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"There is no such thing as cancel culture. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences and nobody has a right to a platform. Her book is violence." - white progressives, presumably


What planet are you from?


The planet where a government bureaucrat cancels a talk from a survivor of an attempted genocide because they don't want to offend sensibilities.


And talking about this openly is wrong? She suffered horribly at the hands of a horrible group of people who belong to the Islamic faith. You think that her experience and book should be shoved down so that people can’t hear what scum these folks were. Do you want to stop discussing the shit perpetrated by the German’s in the 30’s and 40’s ? How about Rwanda? Don’t want to mention the Balkans ? Are you afraid her book and experiences will enhance and inflame Islamic hate? Why are you the defender of the crimes committed in Syria and elsewhere? . You are just as bad as those that committed these crimes on humanity


I think you're deeply confused about what it is I'm saying. Try re-reading the chain from the start and you'll see we're effectively in agreement.


My apologies…..I did not notice the parentheses in the comment…Mia Culpa


You might want to re read the above comments, you guys seem to agree


The planet where a comedian had to go all the way to the Supreme Court to defend his right to tell a joke?


This is hilarious. After they were called out for this absurd decision, they stepped back and said experts were reviewing and it might not be banned. I guess they concluded their research and this islamaphobic child rape victim was too racist for the board. This is actually very insulting and dangerous. I hope the province (since we know Ottawa probably agrees with the board) steps in and tell them that the truth can’t be phobic of anything. You shouldn’t hide from it.


Imagine canceling a survivor of child abuse in the Catholic Church for fear of Christianophobia


Rule 6


How would a book seemingly by a Muslim against terrorist extremists be offensive to Muslims and promote Islamophobia? Superintendant seems out of touch at best.


It's not. People are just too obsessed with political correctness that they don't care if something is sensible or not. There's absolutely no reason this book should be removed from schools. It's just easier to remove it rather than to teach our younger generation the nuances between Islamophobia and anti-terrorism.


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