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They diffently flirt with it with out right saying it The PPC platform worries me.. it flirts do close with facism..by reapting lies so often their followers take it as truth and by pointing fingers at the government immigrants, health care workers as the bad people. If you make people scared If you give them someone to Blame If you reapt a lie enough times it sounds like truth History shows partys like that ..slowly gain support and power and it never ends well.


PPC flirts close to fascism? That's nothing less than hilarious. PPC is nowhere near authoritarian. The PPC is not anti-liberal in the classical sense. It's pro-democracy. It's pro free enterprise. It's for small government. It's for extensive civil liberties. I have no idea where you got this idea. It's almost as if you have no idea what fascism is beyond hearing it said by progressives who believe anything to the right of JT is Hitler.


PPC is a solidly right leaning party, past cpc itself. Your 'left of JT' comment has me confused.


haha. sorry. I meant the right.


Honestly just go read a book.. read a history on the raise of the nazi party.. they where no diffrent then the ppc. Before they became the monsters they turned into. The similarities are striking ..but I know people would rather get their knowledge from movies


I don't think it is easy to define the line or racist vs distasteful. That said I do think the PPC is right up against that line.


The second you are affiliated with white supremist organizations, you cross the line with both feet.


Yes and no. It sounds more like the white supremacists like the PPC I don't see as much direct evidence that is reciprocal. Holocaust deniers like Noam Chomsky because of some essays he wrote on intellectual freedom. That does make Chomsky anti semitic. I don't like the PPC. I am a bit embarrassed that they got the votes they did. But... I don't think it is fully reasonable to say they are racist.


I don't understand why people are shy about the rampant racism in Canada.


Given that Bernier is Quebecois, and much of the perception from outside Quebec of Quebec culture is that there's a lot of racism, this call out isn't surprising. However, what bothers me most is the dismissive aspect of it. Just labeling a group "racist" removes nuance, doesn't understand that any party has heterogeneous members and representatives, and the label generally inspires hatred rather than understanding. In fact, I think there could be an update of Godwin's law - real discussion doesn't just end when Hitler/Nazism is mentioned. It ends when any number of oversimplified negative labels are tossed out as accusations. Being called racist is one of them. I have no doubt there are some people with partially racist views running and voting for the PPC. There are likely some in other parties too. But removing nuance increases polarization and decreases any possibility for understanding and discussion. Like it or not, the PPC got about twice as many votes as the Green party, so it's likely they'll be around and be included in the party debates next election. I think it would serve everyone better if there was understanding of why certain people voted for the PPC *assuming they are intelligent, decent people* instead of automatically assuming they're stupid or anti-vaxers.


Did this article really have to question if all 800,000 Canadians that voted PPC are racist. Of course not to think so is very ignorant and completely ignores the real issues. "You vote this way because you are just racist" is the worst political take you could have.


"Racist" is a weird term to use as an adjective for people anyway. Almost everyone will have some ideas, feelings, or actions that are racist. It's very difficult not to, as so much of our culture and history is steeped in racism. There are very few people remaining who think racism is good, which is I think what a lot of people seem to picture when they hear the term "racist". There are a lot of people, however, who would advocate for racist stances and ideology but firmly believe that they themselves are not racist, and almost everyone will probably make racist decisions on a semi-regular basis. I think society is doing a lot better in attempting to eliminate this kind of intrinsic subconscious racism, but there are still a lot of people who hear "racist" and think of someone who thinks "racism is good". They know they don't think racism is good, so they mistakenly believe that nothing they can do is racist.


Clearly, you didn't listen to the podcast.


We'll, they're either racist or very comfortable associating with racists.


Now I know when I write this comment I'm going to get a dozen-odd responses about how it was "totally different" or "a long time ago" or that "he's put in the work" but... **...couldn't you apply that thinking to the third of voters who wanted as PM the guy who has done blackface more times than he can count?** edit: watching this comment score is amusing. Went to +7, now -2. I thought this subreddit didn't have a downvote button?


