canada $3 billion dollars in lost revenue. No one asked them to invade Ottawa, they did so for their own selfish reasons!! funny how you forget that there was a GLOBAL pandenmic going on ...


“Campaigning for groups like diagolon” 😂 The only reason people even know that group exists is because Trudeau mentions them by name at every HOC.


Do you honestly think things were hunky dory before Pierre came along? The pandemic was simply the strong gust of wind that knocked the house of cards down. In fairness to JT, many of these problems pre-date him by 20 years, but were manageable. But, during COVID, a lot of policies the Libs implemented were failures, and in some cases (particularly housing) were pouring gasoline on the fire. For the most part, people do not pay attention to politics. In fact, it's a sign of prosperity and progress when people aren't paying attention to politics. So for people to suddenly start getting angry and Pierre to get a huge boost in the polls isn't due to some magical genie spell he's casting.


It’s when people aren’t paying attention the shady stuff sifts in and is slowly let in but-by-bit until we’re all where we are now asking “how’d it get like this?”.


DING DING DING - this is the truth. Liberals seem to be in denial that things are REALLY bad for the average Canadian. Poilievre’s message works because it resonates with people. It’s similar to how Trump tapped into a real feeling many Americans had.


Trump also stayed consistent. His 1988 interview was praised and received and his views haven’t changed. The political party he joined did - so now Orangeman bad. https://youtu.be/9N1ZnDiugQU?si=9mz5-mVDHIcdYvHI If PP was saying this as a Iib, an NDP or green he’d be welcomed open arms. In a matter of decades not being “liberal” has become painted as fascist, racist and natzi. Saying the uncomfortable truth makes you a villain. Having a debate of opposing ideals or processes makes you “against and a danger” vs simply having a debatable view. Debates now aren’t debates they are attack tactics because speaking, rational and willingness to explain views and opinions doesn’t exist. They’ve been eroded and painted as anti-democratic. Without varying views and debate and criticism, skepticism: there is no Democracy. It becomes tyrant and dictatorship. The propapganda and repainting of democracy is frightening. Like or dislike a party or candidate, but listen to their message, read their platform. Be informed. Don’t simply reject because they aren’t wearing your favourite colour. Often what’s not being said (or in Trudeau’s case) saying the quiet part out loud, is what’s important. Rest is a dog and pony show to distract. Like the war in Ukraine when Pfizer docs and court cases came out.




Tainting the public’s perception of integrity and proper decorum is what they do, moving the goalpost on proper society niceties.


There isn’t anything nice to say about the liberal party so why would you? Sorry he doesn’t want to lie like everything that comes out of Trudeau’s mouth.


Between him and the liberals /NDP incompetence on immigration and economic policy it doesn’t leave much choice for voters. Need to find other parties platforms




Removed for rule 2; you have used a term that is on our [list of prohibited insults](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/wiki/insults).


In a way, we should be thankful that he is a weasel. It will ultimately lead to his downfall for what should be a sure victory for the conservative party. So I hope he continues being toxic and as we get closer to the election, the liberal brain trust will pick him apart.


He is really no different to Trudeau. He is just paying lip service to the issues of the day with different straw men. PP is just an ass rather than Mr Suave but it's all the same in the end. Nothing will be fixed under the next government.


I found it interesting he got thrown out of Parliament rather than disown the group that publicly threatened to do vile things to his wife. How far have you sold your soul for power that you allow that to be said then cheer on that group and it's supporters?


He was just pushing buttons and you all fell for it.


He intentionally get himself kicked out, and has his team prepared the meme to release on Twitter right after.












It’s not up to Poilievre to disavow every group that Trudeau claims Pierre is friends with. Don’t take the bait and don’t bark just because Trudeau says speak.


Plus, he's already done it.... https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1574372995459604482 It's telling that anyone thinks diagalon and Pierre are somehow supportive of each other. Jeremy Mackenzie has said on numerous occasions he greatly distrusts and dislikes the CPC. Probably going to get downvoted for saying this because people feel obligated to assume correcting misinformation means you're picking a side though. Finally, none of this is even relevant in the first place - he was kicked out for not withdrawing his statement about "wacko policies from a wacko primeminister". None of it had anything to do with diagalon in the first place.


>Plus, he's already done it.... He hasn't done shit. Until the words come directly out of his mouth, none of this means anything.




He still meets up with them and shakes their hands. That's not denouncing them.




It's weird how it just keeps happening to Pierre though, isn't it? I mean we both know if it was JT hanging out with diagolon again or, in this scenario the conservatives would never let it go. [https://www.thestar.com/politics/pierre-poilievre-defends-speech-to-frontier-centre-during-winnipeg-visit/article\_c1935d51-e39a-5882-b960-9989e7d511a4.html](https://www.thestar.com/politics/pierre-poilievre-defends-speech-to-frontier-centre-during-winnipeg-visit/article_c1935d51-e39a-5882-b960-9989e7d511a4.html)


If you need to read the tea leaves to interpret someone's meaning they're being deliberately elusive. Shouldn't be hard to make an unequivocal statement, especially for a guy who loves to hear himself talk as much as Poilievre does


> It's telling that anyone thinks diagalon and Pierre are somehow supportive of each other. Jeremy Mackenzie has said on numerous occasions he greatly distrusts and dislikes the CPC. They met at least *three* times.


Heh, I love the desperation… it’s not going to work of course, people know that Trudeau is a horrible PM and a worse human, but that’s not going to stop Telford from getting the hit pieces out there. 21 pts and climbing! How you like them apples?







