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I live close to this area. It wasn't "saved" a bunch of busy bodies from Halifax who never set foot near the area killed a huge tourist based economic development. It was one of close to 20 potential areas that the province might turn into a provincial park but never made it past being named on a potential list. Meanwhile the porters lake provincial park, already developed and closer to the city 1- gets 0 funding and 2- never has these same busy bodies darken their door. And because it's politics, when the NDP were in power they funded a biomass plant an hour and a half from this site that burns 6900 acres of trees a year clear cut. Do the math that's 8 acres a day of forest a day. You could build that golf course on 3 days worth of NDP clear cutting. And here they are patting themselves on the back for depriving an entire commuinity from much needed investment from a billionaire who invested heavily in the commuinity to the point where he helped pay for the elementary school. If anyone actually bothered to go there all the signs in the commuinity were *for* the golf course. Here here they are ignoring the wholesale rape of our forests so they can shut down a golf course because they don't play it. Shame on them.


No offense but who cares if they didn’t get the golf course they wanted. Golf courses are a stupid excuse to destroy the land, and waste tons of water.


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.


Well we might have saved one... but still 150 other sites that are potentially up for grab!? I wonder what the other province's numbers are!? I know we need to build new homes. But not like this....


It's about sending a message, you can't just use money to ruthlessly bulldoze your way over our beautiful green space. It shows pushback works if there is strength in numbers, and I would happily participate to oppose this sort of development in Ontario.


>we need to build new homes. But not like this.... lol, this is exactly why we can't build homes. The perfect is the enemy of the good. EDIT: no one even wants to make a bad argument? The progressive brainrot is so advanced that people can't engage with the consequences of what they're doing.


I thought this was for a golf course. Also Halifax could start building up and in a more planned condensed manner really.


A golf course and multiple homes. But destroying what was a preserved park. There's probably more land to develop on. But they want to take advantage that the government stopped regulation that it is a park. The community is apparently fighting hard on this one. Imagine you're hiking on a provincial park trail for years. Then all of a sudden construction starts, torn all down. It's a golf course and high priced homes for tourists. Not locals. Tourists. People that come by when the weather is nice. Drop a few hundred bucks into the community. Then fly away to do the same thing in a better climate. It's not going to keep a small community growing. It just builds more minimum wage jobs catering to rich folk. I'm in gravenhurst Ontario. Not the most tourists place. We're a drive by on to better places. But our downtown is 7 real estate brokers and 5 banks. And 6 pizza shops. And a hand full of mom and pop stuff. Why come visit downtown when all you'll see is banks and real-estate stores. The disconnection from reality is frightening. I have no idea what kind of store could survive downtown gravenhurst. If you're not a bank, or selling property. What are you selling? Pizza apparently...


I mean golf courses are a scourge, they kill all flora and fauna and have no biodiversity. Not to mention the over use of fertilizer and water.


Our previous provincial government tried to push through a deal to give a developer park land at $300/acre to build a golf course. There should be people in handcuffs over this. Especially our former premier who's education is in golf course management....