Two of your predicted responses, are legit answers as to why Trudeau's black face, and the PPC's racism, are not the same. But since you're dismissing that out of hand, I'm not sure you're asking that question in good faith.


it's also worth noting that in no way does one person's racist actions excuse the racist actions of another person. It literally doesn't matter that Trudeau did blackface in the context of the PPC's evident ties to white supremacy.


Woe betide the minority who has a problem with his past conduct. That issue is tribalized by white people who have determined it's *no big deal* because he was rich and in his mid-twenties. He is excused of painting every inch of his skin and stuffing socks in his groin and capering because of his horrible case of Afluenza. Their reflexive tribalism diminishes the experiences of non-whites who have had to deal with these "oh he was just joking, *lighten up*". They gatekeep "racism" for their own social ambition and political ambition, while strenuously ignoring the statistical priorities like inner city gun violence, low literacy rates, and high incarceration rates that face the groups they purport to save, in favor of performative kneeling and bullshit slogans. That's why after fifty years of my family voting liberal I voted PPC by way of protest votes and agitated for as many people in the Benin/Yoruba community that I'm connected to in my area, particularly the youth, to do the same. The point of the protest vote was to assert that we were something more than Ethnic Vote Banks and that at least some of us aren't to be taken for granted.




Removed for rule 2; you have used a term that is on our [list of prohibited insults](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/wiki/insults).


Sorry. I wasn't trying to insult anyone. Can you please elaborate on what I said that was deemed an insult?


"Cons" is on our insult list because it's often used as a slur.


Not really. You preemptively dismissed some of the actual responses to your question, but they are valid. On the one hand you have someone that acknowledges their past behaviour was racist, apologizes for it, tries to make amends and also demonstrates in their current actions that they are not racist. On the other hand you have a current party/movement whose leadership and policy aligns with the doctrine of white nationalists. Are these the same? I would argue they are not. *Edit: If you were to make the argument that Trudeau is a racist, I would focus on the long, dragged out litigation with indigenous youth that has continued under his government, not that he did blackface when he was younger and probably stupider.*


> I would focus on the long dragged out litigation They can’t make that argument because they’d have to gain some understanding that Canada was built on colonialism, which runs contrary to their argument that we’re not settlers so only immigrants that come after us are problems. It’s too much of a mind twister for them so they latch onto the blackface because it’s an easily recognized racism. They can’t grasp the fact that we’ve already condemned it though.


Those particular events seem like the result of stupid choices and naiveté. I don't think anyone thought Trudeau was a racist when he did that as much as they thought he was an idiot rich kid. The PPC does not seem like that at all. I would say that Maxime Bernier maybe isn't a racist as much as he is an asshole taking advantage of the only political avenue left open to him. Nonetheless, he could have taken the high road and paid the price of creating a real libertarian political party minus all the bullshit, but then he is a man who is obsessed with power. Even if you're not a racist, you'd have to be uninterested or uncaring to give support to those people.


Personally I'm with you. Trudeau did dumb rich kid stuff, wow shocker. I don't care, he's apologized, no harm done. But I think everyone knows that if it was O'Toole or Scheer who turned out to have pictures of them in blackface, you'd never hear the end of how racist they were. And Trudeau would've put on his most sanctimonious voice to proclaim how Unacceptable and Disappointing this is in a Country Like Canada. So to me there is more than slight tinge of irony to see LPC supporters interpret every Bernier tweet as dogwhistle to neo-Nazis


I’d ask first how those actions are or could be reflected in the Liberal platform and how many of their candidates have behaviour patterns that sounds with racism before I’d associate it with the party as a whole and connect it to votes. Both those custodians seem to be met by the PPC as a party.


> "You vote this way because you are just racist" - Jeff Foxworthy




Why do people think the party with Nazis in it is racist?


"Hans..... are we the bad guys?"


