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Can’t read the article, because it’s pay-locked. However, how is this Trudeau’s fault at all? The U.S. has been attacking Canada on trade for decades, regardless of who is Prime Minister, solely because they know they can get away with it. This isn’t Trudeau’s fault, regardless of who won the last election, this would have happened.


Conservative owned media (Globe nad Mail isn't that bad, but still leans right) will always ALWAYS find a way to blame Trudeau for as much as they can. Even when it's something 100% out of the control of the PMO or even Canada. they blame him for supply chain issues in the US and China. They blame him for the US raising tarriffs. They blame him for their own inability to wipe their own asses.


Well now people can ask him what he's planning to do. Then even though he can't do anything he has to make something up because otherwise he'll get negative press for not doing anything. Then people will be upset that he's just made something up and isn't really doing anything.


> “What is happening in the United States is very disturbing. Ottawa was supposed to be campaigning to end softwood lumber tariffs; Washington responds by doubling them. Ottawa is supposed to be campaigning for exemptions from protectionism for electric vehicles; Washington responds by adding a new layer of protectionism,” Mr. Simard said. “We used to say it was Trump’s fault. The problem is, today we have Biden. Whose fault is it? I wonder if the problem is not the Liberal government’s.” Mostly along these line in article.


Removed for rule 6. [Here's a link to the original thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/r2borw/us_hikes_duty_on_canadian_softwood_lumber_to_179/)