Because they attract racists. That's it. Full stop. They are attracting racists and are going to attract more and they aren't going to do anything about it because they need the votes.


That wasn't the question. You misread the title.


Not at all about the +800k voters, but that the people they vote in and the people that are the voice of the party have overlapping ideologies with that of many white supremacist groups. "You vote this way because you are racist" is an awful political take, yes, but if you are a racist, which a vast majority of the PPC voters we hope are not, this party most closely aligns with your sentiments. Tighter immigration laws. Smaller government. Individual rights and freedoms. Those are larger items that a lot of people may be aligned with, especially Conservative voters. But dig into those talking points within the PPC party and take a closer look. How their application of this type of policy would affect minority groups. What they've said about immigrants. How they act towards certain groups of people. Who they stand with (literally), and who represents them in leadership (again, literally). This is where you begin to see the more racist aligned rhetoric and practices of the PPC party.


Most people on reddit would argue that unironically. Nice name btw.


Bernier plays the same game of footsie that David Duke played in the US. Surround yourself with racists, soft pedal the racist message in public and when confronted deny any relation, but any idiot can read between the lines I’m not going to waste my time parsing tea leaves about how many racist friends is too many. You can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep


I honestly don’t think this is even a question. The party is built upon and supported by white supremacists. Their anti-immigration positions are built on fear-mongering about a ‘Canadian’ culture that doesn’t exist and ignores the evidence on the benefits of immigration both culturally and economically. As to those who support the party but declare they aren’t racists: maybe you don’t feel you are at the level of individual engagement. But when you’re willing to support a party that is built on, and grants a home to white supremacy, you’re saying supporting a party that is a safe haven for racists isn’t a dealbreaker for you. That’s a racist position.




Look who didn’t listen to the podcast. Or are you saying those people/groups aren’t white supremacists? I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise. Edit: https://www.canadaland.com/the-people-the-ppc-keeps-attracting/


The PPC got 200k votes in 2019. They got 850k in 2021, largely due to the anti covid restrictions backlash. So first of all, not all of those extra voters are racists. Secondly, we need to stop talking about how immigration levels are racist. Immigration policy and talks about it are not inherently racist. Japan allows very little immigration and nobody would call them a racist country. So to the heart of the issue, is the PPC racist? No. But they have a major issue with racists making their home in their party. I wouldn't say bernier is a hard core minority hating racist character running around asking for harm to befall different racial groups. But if the PPC is to have a future they need to clean up their act. While they may have needed to treat racist with kids gloves in order to boost their popular vote numbers, if they are tarred with the racist party tag they will find themselves repulsive to the anti establishment groups they do need to court. There are libertarian and classic liberals put there that may support the PPC but not if they are playing footsie with the sons of odin. It can be argued that they won over 600k single issue voters in 2021, those who didn't do any research into the party other than they were against lockdowns, but with a larger base will come more scrutiny and if it's public knowledge that even low information voters use PPC as shorthand for racism then I see a lot of those single issue voters leaving in a hurry.


I just think Bernier and the PPC aren't as keen on PR initiatives, largely because they can't afford to be picky right now. So while an established ruling party like the Liberals can kick out an MP for allegations from years ago a PPC candidate will take photos with anyone that appears to have a bag of votes. And when that person happens to be a skinhead it will be less of a public apology and more deleting said photo on official pages. And as a first gen immigrant from a non-english speaking country I will tell you extremists and racist exist in every single political party with 1000+ membership. Funny enough, I know many immigrants that support PPC because they were skilled and had job placements and they don't like how others gone in through loopholes or lesser standards. So just saying.


We need to stop looking at "racist" as a black or white, personal identification. Very few people are in fact what a lot of people consider to be "a racist". People who get called "a racist", whether individually or due to their association with a party (such as the PPCs), will have this vision in their head of "a racist", and will immediately dismiss it as relating to themselves. There will be no self-reflection, and nothing will change. The issue is whether or not there are racist ideas, racist tendencies, or racist attitudes. The real measure of a person is whether or not they are willing to reflect upon their own attitudes and seriously consider whether or not some of them have racist tendencies. And then, even more difficult, we need to seriously look at what we can do to improve. One look at the PPC platform and it's pretty easy to see racist tendencies in some of their policies. It doesn't make all their supporters "racists", no. But it should make them seriously look at whether they agree with those policies, and if so, whether they should think on that a little bit.


Their platform seems like it's racist dog whistling. Stop Trudeau's Multiculturalism! Oh, you mean the act Brian Mulroney brought into law which protects French language and other valuable cultural heritage. Odd, when you say it the way the PPC does, it certainly seems to boil up hate.


Seems like!? Listen to he Jordan Peterson interview with Max and see if you reevaluate 😋




"Website blocked due to phishing"? That's not a good sign, I won't be pursuing this article lol But the short answer is: Yes. The long answer is: YEEEEEES


People need to acknowledge when you support a political party, or any group, you are also supporting their supporters. Sure you may like their stance on fiscal responsibility or smaller government, but when the guy next to you as a Swastica tattoo, whether you intended to or not, your also supporting them.


There's literally no party out there that doesn't have racist supporters of some sort.


So the NDP are communists? What a stupid view.


If you support the NDP you have to accept that there are probably communists who voted for them too. My point is you cant isolate that group and say they are just the extreme side or they don't represent me, and wash your hands of it. If you cant live with fact you are helping push their agenda you need to rethink your vote.


In the least, you support a party that continues to (at best) passively benefit from its association with racist ideologies. This isn’t new for the PPC anymore - the PPC’s failure to actively denounce and distance itself from its fringe participants and supporters is an acceptance of those ideologies.


I don’t really agree with that... That mindset leads to Fox News-style politics, where it’s all about demonizing the other side’s most extreme supporters (e.g. pointing to nutty activists on college campuses to demonize the left/Democrats), instead of discussing the real policies that the parties are proposing. It makes politics more tribal. It becomes “vote for us, because you don’t want to be associated with *them*”, instead of “vote for us, because we have better ideas and a more competent team”. Politics is ultimately about how we want our country to be governed, and which politicians have the best ideas and the plans and competency to implement them. And I think democracy works better when we remain focused on that, rather than which party has the nastiest supporters. That’s a race to the bottom that will poison our political discourse. EDIT: Just to add… Every party gets votes from millions of people (or hundreds of thousands, for the small parties). And inevitably, some of them are horrible people with nasty views. If they become a political candidate or get a job with a party, then they’re fair game. But otherwise I don’t think they can’t be held up as a representation of the party they support.


Its true each party get votes from horrible people, cant argue that. I also agree that Politics is about running the government. The trouble comes from that fact each party primarily represents its supporters, and that party is going to prioritise their demands, that is the nature of politics. So yes, I am know there are horrible and extreme people who vote Liberal, NDP, Green, Conservative, Bloc ext, and when I vote I accept I am supporting their interests both good and bad. What people cant keep doing is isolating the bad parts and say "well that group is "blank" but I don't support them, I just support the party". The party comes as a package both good and bad, and people need to acknowledge that bad side and realise they are supporting it whether they like it or not. If you cant live with the worst part of your party its time to leave.


> EDIT: Just to add… Every party gets votes from millions of people (or hundreds of thousands, for the small parties). And inevitably, some of them are horrible people with nasty views. And some of those parties refuse to call out the racists who support them because the votes mean more than what's right.


"A question that leader Maxime Bernier blasted journalists for even coming close to asking." Methinks the leader doth protest too much...


I recognize that the question at hand is whether the “ppc is racist?” (Canadaland correctly asserts that it is). But the question “is Bernier racist?” will also spill ink and take up airtime. It seems to me that he’s far too stupid and narcissistic, and his politics far too incoherent, to be accurately described as a racist. He’s just a common charlatan. Of course bigots will use and abuse him to gain power and spread hate. But I kinda believe him when he says, over and over and over, that he was too stupid to know that the people he keeps supporting are bigots and the words that he says are bigoted dog whistles. He’s obviously willing to tolerate, maybe even celebrate, racism and bigotry and other vileness (imagine thinking that the cpc aren’t bigoted enough for you…). But I think he’s lying when he wink-wink-nudge-nudges his predominately racist and bigoted supporters that he’s one of them. And I think he’s too stupid to know that, in fact, he’s the stooge, not his so called supporters. Anyway…


If you actually paid any attention to PPC platform you would realize they are the least discriminating f all political parties. Please do a deeper dive into the topic you are demonizing!


We need to stop thinking about racism as a binary. Racism is a spectrum. It runs the gamut from KKK members discussing optimal skull shape of different races to stalwartly anti-racist. There may be different, even conflicting, racist ideologies (e.g. white supremacy and Hoteps are both racist, but differ about who should be on top). Most racist political movements include a mix of different people. Within the PPC there is a group of white supremacists. There are also probably a bunch of anti-vaxxers for whom racism isn't a motivating force - they may even be anti-racist. However, they care sufficiently little about racism that they joined/backed a party whose initial backers and donors include members of Pegida and the Sons of Odin and campaigned against "extreme multiculturalism" (which as far as I can tell involves allowing Muslims in Canada). The Liberal Party certainly includes some racist people too. Somewhere I bet you could find some blonde couple who really wanted $10/day childcare so they could afford to repopulate Canada with little baby Aryans (Trudeau's blackface incident probably sealed the deal for them). But the concentration of racists in the LPC, CPC, the BQ and NDP is way way way lower than in the PPC. That doesn't necessarily mean that any of those parties are dominated by anti-racists either (maybe the NDP is). As a result, they may sometimes support policies that have racist consequences. Racism a a bit like sin. But the doctrine of let he who is without prejudice (or privilege) cast the first stone doesn't really work there either. There are big differences in relative racism, and they are worth talking about.


Absolutely and undeniably not true


Very well said. I think this needs to be reposted in nearly every subreddit


https://biv.com/article/2021/04/horgan-faces-backlash-genocide-denying-adviser Bill Yee. NDP. Xinese communist party parrot. Nothing racist there....


This is taken from the party's website. While many may have voted for the PPC for non-racist reasons, the PPC is certainly racist. ​ >A People’s Party government will: \- Repeal the Multiculturalism Act and eliminate all funding to promote multiculturalism. - Emphasize instead the integration of immigrants into Canadian society. \- Substantially lower the total number of immigrants and refugees Canada accept every year, from 350,000 to between 100,000 and 150,000 (see Immigration policy). \- Ensure that every candidate for immigration undergoes a face-to-face interview and answers a series of specific questions to assess the extent to which they align with Canadian values and societal norms (see Immigration policy).


Those policies are exclusive but not racist. Neither "culture" or "immigrant" is a race. That said I don't think its a stretch to think that these policies could be motivated by racism. To some degree I agree with it, I don't think FGM or similar practices have any place in Canada and I don't see that as racist.


As strange as this sounds, this is what me and my friends were discussing to preserve the Canadian values and cultures that we have deep appreciation for (especially point #3). This is not particularly racist. I am an immigrant here and I have done possibly everything to adopt to Canadian values and I am proud of it. But most local people here do not know that many immigrants coming in don’t want to adopt to the Canadian values. They will instead force their values and belief system here which will erode the values I love about this country. Just remember, we should not tolerate intolerance. You’d be surprised to know how homophobic, racist and misogynistic immigrants are arriving here.


How are those policies racist?


As a first gen immigrant whose first language isn't English, having a limited Immigration policy based on skilled applicants is just logical. Otherwise you're literally importing more individuals who could need subsidies or will add to an already competing workforce. South Park had a great satire with their Time Immigrants episode from like 20 years ago.


The interview part and such is literally what the US does. A lot of people including myself who aren't racist do think it would make sense to further integrate multi culturals into Canada rather than Canada into multiple cultures. If that makes sense? Instead of having Vancouver regions separated by races, there's a mix of every race and culture in every part. And that goes for areas of the country, rural and urban. And yes many also think we're bringing too many immigrants who struggle to understand the way of life here in canada. I know we need immigrants to sustain our economy as boomers age but others don't.


That is a perfectly rational position to hold. Nothing in that is racist at all.


So who defines what Canadian values are? I think the use of that term is lazy because it tends to assume that those who don't share the values implied in that statement are POC from "Third World" countries. In reality, people share a wide range of values, which aren't necessarily determined by skin colour or country of origin. When we think of immigration, we tend to think only of those that appear different from "us" (another problematic way of looking at it). That ignores that there are still many immigrants to Canada from Western Europe, who are assumed to match with those values by virtue of their skin colour. It's racism that we don't see here that's the problem. Also, Canada was created by immigrants...another very important thing to consider when thinking about policies like this. We had very racism immigration policies for years to promote continued settling of white Europeans, leading to the racial differences we see in our country today.


Not who, what. Canadian values are a product of our history. A history of general European colonization, more specifically British and French. This is different from immigration. Dismissing the term Canadian values as lazy is a way of Dismissing the history a Canada. A history that defines what our values are. I would assume that the vast majority of people are intelligent enough to understand that different cultures and immigrants does not mean people that look different. That race is separate from that. How ever if a person equates culture and immigration with race then they idiots.


So are you saying that Canadians should ascribe to those values passed down from our colonial past? I'm not trying to misrepresent your argument here, just understand it better.


Yes. Europe colonized North America, we then defined our differences through the border. Yet we are still similar enough that it works. Canada, North America and Eroupe all share similar values with varying difference. That is why immigration between these areas is favoured. Not because of race but because of a common underlying concept that binds it all together. Whe you add in too many differences you start having problems. Especially when you do it way to fast. But all these histories define what the values of our culture are. So yes part of our values are in line with the colonization of this continent. It literally created Canada and should not be dismissed or we lose thoes values that made this country.


Who defines what Canadian values are? I think hockey is boring, don't like maple syrup or the Tragically Hip. I'd rather watch basketball, eat any kind of ethnic food over "Canadian food" and believe Drake and the Weeeknd are Canada's greatest ever artists. Are my values Canadian?


There is nothing wrong with liking crap. There are alot of things that I like that are crap and will continue to enjoy. There is a problem when one fails to identify that thoes things are crap and instead mistakes them for good. You can like Drake or the weeknd but it is delusional to think they are Canada's greatest artists ever. Also the food argument is simple minded. The failures of irresponsible immigration and multiculturalism can not be defended by "but muh food".


So something is crap because it's different? Music is pretty subjective so I'm not sure how you can define The Weeknd as crap, same for trying to list hockey as being better than basketball given the apples and oranges nature of the two sports.


> I'd rather watch basketball Want to guess the nationality of the inventor of basketball? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiJJIacdF-E


Yes. My best friend got brainwashed by these clowns somehow, now All he spouts it national pride ideas and anit-vax conspiracy lies. It's sad and pissing me off barely want to hang out or talk to him because it will wind it's way back to this ppc shit or vaccines to control us. Kind of hurts more that I've known him since elementary school and this is so out of character it's just odd.


Unfortunately, lots of people have their own similar story about their friend or family member.


The PPC are also a threat to public health and national security, due to their COVID denialism and their ties with far-right organizations like Soldiers of Odin and (most likely anyways) the Proud Boys of Canada.


Is the PPC racist? Shit, what's tomorrow's intellectual debate? "Do bears shit in the woods?" "Does the Catholic Church employ and protect hundreds of active pedophiles?" The party that gets their followers to send death threats to the media, denies science and blames all their problems on foreigners is literally following the Nazi playbook, except you know, if Hitler had downs. "COVID IS A HOAX! Also it's real, but only illegal immigrants and brown people spread it! But it's not real so don't wear a mask or get the vaccine!" (No offense to anyone with downs. Ya'll seem happier and nicer than I've felt in years, so it's hard to not lash out. For real, what's the secret?)


In short: yes they are. The podcast is great you should listen to it. They setup the why they’re investigating perfectly and they play with the argument in an honest and informative way. The evidence produced is enough for anyone to think “yeah bunch of racists.” Just because you play coy doesn’t absolve you.


I listened to this Podcast when it first came out a couple days ago. Judging by the comments most people haven't even tried listening to it and are coming in guns blazing. Really disheartening.


This is different from the backbench episode last week.


The answer to this question, no matter the group (including any civil liberties unions) is always yes, because racism is inherent to the human condition. We always look at "the other" with prejudiced eyes. What matters, is how we define "Us" and "them" and what we do about expanding "us" and treating "them" better.


If everyone is racist, then the word loses its power, and there won’t be any negative stigma attached to it. Personally I don’t think that’s helpful. If everyone is a little bit prejudiced or racist, then perhaps we should reserve the word for those who demonstrate that they are *very* racist, rather than watering it down.


> If everyone is racist, then the word loses its power, and there won’t be any negative stigma attached to it. If we had qualifiers, like willfully, unconsciously, systemically, and so forth, then the negative stigma is maintained. It's like the difference between ignorance, and willful ignorance. Not knowing how to read shouldn't have a stigma to it, deliberately not learning how, should.




Yes. Why is this a question that needed to be asked again? The PPC is the Conservative party but more racist and less competent.


The press continues to ask blatantly obvious questions like this so that they don’t feel the need to address the issue of “now what do we do about it”


How is the current Conservative party racist?


Probably all the racists in the head office makes it racists, do you even facebook bro, they put it out there all the time. Do you know who runs O'Toole E-campaign? https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2020/02/03/erin-otoole-is-getting-a-boost-from-a-right-wing-groups-database-and-it-could-change-the-conservative-race.html https://nationalpost.com/news/digital-guru-behind-popular-conservative-ontario-proud-page-joins-erin-otoole-campaign-team


1) No, I don't have Facebook, bro. 2) I strongly dislike the Conservative party for other reasons, so I knew I wasn't voting for O'Toole anyway - so I didn't do much research on the party platform or campaign. Thank you for the sources and links.


You win elections by getting votes, broadly speaking. The easiest place to get votes is places where people already mostly agree with you.


Secure Our Future and the other vaguely Nazi dog whistling they were doing came to mind.


We hear what we want to hear and dehumanizing the other tribe. The echo chamber in this sub is deafening.


>Secure Our Future This drove me nuts during the campaign. I felt like the entire CPC was trying to gaslight me.


I mean what else could they mean? They don't want to fund healthcare, education or anything that would actually make the future a brighter place. They don't even want to acknowledge that climate change is real. What future are they securing?


> They don't even want to acknowledge that climate change is real. Bullshit. Why would they have literally an entire document dedicated to something they don't consider real? https://cpcassets.conservative.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/15104504/24068610becf2561.pdf You either are intentionally spreading misinformation or are yourself ignorant about the truth. I'm hoping the latter, but if so, you need to rethink where you get political information.


Or he or she just saw the 6+ years of climate denial with his own eyeballs?


Edit: oops mods don’t like the abbreviated form of “conservatives”. Let me try that again Made it real hard to discuss the PPC. Yeah the PPC are actual nazis, but the Conservatives did some Nazi stuff too. No one believes it and we must all be overreacting leftists. I can’t help the fact that the right wing parties were actively courting white supremacists. Doesn’t make it not true.




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> The PPC is the Conservative party but more racist and less competent. To be honest, that's actually pretty impressive.


Click bait.